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[First published on September 15, 2023]


We are currently at the crossroads of the Most Serious Economic and Social Crisis in World History.  It is an outright war against all humanity: the Planet’s 8 billion people. 

Starting with the

The latest volume in the magisterial Germany and the Second World War series, volume VIII (edited by Karl-Heinz Frieser) deals with one of the most eventful phases of the Second World War: the battles on the eastern front in 1943

Georgia President and Azerbaijan Deputy Prime Minister: Azerbaijan “Must be Ready to Fight the Russians” By Global Research News, March 04, 2013
Syria President Al-Assad’s Interview with The Sunday Times By Bashar al Assad, March 03, 2013
The Greek Catastrophe: “Economic Progress” Built on Rotten Political Foundations By Prof. James Petras, March 03, 2013
Towards a Framework of Global Warfare? By Prof Michel Chossudovsky, March 03, 2013
Who Will Stand Up to Big Oil’s Profiteering? The Gas Gougers By Ralph Nader, March 03, 2013
Washington Seeks to Destabilize Venezuela? By Global Research News, March 03, 2013
Obama’s Military Presence in Niger: US Control over Uranium under the Disguise of Counter-terrorism By Wayne Madsen, March 03, 2013
Energy Geopolitics: The Economic and Social Crisis in Bulgaria By Vadim Vikhrov, March 03, 2013
Afghanistan: Any 15-30 Year-Old Male is a Target for US “Elimination” By Kathy Kelly and John Robles, March 03, 2013
Greek Military Prepares for Mass Repression By Robert Stevens, March 02, 2013
Unemployment Hits New Record in Euro Zone, Personal Income Plummets in US By Barry Grey, March 02, 2013
Week in Review: Hollywood Revisionism and Media Manipulation By Global Research and Global Research, March 02, 2013
‘Cry dear Sphinx’: Egypt’s Finance Ministry Proposes Renting out Pyramids By RT, March 02, 2013
Obama’s Agenda: Direct Military Intervention and the Relentless Destruction of Syria as a Nation State By Shamus Cooke, March 02, 2013
Washington is the Architect of “Political Islam”: U.S. Replicates Afghan Model In Middle East, North Africa By John Robles and Zalmay Gulzad, March 02, 2013
Eating Horses in Paris By Michael Parenti, March 01, 2013
Supreme Court Authorizes Lawless Wiretapping By Stephen Lendman, March 01, 2013
Upcoming Tenth Anniversary of Illegal Invasion of Iraq. Her Majesty’s Government: “Don’t Mention the War” By Lesley Docksey, March 01, 2013
Planeloads of Croatian Combat Weapons for Syria Al Qaeda Rebels By Global Research News, March 01, 2013
Political Impasse in the Wake of Italy Elections. Corrupt EU Power Elites Challenged By R. Teichmann, March 01, 2013
South Korea- Japan Relations and Washington’s Containment of China By Stuart Smallwood, March 01, 2013
Banning Nuclear Weapons: UK to Snub Discussions on Humanitarian Consequences of Nuclear Weapons By Global Research News, March 01, 2013
Seoul’s “Blood Alliance” with Washington: Former Dictator’s Daughter takes over South Korean Presidency By Ben McGrath, March 01, 2013
Washington Escalates Syrian Bloodbath By Bill Van Auken, March 01, 2013
Deepwater Horizon: BP Exec Admits Knew of “Big Risk” of Explosion By Natasha Lennard, March 01, 2013
The Geopolitics of Oil and Natural Gas: Russia is Back to Stay in the Middle East By Global Research News, March 01, 2013
Washington’s “Expanded Battlefield Aid” to Syria Al Qaeda Terrorists By Tony Cartalucci, March 01, 2013
This Year’s Subsidy to Wall Street is Equal to the Amount of This Year’s Sequester Cuts By Eric Zuesse, March 01, 2013
Strip Britons of UK Citizenship, Then Kill them with Drone Strikes after Passports revoked By Chris Woods and Alice K Ross, March 01, 2013
US Supreme Court Justices attack US Voting Rights Act By World Socialist Web Site, March 01, 2013
Police State USA: Supreme Court upholds Secret Wiretaps By John Burton, March 01, 2013
The Uncommon Courage of Bradley Manning By Prof. Marjorie Cohn, March 01, 2013
Haiti’s Nightmare: The Cocaine Coup and the CIA Connection By Global Research News, March 01, 2013
Mounting Civilian Casualties from Covert US Drone Strikes. US Congress “Turns a Blind Eye” By Chris Woods, March 01, 2013
America: The Power to Assassinate a Compliant and Submissive People By Jacob G. Hornberger, February 28, 2013
Guns in the United States By Global Research News, February 28, 2013
The Hottest Trend out of Hollywood: “War Sells!” By Global Research and Global Research, February 28, 2013
Hollywood-Style History By Stephen Lendman, February 28, 2013
US Moves Towards Open Arming of Syrian Opposition By Chris Marsden, February 28, 2013
