
ossroads:The UK continues to maintain an escalatory stance in the conflict between the West and Russia, trying to advance agendas that could easily lead to an unprecedented wave of violence. In yet another irresponsible move, London suggested ending restrictions on

There are very few countries that have suffered truly unprovoked Western aggression as much as Serbia. For centuries, the world’s most vile power pole has been trying to destroy the small Southeast European country, sending an invasion force

Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky reportedly used US military assets to campaign for Vice President Kamala Harris during a visit to a munitions plant in Pennsylvania, The Federalist magazine reported. He visited the factory in the swing state with supporters of

An alarming and profoundly troubling story in the medical community has recently sparked national attention and has trained yet another spotlight on the current state of affairs in hospital systems across the United States.

This harrowing story concerns 23-year-old Alexis

US Threatens North Korea while Signaling Possible Talks By Alex Lantier, April 06, 2013
Crimes against Humanity: The Plight Of Palestinian Prisoners in Israeli Jails By Dr. Omar Al-Hassan, April 06, 2013
Crimes against Humanity in Guatemala: How the CIA and the Pentagon Supported the Military Dictatorship By J. B. Gerald, April 06, 2013
Putting the Squeeze on North Korea By Gregory Elich, April 06, 2013
Military Confrontation: Obama Administration has ‘Cut off all Negotiations over North Korea’ By Gregory Elich, April 06, 2013
Japan’s Monetary Easing: Fighting Deflation and Stimulating Economic Growth? By Stephen Lendman, April 06, 2013
North Korea: Beyond the Cold War Theatrics, is there Really a Nuclear Threat to the US? By Patrick Henningsen, April 06, 2013
Iran’s Alleged Nuclear Weapons Program: Are More Economic Sanctions in the Works? By Timothy Alexander Guzman, April 06, 2013
Avoiding Economic Collapse: Complementary Currencies By James Corbett, Paul Glover, and Wayne Walton, April 06, 2013
Teachers Union of Ireland Votes Unanimously for Academic Boycott of Israel By Global Research News, April 06, 2013
Big Banks and D.C. Politicians Doing the Exact Same Things Which Caused the Financial Crisis In the First Place By Washington's Blog, April 05, 2013
Central African Republic: Another Western Backed Coup d’Etat By Alexander Mezyaev, April 05, 2013
Inspiration is Contagious! Native American Women, Guantanamo Solidarity, The Battle Against Monsanto, The TPP… By Margaret Flowers, April 05, 2013
The Assault On Gold: The Fed’s Attempt to “Scare People Away” from Gold and Silver By Dr. Paul Craig Roberts, April 05, 2013
American Hostility: US Financial Sanctions against North Korea and the Nuclear Issue By Ronda Hauben, April 05, 2013
One Million Children in Iraq Impacted by Landmines and Cluster Bomblets By Global Research News, April 05, 2013
Secret US Embassy Cable Reveals Comprehensive Plan to Infiltrate and Destabilize Chavez Government By RT, April 05, 2013
Up to 600 European Jihadist Fighters among Syrian Rebels By RT, April 05, 2013
The “Trans-Pacific Partnership”: Obama’s Secret Trade Deal By Greg Guma, April 05, 2013
5,500 “Foreign Fighters” Dispatched to Syria. Important Contingent of Terrorists with British Passports By Global Research News, April 05, 2013
Obama’s “Playbook” and the Threat of Nuclear War in Asia By Peter Symonds, April 05, 2013
Military Provocation, Playing the North Korea Card By Stephen Lendman, April 05, 2013
The South also rises: The Poorer Nations: A History of the Global South By Pepe Escobar, April 05, 2013
US “Humanitarian Aid” to the Palestinian Authority (PA): An “Opium” for Palestinians By Jamal Kanj, April 05, 2013
US Deploys ‘Chemical Battalion’ to South Korea as Jitters Grow. US Insists Deployment ‘Coincidental’ By Jason Ditz, April 05, 2013
Another Middle East War is Round the Corner. Israel Threatens Lebanon and Syria By Andrei Akulov, April 04, 2013
The Conspiracy to Kill Martin Luther King: Not a Theory But a Fact By Prof. Ira Chernus, April 04, 2013
Money and “Humanitarian Credentials”: How the U.S. Government Co-Opts Human Rights Groups By Coleen Rowley and John V. Walsh, April 04, 2013
Sanctions and Austerity: The Globalists’ Twin Weapons of Mass Destruction By Wayne Madsen, April 04, 2013
Fabricated War Pretext, Rising Tensions: Seoul Confirms that N. Korea Missiles do not Target the US By RT, April 04, 2013
Demise of Britain’s Welfare State: Largest ever Welfare Cuts. Millions of Families Affected By Paul Mitchell, April 04, 2013
War in the Middle East? Washington Escalates Syria Intervention By Bill Van Auken, April 04, 2013
Breaking Up the “Too Big to Fail” Banks: Only a Small Percentage of Americans are opposed to Breaking Up the Big Banks By Washington's Blog, April 04, 2013
Hugo Chavez Leaves a Prodigious Legacy That Will Never Die By Asad Ismi, April 04, 2013
Canada To Play Large Role In Massive NATO War Games By Xinhua, April 04, 2013
One Million Deaths from Afghan Heroin, Drug Production “40 Times Higher” since 2001 US-NATO Invasion By RT, April 04, 2013
