Top Box

[First published on September 15, 2023]


We are currently at the crossroads of the Most Serious Economic and Social Crisis in World History.  It is an outright war against all humanity: the Planet’s 8 billion people. 

Starting with the

The latest volume in the magisterial Germany and the Second World War series, volume VIII (edited by Karl-Heinz Frieser) deals with one of the most eventful phases of the Second World War: the battles on the eastern front in 1943

Recent research challenges the long-term benefits of ketogenic diets, suggesting potential negative impacts on cardiovascular health

Your body has a metabolic switch called the Randle cycle, which chooses to burn either glucose or fat for energy. Being aware

There is only so much of stress, distress and high risk that our world can bear at any given time, and today this has crossed the limits.

While there are over 55 important conflicts in the world and several other

Zelensky Hopes to Boost Popularity by Holding 2024 Presidential Elections. Will this “Prolong the War” By Lucas Leiroz de Almeida, August 31, 2023
Digital Services Act (DSA): Is EU Regulation a Threat to Citizens’ Freedom of Expression and the Rule of Law? By Dr. Rudolf Hänsel, August 31, 2023
Children’s Immune Systems Are Damaged by Pfizer COVID-19 mRNA Vaccine By Dr. William Makis, August 31, 2023
Safe and Secure? Or Stressed and Scared? By Barbara Nimri Aziz, August 31, 2023
A Killing Design: The Marine Corps V-22 Osprey Tiltroter: Fatalities in the Top End By Dr. Binoy Kampmark, August 31, 2023
What We Know About Depleted Uranium in Ukraine So Far? By International Coalition to Ban Uranium Weapons, August 31, 2023
Yevgeny Prigozhin Is Seen in New Footage ‘Dismissing Reports of His Elimination’: Warlord Insists ‘Everything Is Fine’ in Video Filmed in Africa During ‘the Second Half of August’ By Will Stewart and Chris Jewers, August 31, 2023
9/11 Analysis: Obama’s “Big Lie”: White House Propaganda and the (2011) “Death” of Osama bin Laden By Larry Chin, August 31, 2023
Niger Military Coup: There’s More Than Meets the Eye. Wagner -Niger -Washington… What’s the Connection? By Peter Koenig, August 30, 2023
U.S Sponsored Neo-Nazi Ukraine 2014 EuroMaidan. The Hiring of Snipers By Katya Gorchinskaya, August 30, 2023
French Ambassador Defies Order to Vacate Niger By Abayomi Azikiwe, August 30, 2023
Pfizer’s COVID Vaccine Causes Marked Decrease in Immunity in Children: Study By Igor Chudov, August 30, 2023
Multiple Family Members or Couples Suffering COVID-19 Vaccine Injuries or Sudden Deaths. By Dr. William Makis, August 30, 2023
Purity and Power: “Missionary Strategy” for Social Engineering. The Power of Empire and the History of “Effective Conquest” By Dr. T. P. Wilkinson, August 30, 2023
Border Massacres: The Saudi Ethiopian Migrant Killings By Dr. Binoy Kampmark, August 30, 2023
Brutal EU Censorship Regime Takes Hold, ‘Free Speech’ Advocate Elon Musk Folds, YouTube Adopts WHO ‘Misinformation’ Policy By Ben Bartee, August 30, 2023
Whitewashing Down Under: The Vietnam War Fifty Years On By Dr. Binoy Kampmark, August 30, 2023
We the Targeted: How the Government Weaponizes Surveillance to Silence Its Critics By John W. Whitehead and Nisha Whitehead, August 30, 2023
De-globalization: How Much and at What Cost? By Karsten Riise, August 30, 2023
The US Deepens the Lebanese Suffering By Steven Sahiounie, August 30, 2023
