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[First published on September 15, 2023]


We are currently at the crossroads of the Most Serious Economic and Social Crisis in World History.  It is an outright war against all humanity: the Planet’s 8 billion people. 

Starting with the

The latest volume in the magisterial Germany and the Second World War series, volume VIII (edited by Karl-Heinz Frieser) deals with one of the most eventful phases of the Second World War: the battles on the eastern front in 1943

China’s Plan to have an International Reserve Currency linked to Gold By James Hall, March 12, 2015
Obama Administration Seeks Wider War Powers By Patrick Martin, March 12, 2015
The Paramilitary Occupation of America By Joseph Kishore, March 12, 2015
“Washington Should Support Al Qaeda to Defeat ISIS”. Council on Foreign Relations By Mikael Thalen and Paul Joseph Watson, March 12, 2015
Nazis among Kiev’s National Guard: USA Today By RT, March 12, 2015
Condemnation of ‘Act of Treason’ Gains Traction against Letter to Iranian Government by Republicans supported by Israel’s Netanyahu By Anthony Bellchambers, March 12, 2015
Ukraine Crisis Report: Violation of the Donbass Ceasefire Agreement, BRICS and IMF-World Intervention By Global Research News, March 12, 2015
What Kind of World, What Kind of Future? The New World Order “Grand Design” By Perdana Global Peace Foundation, March 12, 2015
Ukrainian Crisis Video News: War in Donbass, Washington Pressures Russia, US Armored Vehicles to Latvia By Global Research News, March 12, 2015
Capitalism’s Great Indian Con-Trick: Feeding “The Economic Vultures”, While Starving Agriculture By Colin Todhunter, March 12, 2015
The Division of the Korean Peninsula: In the Face of American Amnesia, The Grim Truths of No Gun Ri Find a Home By Charles J. Hanley, March 12, 2015
Fukushima: A Journey through an Ongoing Disaster By William Johnston and Eiko Otake, March 12, 2015
China’s Gold Strategy By Alasdair Macleod, March 12, 2015
Libya, ISIS and the Unaffordable Luxury of Hindsight By Ahmad Barqawi, March 12, 2015
“War is Addictive”: The GOP, Iran and Diplomatic Sabotage. Tom Cotton’s Letter signed by 47 Senate Republicans By Dr. Binoy Kampmark, March 12, 2015
The ECB’s Noose Around Greece: How Central Banks Harness Governments By Ellen Brown, March 12, 2015
“Cash Cops”: How Civil Forfeiture Enriched US Law Enforcement By Devon Douglas-Bowers, March 12, 2015
Syriza’s Only Choice: A Radical Step Forward By Spyros Lapatsioras, John Milios, and Dimitris P. Sotiropoulos, March 12, 2015
Human Rights Watch “Fail”: Uses Photo of American Bombing Destruction of Syria To Condemn Assad By Brandon Turbeville, March 12, 2015
The ISIS-US Empire – Their Unholy Alliance Fully Exposed By Joachim Hagopian, March 12, 2015
Yearning for the Past: Is Human Society Regressing? By John Kozy, March 11, 2015
How the American Public is Deceived by the News and Canada’s “Torture Act” By Global Research News, March 11, 2015
At Least 103 Civilians Killed by U.S. Led Bombing in Syria Since September By Interventions Watch, March 11, 2015
CIA Restructuring to “Cover Entire Universe”; European Union Wants its Own Army By Stop NATO, March 11, 2015
Haiti: Was the U.S. Military-Intelligence Complex Involved in the Murder of Oriel Jean, Former Security Chief for President Aristide? By Kim Ives, March 11, 2015
Beyond Twelve Years A Slave: What the United States Owes Black America By Paul Street, March 11, 2015
Cruel and Inhuman: UN Slams US as Only Nation that Sentences Children to Die In Prison By Sarah Lazare, March 11, 2015
Official Washington’s Delusions on Delusions By Robert Parry, March 11, 2015
Bangladeshi Tribals Evicted for Tea Plantation Expansion By Pratap Chatterjee, March 11, 2015
Core Inflation in the US Would Be Just As Low As in the Eurozone if Measured on the Same Basis By Washington's Blog, March 11, 2015
Media Furor over Hillary Clinton’s use of Private Email By Patrick Martin, March 11, 2015
Shootings in Georgia and Colorado Continue Wave of Police Violence in US By Niles Williamson and Andre Damon, March 11, 2015
A New World Order: A Threat to Sovereign States By Tun Dr. Mahathir Mohamad, March 11, 2015
Suppressing Key Facts, How the American Public Is Deceived by the “News” By Eric Zuesse, March 11, 2015
Boris Nemtsov Assassination: Confession of Former Russian Officer could Prompt “Mole-Hunt” By Dr. Christof Lehmann, March 11, 2015
