
Video: War and Globalization, America’s Roadmap of Conquest, Blueprint for Global Domination: Michel Chossudovsky

By Prof Michel Chossudovsky, September 27, 2024

There is a roadmap, a sequence of wars. The war on Iraq has been in the planning stages

Six months after the March 2003 invasion of Iraq: Michel Chossudovsky’s September 2003 presentation at McMaster University, Ontario.

Selected Excerpts from the Lecture

The wars on Afghanistan and Iraq are part of a broader military agenda, which was launched at

ossroads:The UK continues to maintain an escalatory stance in the conflict between the West and Russia, trying to advance agendas that could easily lead to an unprecedented wave of violence. In yet another irresponsible move, London suggested ending restrictions on

There are very few countries that have suffered truly unprovoked Western aggression as much as Serbia. For centuries, the world’s most vile power pole has been trying to destroy the small Southeast European country, sending an invasion force

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