German Court Sentences Judge for Ruling Against Government’s Mask Mandates By Bryan S. Jung, August 30, 2023
Niger’s Military Junta Is Supported by the Pentagon. Washington’s Unspoken Objective: “Remove France from Africa” By Prof Michel Chossudovsky, August 30, 2023
What Spearheaded 22 Years of War and Atrocities? Unocal and the Coveted Trans-Afghan Pipeline Route By Larry Chin, August 30, 2023
The Vax-Gene Files: Have the Regulators Approved a Trojan Horse? By Dr. Julie Sladden and Julian Gillespie, August 29, 2023
What Is Taught in Schools of Journalism? By Prof. Bill Willers, August 29, 2023
New Documentary Coming this September: ‘Peace, War and 9/11’ By International Center for 9/11 Justice, August 29, 2023
How BRICS+ Ensures Global Peace. “Rules-based World Order” in the Dustbin of History? By Drago Bosnic, August 29, 2023
Do Vaccines Cause Autism? A History of Institutional Corruption By Helen Buyniski, Richard Gale, and Dr. Gary Null, August 29, 2023
BRICS Summit Expands by Six Members. De-Dollarization and the New Cold War By Abayomi Azikiwe, August 29, 2023
Ukraine Providing an Important Testing Ground for Space-Based Weapons By Jeremy Kuzmarov, August 29, 2023
US General Mark Milley: US Forces Will Remain in the Middle East for Years to Come By Kyle Anzalone, August 29, 2023
Are They Prepping for Plandemic 2.0? By OffGuardian, August 29, 2023
Is this the End of Natural Health Information? Google, Meta Ban News in Canada By Dr. Joseph Mercola, August 29, 2023
Zelensky Believes Ukraine Will be Permanently Supported By Lucas Leiroz de Almeida, August 29, 2023
Mask Toxicity: German Study Exposes Dangers of CO2 Re-breathing By Dr. William Makis, August 29, 2023
BRICS Establishes a New International Order By Manlio Dinucci, August 29, 2023
America’s Domestic Party Politics Fuel the Ukraine Catastrophe By Philip Giraldi, August 29, 2023
The Profiteering Motive By Dr. Binoy Kampmark, August 29, 2023
Doomsday for the Buck? “A Reserve Currency Is No Longer Needed” By Mike Whitney and Dr. Paul Craig Roberts, August 29, 2023
Who Controls the World and War in Ukraine? By Jerome Irwin, August 29, 2023
A New COVID ‘Variant’… Just in Time for Election Season! By Rep. Ron Paul, August 29, 2023
Biden Admin’s Push for Everyone to Get New COVID Vaccine Is ‘Irresponsible’. Dr. Jay Bhattacharya By Nathan Worcester and Jan Jekielek, August 29, 2023
Kiev’s Slow Counteroffensive Makes Biden Lose Interest and Consider Talks with Russia By Ahmed Adel, August 29, 2023
“Mexico should be our example of what is possible.” AMLO and the Morena Party By Teri Mattson and Rick Sterling, August 28, 2023
COVID Reemerges: Why You Shouldn’t Panic By Dr. Joseph Mercola, August 28, 2023
Video: Who Killed Prigozhin? Judge Napolitano with Scott Ritter, Larry Johnson, Ray McGovern — An Intel Roundtable By Larry Johnson, Ray McGovern, Judge Andrew P. Napolitano, and Scott Ritter, August 28, 2023
When He Was Vice-President, Joe Biden Acted Like Ukraine Was His ‘Own Backyard’: Fired Ukraine Prosecutor By Arjun Singh, August 28, 2023
Where’s the Beef? Ranchers Take Stand Over Synthetic ‘Meat’ Label By Matthew Lysiak, August 28, 2023
Niger’s CNSP Military Junta Asks French Ambassador to Leave. “France Out of Africa” Instrumented by Washington? By Prof Michel Chossudovsky and Chinedu Asadu, August 28, 2023
NIH Study Suggests N95 COVID Masks May Expose Wearers to Toxic Compounds Linked to Seizures, Cancer By Margaret Flavin, August 28, 2023