US War Crimes. The March 1945 Firebombing of Tokyo: America’s “Great Tokyo Air Raid” By Saotome Katsumoto and Richard Sams, March 11, 2015
Monsanto Is About to Escape All Regulation From the US Department of Agriculture By Christina Sarich, March 10, 2015
Fukushima Coverup: Sick US Navy Sailors’ Class Action Law Suit, US Government, Doctors Bury Truth about Fukushima Radiation By David Gutierrez, March 10, 2015
Osama Letters From Pakistan “Trove” Emerge to Defend CIA’s Killer Drone Program By Kurt Nimmo, March 10, 2015
NATO Lies and Provocations: Splitting the Atlantic Alliance By Mike Whitney, March 10, 2015
The Republican Senators Push for World War III By Global Research News, March 10, 2015
“The Nobel Peace Prize Watch” Has Been Launched By Jan Oberg, March 10, 2015
President Obama Declares Venezuela “A Threat to National Security”, Seeks Regime-Change By Eric Zuesse, March 10, 2015
The Legacy of Burkina Faso’s Thomas Sankara By Abayomi Azikiwe, March 10, 2015
Film Review: American Sniper By Koozma J. Tarasoff, March 10, 2015
For Washington: “What is Inexcusable is Venezuela’s Political independence” By John Pilger, March 10, 2015
Russia’s Remarkable Renaissance By F. William Engdahl, March 10, 2015
Greece Told Deeper Austerity Needed to Secure Additional Loans By Robert Stevens, March 10, 2015
NATO Begins Military Manoeuvres in Black Sea By Johannes Stern, March 10, 2015
Another Dubious Jobs Report By Dr. Paul Craig Roberts, March 10, 2015
Kuwaiti Preacher, ISIS Call for Demolition of Egypt’s Sphinx, Pyramids By RT, March 10, 2015
The “War on Terror” is a Big Lie, ISIS is “Made in America” By Global Research News, March 10, 2015
Book Launch: The Globalization of War by Michel Chossudovsky By Prof Michel Chossudovsky, March 10, 2015
Ukraine: Relations between Russia and the US are at their Lowest Ebb since the Cold War By Andrei Akulov, March 10, 2015
US-NATO’s “Global War on Terrorism”: Australian Troops to the Middle East to Fight ISIS By Dr. Binoy Kampmark, March 10, 2015
Washington’s Al Qaeda Ally Now Leading ISIS in Libya By Eric Draitser, March 10, 2015
Netanyahu: He Came, He Saw, He Conquered The Power of Israel over the United States By Prof. James Petras, March 10, 2015
US Declares Venezuela a Threat to ‘National Security’ By Telesur, March 09, 2015
Lieberman: Behead Arabs Who Aren’t Loyal to Israel By Middle East Monitor, March 09, 2015
How Putin Blocked the U.S. Pivot to Asia By Mike Whitney, March 09, 2015
Evidence of Washington’s Links to ISIS, the Global War on Terror and Women’s Rights By Global Research and Global Research, March 09, 2015
Wisconsin Cop Guns Down Unarmed Teenager as Obama Whitewashes Ferguson Police Killing By Zaida Green and Andre Damon, March 09, 2015
Vaccines Spread Measles, Government Documents Reveals By L.J. Devon, March 09, 2015
Egyptian Junta Begins Executions of Islamists By Alex Lantier, March 09, 2015
Military Presence on American Streets: South Carolina National Guard Drills Door-to-Door ”Wellness Checks” By Brandon Turbeville, March 09, 2015
Rationalizing Lunacy: The Intellectual as Servant of the State and Perpetual War By Andrew J. Bacevich, March 09, 2015
Major Chemical Company Dupont “Poisoned Water Supply” for 50 Years By Christina Sarich, March 09, 2015
Real U.S. Unemployment Rate at 23.2%, not 5.5% By Global Research News, March 09, 2015
Nearly at ‘Full Employment’? 10 Reasons Why the Unemployment Numbers Are a Massive Lie By Michael Snyder, March 09, 2015
Facing Options under Mounting Pressure: US at Crossroads on Ukraine By Andrey Akulov, March 09, 2015
Report Finds FBI Undercounts Police Killings by Half By Tom Hall, March 08, 2015
European Union Press Syriza to Deepen its Austerity Program for Greece By Robert Stevens, March 08, 2015
Ferguson and the Logic of Neoliberalism By Rob Urie, March 08, 2015
Europe Blocks U.S. from Racing to War Against Russia? By Eric Zuesse, March 08, 2015
The Wisconsin Hundred Thousand: Scott Walker, the White House and ISIS By Dr. Binoy Kampmark, March 08, 2015
The ‘Democrat’ Brzezinski Says Russia’s Putin Wants to Invade NATO By Eric Zuesse, March 08, 2015
The U.S-Israel Alliance: War, Chaos and Netanyahu’s Big Lie By Timothy Alexander Guzman, March 08, 2015
EU Increasingly Abandons Obama on Ukraine? By Eric Zuesse, March 08, 2015
How the US Supreme Court Has Treasonously Destroyed America’s Democratic Republic By Joachim Hagopian, March 08, 2015
The Nemtsev Assassination: New Cold War and the Politics of Russia Global Research News Hour Episode 95 By Michael Welch and Roger Annis, March 08, 2015