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During a press briefing after the 79th session of the UN General Assembly on September 28, Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov was asked to comment on reports about Turkey’s potential resale of the Russian-made S-400 SAM (surface-to-air missile) system.

Below is an excerpt from an article by Frank Bergman:

The vast majority of the Israeli government’s official data for Covid mRNA shot side effects has been “lost,” according to reports.

Israel’s Health Ministry failed to review 82% of reports

Is it acceptable for Israel to wipe Palestine and Palestinians off the map? On 5 November 2024, Americans have an opportunity to signal whether genocide is anathema for the majority of its citizens.

So, how can Americans signal their abhorrence

A Faustian Bargain with Corporate Power: From Monsanto to Bayer, the Worst of Both Worlds. Colin Todhunter

By Colin Todhunter, October 01, 2024

Bayer’s complicity as part of IG Farben, a chemical and pharmaceutical conglomerate notorious for its involvement

The Six Too Big to Fail Banks in the U.S. Have 278 Trillion Dollars of Exposure to Derivatives By Michael Snyder, April 14, 2015
Monsanto, the Producer of “Agent Orange” brings GMO Agriculture to Vietnam By Global Research News, April 14, 2015
U.S. Law Students Criticize Architect of Obama’s Illegal Targeted Killing Program, Law Professors Defend Him, Repress and Intimidate Students By Global Research News, April 14, 2015
The Complete Destruction of Nimrud: US Sponsored ISIS Commits another Outrage. Archeological Treasures dating back to 1200 BC By Timothy Bancroft-Hinchey, April 14, 2015
Carly Fiorina as Contender for the Presidency: The GOP’s “Female Ticket” By Dr. Binoy Kampmark, April 14, 2015
Changing the Way Money Works: The Steady State Economy and Sharing Law Global Research News Hour Episode 99 By Michael Welch and Kéllia Ramares, April 14, 2015
Color Revolutions? The US State Department’s “Hoagland-Blinken Doctrine” Is Washington’s Plan For Central Asia By Andrew Korybko, April 14, 2015
El Salvador Farmers Beat Monsanto’s Monopoly: Refusing GMO and Outperforming with Record Crop Yields By Christina Sarich, April 14, 2015
US-backed Saudi forces Committing War Crimes in Yemen – action is needed By Global Research News, April 14, 2015
Only 14% of People in Disneyland Measles Outbreak Were Unvaccinated, but It’s 100% their Fault, Claims Propaganda By Ethan A. Huff, April 14, 2015
Nursing Student Claims College Instructed Them to Threaten Patients into Receiving Vaccines: Lawsuit By Adan Salazar, April 14, 2015
Gallup Poll: Americans Say Government Must “Do More” to Protect the Environment, Republicans Say ‘No!’ By Eric Zuesse, April 14, 2015
Obama’s Rape of Yemen By Stephen Lendman, April 14, 2015
Tree Planting Commemorating US – Russia, World War II Allies By Global Research News, April 14, 2015
Raul Castro’s Speech at the Panama Summit By ACN, April 14, 2015
Congress Piling on Amendments to Anti-Iranian Nuclear Legislation By Stephen Lendman, April 14, 2015
Gold, Silver and Oil: Credibility, Collateral and Confidence in a World of “Fiat” Currencies By Bill Holter, April 14, 2015
Che Guevara’s Daughter Rejects Presence at Panama Summit of Man who Murdered her Father By ACN, April 14, 2015
Judge Permits Uranium Mining Near Grand Canyon: No Tribal Consult, No Environmental Update; Appeal Expected By Global Research News, April 14, 2015
‘Civilization has no Place for Drones’. Will Robotic Weapons Make the World Safer? By Global Research News, April 14, 2015
Israel Moves to Cover-up its Alliance with Al Qaeda in Syria By Asa Winstanley, April 14, 2015
Greece Releases Rare Footage of German Nazi Invasion By Telesur, April 14, 2015
Hope on the Horizon and It Comes from Greece By Dr. Paul Craig Roberts, April 13, 2015
The Pharmaceutical Cartel’s Control of the State and the Oklahoma Bombing Cover-Up By Global Research News, April 13, 2015
Neocons, “Responsibility to Protect”, and Hypocrisy By Robert Parry, April 13, 2015
Syria: ”Al-Qaeda Linked Rebels” Are Al-Qaeda By Brandon Turbeville, April 13, 2015
Twenty Years Later: Facts About the Oklahoma Bombing That Go Unreported By Kevin Ryan, April 13, 2015
Haiti: Second USAID Contractor Suspended Following Caracol Housing Debacle By Center for Economic and Policy Research, April 13, 2015
The True Myths on the Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP) By Dean Baker, April 13, 2015
Hillary Clinton Announces Presidential Campaign By Andre Damon, April 13, 2015
Iceland Stuns Banks: Plans To Take Back The Power To Create Money By Raúl Ilargi Meijer, April 13, 2015
Russia and the Ukraine – the Other Side of the Story By Oriental Review, April 13, 2015
Greenpeace, Dissent and Freedom of Expression in India By Colin Todhunter, April 13, 2015
The Bank of International Settlements: Meet The Secretive Group That Runs The World By Adam Lebor, April 13, 2015
