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[First published on September 15, 2023]


We are currently at the crossroads of the Most Serious Economic and Social Crisis in World History.  It is an outright war against all humanity: the Planet’s 8 billion people. 

Starting with the

The latest volume in the magisterial Germany and the Second World War series, volume VIII (edited by Karl-Heinz Frieser) deals with one of the most eventful phases of the Second World War: the battles on the eastern front in 1943

The Fall of Libya: A Study in Hypocrisy By Max Ajl, April 29, 2013
Colonial Reoccupation of West Africa? French Troops Will Stay in Mali Even After United Nations Forces Arrive By Abayomi Azikiwe, April 29, 2013
Australia’s Boom is Anything But for its Aboriginal People By John Pilger, April 29, 2013
Israel’s War against Palestine on Fishing Rights By Stephen Lendman, April 29, 2013
Should We Invade Syria? Obama and U.S. Military Divided Over Syria By Shamus Cooke, April 29, 2013
Opinion Polls: Americans Are More Afraid of the US Government than of the Terrorists By Washington's Blog, April 29, 2013
Boston Bombing Suspects’ Ties to US Intelligence By Andrea Peters, April 29, 2013
Israeli Police State: Solidarity with Palestinians is a “Crime”, Over 4,500 Palestinian Political Prisoners By Frank Barat, April 29, 2013
84 Million US Adults Lack Adequate Health Care Coverage By Kate Randall, April 29, 2013
NATO Backed Al Qaeda Terrorists Target Syrian Prime Minister in Damascus By Arabi Souri, April 29, 2013
Crimes against Humanity: Who is Behind the Iraq Al-Hawija Massacre? By Global Research News, April 29, 2013
Gun Shy? A Look at Public Opinion on Gun Control By Global Research News, April 29, 2013
Countering Hypocrisy: GMO Agribusiness and Nuclear Energy in India By Colin Todhunter, April 29, 2013
Hydroponic Gardening, The Target of an Insane “Drug War”. Police Harrassement of People who Grow their Own Food By Global Research News, April 29, 2013
Paraguay: Towards a New Narco-State in Latin America By Tom Burghardt, April 29, 2013
Gold: Back to Money World By Valentin Katasonov, April 28, 2013
George W. Bush and the Bin Laden Family, Meeting At Ritz Carlton Hotel, NYC, One Day Before 9/11 By CBC, April 28, 2013
Chemical Weapons Inspection in Syria stalled: UN Team Takes Orders from Washington, “Cannot be Trusted” By RT, April 28, 2013
Terrorists R Us: The Boston Mass Casualty Attack, Lockdown and High Profile Manhunt Global Research News Hour Episode 24 By Michael Welch and Stephen Lendman, April 28, 2013
Boston Terrorist Chase: Manhunt for the “Bad Guys” By Barbara Nimri Aziz, April 28, 2013
The Bangladesh Factory Collapse, The Global Cheap Labor Economy, Wages at a Dollar a Day By K. Ratnayake, April 28, 2013
Washington Fabricates Chemical Weapons Pretext for War against Syria By Bill Van Auken, April 28, 2013
Time to End Western Support for Terrorists in Syria: “Opposition” is Entirely Run by Al Qaeda By Tony Cartalucci, April 28, 2013
Palestine, Israeli Foreign Policy and the Pan-African Movement By Abayomi Azikiwe, April 28, 2013
Obamacare: Unaffordable Coverage By Stephen Lendman, April 28, 2013
Cancer, Parkinson’s and Infertility: Popular Monsanto Product Linked to Major Health Problems, Study Says By Reuters, April 28, 2013
Calm Down … You Are Much More Likely to Be Killed By Boring, Mundane Things than Terrorism By Washington's Blog, April 28, 2013
Who Are The Terrorists, And Can You Know One When You See One? By William Boardman, April 28, 2013
Human Rights: Canada in the dock By Global Research News and Eric Walberg, April 28, 2013
UK MoD confirms British Reaper drones in Afghanistan being controlled from RAF Waddington By Chris Cole, April 27, 2013
Building a Pretext to Wage War on Syria, Replicating the Iraq WMD 2003 Scenario By Stephen Lendman, April 27, 2013
Did the Military and Police Go Too Far in Locking Down Boston and Conducting Door-to-Door Searches? By Washington's Blog, April 27, 2013
Boston Suspect Tamerlan Tsarnaev, Alive and Uninjured When Taken Into Custody. Now He is Dead By Global Research News, April 27, 2013
New Sanctions Begin: South Korea’s Samsung announces its “Online Store” will not Operate in Iran By Timothy Alexander Guzman, April 26, 2013
Israel’s “Begin Highway” Serves the Expansion of Illegal Settlements in Occupied Palestine By Global Research News, April 26, 2013
Boston and Venezuela: Terrorism There and Here By Prof. James Petras, April 26, 2013
