
Polish President Andrzej Duda declared that his country “will need to intervene immediately and bring in experts” should Russia attack Ukraine’s nuclear power plants (NPP) in Rivne and Khmelnitsky Regions. This follows his Foreign Minister Radek Sikorski proposing in early

In a recent interview with the New York Times, billionaire philanthropist Bill Gates was asked if there were types of projects that he would not invest in to offset his greenhouse gas emissions.

“I don’t plant trees,” he replied, adding

October 1, 2024, marks the start of the 4th International Month of Action Against AFRICOM (U.S. Africa Command), organized by the Black Alliance for Peace (BAP). Every year, hundreds of organizations around the world endorse and participate in this

The House of Representatives passed the ‘No WHO Pandemic Preparedness Treaty Without Senate Approval Act,’ which requires Senate approval for ‘any convention or agreement on pandemic-related issues reached by the World Health Assembly.’

On September 11, the House of

Global Warming Media Propaganda By Andrew McKillop, January 10, 2014
Armed Clashes Erupt Around Besieged Iraqi City of Fallujah By Bill Van Auken, January 10, 2014
Humanitarian Warfare: “Stabilizing” Central Africa for the Multinationals By Burkely Hermann, January 10, 2014
Study: Dead Sea Creatures cover 98 percent of Ocean Floor off California coast; up from 1 percent before Fukushima By Global Research News, January 10, 2014
Terrorism as an Instrument of Imperial Conquest. From Afghanistan to Syria, America Supports Al Qaeda By William Blum, January 10, 2014
The Neoliberal Restructuring of Greece. Causes of the Crisis and the Austerity Response. By Andreas Bieler, January 10, 2014
Thailand: Regime Scrambles to Rebrand “Red Shirts” to “White Shirts” By Tony Cartalucci, January 10, 2014
“Secrets for Sale” and The Snowden Affair: The Greenwald-Omidyar-NSA Connection By James Corbett, January 09, 2014
The Plundering of South Sudan By Tony Cartalucci, January 09, 2014
The Third Battle of Fallujah By Stephen Lendman, January 09, 2014
Incitement Against Palestine – Prioritising of Israelis’ Security Over Palestinians’ Freedom By Jonathan Cook, January 09, 2014
Basra: Profiting from their Destruction, the British are Back By Felicity Arbuthnot, January 09, 2014
Political Prisoner: Rwanda’s Former Presidential Candidate Victoire Ingabire’s Speech Crimes By Ann Garrison, January 09, 2014
Obama, the Great Dis-Equalizer By Glen Ford, January 09, 2014
US Imperialism and Iraq’s Descent Into Civil War By Bill Van Auken, January 09, 2014
The Long History of Zionism in Canada By Yves Engler, January 09, 2014
Obama’s Cheap-Labor “Promise Zone” Fraud By Barry Grey, January 09, 2014
Impeach Obama: “Electronic Surveillance Of Private Citizens” Was An Article Of Impeachment Against President Nixon By Washington's Blog, January 09, 2014
9/11: Does the Truth Have a Chance? By Global Research News, January 08, 2014
The Elusive Economic Recovery. The “Tide of Cheap Money” By Prof Prabhat Patnaik, January 08, 2014
U.S. Special Operations Command (SOCOM): America’s Black-Ops Blackout. Unraveling the Secrets of the Military’s Secret Military By Nick Turse, January 08, 2014
NSA Spying on Congress to Manipulate, Intimidate, Blackmail Top Government and Military Officials By Washington's Blog, January 08, 2014
Wave of US Municipal Bankruptcies Caused by Wall Street Predatory Interest Rates, not Pensions By Thomas Gaist, January 08, 2014
Military Spending: Future of Australian Workers Tied to War Aims of US Imperialism By Terry Cook, January 08, 2014
Secret Reports Reveal All. The “Efficacy” of CIA Torture, Saudi Involvment in 9/11 By Philip Giraldi, January 08, 2014
The Saudi Bull in Arab China Shop. The Saudi-Israeli Marriage of Convenience against Syria and Iran By Nicola Nasser, January 08, 2014
Thailand: Regime Power Grab Runs into Judicial Brick Wall By Tony Cartalucci, January 08, 2014
“Economic Terrorism”: The Ongoing Neoliberal Assault on Ordinary Working Class People in Britain By Colin Todhunter, January 08, 2014
US Courts Close in on Saudi Side of the 911 Plot By Global Research News, January 08, 2014
Power Takeover: Are Smart Meters Part of the Largest Corporate Scam in History? By Josh del Sol, January 08, 2014
Learning without Questioning in America: The Sunday School Syndrome. By John Kozy, January 08, 2014
Bangladesh: Farmers say No to Genetically Modified Vegetables By Dr. Mae-Wan Ho, January 07, 2014
The Downing of Flight 103 over Lockerbie: It was the Uranium By Global Research News, January 07, 2014
“Human Rights Sanctions”: The World’s Blatant Double Standard, in Israel’s Favor By Larry Derfner, January 07, 2014
Financial Fraud: Interest Rates Are Manipulated by Major Banks to the Tune of Trillions of Dollars By Washington's Blog, January 07, 2014
