
ossroads:The UK continues to maintain an escalatory stance in the conflict between the West and Russia, trying to advance agendas that could easily lead to an unprecedented wave of violence. In yet another irresponsible move, London suggested ending restrictions on

There are very few countries that have suffered truly unprovoked Western aggression as much as Serbia. For centuries, the world’s most vile power pole has been trying to destroy the small Southeast European country, sending an invasion force

Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky reportedly used US military assets to campaign for Vice President Kamala Harris during a visit to a munitions plant in Pennsylvania, The Federalist magazine reported. He visited the factory in the swing state with supporters of

An alarming and profoundly troubling story in the medical community has recently sparked national attention and has trained yet another spotlight on the current state of affairs in hospital systems across the United States.

This harrowing story concerns 23-year-old Alexis

Journalists Who Got Iraq Wrong 10 Years Ago and Syria Wrong Now Should Be Sacked By Wayne Madsen, March 25, 2013
Netanyahu’s Secret War Plan: Leaked Document Outlines Israel’s “Shock and Awe” Plan to Attack Iran By Richard Silverstein, March 25, 2013
Canada’s Secret War: IRAQ – Ten Years After “Shock and Awe” Global Research News Hour Episode 19 By Michael Welch, Richard Sanders, and Hans von Sponeck, March 25, 2013
U.S.-Israeli Cyber-Sabotage of Iran: Throwing the First Cyber-Stone By Arjen Kamphuis, March 25, 2013
US Senate Budget Proposes $975 Billion in Spending Cuts By Kate Randall, March 25, 2013
US Steps up War against Syria after Obama’s “Peace” Trip to Israel By Johannes Stern, March 25, 2013
Obama, the Israel Sycophant By Abdel Bari Atwan, March 25, 2013
West Drops Syria WMD Narrative As Evidence Points to Western-Armed Terrorists By Tony Cartalucci, March 25, 2013
The Civil Rights Movement and Martin Luther King: Continuing the Legacy of the Great Walk to Freedom of 1963 By Abayomi Azikiwe, March 25, 2013
Rumors of Bashar Al Assad’s Assassination are Greatly Exaggerated By Michael Collins, March 25, 2013
Obama Boosts Syria Support as Congress Pushes Military Intervention By Global Research News, March 25, 2013
Political Assassinations: Chavez Knew US Special Services Were After Him By Nil Nikandrov, March 25, 2013
Waging Peace in the Cold War: The Non-Alligned Movement By Greg Guma, March 25, 2013
America’s Political Prisoners By J. B. Gerald, March 25, 2013
The Crisis of the European Welfare State By Asbjørn Wahl, March 25, 2013
Chicago Announces Plans to shut 61 Public Schools By Shane Feratu, March 24, 2013
Cyprus: Savage Austerity Measures and Economic Dictatorship By Jordan Shilton and Chris Marsden, March 24, 2013
Week in Review: The “Ides of March” and the New Ice Age By Global Research and Global Research, March 24, 2013
India: Genetically Modified Seeds, Agricultural Productivity and Political Fraud By Arun Shrivastava, March 24, 2013
Reliving South Africa’s Struggle By Danny Schechter, March 24, 2013
Western Media Celebrates Faux Progress in Myanmar By Tony Cartalucci, March 24, 2013
Obama’s Grand Bargain? Israel Apologizes to Turkey, Promises Mavi Marmara Compensation By Richard Silverstein, March 24, 2013
Real Liars go to Tehran By Pepe Escobar, March 23, 2013
Chemtrails: Aerosol and Electromagnetic Weapons in the Age of Nuclear War By Amy Worthington, March 23, 2013
U.S.-Sponsored Genocides: From Guatemala to Congo By Glen Ford, March 23, 2013
Access to Health Care, Basic Necessities a Matter of Life or Debt By Margaret Flowers and Kevin Zeese, March 23, 2013
US Sponsored Terror: Syria Teeters on Obama’s “Red Line” By Nile Bowie, March 23, 2013
The Drums of War are Beating: Iran’s Nuclear Program, Pretext to Justify Further Military Intervention By Anthony Mustacich, March 23, 2013
Iran’s Nuclear Program: Tehran’s Negotiations with the West By James Corbett and Kourosh Ziabari, March 23, 2013
Myanmar: Aung San Suu Kyi’s “Saffron Monks” Stalk Streets With Machetes – Mass Slaughtering Refugees By Tony Cartalucci, March 23, 2013
The Cyprus Bank Battle: The Long-planned Deposit Confiscation Scheme By Ellen Brown, March 22, 2013
The BBC: Impartial Reporting or Pro-Israel Bias? By Lesley Docksey, March 22, 2013
From Detroit to Cyprus, Banksters in Search of Prey By Glen Ford, March 22, 2013
Mass Panic In Cyprus: The Banks Are Collapsing and ATMs are Running Out Of Money By The Economic Collapse Blog, March 22, 2013
