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[First published on September 15, 2023]


We are currently at the crossroads of the Most Serious Economic and Social Crisis in World History.  It is an outright war against all humanity: the Planet’s 8 billion people. 

Starting with the

The latest volume in the magisterial Germany and the Second World War series, volume VIII (edited by Karl-Heinz Frieser) deals with one of the most eventful phases of the Second World War: the battles on the eastern front in 1943

US Sequester Cuts Target Jobs, Medicare, Medicaid and Social Security By Kate Randall, March 15, 2013
Ireland’s Home Mortgage Crisis: No Debt Relief. The Destruction of Savings and Pensions By Caoimhghin Ó Croidheáin, March 15, 2013
The Geopolitics of the South Atlantic: The Falklanders Have the Right to be Stupid By Craig Murray, March 15, 2013
Spinning Out Of Control: Governments, Banks and Energy Companies “Fuelling Climate Change” By Lesley Docksey, March 15, 2013
Jaw-Dropping Crimes of the Big Banks By Washington's Blog, March 15, 2013
Commemorating the 10th Anniversary of the War on Iraq: Who is John Kerry? By Brian S. Willson, March 15, 2013
The “Dirty War” and Argentina’s Military Dictators: Women Killers and Baby Thieves By Global Research News, March 14, 2013
New Pope Tied to Argentina’s Dirty War By Kurt Nimmo, March 14, 2013
Doubts About America’s Official Gold Holdings: The US Gold Reserve Audit By Valentin Katasonov, March 14, 2013
Controversy Concerning the Korean Armistice Agreement: “A State of War Still Remains in Effect” By Jim Naureckas, March 14, 2013
Terror in Central Asia: NATO’s Great Game By James Corbett, Rick Rozoff, and Sibel Edmonds, March 14, 2013
The Fiscal Cliff and Israel’s Appetite for US Welfare Funds By Jamal Kanj, March 14, 2013
Unfolding Humanitarian Crisis at Guantánamo By Center for Constitutional Rights, March 14, 2013
CIA Media Disinformation and US Proxy Wars: Fallouts of Iran-Contra’s “Lost Chapter” By Robert Parry, March 14, 2013
Germany’s Dominant Role in the European Union By Michael Werbowski, March 14, 2013
Technocracy Comes To America By Devon Douglas-Bowers, March 14, 2013
Afghanistan, Ecology and the End of War By Dana Visalli, March 14, 2013
The Idea of Hugo Chavez and What it Means for the Future of Venezuela By Timothy Alexander Guzman, March 14, 2013
Targeting China: Washington Announces Formation of “Offensive Cyber War Units” By Alex Lantier, March 14, 2013
The European Union Wants more Austerity By Peter Schwarz, March 14, 2013
9/11 Commission of Inquiry: Alleged Torture Testimony is “Worthless” By Kevin Ryan, March 14, 2013
Chavez Poisoned? Venezuela To Investigate Whether Late President Was Infected With Cancer By ‘Dark Forces’ By Global Research News, March 14, 2013
Pope Francis I: Bergoglio Has Ties To A Dark Period For The Catholic Church By Global Research News, March 13, 2013
Hugo Chavez: Friend of the American People, Enemy of US Hegemony and Washington’s Injustice By Dr. Paul Craig Roberts, March 13, 2013
Obama’s Commerce Secretary Nominee: Billionaire “Penny” Pritzker By Stephen Lendman, March 13, 2013
Bipartisan Theatrics and the Obama Budget Crisis: “Deeper Cuts” to Medicare, Medicaid and Social Security By Andre Damon, March 13, 2013
Neoliberal Economic Austerity Measures in Portugal: Mass Protests Point to Government Crisis By Dick Nichols, March 13, 2013
Suicide Attacks in Afghanistan: Defense Secretary Chuck Hagel Meets US-Backed Puppet “President” Hamid Karzai By Bill Van Auken, March 13, 2013
Anti-Iran Sanctions are Immoral, Illegal and Cowardly By Soraya Sepahpour-Ulrich and Kourosh Ziabari, March 13, 2013
Trillions in “Bank Subsidies”: Handouts to Giant Banks Exceed $780 Billion Dollars a Year By Washington's Blog, March 13, 2013
Bradley Manning Full Leaked Testimony: His Motives for Revealing Secret US Government Documents By RT, March 13, 2013
How Fake Intelligence on Iraqi WMD Contributed to Triggering the Invasion, The Insiduous Role of Israel By Global Research News, March 13, 2013
Cuts to Medicare, Medicaid and Social Security: Which Members of Congress Are Standing Up for Economic Decency – And Which “Progressives” Aren’t By Norman Solomon, March 13, 2013
Rag Tag Guerilla “Invasion” of Malaysia: Covert Operation to Trigger Social Unrest and Foster Regime Change? By Dr. Chandra Muzaffar, March 13, 2013
Nuclear War Through North Korean Eyes By Nile Bowie, March 13, 2013
Chernobyl Death Toll: 985,000, Mostly from Cancer By Prof. Karl Grossman, March 13, 2013
The Unemployment Crisis in America: Staring “Economic Armageddon” In The Face While Hiding It With Official Lies By Dr. Paul Craig Roberts, March 13, 2013
