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[First published on September 15, 2023]


We are currently at the crossroads of the Most Serious Economic and Social Crisis in World History.  It is an outright war against all humanity: the Planet’s 8 billion people. 

Starting with the

The latest volume in the magisterial Germany and the Second World War series, volume VIII (edited by Karl-Heinz Frieser) deals with one of the most eventful phases of the Second World War: the battles on the eastern front in 1943

Neutralising the Threat of Israel’s Undeclared Nuclear Arsenal Would Immediately Solve the Iranian Issue By Anthony Bellchambers, March 30, 2015
“The Syrian Crisis Can Be Solved” President Bashar Al-Assad’s Interview with the Russian Media By ITAR-TASS, March 30, 2015
The Pentagon’s Vendetta against Former Afghanistan Prisoner of War Bowe Bergdahl By Patrick Martin, March 30, 2015
New York Times Publishes Call to Bomb Iran By Robert Parry, March 30, 2015
Arab League Agrees to Formation of Regional Army as Yemen Assault Expands By Niles Williamson, March 30, 2015
Canada: Anti-Terrorist Bill C-51 to Criminalize Thoughts of Indigenous Peoples By Pam Palmater, March 30, 2015
Japan Faces 200-Year Wait for Fukushima Clean-Up — Technology to Decommission Melted-Down Reactors Does Not Exist By Global Research News, March 30, 2015
2014 Deadliest Year for Palestinians Since 1967, UN Report Finds By Sarah Lazare, March 30, 2015
Yemen and Syria – Two Different Rebellions, Two Different Stories, Same Belligerent West By Brandon Turbeville, March 30, 2015
US-Sponsored Slow-Motion Genocide in Yemen By Stephen Lendman, March 30, 2015
The Federal Reserve’s “Financial Airplane”. The Fed’s Economic “Assumptions”, “Falsified Data to Portray Growth” By Bill Holter, March 30, 2015
Africa and China’s 21st Century “Maritime Silk Road” By Alvin Cheng-Hin Lim, March 30, 2015
A Middle East Holocaust By Dr. Paul Craig Roberts, March 30, 2015
Former Monsanto Employee Fired from Major Scientific Journal’s Editor Position By Christina Sarich, March 30, 2015
Lawmakers Declare Vaccines Essential to ‘National Security’ After Taking Money from Big Pharma By Ethan A. Huff, March 30, 2015
Australia To Start Taxing Bank Deposits By Zero Hedge, March 30, 2015
Brazil: Economic Policy, The Protest Movement and the Débâcle of the Workers’ Party (PT) By Alfredo Saad-Filho, March 30, 2015
Monsanto’s Cancer Causing Glyphosate: The Contamination of Land, Water, Air and Food By Institute of Science in Society, March 30, 2015
The Politics of Surviving Guantánamo By Global Research News, March 30, 2015
The “Greening” of China’s Black Electric Power System By John A. Mathews and Hao Tan, March 30, 2015
Both Israel and Iran Should Subscribe to a Nuclear Weapons Free Zone (NWFZ) By Anthony Bellchambers, March 30, 2015
Flashback to March 29, 2011: Over 6 million people marched across Syria in support of President al-Assad By Cem Ertür, March 30, 2015
Obama’s Up-Side-Down “War on Terrorism”: US Warplanes Strike Iraqi Popular Forces Fighting ISIS By Fars News Agency, March 29, 2015
Rigged Trade Agreements and Rigged Government. “Secret Sections” of the Trans-Pacific Partnership Revealed By Kevin Zeese, March 29, 2015
The CO2 Crisis: The Social Costs Of Capitalism Are Destroying Earth’s Ability To Support Life By Dr. Paul Craig Roberts, March 29, 2015
“Democracy” versus “The Institutional Ideology” of the CIA. Conversation With CIA Whistleblower John Kiriakou By Douglas Valentine, March 29, 2015
ASEAN’s Geopolitical Arrangement Vis-à-vis The Chinese Containment Coalition By Andrew Korybko, March 29, 2015
Macedonia: Scenario of A Ukraine Style Protest Movement and Coup d’Etat? By Global Research News, March 29, 2015
Hillary Clinton’s Presidential Campaign Is Now Effectively Over. Wall Street Warns Democrats Not to Choose Senator Elizabeth Warren By Eric Zuesse, March 29, 2015
U.S. Pays Most for Healthcare of Any Industrialized Nation … But Ranks Worst for Healthcare By Washington's Blog, March 29, 2015
Impasse of Greece Debt Negotiations with Troika, Economic Support from Russia and China? By Asad Ismi, March 29, 2015
The Netanyahu Victory. Is there a Path to a Just Peace? Global Research News Hour Episode 98 By Michael Welch, Prof. James Petras, and Jeff Halper, March 29, 2015
Divisions within the Kiev Regime, the Role of Ukrainian Oligarch Kolomoysky. Report By Eric Zuesse, March 29, 2015
Israeli Fighter Jets Join Saudi Arabia in War on Yemen By Fars News Agency, March 29, 2015
Ancient Syria and Mesopotamia, Cradle of Civilization. From Ancient to Modern Mashriq By Dr. Ali Kadri, March 29, 2015
Why Monsanto’s Glyphosate Herbicide Should be Banned. Does it Cause Cancer? By Colin Todhunter, March 29, 2015
“Unholy Alliance” between Saudi Arabia and Israel. A US-Iran Nuclear Deal Would Trigger Regional Political Re-alignments By Salman Rafi Sheikh, March 29, 2015
