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[First published on September 15, 2023]


We are currently at the crossroads of the Most Serious Economic and Social Crisis in World History.  It is an outright war against all humanity: the Planet’s 8 billion people. 

Starting with the

The latest volume in the magisterial Germany and the Second World War series, volume VIII (edited by Karl-Heinz Frieser) deals with one of the most eventful phases of the Second World War: the battles on the eastern front in 1943

Recent research challenges the long-term benefits of ketogenic diets, suggesting potential negative impacts on cardiovascular health

Your body has a metabolic switch called the Randle cycle, which chooses to burn either glucose or fat for energy. Being aware

War in Mali: France in Africa – Fifth Republic or Third Empire? By Dmitry Minin, February 17, 2013
The 911 Truth Movement Goes to Court in the UK. By Architects & Engineers for 9/11 Truth, February 16, 2013
The Globalization of NATO in Africa: From Angola and Libya to Somalia By Mahdi Darius Nazemroaya, February 16, 2013
Egypt: Claims and Counter-Claims against Muslim Brotherhood in Activist’s Death By Al Ahram, February 16, 2013
America’s African Drone Wars: Yesterday, Today, Tomorrow By Chris Cole, February 16, 2013
The Militarization of Space: Moscow Calls for New Space Defense System By Ria Novosti, February 16, 2013
Who Was the Iranian Revolutionary Guard General Killed in Syria? By Global Research News, February 16, 2013
Norway’s Austin Radio Unveils Turkish-Saudi-Qatari Plot to Assassinate Iraqi PM By Global Research News, February 16, 2013
Attacks on Dečani Monastery: Apartheid, Attempt to erase Serb History in Kosovo By Global Research News, February 16, 2013
FARC Insists that Jailed Commander Simon Trinidad Attend Colombian Peace Talks in Havana By Global Research News, February 16, 2013
Russian Duma Vice-Speaker: The Meteorite was a new US Weapon By Global Research News, February 16, 2013
Meteorite hits Russian Urals, up to 1,200 injured By RT, February 16, 2013
Who is John Brennan, Obama’s Nominee to Head the CIA? By Nil Nikandrov, February 16, 2013
While Left And Right Fight, Power Wins By Dr. Paul Craig Roberts, February 16, 2013
Genetically-Engineered Meat Isn’t Tested for Human Safety By Washington's Blog, February 16, 2013
Week in Review: Africom’s Agenda, BBC’s 9/11 Cover Up and American Dictatorship By Global Research and Global Research, February 16, 2013
Serious Political Activism is a Lifelong Endeavor By Larry Pinkney, February 16, 2013
Monsanto Keeps on Moving Toward a Lock on the World’s Food System By John Funiciello, February 16, 2013
U.S.-NATO Threats, From Europe To Middle East By Rick Rozoff, February 16, 2013
An Insightful Documentary on Mumia Abu-Jamal By Dolores Cox, February 16, 2013
Israel and the Iran-Contra Scandal: How Neocons Messed Up the Mideast By Robert Parry, February 15, 2013
LAPD High Crimes By Stephen Lendman, February 15, 2013
Teenager Shot Dead in Bahrain Protest Against US-Backed Monarchy By Bill Van Auken, February 15, 2013
US Drone Killings in Waziristan. Indepth Investigation by American and Pakistani Lawyers By Asad Ismi, February 15, 2013
Lest We forget, Ten Years Ago: Anti-Iraq War Protesters were in the Right By Global Research News, February 15, 2013
It’s the Interest, Stupid! Why Bankers Rule the World By Ellen Brown, February 15, 2013
Pentagon Creates Medal to Honor Drone Operators By John Glaser, February 15, 2013
Iraqi Demonstrator Pelts US Ambassador Bremer with his Shoes By Eman A. Khamas, February 15, 2013
As Obama touts end of Afghan war, US strike kills 10 civilians By Bill Van Auken, February 14, 2013
Bush Was a Total Disaster … Obama Is WORSE By Washington's Blog, February 14, 2013
Detroit Financial Fraud: Foreclosures, Evictions and Utility Shut-offs By Abayomi Azikiwe, February 14, 2013
Historic Court Case Against the BBC’s Cover Up of 9/11 Evidence By Architects & Engineers for 9/11 Truth, February 14, 2013
World Indifferent as Palestinian Hunger Striker Nears Death By CJPME, February 14, 2013
Punishing Anti-Nuke Protesters By John La Forge, February 14, 2013
Lies, Smokescreens and the Shameful Smearing of Julian Assange By John Pilger, February 14, 2013
Can Internet Technology Destroy the Financial Monopoly? By Washington's Blog, February 14, 2013
Obama’s Failed State By Stephen Lendman, February 14, 2013
