
ossroads:The UK continues to maintain an escalatory stance in the conflict between the West and Russia, trying to advance agendas that could easily lead to an unprecedented wave of violence. In yet another irresponsible move, London suggested ending restrictions on

There are very few countries that have suffered truly unprovoked Western aggression as much as Serbia. For centuries, the world’s most vile power pole has been trying to destroy the small Southeast European country, sending an invasion force

Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky reportedly used US military assets to campaign for Vice President Kamala Harris during a visit to a munitions plant in Pennsylvania, The Federalist magazine reported. He visited the factory in the swing state with supporters of

An alarming and profoundly troubling story in the medical community has recently sparked national attention and has trained yet another spotlight on the current state of affairs in hospital systems across the United States.

This harrowing story concerns 23-year-old Alexis

Political Prisoners in America. Institutionalizing Indefinite Detention By Stephen Lendman, December 24, 2012
Christmas: The Greatest Gift For All By Dr. Paul Craig Roberts, December 24, 2012
US-NATO Supported Syria Rebels use Chemical Weapons against Government Forces By Press TV, December 24, 2012
The CIA’s 1987 Damage Assessment Declassified: The Jonathan Pollard Spy Case By Jeffrey T. Richelson, December 23, 2012
The Lie that Prosecuting Bank Fraud Will Destabilize the Economy Is What Is REALLY Destroying the Economy By Washington's Blog, December 23, 2012
Torture, Torture Everywhere By Andy Worthington, December 23, 2012
The Torture Chronicle: CIA “Lying and Obfuscation” on the So-called War on Terror By Philip Giraldi, December 23, 2012
“Conspiracy Theories” vs. the Real World of Financial Crime: Bankers Face Prosecution For Conspiracy By Danny Schechter, December 23, 2012
Syria: The “Business of Regime Change” Versus National Sovereignty By Stephen Lendman, December 23, 2012
“Christmas Present”: U.S. Senate Votes $631 Billion Military Budget By Global Research News, December 23, 2012
The People Must Lead the Way to Save the Planet By Kevin Zeese and Margaret Flowers, December 22, 2012
The Libor Swindle: Systematic Financial Rigging of the Benchmark Global Interest Rate By Andre Damon, December 22, 2012
Obama’s Proudest Achievement: Bin Laden Execution claims more Innocent Victims By Global Research News, December 22, 2012
Financial Fraud in the Gold Market: Banks Pledge Same Gold to Numerous People By Washington's Blog, December 22, 2012
Fiscal Cliff Reality By Stephen Lendman, December 22, 2012
NATO Military Training FaciIities in Persian Gulf By Stop NATO, December 22, 2012
South Korea’s “Chaebol Republic”: Hardline Conservatism with a Liberal Smile By Nile Bowie, December 21, 2012
Unemployment and Poverty in America: 75 Economic Numbers From 2012 that are Almost too Crazy to Believe… By The Economic Collapse Blog, December 21, 2012
Rupert Murdoch’s Bid to Persuade Gen. David Petraeus to Run as Republican Candidate in the 2012 Presidential Election By Jonathan Cook, December 21, 2012
Mayan “End of the World” Prophesy: People All Over the World Are Freaking Out Over December 21st By Washington's Blog, December 21, 2012
War in The Congo, Project Censored and Doomsday 2012 By Justin Podur, Andy Lee Roth, Prof Michel Chossudovsky, and Michael Welch, December 20, 2012
Mayan Prophesy: Prepare Yourself for the “End of the World” at Global Research By Prof Michel Chossudovsky, December 20, 2012
Prevent World War III: Civil Resistance Sole Way to Stop US Government Aggression By Sherwood Ross, December 20, 2012
Obama proposes Social Security Cuts By Patrick Martin, December 20, 2012
UBS Libor-rigging settlement exposes pervasive bank fraud By Andre Damon, December 20, 2012
The End Is Near: It’s Not Mayan Prophecy, It’s US Imperialism By Colin Todhunter, December 20, 2012
U.S. Backing Of Syrian Extremists: Another Afghanistan In The Making By Clifford Kiracofe, December 20, 2012
CIA “Interrogations” in Iraq: Torture and Rape of Detained Women European Court of Human Rights Labels CIA Interrogation Procedures as “Torture” By Dirk Adriaensens, December 19, 2012
Fiscal Cliff: Let’s Call Their Bluff! By Ellen Brown, December 19, 2012
The Slaughter of the Innocent By Danny Schechter, December 19, 2012
Agenda Driven News. The Connecticut School Shooting By Dr. Paul Craig Roberts, December 19, 2012
The Mayan 2012 Prophecy: The Orwellian “End of the World” Doomsday is “Made in America” By Prof Michel Chossudovsky, December 19, 2012
Big Brother Spying Didn’t Stop Connecticut School Shooter … Or 9/11 By Washington's Blog, December 18, 2012
Obama, Republicans move toward deal to slash social programs By Barry Grey, December 18, 2012