The Fueling of Unrest in Syria, Israel’s Territorial Ambitions By Soraya Sepahpour-Ulrich, April 26, 2013
The Ties That Bind Washington to Chechen Terrorists By Wayne Madsen, April 26, 2013
Buying Up Newspapers: It’s the Media, Stupid! By Robert Parry, April 26, 2013
Global Warfare: NATO Has Become a Worldwide Military Expeditionary Force By Rick Rozoff, April 26, 2013
Boston Bombing: FBI Responsibility for US Terror Plots? By Stephen Lendman, April 26, 2013
Boston Bombers’ Links to US Intelligence: Tamerlan was Well Known to Both the CIA and the FBI By Joseph Kishore, April 26, 2013
Europe’s Economic Crisis: Unemployment hits Record Highs in Spain, France By Alex Lantier, April 26, 2013
Central Banking with “Other People’s Gold”: A Multi-billion Treasure Trove in Lower Manhattan By Prof Michel Chossudovsky, April 26, 2013
Boston Truth: Both FBI & CIA Watched Boston Bombing Suspects for Years By Tony Cartalucci, April 26, 2013
Dance on Thatcher’s Grave, But Remember There Has Been a Coup in Britain By John Pilger, April 25, 2013
Fabricated Intelligence and the WMD Pretext: Obama Heads Closer Closer to War on Syria By Stephen Lendman, April 25, 2013
Dramatic Growth in Social Inequality in America. Poverty Increases During an “Economic Recovery” By Ed Hightower, April 25, 2013
Everyone’s Talking about “False Flags … Isn’t that Another Bogus Historical Conspiracy Theory? By Washington's Blog, April 25, 2013
Building a Pretext to Wage War on Syria: As NATO Terror Front Collapses, US Drums Up Familiar WMD Lies By Tony Cartalucci, April 25, 2013
Boston Lockdown: The New York Times Endorses U.S. Police State By David Brown and Barry Grey, April 25, 2013
Boston Truth: The Suspects – Who Is Behind Al Qaeda? By Bonnie Faulkner and Prof Michel Chossudovsky, April 25, 2013
Canadian Government unveils “Terror Plot” as it Adopts Draconian New Law By Keith Jones, April 24, 2013
US Ramps up Plans for Military Intervention in Syria By Joseph Kishore, April 24, 2013
BP Spills Coffee By Global Research News, April 24, 2013
Was Boston Bomber “Radicalized” at a U.S. Sponsored Counterterrorism Workshop By Washington's Blog, April 24, 2013
“Walls of Shame”: The World of Walls, Security Zones and Electrified Fences By Global Research News, April 24, 2013
Time to Renounce the “War on Terror” By Norman Solomon, April 24, 2013
Nicolas Maduro did not Steal the Venezuelan Elections By Greg Palast, April 24, 2013
Israeli Weapons Exports to Brazil By Soraya Misleh, April 24, 2013
Building a Pretext for an All Out War against Syria? Allegations of Chemical Weapons Use By Stephen Lendman, April 24, 2013
Oil Geopolitics in the Horn of Africa: Somaliland DNO Oil Deal Adds Fuel to the Conflict in North Somalia By Mahdi Ali, April 24, 2013
Political Opportunism. The Boston Marathon Tragedy Used as a Pretext To Extend the “Global War on Terrorism” By Colin Todhunter, April 24, 2013
The Roots of Terror: FBI’s Fingerprints All Over the Boston Bombings By Bill Van Auken, April 24, 2013
High Tech Surveillance: U.S. Internal Revenue Snooping Social Media and Emails Without Warrant By Clarence Walker, April 24, 2013
The “Criminalisation” of International Criminal Justice By Alexander Mezyaev, April 23, 2013
Canadian “Aid” Designed to Maintain Western Capitalist Dominance of the Global South By Yves Engler, April 23, 2013
“Splitting the Sky” and Aboriginal Rights in Canada By Michael Welch, April 23, 2013
Militarization of Africa: AFRICOM to Deploy “Rapid Reaction” Strike Force in Spain directed against West Africa By Timothy Alexander Guzman, April 23, 2013
A Tale of Two Cities: Tragic Aftermath of the Explosion at Fertilizer Company in West, Texas By Barry Grey, April 23, 2013
Boston Bombing: 19 Year Student Suspect Gets Death Penalty Charge By Bill Van Auken, April 23, 2013
“Boston on the Tigris”: Iraq’s Unreported Terror Event. Twenty-six Car Bombs… By Dirk Adriaensens, April 23, 2013
Campaign to Save the Life of Lynne Stewart By Global Research News, April 23, 2013
The Anti-Counterfeit Trade Agreement (ACTA): U.S. Dictating Canada’s Intellectual Property Laws By Dana Gabriel, April 23, 2013
Terrorists “R” Us By Stephen Lendman, April 23, 2013
Mounting Opposition to Drone Warfare By Chris Cole, April 23, 2013
Why Does America Media Continue to Honour Henry Kissinger? By Patrick Henningsen, April 23, 2013
Who is Behind “Al Qaeda in Iran”? By Tony Cartalucci, April 23, 2013
Martial Law in Boston: American Democracy in Shambles By Barry Grey, April 23, 2013
Boston Terror Narrative Starts Falling Apart By Washington's Blog, April 23, 2013