Who Killed Yevgeny Prigozhin? By Ted Snider, August 28, 2023
The ‘Kuwait Precedent’ Applied to Ukraine. The US Planned and Triggered this War, and Remains Intent on Prolonging It By Abdel Bari Atwan, August 28, 2023
Israeli Strikes Hit Syria’s Aleppo Airport Causing Heavy Damage By Middle East Eye, August 28, 2023
Silicon Valley Elites Revealed as Buyers of $800m of Land to Build Utopian City By Abené Clayton, August 28, 2023
A Voice Heard in the Land. Diana Johnstone By Diana Johnstone, August 28, 2023
Video: Maui Wildfires: Evidence of Direct Energy Weapon? By Hawaii Real Estate, August 28, 2023
Biden Regime Seeks Funding for New COVID-19 Vaccine “That Works” – Warns Everyone Will Get It “No Matter Whether They’ve Gotten It Before or Not” By Jim Hoft, August 28, 2023
If Osama bin Laden Didn’t Do 9/11, Then Who Did? By Prof. Anthony J. Hall, August 28, 2023
From COVID to Climate Change: Vehicles for Global Authoritarianism By Brandon Smith, August 28, 2023
Political Change in the Ukraine War. Analysis of Sarkozy’s Proposal By Karsten Riise, August 28, 2023
CDC Now Refusing New COVID Vaccine Adverse Event Reports in Its “V-Safe Program” By Dr. David Gortler, August 28, 2023
U.S. Doubles Uranium Imports from Russia. Where are the Sanctions? By Mac Slavo, August 28, 2023
Potential Accountability for British Intelligence’s Involvement in CIA Torture By Jennifer Hicks, August 28, 2023
Torture Comes Home to Roost By Judge Andrew P. Napolitano, August 28, 2023
Spartacus Actor Barry Duffield Shares His Pfizer COVID-19 mRNA Vaccine Injury Story By Dr. William Makis, August 28, 2023
Federal Agency Responds to Rumors of Coming COVID-19 Lockdown By Jack Phillips, August 28, 2023
Anger and Fear Follow Japan’s Release of Radioactive Water By Cho Jung-Woo, August 28, 2023
“Israel commits massive ethnic cleansing in Palestine, while building more illegal settlements.” Interview with Fra Hughes By Fra Hughes and Steven Sahiounie, August 28, 2023
The Mask Cult Is Back! The Pandemic Propaganda Has Been Unleashed By Dr. William Makis, August 28, 2023
The Demolition of the World Trade Center on September 11, 2001. “The Devil’s Trick” By Mark H. Gaffney, August 27, 2023
The COVID-19 Power Grab as “Organized Crime”. A Multi-faceted Deception By Prof. Anthony J. Hall, August 27, 2023
Video: Oncology Prof. Angus Dalgleish, Warns About COVID-19 Vaccine-induced Turbo Cancers By Prof. Angus Dalgleish, August 26, 2023
The CEO of Pfizer Is Now the World’s Highest Paid Pharma boss By Jordan Schachtel, August 26, 2023
History: Obstacles to the Peaceful Reintegration of Taiwan into the People’s Republic of China By Wei Ling Chua and Kim Petersen, August 26, 2023
Video: COVID Lockdown Measures Contribute to Economic Destabilization and Undermine Civil Society. Prof. Michel Chossudovsky By Prof Michel Chossudovsky and Michelle Leduc Catlin, August 26, 2023
Ukraine Will Capitulate Unconditionally. Scott Ritter By Scott Ritter, August 25, 2023
15 US-backed Officers Had Hand in 12 West African Coups By Nick Turse, August 25, 2023
Western Media Spreading Disinformation About Alleged Prigozhin’s Death By Lucas Leiroz de Almeida, August 25, 2023
Can NATO Win a Conventional War Against Russia? By Drago Bosnic, August 25, 2023
Stevens-Johnson Syndrome After Pfizer and Moderna COVID-19 mRNA vaccines. By Dr. William Makis, August 25, 2023