Battleground against Neoliberalism: European Trade Unions and the Struggle for Public Services By Christoph Hermann, April 04, 2013
Public Banking: A Solution to the Economic Crisis? How to Reverse the Tide of Corruption and Private Enrichment By Stephen Lendman, April 04, 2013
DPRK’s “State of War” Declaration Is a Faulty Translation: Not an Official Policy Statement from Kim Jung Un By Scott Creighton, April 04, 2013
Britain’s De-industralization and Privatization: The Economic and Social Legacy of Margaret Thatcher, “The Iron Lady” By Colin Todhunter, April 04, 2013
Israel and Occupied Palestine: Just another Shin Bet Interrogation By Global Research News, April 04, 2013
Russian War Games send a Strong Message against NATO Intervention in Syria? By Mahdi Darius Nazemroaya, April 04, 2013
The Growing Campaign to Revoke Obama’s Nobel Peace Prize By Norman Solomon, April 04, 2013
Avoiding Economic Collapse: A Guide to Complementary Currencies By James Corbett, Paul Glover, and Wayne Walton, April 03, 2013
Worse than the Great Depression: Mass Unemployment, 100 Million Americans Live in Poverty By Fred Magdoff and John Bellamy Foster, April 03, 2013
U.S. Aid to Haiti: “Troubling” Lack of Transparency, Effectiveness By Center for Economic and Policy Research, April 03, 2013
BRICS Challenges Unipolar World and US Dollar Hegemony By Global Research News, April 03, 2013
List of 132 Names of Cyprus Elites and Companies Who Emptied Bank Deposits ahead of “Confiscation Day” By Global Research News, April 03, 2013
Germany: Ending Nuclear Power has Contributed to Reducing Carbon Dioxide (CO2) By Washington's Blog, April 03, 2013
Nakba: How Israel Stole Palestine’s Culture, Science and National Heritage By Richard Silverstein, April 03, 2013
U.S. May Launch Preemptive Nuclear “First Strike” Against Russia: Chief of Staff By Stop NATO, April 03, 2013
Guantanamo Hunger Strike Spreads By Stephen Lendman, April 03, 2013
War against the “Axis of Evil”. How Hollywood Smears North Koreans By Danny Schechter, April 03, 2013
America’s Six Trillion Dollar Wars By Bill Van Auken, April 03, 2013
America Threatens to Wage War: US Escalates Military Tensions over North Korean Nuclear Program By Alex Lantier, April 03, 2013
The Economic and Social Crisis in Greece: Fighting for a New Future By Chris Jones, April 03, 2013
What are the Causes of Breast Cancer? New Epidemiological Study By Socialist Project, April 03, 2013
Fukushima Radioactive Fallout in California and Alaska: Health Impacts on American Children By Global Research News, April 03, 2013
Truth Is Offensive: How long before being Offensive becomes being “An Enemy of the State”? By Dr. Paul Craig Roberts, April 03, 2013
Countries at War? Coca-Cola Sold in North Korea, with a Distinctive Can and DPRK Logo By Media Freedom Foundation, April 02, 2013
Human Trafficking By Media Freedom Foundation, April 02, 2013
What are the Causes of “Catastrophic Incidents”? The Impacts of Geo-Engineering on Climate and the Environment By R. Teichmann, April 02, 2013
Obama Signs Monsanto Protection Act into Law after Promising GMO Labeling in 2007 By Anthony Gucciardi, April 02, 2013
Predatory Capitalism and the Rise of the “Global Corporatocracy”. The Lifestyles of an “Economic Hit Man” By Ravi Bhandari and John Perkins, April 02, 2013
Korea: North and South on Verge of War By Alexander Vorontsov, April 02, 2013
The Great Afghan Corruption Scam: How Operation Enduring Freedom Mutated into Operation Enduring Corruption By Dilip Hiro, April 02, 2013
Green Light to Genetic Engineering: The Monsanto Protection Act By Stephen Lendman, April 02, 2013
The Most Expensive War in World History: Costs of Iraq, Afghanistan wars could rise to $6 trillion By Bill Van Auken, April 02, 2013
The Risk of War: South Korea’s Threats Heighten Danger of Military Conflict By Peter Symonds, April 02, 2013
Post-Chavez Latin America Will Continue to Drift Away from the United States By Mahdi Darius Nazemroaya, April 01, 2013
A Curious New York Times Article on Teacher Evaluations By Ann Robertson and Bill Leumer, April 01, 2013
The History of America’s “Africa Agenda”. The Role of John Foster Dulles By Greg Guma, April 01, 2013
America’s War on North Korea By Stephen Lendman, April 01, 2013
Fake Science Alert: Fukushima Radiation Can’t Be Compared to Bananas or X-Rays By Washington's Blog, April 01, 2013
Arkansas Hit with Nuclear Accident and Major Oil Spill By Washington's Blog, April 01, 2013
Ruined Urban Economy, Detroit Crisis Escalates. Legal Action and Exposure of Bank Fraud By Abayomi Azikiwe, April 01, 2013
Buoyant Silver Market: China’s Silver Demand Increases as the Euro Continues its Downfall By Timothy Alexander Guzman, April 01, 2013
The Impacts of Depleted Uranium. Cancer, Birth Defects and The Children of Iraq: How the BBC Turns Realities Upside Down By William Bowles, April 01, 2013
Black Mass Incarceration, the Prison-Industrial Complex and the Prison State By Bruce A. Dixon, April 01, 2013
Seleka Rebels Form New Government in the Central African Republic By Abayomi Azikiwe, April 01, 2013