‘Hunger strike is Gitmo detainees’ only recourse’ By Abayomi Azikiwe, March 22, 2013
Fake Intelligence: “US Manipulated Public Opinion before Iraq war”. Former Intel. Officer By RT, March 22, 2013
Meltdown of Russia’s Offshore Banking Haven in Cyprus By Global Research News, March 22, 2013
Kremlin Closes Door on Cyprus, Russia’s Offshore Banking Haven By RT, March 22, 2013
Middle East Wars and the Unbreakable US-Israeli Ties By Stephen Lendman, March 22, 2013
U.S. Congress Approves $380 Million For NATO Missile System By Stop NATO, March 22, 2013
The Hidden Face of Austerity: American Corporate Executives Cash In By Andre Damon, March 22, 2013
Obama Talks “Peace” in Israel while Preparing War By Bill Van Auken, March 22, 2013
The Iraq Factor: Secret Memo to Tony Blair By Global Research, March 22, 2013
Making Connections: From “Shock and Awe” in Iraq to the Plague of Wall Street Banking By Margaret Flowers and Kevin Zeese, March 21, 2013
Breaking the Cycle of War: It’s Time for a Season of Peace By Global Research and Global Research, March 21, 2013
The Last Letter: A Message to George W. Bush and Dick Cheney From a Dying Veteran By Global Research News, March 21, 2013
Children of the “Dirty War”: Argentina’s Stolen Orphans By Francisco Goldman, March 21, 2013
Forced Medicine: The Philosophy Behind Fluoridation By James Corbett and Anthony Gucciardi, March 21, 2013
Who is the Aggressor, North Korea or the U.S.? The Armistice Agreement has been Repeatedly Violated by Washington By Dr. Kiyul Chung, March 21, 2013
10 Years Later: The Mysterious Why of the Iraq War By Robert Parry, March 21, 2013
CIA and FBI Counter-Terrorism Officials: Cheney Lied About 9/11 Hijacker By Washington's Blog, March 21, 2013
Search and Destroy: The Rape of Iraq By Pepe Escobar, March 21, 2013
US-Israeli Bellicose Threats against Syria and Iran By Bill Van Auken, March 21, 2013
Europe in Crisis as Cyprus Faces National Bankruptcy By Jordan Shilton and Chris Marsden, March 21, 2013
Out of Control Derivative Trade Threatens the U.S. Economy By Washington's Blog, March 21, 2013
“Russia Must Be Ready To Counter Threat From West Using Military Force”: Kremlin By Global Research News, March 21, 2013
Obama’s Visit and Israel’s Penchant for Conflict By Jamal Kanj, March 21, 2013
US Plan for “Pinpoint Strike” Attack on Iran, Israeli Security Official By Global Research News and RT, March 21, 2013
Join the Campaign to Stop U.S. Aggression on the Korean Peninsula By Global Research News, March 21, 2013
Main Japanese Opposition Party Questions 9/11 in Parliament By Global Research, March 21, 2013
US Sponsored Political Conspiracy in Malaysia? The Mysterious Case of the Sulu Sultan By Nile Bowie, March 21, 2013
Pope Francis’ Role in Argentina’s “Dirty War”. Interview with Michel Chossudovsky By Prof Michel Chossudovsky and Bonnie Faulkner, March 21, 2013
Towards the Globalization of CIA Torture and Rendition By World Socialist Web Site, March 20, 2013
US, NATO Prepare Syria Intervention By Bill Van Auken, March 20, 2013
New Legislation Would Push Genetically Modified Foods Onto Our Plates By Washington's Blog, March 20, 2013
“American Education”: Teach the Children War By David Swanson, March 20, 2013
Iraq, The Illegal War, Ten Years On: Curbing the Rights of Antiwar Activists By Lesley Docksey, March 20, 2013
Mali and the Second Scramble for Africa By Mahdi Darius Nazemroaya, March 20, 2013
Obama is Still Shopping for a “Grand Bargain” By Shamus Cooke, March 20, 2013
The Globalization of Drone Warfare By Chris Cole, March 20, 2013
“Solution” to the Economic Crisis? The Military Industrial Complex Stimulus Package By Danny Schechter, March 20, 2013
Uncertain Financial Markets: The Global Systemic Economic Crisis 2013 By Global Europe Anticipation Bulletin (GEAB), March 20, 2013
Mohawk Nation Leader “Splitting the Sky”: A Great Loss By Global Research News, March 20, 2013
Obama’s Arrival in Israel By Global Research News, March 20, 2013
Hugo Chávez and the Bolivarian Revolution: Legacy and Challenges By Manuel Larrabure, March 20, 2013
The Iran Nuclear Threat and “The Second Hostage Crisis” By Nile Bowie, March 20, 2013
US President’s Visit: Obama comes to Bless Israel’s Government of Settlers By Jonathan Cook, March 20, 2013
US, NATO Prepare Syria Intervention By Bill Van Auken, March 20, 2013
Self-Determination for Falklands but Nowhere Else in the Remaining British Empire By Wayne Madsen, March 19, 2013
Iraq: A War of Aggression. No WMDs, No Connection to Al Qaeda By Prof. Marjorie Cohn, March 19, 2013