How Congress Could Fix Its Budget Woes, Permanently By Ellen Brown, February 14, 2013
Our Coming Environmental Catastrophe: Geoengineering and Weather Warfare By James Corbett, February 14, 2013
War Crimes and the Global War on Terrorism: US Arms Al Qaeda in Syria, Mass-Slaughters Civilians in Afghanistan By Tony Cartalucci, February 14, 2013
What Obama Said — and What He Meant — About Climate Change, War and Civil Liberties By Norman Solomon, February 14, 2013
Obama’s State of the Union: The Economic Dimensions By Kevin Zeese, February 14, 2013
Harvest of Hypocrisy: Farmers Being Blamed for GMO Crop Failures By Glenn Davis Stone, February 13, 2013
Afghan Civilians Killed in NATO Airstrike By Global Research News, February 13, 2013
Escalating Pressure on Iran By Stephen Lendman, February 13, 2013
Obama and the Illusory State of the Empire By Pepe Escobar, February 13, 2013
North Korea Tests Nuclear Device, World Braces For Reaction By James Corbett, February 13, 2013
Obama Defends Drone Assassinations in State of the Union Address By Barry Grey, February 13, 2013
New Report: Brennan’s ‘Black Ops’ In Libya Caused “Benghazigate”, Stevens Death By Patrick Henningsen, February 13, 2013
Russia: The World’s Top Gold Buyer By RT, February 13, 2013
Obama’s Expanding Kill List By Dr. Paul Craig Roberts, February 13, 2013
Nuclear Test #3: What will Follow Pyongyang’s Dangerous Atomic Gambit? By Nile Bowie, February 12, 2013
Impeach Obama: A National Imperative By Stephen Lendman, February 12, 2013
Assassination Bureau: Justification Of U.S. Drones Killing A Travesty By Rick Rozoff, February 12, 2013
Obama Pushes Austerity in the Guise of Defending the “Middle Class” By Patrick Martin, February 12, 2013
Ecuador: Left-Center Political Regimes versus Radical Social Movements By Prof. James Petras, February 12, 2013
Besieged, Abused, Ignored: Ethiopian Annihilation Of The Ogaden People By Graham Peebles, February 12, 2013
French Imperialism Moves Deeper Into Mali By Abayomi Azikiwe, February 11, 2013
Western Imperialism Curbs Bahrainis Struggle for Democracy By Don DeBar, February 11, 2013
Haiti: Did the U.S. Provide a “Green-Light” for Duvalier’s Return in 2011? By Kim Ives, February 11, 2013
More Evidence Obamacare Ripped Off Americans By Stephen Lendman, February 11, 2013
Generalissima Clinton Expanding the Empire By Ralph Nader, February 11, 2013
Manufactured Media: Spanish Public Television under Political Pressure By Eulàlia Mata, February 11, 2013
Drones and Dreams By John Zogby, February 11, 2013
Trillions for Wars, None For Cancer Stricken Children By Tony Cartalucci, February 11, 2013
Daniel Ellsberg: Obama, Bush, Cheney, Rumsfeld and Senators Voting for Indefinite Detention Are “Enemies of the Constitution” By Washington's Blog, February 11, 2013
Mass Protests shake US-backed Islamist Regime in Tunisia By Barry Grey, February 11, 2013
The US Drone Assassination Program. The Threat of Dictatorship in America By Bill Van Auken, February 10, 2013
Obama’s Shakedown of Medicare By Shamus Cooke, February 10, 2013
Police State USA. Glimmer of Hope: Citizens Force Seattle To Scrap Police Drones By Patrick Henningsen, February 10, 2013
Two Years Later Uprisings Continue in Tunisia and Egypt: Neo-Colonialism and the Struggle for Genuine Democracy and National Unity By Abayomi Azikiwe, February 10, 2013
Record Numbers of US Military and Veteran Suicides By Stephen Lendman, February 10, 2013
Google Moves to Destroy Online Anonymity … Unintentionally Helping Authoritarian Governments By Global Research News and Washington's Blog, February 10, 2013
When Racketeering is Heralded As ‘Development’. The Demise of India’s Farmer in Favor of Western Agribusiness By Colin Todhunter, February 10, 2013
The Cost of America’s Wars: At Least 253,330 Brain Injuries and 1,700 Amputations By Spencer Ackerman, February 10, 2013
Three North Korean Doctors killed while asleep: Spreading the War on Terror to Nigeria? By Ria Novosti, February 10, 2013
The CIA Orchestrates a Pre-Election Campaign in Paraguay By Nil Nikandrov, February 10, 2013
Sanctions on Iran Leave 11,000 French Citizens working in the Auto Sector Jobless By Global Research News, February 10, 2013
Obama declares that the US is ready to hold talks with the Taliban By Global Research News, February 10, 2013
Kazakhstan and Russia sign agreement to create a Unified Regional Air Defense System By Global Research News, February 10, 2013