
Polish President Andrzej Duda declared that his country “will need to intervene immediately and bring in experts” should Russia attack Ukraine’s nuclear power plants (NPP) in Rivne and Khmelnitsky Regions. This follows his Foreign Minister Radek Sikorski proposing in early

In a recent interview with the New York Times, billionaire philanthropist Bill Gates was asked if there were types of projects that he would not invest in to offset his greenhouse gas emissions.

“I don’t plant trees,” he replied, adding

October 1, 2024, marks the start of the 4th International Month of Action Against AFRICOM (U.S. Africa Command), organized by the Black Alliance for Peace (BAP). Every year, hundreds of organizations around the world endorse and participate in this

The House of Representatives passed the ‘No WHO Pandemic Preparedness Treaty Without Senate Approval Act,’ which requires Senate approval for ‘any convention or agreement on pandemic-related issues reached by the World Health Assembly.’

On September 11, the House of

“Dollarocracy”: Coverup of “Anomalies” and Environmental Impacts of TransCanada Keystone XL Southern Half By Steve Horn, December 20, 2013
Barack Obama: A Black Wolf in Corporate Clothing By Global Research News, December 20, 2013
Manipulations Rule The Markets By Dr. Paul Craig Roberts, December 20, 2013
Maoist Insurgency Spreads to Over 40% of India. Mass Poverty and Delhi’s Embrace of Corporate Neoliberalism Fuels Social Uprising By Asad Ismi, December 20, 2013
“Blood Diamonds” and Israel’s Diamond Export Industry By Sean Clinton, December 20, 2013
Intelligence Director Clapper Is In Big Trouble By Washington's Blog, December 20, 2013
Remembering Eyad El-Sarraj: Palestine’s Mental Health Pioneer and Human Rights Defender By Stephen Lendman, December 20, 2013
US Academics Approve Boycott of Israeli Universities By Bill Van Auken, December 20, 2013
US Steps Up the Drumbeat on Sri Lankan Human Rights By W.A. Sunil, December 20, 2013
Why is Zimbabwe’s Robert Mugabe not a Hero? By Global Research News, December 20, 2013
Animal Rights: The Collapse of England’s Badger Culls By Lesley Docksey, December 20, 2013
Thailand: Fighting the “Superpower”. Understanding the Greater Global Chessboard By Tony Cartalucci, December 20, 2013
Globalization: The Fast Track To Nowhere By Colin Todhunter, December 19, 2013
Washington Has Discredited America. The “Obama Regime”, a Police State By Dr. Paul Craig Roberts, December 19, 2013
Mainstream Economists Finally Admit that Runaway Inequality Is Hurting the Economy By Washington's Blog, December 19, 2013
Syria: The UN is Turning Butchers into Partners for Peace By Ali Mallah, December 19, 2013
Race, Religion and Rounding Up Africans in Israel By David Sheen, December 19, 2013
South Africa and Zimbabwe: A Tale of Two Land Reforms By Harold Green, December 19, 2013
Mainstream Economists Finally Admit that Runaway Inequality Is Hurting the Economy By Washington's Blog, December 19, 2013
Kerry’s “Framework Agreement”: The West Bank Modelled on Gaza, The Fiction of a Palestinian State By Jonathan Cook, December 19, 2013
New York Times: Supporting US Wars, Terrorism and Repression By Stephen Lendman, December 19, 2013
Obama Advisory Committee Whitewashes US Spying Programs By Joseph Kishore, December 19, 2013
Wall Street Celebrates Fed Announcement, Sending US Stocks to Record Highs By Barry Grey, December 19, 2013
Indian Diplomat’s Arrest in US Causes Backlash on American Diplomats in India By Global Research News, December 18, 2013
The Legacy of the Kennedy Administration and the Ongoing, Never-ending JFK Mythology By Andy Piascik, December 18, 2013
Keystone XL Fork in the Road: TransCanada’s Houston Lateral Pipeline. Toxic Chemical Exposure in Local Communities By Steve Horn, December 18, 2013
Former Top NSA Official: “We Are Now In A Police State” By Washington's Blog, December 18, 2013
US Scholars Endorse Boycotting Israel By Stephen Lendman, December 18, 2013
Oil Found by Israel Should Belong to Palestine: 3.5 Billion Barrels of Oil Reserves on the “Border between Israel and Palestine” By Global Research News, December 18, 2013
Misconceptions regarding Politics and Human Rights in War-Torn Syria By Amir Azarvan, December 18, 2013
Russian Offer of Aid Sharpens International Power Struggle Over Ukraine By Johannes Stern, December 18, 2013
“Almost Orwellian”: US Judge Indicts NSA Spying By Bill Van Auken, December 18, 2013
The Washington Post and Amazon are “Doing Business with the CIA” By Norman Solomon, December 18, 2013
Global Finance, Geopolitics and “The Big American Retreat” By Global Europe Anticipation Bulletin (GEAB), December 17, 2013
Syria Atrocities: The US Directly Supports the Al Qaeda Terrorists By Prof Michel Chossudovsky, December 17, 2013