New U.S. “Embassies” Are Actually Spy Centers By Washington's Blog, December 18, 2012
Deterrence in the Post Cold War Era: Russia’s Strategic Missiles Offset America’s Global Domination? By Stop NATO, December 18, 2012
A Global Perspective on American Child Deaths By Donna Mulhearn, December 18, 2012
Towards a Regional War and an Integrated Military Agenda: Washington Targets Syria and Iran By Stephen Lendman, December 18, 2012
Iraq: Crimes against Humanity. The Babies Will Haunt Us By Kelley B. Vlahos, December 18, 2012
Moulding Young Minds: American Schools Preaching the Virtues of a War On Iran By Patrick Henningsen, December 18, 2012
Obama, Biden are war criminals under UN Charter By Dave Lindorff, December 18, 2012
“HEY YOU”: Orwellian Government Oppression and Never Ending Wars By Washington's Blog, December 18, 2012
What’s Behind America’s Gun Violence By Jack A. Smith, December 18, 2012
North Korea’s Socialist Winter: Engagement or Isolation? By Nile Bowie, December 17, 2012
Gather Little Children By Barbara Nimri Aziz, December 17, 2012
Rash of gun violence, arrests follows Connecticut massacre By Patrick Martin, December 17, 2012
Israel Is Shooting Farmers for Trying to Farm: Got Any Tears for Them? By Joshua Brollier, December 17, 2012
Horror in Newtown: Horrific Massacre at a School in a Small Town, Connecticut By World Socialist Web Site, December 17, 2012
Crying in America, Dismissing the "Collateral Casualties" of Drone Warfare. By Josh Gerstein, December 17, 2012
Obama’s War on Syria and its Implications. The Iraq War Scenario is being Repeated By Shamus Cooke, December 17, 2012
Islamofascist Killers Threaten Syria By Stephen Lendman, December 17, 2012
Geopolitical Dislocation and Worldwide Economic Chaos: Profiling Euroland “After the Crisis” By Global Europe Anticipation Bulletin (GEAB), December 17, 2012
US-backed Free Syrian Army has “Crossed the Line”. Could Unleash a Chain of Events which would Pull Russia into the Conflict By John Robles, December 17, 2012
The Big Banks Are Criminal Enterprises By Washington's Blog, December 17, 2012
Growing Social and Wealth Inequality in America By Prof Rodrigue Tremblay, December 16, 2012
The Mayan 2012 “End of the World” Prophecy: People Buy “Noah’s Ark Survival Pods” … By Washington's Blog, December 16, 2012
Gun Violence in America By Stephen Lendman, December 16, 2012
The U.S. and Israel have made a Joke of the United Nations Security Council By Glenn Greenwald and Kourosh Ziabari, December 16, 2012
Is the New Generation of Anti-Depressant Medications Contributing to School Shootings? By Washington's Blog, December 16, 2012
The Economic Crisis in Europe: Austerity Imposed by the Banks, Soaring Unemployment, Poverty By Kate Randall, December 16, 2012
School shooting in Connecticut leaves 27 dead, including 20 children By Kate Randall, December 16, 2012
The Woes of an American Drone Operator By Der Spiegel, December 16, 2012
War Crimes: Iraq’s Red Crescent under Attack. Complicity of US Occupation Forces By Dirk Adriaensens, December 16, 2012
Syria: Growing Presence of Al Qaeda Extremists Creates Fear and “Uncertainty Regarding Future of our Country” By Xinhua, December 16, 2012
Iran warns Patriot missiles in Turkey could lead to World War III By Stop NATO, December 16, 2012
NATO Turns Up Heat in Syria Psy Op War By Tony Cartalucci, December 16, 2012
Corporate Tax Breaks and Job Creation in the U.S. By Ann Robertson and Bill Leumer, December 15, 2012
US backed “Free Syrian Army” has “Crossed the Line”: Threatens to Kill Russians and Ukrainians in Syria By Global Research News, December 15, 2012
Iranian Bomb Graph Appears Adapted from One on Internet By Gareth Porter, December 15, 2012
Destructive Macroeconomic Policy: When the “Fiscal Cliff” Hits An Iceberg… By Danny Schechter, December 15, 2012
Syria Chemical Weapons: Canadian Special Forces to Assist “Opposition”? By Eric Walberg, December 15, 2012
US Recognizes Unelected Al Qaeda Terrorists as Syrian “Representatives” By Tony Cartalucci, December 15, 2012
Biggest Social Media Sites Censor Alternative News By Washington's Blog, December 15, 2012
2012 In Focus: Bankers’ Banquet, Economic Recession and the Social Crisis By Colin Todhunter, December 15, 2012
US-Backed Syrian “Opposition” Demands Support for Al Qaeda By Tony Cartalucci, December 15, 2012
“Silent Spring”: The Reckless Use of Pesticides in Modern Agriculture By Luke Eastwood, December 15, 2012
Killing Civilians: Obama’s Drone War in Pakistan By Sajjad Shaukat, December 14, 2012
Strauss-Kahn, Petraeus, Et Al: Why is Sexual Philandering Judged More Harshly than Our Treacherous, Bloody and Failed War-Making? By Barbara Nimri Aziz, December 14, 2012
The Military Industrial Complex: A Capitalist System Running Amok By Rev. Richard Skaff, December 14, 2012
Russian Foreign Ministry: Danger of Syria Chemical Weapons Falling in the Hands of Terrorists By Ria Novosti, December 14, 2012