Indebted Spanish Consortium Threatens to Stop Panama Canal Expansion Unless it is Paid an Extra $1.6 Billion By Pratap Chatterjee, January 07, 2014
Retirement Theft in 4 Despicable Steps By Paul Buchheit, January 07, 2014
Corporate Taxes in America By Stephen Lendman, January 07, 2014
The Importance of Integrative Medicine in the Treatment of HIV/AIDS By Dr. Gary Null, January 07, 2014
The New York Times on Destabilisation of the Middle East: Falsifying History and Calling for More U.S. Involvement By Chris Marsden, January 07, 2014
US, Iran Say They Will Not Send Troops to Iraq By Bill Van Auken, January 07, 2014
Thailand: Perpetuating the Fallacy – “Respect My Vote” By Tony Cartalucci, January 07, 2014
Syrian Infighting May Be Pretext for Expanded Intervention By Tony Cartalucci, January 07, 2014
Climate Change, Global Warming and the Big Freeze By Patrick Henningsen, January 07, 2014
“Monkey Business” Surrounding the Repatriation of Germany’s Gold Stored at the NY Federal Reserve Bank. By Global Research News, January 07, 2014
As War Lingers in Mali, Western Powers Target its Natural Resources By Timothy Alexander Guzman, January 07, 2014
Why the US Wants to Stay in Afghanistan By Jack A. Smith, January 07, 2014
UK Government Accused of Indirectly Arming Somali Pirates By RT, January 06, 2014
Fast and Furious UK-Style: Britain’s Gun-running to East Africa, Somali Pirates By Patrick Henningsen, January 06, 2014
JP Morgan Behind Madoff Ponzi Scheme? Pays $2 Billion to Avoid Investigation and Prosecution By Washington's Blog, January 06, 2014
Military-backed Regime in Egypt Prepares for Referendum Amid Escalating Violence By Abayomi Azikiwe, January 06, 2014
Water Privatization Overlooked as Factor in Egypt’s Revolt By Karen Piper, January 06, 2014
The Killings Fields of Gaza By Colin Green, January 06, 2014
Mother Agnes Mariam and Mussalaha. Nobel Peace Prize Nomination 2014 By Mairead Maguire, January 06, 2014
What’s a Slum? Urban Poverty and Marginality in America By Michael Parenti, January 06, 2014
Religious NGOs, Civil Society and the United Nations By Paul O’Keeffe, January 06, 2014
Cambodian Police Open Fire at Garment Workers Protest, Killing Four By Richard Smallteacher, January 06, 2014
In India, a Spectre for Us All, and a Resistance Coming By John Pilger, January 06, 2014
America Greatest Threat to World Peace By Stephen Lendman, January 06, 2014
Social Inequality and the Impacts of Austerity Budgets: Nearly Half of US Public School Children are Poor By Kate Randall, January 06, 2014
Changing the Political and Economic Environment: The Tasks of the People-Powered Movement for 2014 By Kevin Zeese and Margaret Flowers, January 06, 2014
Obama’s Fraudulent Defense of the Unemployed By Andre Damon, January 06, 2014
Father of Slain Boston Bombing Witness, Ibragim Todashev, Accuses FBI of Murder By Nick Barrickman and Barry Grey, January 06, 2014
First Nations Fight Against the Frackers. The Mi’kmaq People of New Brunswick against Texas Southwestern Energy Co. (SWN) By Socialist Project, January 06, 2014
Bakken Shale Oil in Casselton Train Explosion Contained High Levels of Volatile Chemicals By Steve Horn, January 06, 2014
India-UAE Investment Agreement: Why Such Desperate Haste? By Kavaljit Singh, January 06, 2014
Thailand: Regime Threatens Covert Violence Against Protesters By Tony Cartalucci, January 06, 2014
Branded African Icons. Mandela and Gaddafi, “The Saint” versus “The Mad Dog” By Linda Housman, January 05, 2014
The Left after The Failure of Obamacare By Shamus Cooke, January 05, 2014
Linchpin of Pentagon’s School-based Recruitment: Student Testing Program (ASVAB) Rife with Errors and Contradictions By Pat Elder, January 05, 2014
The NSA Admits Spying on Members of the US Congress. “Using Information to Blackmail Congress” By Washington's Blog, January 05, 2014
Thailand: Regime Promises “Death Penalty” for Peaceful Protests By Tony Cartalucci, January 05, 2014
Cambodian Security Forces Shoot Striking Garment Workers By John Roberts, January 04, 2014
US Appeals Court Upholds Suppression of Secret Legal Memo approving Collection and Handover of Phone Records to the FBI By Patrick Martin, January 04, 2014
GMO and the “Natural” Food Fight: The Treacherous Terrain of Food Labeling By Ronnie Cummins, January 04, 2014
Saudi Arms Shipments to Al Qaeda Rebels Waiting behind Iraq’s Borders with Syria By Global Research News, January 04, 2014
The Case of the Missing Economic Recovery By Dr. Paul Craig Roberts, January 04, 2014
Thailand: Civil War is Impossible. But Terrorism Dressed as “Civil War” is Likely By Tony Cartalucci, January 04, 2014
The Economic and Social Crisis in Spain. “They Want to Make Poverty Normal” By Esther Vivas, January 04, 2014
Bombings, Invasion, Misery: Fallujah, Symbol of Iraq’s Unending Tragedy By Felicity Arbuthnot, January 04, 2014