Syria Atrocities: US-NATO have “Blood on their Hands”. Western “Affiliated” Al Qaeda Rebels Slaughter Civilians in Adra By RT, December 17, 2013
The Post-colonial Imperial Agenda: America and France Join Hands in the Destabilization of the African Continent By Abayomi Azikiwe, December 17, 2013
Genocide: The Israeli-Egyptian Siege against the People of Gaza By Dylan Murphy, December 17, 2013
Seven Ripoffs That Capitalists Would Like to Keep out of the Media By Paul Buchheit, December 17, 2013
Truth in Media, War Propaganda and the New World Order. How the Western Media Presents a Biased and Constricted Viewpoint By Rick Rozoff and John Robles, December 17, 2013
Washington’s Dirty Game in Ukraine By Stephen Lendman, December 17, 2013
The European Super-Highway of Debt and Bankrupt Countries By Global Research News, December 17, 2013
Relatives of Franco’s Victims Testify in Argentine Courts By Alejandro López, December 17, 2013
Federal Judge Holds NSA Telephone Surveillance Unconstitutional By John Burton, December 17, 2013
The Israeli-Palestinian Conflict: Defeat of the Palestinians? By Norman Finkelstein, December 17, 2013
Ireland’s Bailout Exit: Jumping from the Economic Frying Pan into the Fire By Caoimhghin Ó Croidheáin, December 17, 2013
Redrawing the Middle East: Syria in the Context of the “New Middle East” By Mahdi Darius Nazemroaya, December 17, 2013
US Hegemony and Puerto Rico’s Economic Crisis By Timothy Alexander Guzman, December 17, 2013
Al Qaeda Terrorism in Syria is a “Weapon of Mass Destruction”: UN Security Council Ignores Documentary Evidence By Carla Stea, December 17, 2013
US Supported Death Squads Massacre Syrian Civilians By Stephen Lendman, December 17, 2013
Anyone Can Be a Terrorist – Especially Those Who Question the Official Accounts of Terrorism By Kevin Ryan, December 16, 2013
New World Order – The Endgame Has Begun By Richard K. Moore, December 16, 2013
CNN and Huffington Post Are “External Stakeholders” In Nuclear Regulatory Commission By Washington's Blog, December 16, 2013
UN’s Syria “Aid” Appeal is Bid to Relieve Trapped Terrorists By Tony Cartalucci, December 16, 2013
The Global Depopulation Policy – Killing Us Softly By Activist Post and Kevin Galalae, December 16, 2013
Map and Satellite Pictures of United States’ Worldwide Secret Military Installations By Global Research News, December 16, 2013
Media Blackout on Mandela’s Criticism of the US, Praises of Cuba and Libya By Jay Janson, December 16, 2013
Tepco Plans to Dump ALL the Fukushima Radiation Into the Ocean By Global Research News, December 16, 2013
What the World Could Be: 4 Short Videos to See Economic Solutions By Carl Herman, December 16, 2013
Another ‘Bogus’ Contract in Iraq Revealed By Salah Nasrawi, December 16, 2013
Making the World Safe for War Profiteers By Stephen Lendman, December 16, 2013
French War in Central African Republic Intensifies Humanitarian Crisis By Kumaran Ira, December 16, 2013
The Changing Contours of US Imperial Intervention in World Conflicts By Prof. James Petras, December 16, 2013
Rigging Foreign Exchange Markets. Finance Capital’s “Control Fraud” By Stephen Lendman, December 15, 2013
The 6,000-Page Report on CIA Torture Has Now Been Suppressed for 1 Year By Global Research News, December 15, 2013
Elections in Nepal and Questions for People’s Struggles By Socialist Project, December 15, 2013
Syria: Unravelling the Truth. Ottawa Conference with Michel Chossudovsky and Atif Kubursi, December 15 By Global Research News, December 15, 2013
99 Years Ago: A Pause in the War on Christmas By David Swanson, December 14, 2013
Humanitarian Rhetoric Deployed in the Service of Empire: The Need for an Ethical and Political “De-Colonization of Human Rights” By Ajamu Baraka, December 14, 2013
Iran Arrests MI6 Spy: Arrested Agent had contacts with “Five British Intelligence Officers” By Global Research News, December 14, 2013
Instead of Reining In Mass Surveillance, Obama Tries to Put Lipstick On a Pig By Washington's Blog, December 14, 2013
“Lie of the Year” Award: And the Winner is Barack Obama By RT, December 14, 2013
Senator John McCain En Route To Ukraine To Hasten “Regime Change” By Ria Novosti, December 14, 2013
Farewell Madiba: But Freedom never Dies… By Kourosh Ziabari, December 14, 2013
Nelson Mandela’s Legacy in the Post-Mandela Era By Danny Schechter, December 14, 2013
Australia’s Banking System: Who is Behind Your Credit Card? By Global Research News, December 14, 2013
Obama Nominates Israeli Bankster as Federal Reserve Vice Chair By Kurt Nimmo, December 14, 2013
Canadian Spy Agency Establishes Covert Surveillance Operations Worldwide as Part of NSA Global Spying Apparatus By Dylan Lubao and Keith Jones, December 14, 2013
White House Calls for Cosmetic Changes to Illegal NSA Spying By Joseph Kishore, December 14, 2013
Thailand: Western Media Smears Protest Movement By Tony Cartalucci, December 14, 2013