
[First published on September 15, 2023]


We are currently at the crossroads of the Most Serious Economic and Social Crisis in World History.  It is an outright war against all humanity: the Planet’s 8 billion people. 

Starting with the

The latest volume in the magisterial Germany and the Second World War series, volume VIII (edited by Karl-Heinz Frieser) deals with one of the most eventful phases of the Second World War: the battles on the eastern front in 1943

Recent research challenges the long-term benefits of ketogenic diets, suggesting potential negative impacts on cardiovascular health

Your body has a metabolic switch called the Randle cycle, which chooses to burn either glucose or fat for energy. Being aware

There is only so much of stress, distress and high risk that our world can bear at any given time, and today this has crossed the limits.

While there are over 55 important conflicts in the world and several other

“I Have a Drone”. Obama’s “Military Dream” Is Backfiring By Washington's Blog, January 09, 2013
Washington’s Hegemonic Ambitions Are Not in Sync With Its Faltering Economy By Dr. Paul Craig Roberts, January 09, 2013
The U.S. and the Privatization of El Salvador By Eric Draitser, January 09, 2013
Tar Sands Blockade: Growing Opposition to Keystone XL Pipeline By Global Research News, January 08, 2013
Destabilizing Iran as a Nation State: Targeted Sanctions as an “Alternative” to War? By Ben Schreiner, January 08, 2013
The World Economy 2013: Illusions and Reality By Nick Beams, January 08, 2013
Obama names head of drone assassination program to lead CIA By Barry Grey, January 08, 2013
What Obama’s Nominations Mean: The Military Is Being Downsized, But CIA Covert Operations Are Gearing Up By Washington's Blog, January 08, 2013
Spain’s United Left Coalition against Neoliberalism and Economic Austerity By Dick Nichols, January 08, 2013
Turning Realities Upside Down: The Western Media’s War on Syria By Stephen Lendman, January 08, 2013
Bolivia, Ecuador Accuse U.S. Of CIA Destabilization Plots By RT, January 08, 2013
Old and New Wars: “Dehumanizing” War. Armies facing Armies no longer happens? By Lesley Docksey, January 08, 2013
Fukushima “Decontamination” Measures Are Making Things Worse By Washington's Blog, January 08, 2013
Surviving the Fiscal Cliff: America’s Middle Class Has Been “Saved”—Or Has It? By Danny Schechter, January 07, 2013
Canada’s First Nations Confront Ottawa: “Expect Resistance” By Eric Walberg, January 07, 2013
Does Truth Have A Future In America? By Dr. Paul Craig Roberts, January 07, 2013
Israel’s Persecution of Haneen Zoabi By Prof. Lawrence Davidson, January 07, 2013
Following the “Fiscal Cliff” Agreement, Drastic Bi-partisan Spending Cuts By Patrick Martin, January 07, 2013
Obama’s Targeted Killing: Murdered without Being Charged. Administration Blocks Information Request on Assassination of US Citizens By Tom Carter, January 07, 2013
U.S. Government Using Terrorism Against the American People By Washington's Blog, January 07, 2013
“Endless Growth” Based on Consumerism. Is there an Alternative to Capitalism and Oligarchy? By Colin Todhunter, January 07, 2013
Foreign Terrorists Wage War on Syria By Stephen Lendman, January 07, 2013
The West has Brought Terrorists to Syria: President Bashar Al Assad’s Historic Speech. Full Transcript By Bashar al Assad, January 07, 2013
Bolivarianism in Venezuela. “With or without Chavez, it’s institutionalized” By Stephen Lendman, January 06, 2013
By Any Measure, the U.S. Is the Largest Sponsor of Terror By Washington's Blog, January 06, 2013
Ecuadorian president warns of possible ‘CIA attack’ before elections By RT, January 06, 2013
Names of Foreign Fighters and Terrorists Arrested by Syrian Government By United Nations, January 06, 2013
Syria: How Many People Have Been Killed? The Procurement of “UN Figures” By Global Research News, January 06, 2013
“This Conspiracy is Spreading all over Syria”. President Bashar Al Assad’s Speech with Translation By Bashar al Assad, January 06, 2013
France Chooses the Path of Economic Austerity By Salim Lamrani, January 06, 2013
Everything Our Young Children are Taught About the Murder of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. is a Lie By Cynthia McKinney, January 06, 2013
Endless War Is a Feature of U.S. Policy. Why We Are In a Perpetual Series of Wars … By Washington's Blog, January 05, 2013
From Iran Sanctions To U.S. “Dirty Tricks” By Dr. Ismail Salami, January 05, 2013
“No Fly Zone” Over Syria? U.S. Patriot Missile Batteries, Troops Arrive In Turkey By RT, January 05, 2013
Emerging from the Shadows: US Covert Drone Strikes in 2012 By Chris Woods and Jack Serle, January 05, 2013