Yemen Slaughter Escalates as Regional Powers Exchange Threats By Thomas Gaist, April 13, 2015
Hormone Disrupting Chemical Banned in EU Found in 50 Top US Snacks By Christina Sarich, April 13, 2015
Hillary Vows to Protect Americans from the 1%, while Being Funded by the 1% By Paul Joseph Watson, April 13, 2015
Deterrence by Celluloid: Using Film Propaganda to Scare Refugees By Dr. Binoy Kampmark, April 13, 2015
US plays “Chicken” with Russian Air Force while Nukes are on Hair-Trigger Alert By Dr. Christof Lehmann, April 13, 2015
Ukraine: Odessa Region “Breakaway Republic” Project Announced, to Join Donetsk and Luhansk Republics By Eric Zuesse, April 13, 2015
Yankee Imperialism in Panama By Stephen Lendman, April 12, 2015
Twelve Years Later: And How is Baghdad Today? By Haifa Zangana, April 12, 2015
How Israel Was Absolved of Deir Yassin and All Other Massacres By Ilan Pappe, April 12, 2015
These Are all the Countries Where the US Has a Military Presence By Global Research News, April 12, 2015
Social Protests May Spiral Into “Left Terror” in Ukraine, After the Ultra-Right Kiev Bans Communist and Left Ideology By Global Research News, April 12, 2015
Ukraine’s Neo-Nazi Police State: The Maidan Retroactively Criminalizes Itself By Global Research News, April 12, 2015
Mainstream Media’s Schizophrenic Attitude Towards “Conspiracy Theories” By Seppo Ilmarinen, April 12, 2015
Is Puerto Rico on the Brink of Economic Disaster? By Timothy Alexander Guzman, April 12, 2015
British Hypocrisy and War Crimes, Triumphalism and a “Corporate Covenant” By Felicity Arbuthnot, April 12, 2015
Orwellian Discourse: “War is Peace” in Yemen By Michael Horton, April 12, 2015
“The Holy Business” in America, End-Times Buffoonery in a Modern World, Bizarre Sects and Cults, Christian Zionism, By 21st Century Wire, April 12, 2015
The Murder of Walter Scott in South Carolina. On April 14, People across America will take to the Streets By Raymond Lotta, April 12, 2015
Ukraine’s President Poroshenko Tries to Stop His Side’s Ceasefire Violations By Eric Zuesse, April 12, 2015
US-NATO “Defensive” Military Initiatives and War Games Threaten Russia By Rick Rozoff, April 12, 2015
Iran: “Sanctions are a Form of Warfare”. And the US has Not Removed the Sanctions By Soraya Sepahpour-Ulrich, April 11, 2015
Those Who Collaborate with the West By Andre Vltchek, April 11, 2015
“The Black Spider Memos”: Prince Charles, Secrecy and the British Government By Dr. Binoy Kampmark, April 11, 2015
Syria at the UN: US, Britain, France, Jordan Refuse to Name ISIL as “Separate Terror Group” By Press TV, April 11, 2015
Turkey and Iran working on Ceasefire in Yemen? By Fars News Agency, April 11, 2015
Arabian Game of Thrones: House of Saud Playing Dirty in Yemen By Sputnik, April 11, 2015
How Saudi Attempts to Manipulate the Houthis and the Muslim Brotherhood Backfired in Yemen By Mahdi Darius Nazemroaya, April 11, 2015
Regime Change: A Criminal Calamity for Iraq By Hans von Sponeck, April 11, 2015
Before the Russian Orthodox Easter. Is This the Start of World War III? By Eric Zuesse, April 11, 2015
Today’s Most Popular Articles on Global Research By Global Research News, April 11, 2015
Harnessing “Black Holes”: The Large Hadron Collider – Ultimate Weapon of Mass Destruction By Nina Beety, April 11, 2015
Kiev Launches Massive Battle-Tank Shelling in Donbass, NATO Military Exercise in Czech Republic directed against Russia By South Front, April 11, 2015
ISIS is a US-made Monster! By Global Research News, April 10, 2015
Police Drones against Protesters: the “Machine Imperative” By Dr. Binoy Kampmark, April 10, 2015
China Undermines Washington’s “Economic War” against Venezuela By Global Research News, April 10, 2015
Videotape of Policeman Shooting a Man In the Back and Killing Him? Was it “Self-Defense”? By Washington's Blog, April 10, 2015
Ukraine Cracks Down on Independent Media, NATO Member Directly Supporting Al Qaeda in Syria By Global Research News, April 10, 2015
Fracking Boom Accompanied by Rise of Silent, Deadly Carcinogen in Homes: Study By Jon Queally, April 10, 2015
BBC Hands Airwaves Over to Israel’s Minister for War By Amena Saleem, April 10, 2015
Obama Abandons American Citizens Trapped in Yemen but Continues Aiding Saudi Bombers By Robert Barsocchini, April 10, 2015
As Oil Money Flowed, Clinton Turned Back on Rights Abuses in Colombia: Report By Deirdre Fulton, April 10, 2015
Walter Scott Shooting: Media Were Already Running With Police Fantasy When Video Exploded It By Adam Johnson, April 10, 2015
FBI Says Islamic State Wants to Hack WordPress Websites – ISIS Hacks Traced Back to Maryland, Home of the NSA By Kurt Nimmo, April 10, 2015
Greece Makes €450 Million Payment to International Monetary Fund By Christoph Dreier, April 10, 2015
Cop Who Murdered Walter Scott in South Carolina Shooting Had History of Brutality By Andre Damon, April 10, 2015
Media Sweetheart Paul Offit’s Vaccine Lies Deconstructed: A Mind-Blowing Interview with Dr. Suzanne Humphries By Mike Adams, April 10, 2015