War No More? Malaysia Spearheads Efforts to Criminalize War By James Corbett and Tun Dr. Mahathir Mohamad, February 28, 2013
Infantile Conservatism: America’s “Greatest National Security Threat is Iran.” Do Conservatives really Believe this? By Patrick J. Buchanan, February 28, 2013
Ouput vs. Employment: America’s Disappearing Jobs By Kevin Zeese and Margaret Flowers, February 28, 2013
Democracy Canadian-style By Eric Walberg, February 28, 2013
Washington’s Strategic Policy Shift on Syria: Edging Closer to Direct Military Intervention? By Ben Schreiner, February 28, 2013
The REAL Source of Cavities and Gum Disease By Washington's Blog, February 28, 2013
Washington Seeks “Regime Change” in Malaysia: US-backed Opposition Complicit in Corruption and “Dirty Tricks” By Dr. Chandra Muzaffar, February 28, 2013
Baptism of Fire for South Korea’s First Woman President Park Geun-hye By Nile Bowie, February 28, 2013
Capitalism as Disease: Spreading Governmental Tyranny and Gun Violence By John Kozy, February 27, 2013
Italian Voters Reject the European Union’s Austerity Measures By Peter Schwarz, February 27, 2013
Collapse of Social Programs in America: Three-Quarters of Progressive Caucus Not Taking a Stand Against Cuts in Social Security, Medicare and Medicaid By Norman Solomon, February 27, 2013
Giant Food Corporations Work Hand-In-Glove With Corrupt Government Agencies To Dish Up Cheap, Unhealthy Food By Washington's Blog, February 27, 2013
The U.S.-EU Free Trade Deal: Foundation for a New Global Economic Order By Dana Gabriel, February 27, 2013
The Value of Life vs. War and Mayhem. How Many Deaths Are Worth The Price? By Colin Todhunter, February 27, 2013
Former Insiders Criticise Iran Policy as U.S. Hegemony By Gareth Porter, February 27, 2013
Threats to the Environment and the XL Keystone Project: “It’s Not About Oil Pipelines, It’s About Tar Sands” By William Boardman, February 27, 2013
Drone Warfare “Signature Strikes” By Cora Currier and Justin Elliott, February 27, 2013
Malaysia: America and China Compete for Economic and Political Influence By Nile Bowie, February 27, 2013
The 1993 World Trade Center Bombing: Decoys, Aliases and NeoConspiracy Theories By Tom Secker, February 26, 2013
Arafat Jaradat: Palestinian Prisoner Tortured to Death in Israel By Stephen Lendman, February 26, 2013
US Troops to Niger: A New Stage in the Scramble for Africa By Bill Van Auken, February 26, 2013
US State Department-Funded BBC World Service “Jammed” in China By Tony Cartalucci, February 26, 2013
The Real Iran Hostage Crisis: A CIA Covert Op By Harry V. Martin, February 26, 2013
Ottawa’s “Secret Memo”: Canada’s Role in Haiti’s February 2004 Coup d’Etat By Anthony Fenton and Dru Oja Jay, February 26, 2013
Historic 911 Court Case: Through Media Disinformation, BBC Supports “The Practice of Terrorism” By Daily Mail, February 26, 2013
9/11 Horsham Court Case: “BBC’s Reporting made it Complicit in Acts of Terrorism” By Global Research News, February 26, 2013
Multibillion Weapons Exports: Germany Arms the Persian Gulf Monarchies By Johannes Stern, February 26, 2013
Sequester to Spearhead Historic Assault on US Social Programs By Andre Damon, February 26, 2013
Oscar to Hollywood’s “Argo”: And the Winners are … the Pentagon and the Israel Lobby By Soraya Sepahpour-Ulrich, February 26, 2013
Democracy Canadian-Style – “Liberating” Libya and the Mali Adventure By Eric Walberg, February 26, 2013
Thoughtful, Respectful, and Progressive? Regarding the “Responsibility to Protect” By Maximilian Forte, February 25, 2013
Anti-Iran Propaganda? The Shortsighted History of Oscar Winning Film ‘Argo’ By Robert Parry, February 25, 2013
Denouncing Austerity: Mass Demonstrations against Financial Coup in Spain By Jérôme Roos, February 25, 2013
US Deploys Troops, Drones to Niger By Barry Grey, February 25, 2013
Turkish Police Disperse Pro-Syria Demonstration By Global Research News, February 25, 2013
Limitless Surveillance and the Death of Privacy: Inside the FISA/Echelon Spy Grid By Annie Machon and James Corbett, February 25, 2013
2013 Academy Award Nominations: “And the Winner is … The CIA” By David Walsh, February 25, 2013
9/11 Court Case in Horsham Today: BBC Must Answer Allegation Regarding the Covering up of Information By Global Research News, February 25, 2013
“Israel Firsters” on Parade in Chuck Hagel Nomination By Sean Fenley, February 25, 2013
The War on Syria: Israeli Licence to Cheney-Linked Energy Firm in Occupied Golan Heights By Jim Lobe, February 25, 2013
Obama’s Israel Trip: Ignore the Hype. It’s Four more Years of Settlement Growth By Jonathan Cook, February 25, 2013