NSA Spy Agency Behind “Malware” Infection of Computer Hardware Used by “Enemies” of the U.S.? By Ulson Gunnar, March 29, 2015
France Must Pay Restitution to Haiti: President François Hollande’s Forthcoming State Visit To Haiti By Jean Saint-Vil, March 29, 2015
Germanwings Flight 9525: Depression, Motivation and the Language of Terrorism By Dr. Binoy Kampmark, March 29, 2015
US Attacks “Closest Ally” UK For “Constant Accommodation” With China By Zero Hedge, March 29, 2015
“Economic Genocide”: Ukraine Cuts off Payment of Pensions to One Million Senior Citizens in Donbass By Global Research News, March 29, 2015
Israel Welcomes Complicit Amnesty International Report: Palestinian “Armed Groups” Allegedly “Guilty of War Crimes” By Timothy Alexander Guzman, March 29, 2015
Rolling Bombs: Crude-Oil Rail Tankers Threaten U.S. Canada Populations, Environment By Mary Papenfuss, March 29, 2015
Germany Accuses NATO of “Dangerous Propaganda”. America’s Strategic Objective is to Prevent a German-Russian Alliance By Dr. Daniele Ganser, March 29, 2015
The Money Trail: How the US Fostered Yemen’s Separatist Movement By Sputnik, March 29, 2015
Fukushima: Uranium and Plutonium Contamination of Large Areas of Oceans, Ground-water, Soils. By Edmondo Burr, March 29, 2015
Saudi Invasion: Yemeni Forces Arrest 40 Saudi Military Men By Fars News Agency, March 29, 2015
Invading Yemen: Criminality in Support of Hegemony By Ajamu Baraka, March 29, 2015
Looking Back at the Vietnam War By Andy Piascik, March 28, 2015
Four Years of Syrian Resistance to Imperialist Takeover By Sara Flounders, March 28, 2015
Drought in São Paulo: Brazil’s Megacity on Verge of Crisis as Water Rationing, Shutoffs Continue By William Hawes, March 28, 2015
Canada’s Strikes against Syria. Violating International Law: The Canadian Recipe Against ISIS By Dr. Binoy Kampmark, March 28, 2015
Why Latin America Rejects US Military Presence By Joachim Hagopian, March 28, 2015
Week in Review: US Guiding Airstrikes against Syrian Government and Clinton Foundation’s Ties to Ukrainian Oligarch By Global Research and Global Research, March 27, 2015
“Manufacturing Dissent” By Dr. Paul Craig Roberts, March 27, 2015
King Richard III, The last Plantagenet King, will once again be Laid to Rest By Dr. Binoy Kampmark, March 27, 2015
U.S. Government Secrecy At All-Time High. “Secret Witnesses” and “Secret Evidence” To Prosecute Americans By Washington's Blog, March 27, 2015
Ukraine Negotiates Creating New Neo-Nazi Division In Army, 1,000 U.S. Soldiers In Ground Operations In Eastern Europe By Global Research News, March 27, 2015
The $160 Billion Cost: Why Ukraine’s Viktor Yanukovych Spurned EU’s Offer, on 20 Nov. 2013 By Eric Zuesse, March 27, 2015
US-Saudi Blitz into Yemen: Naked Aggression, Absolute Desperation By Tony Cartalucci, March 27, 2015
US Congress urges President Obama to Provide Ukraine with More Weapons, Encourages Torture By Oriental Review, March 27, 2015
The Objective of Saudi Arabia and the U.S. is the Invasion and Occupation of Yemen By Alalam, March 27, 2015
“Proof that Russia and Iran Want War”: Look How Close They Put Their Countries To Our Military Bases! By Washington's Blog, March 27, 2015
Costa Rican Ambassador Fired for Defending Venezuelan Government Amid Escalating Media War By Lucas Koerner, March 27, 2015
Why is the American Federation of Teachers Promoting Israeli Apartheid? By Ali Abunimah, March 27, 2015
Amnesty: Gaza Firing of Indiscriminate Rockets is War Crime By Robert Barsocchini, March 27, 2015
Flight 9525 Crash: What’s Religion Got To Do with It? German Co-Pilot as Terrorist By Prof. Juan Cole, March 27, 2015
NSA and Facebook Work Together By Kurt Nimmo, March 27, 2015
GMO Lobbyist Won’t Touch Monsanto’s ‘Perfectly Safe’ Chemicals By Christina Sarich, March 27, 2015
New GMO Vaccines Alter Human DNA to Produce Artificial Immunity By David Gutierrez, March 27, 2015
John Bolton’s Call for War on Iran By Bill Van Auken, March 27, 2015
US House Passes Sweeping New Bipartisan Assault on Medicare By Kate Randall, March 27, 2015
12th Anniversary Of the Illegal Invasion of Iraq: The Anglo-American Iraqi Genocide By Gideon Polya, March 27, 2015
Do Away With Elections? The Rituals of “Democracy” By Arthur D. Robbins, March 26, 2015
Israel Caught Spying On U.S. Behind Closed Doors Negotiations With Iran By Washington's Blog, March 26, 2015
The War on Yugoslavia: The Real Face of American “Diplomacy” By Andrew Korybko, March 26, 2015
Greece: Fascists At the Gate By Conn Hallinan, March 26, 2015
Empire and Colonialism: Rich Men in London Still Deciding Africa’s Future By Colin Todhunter, March 26, 2015
The Public Value of Public Sector Strikes. Ongoing Strikes at York University and The University of Toronto By Prof. Jeff Noonan, March 26, 2015