Fukushima vs. Chernobyl: Consequences of the Catastrophe for People and the Environment By Dr. Rosalie Bertell, March 13, 2013
Alabama’s Appeal of the 1965 Voting Rights Act: States’ Rights Over Voting Rights? By William Boardman, March 12, 2013
Fukushima: Nuclear Apologists Play Shoot the Messenger on Radiation By Dr. Helen Caldicott, March 12, 2013
“Scientific Assassinations” Are Part of the CIA’s Modus Operandi By Wayne Madsen, March 12, 2013
“Poison Dart”: Secret CIA Weapon of Assassination, Triggers Heart Attack By Fred Burks, March 12, 2013
South Africa’s Deepseated Economic and Social Crisis By Danny Schechter, March 12, 2013
Large-Scale Russia-Belarus War Games in Response to Deployment of US Missile Shield in Europe By Ria Novosti, March 12, 2013
Wall Street Banks: Too Big to Fail, Too Big To Jail By Joseph Kishore, March 12, 2013
Tensions Rise on Korean Peninsula: “The Armistice Agreement has been Nullified” By Peter Symonds, March 12, 2013
US Threatens Pakistan with Sanctions over Gas Pipeline Deal with Iran By Press TV, March 12, 2013
Iraq and the Betrayal of a People – Impunity Forever? By Hans von Sponeck, March 12, 2013
The Precious Art of Assassinating “Legally”: Hugo Chávez on the Hit List of “United States Inc.” By William Blum, March 11, 2013
US Supports Terrorism under Guise of “War on Terror” By Prof Michel Chossudovsky, March 11, 2013
Second Year Anniversary of Fukushima: The Accident Is NOT Contained. “Reactor 2 has a Large Crack in It” By Washington's Blog, March 11, 2013
“Another Type of Warfare” in Syria: Washington’s Support to Insurgents, Subversives and Assassins By Nile Bowie, March 11, 2013
Two years after Fukushima: North Eastern Japan still a Disaster Zone By Peter Symonds, March 11, 2013
Stand for Peace on the Korean Peninsula! By International Action Center, March 11, 2013
Israel’s “Plan Dalet”: The Green Light for Zionism’s Ethnic Cleansing of Palestine By Global Research News, March 11, 2013
The Fall of the House of Europe By Pepe Escobar, March 11, 2013
The Syria “Gun-Running Program”: US and Britain Channel Large Shipments of Weapons to Al Qaeda Terrorists By Patrick Henningsen, March 11, 2013
America Training Syrian “Rebels” in Jordan By RT, March 11, 2013
The Severity of the Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Disaster: Comparing Chernobyl and Fukushima By Prof. Matthew Penney and Prof. Mark Selden, March 11, 2013
“Targeted Killings”: Timeline of U.S. Policy Concerning Covert Operations Involving Assassination By Global Research News, March 11, 2013
Fed Spends As Much Each MONTH as Sequestration Budget Cuts Cost In a YEAR By Washington's Blog, March 11, 2013
Power Monopoly Behind Europe’s Austerity Policies: “You Cannot Repair a Broken Vehicle by Changing the Driver” By R. Teichmann, March 11, 2013
The Death of Hugo Chavez. Executive Orders to “Assassinate Foreign Leaders” Emanate Directly from the US President By Prof Michel Chossudovsky, March 10, 2013
“Operation Condor”. Latin America: The Thirty Years Dirty War by Pierre Abramovici By Global Research News, March 10, 2013
“Conflict in History” By Anthony Freda, March 10, 2013
Venezuela After Chávez Nilantha Ilangamuwa Interviews Patrick O’Donoghue By Global Research News, March 10, 2013
Maryland: A Government of, by, and for Lockheed Martin By David Swanson, March 10, 2013
US Dirty Tricks? Malaysia Faces Uncertain War in Sabah By Nile Bowie, March 10, 2013
Britain’s Drone Secrets By Chris Cole, March 10, 2013
Orwellian Secret Courts in the UK: Britain on the Brink of Tyranny By Global Research News, March 10, 2013
Her Name is Rachel Corrie By Eileen Fleming, March 10, 2013
US Backed Overthrow of Democracy: What Does it Mean – “Chavez Vive, la Lucha Sigue!” By J. B. Gerald, March 10, 2013
Operation Condor: Trial On Latin American Rendition And Assassination Program By Carlos Osorio and Peter Kornbluh, March 10, 2013
Alleged CIA Assassination Plots Involving Foreign Leaders By Global Research News, March 09, 2013
Fukushima 2 Years Ago: Radioactive Winds Chase Evacuees in Japan; Hawaii Threatened by Fukushima Fallout By Rady Ananda, March 09, 2013
US Unemployment Figures are a Camouflage. Boom in Corporate Profits, Collapsing Wages By Andre Damon, March 09, 2013
CIA Drone Attacks: Killing Suspects “Just in Case” They are Guilty By Global Research News, March 09, 2013
Remember Libya: How US-NATO Destroyed an Entire Country Under a Humanitarian Mandate By Alexander Mezyaev, March 09, 2013
Cheney Admits that He Lied about 9/11 By Washington's Blog, March 09, 2013
Outlawing Natural Health, The Fracking Bubble, The Life and Death of Hugo Chavez By Michael Welch, March 09, 2013