Stagnation and Recession in America: US Jobs Report Points to an “Economy Mired in Crisis” By Barry Grey, January 05, 2013
Obama signs Pentagon bill maintaining Guantanamo and military detention By Bill Van Auken, January 05, 2013
Venezuela’s Future By Stephen Lendman, January 05, 2013
“Oligarchy Island”: Behind the Hong Kong Protests By Nile Bowie, January 05, 2013
Political Football Over Disaster Relief: Another Argument for Public Banking By Ellen Brown, January 05, 2013
On the Cusp of Ending Big Pharma: Gene Therapy threatens to Disrupt Big Pharma’s Profiteering By Tony Cartalucci, January 04, 2013
New Cold War? Largest Russian War Games In Decades By RT, January 04, 2013
Illegal Occupation of Iraq: US-UK Crimes against Humanity By Felicity Arbuthnot, January 04, 2013
New US drone attacks in Pakistan and Yemen By Patrick O'Connor, January 04, 2013
Institutionalized Inequality in America: Widening Gap Between Rich and Poor By Stephen Lendman, January 04, 2013
The Global Elite Are Hiding 18 Trillion Dollars In Offshore Banks By The Economic Collapse Blog, January 04, 2013
Militarization and Neo-Colonial Intrigue in the Central African Republic By Abayomi Azikiwe, January 04, 2013
US Sponsored Sectarian Iraq Regime: Prime Minister Maliki issues Order to Shoot to Kill By BRussells Tribunal, January 03, 2013
Latvia’s Economic Disaster Heralded as a Neoliberal “Success Story”: A Model for Europe and the US? By Jeffrey Sommers and Prof Michael Hudson, January 03, 2013
The American People are the Big Losers In The Cliff Deal By Washington's Blog, January 03, 2013
US, France deploy troops to Central African Republic By Patrick O'Connor, January 02, 2013
“Control of the Preferred Narrative”. Why We Hate Them: Arabs in Western Eyes By Philip Giraldi, January 02, 2013
Terrorist Stronghold Destroyed: Syrian government troops chasing armed extremists in the suburbs of Damascus By Global Research News, January 02, 2013
US-NATO Sponsored “Free Syrian Army” is Falling Apart. Government Forces Have the Upper Hand By Thierry Meyssan, January 02, 2013
We Do not Need Giant Banks: Internet Technology Will Break Up Big Bank Monopoly? By Washington's Blog, January 02, 2013
UN Human Rights Report on Syria: Camouflage of US-NATO Sponsored Massacres By Stephen Lendman, January 02, 2013
Global Warming or The “New Ice Age”? Fear of the “Big Freeze” By Washington's Blog, January 02, 2013
Fiscal Cliff Over, Now the Attack on the People Begins By Kevin Zeese, January 02, 2013
Venezuelan Leadership Up for Grabs? By Stephen Lendman, January 01, 2013
The Ethnic Cleansing of Historically Black Colleges and Universities By Global Research News, January 01, 2013
How the FBI Monitored the Occupy Movement By Mara Verheyden-Hilliard, December 31, 2012
What are the Benefits of Going Off “The Fiscal Cliff”? By Devon Douglas-Bowers, December 31, 2012
Russian Warships Head For Syria By Stop NATO, December 31, 2012
Towards “Somalization”? Syria Swings between “Dialogue”, Chaos and Bloodshed By Dr. Ismail Salami, December 31, 2012
The Syrian Diary: Unimaginable Crimes Committed by Terrorists “Who Operate with International Media, Military and Financial Support” By Global Research News, December 31, 2012
Syria: Atrocities committed against Christians by US Supported Rebels By Al Arabiya, December 31, 2012
Canada’s “Maple Spring”: From the Quebec Student Strike to the Movement Against Neoliberalism By Socialist Project, December 31, 2012
Towards the Militarization of the Arctic: The US-Canada Tri-Command Strategy By Dana Gabriel, December 31, 2012
Genocide Triggered by Militarization and Global Corporate Expansion By J. B. Gerald, December 31, 2012
Responsible Fiscal Cliff Resolution By Stephen Lendman, December 31, 2012
Official Communiqué on President Chavez’s Health By Global Research News, December 31, 2012
Iraq, An American Killing Field By Dr. Dahlia Wasfi, December 31, 2012
The Second Amendment … Where’s the Line? “Say Hello To Citizen Drone Warfare” By Washington's Blog, December 30, 2012
Coastal Erosion: Protecting Ireland’s Beaches and Dunes By Caoimhghin Ó Croidheáin, December 30, 2012
Labour Unrest and a Slowing Economy in China: Unpaid Wages Spark Strikes By John Chan, December 30, 2012
Orwell in the Electronic Age: Phone Calls, Facebook, Emails. Congress Extends Warrantless Spying By Stephen Lendman, December 30, 2012
Oliver Stone: ‘US has become an Orwellian state’ By RT, December 29, 2012
Email and Internet Spying on Americans: Congress Extends Police State FISA Law By Bill Van Auken, December 29, 2012
Syria faces Humanitarian Catastrophe By Bill Van Auken, December 29, 2012
US-Russia Relations: Cold War Politics Heats Up By Stephen Lendman, December 29, 2012