
Polish President Andrzej Duda declared that his country “will need to intervene immediately and bring in experts” should Russia attack Ukraine’s nuclear power plants (NPP) in Rivne and Khmelnitsky Regions. This follows his Foreign Minister Radek Sikorski proposing in early

In a recent interview with the New York Times, billionaire philanthropist Bill Gates was asked if there were types of projects that he would not invest in to offset his greenhouse gas emissions.

“I don’t plant trees,” he replied, adding

October 1, 2024, marks the start of the 4th International Month of Action Against AFRICOM (U.S. Africa Command), organized by the Black Alliance for Peace (BAP). Every year, hundreds of organizations around the world endorse and participate in this

The House of Representatives passed the ‘No WHO Pandemic Preparedness Treaty Without Senate Approval Act,’ which requires Senate approval for ‘any convention or agreement on pandemic-related issues reached by the World Health Assembly.’

On September 11, the House of

Fourth of July 2014: The Erosion of Civil Liberties in America By Jonathan Turley, July 04, 2014
Big-Pharma Vaccines Deemed “Safe” by Big-Pharma Funded “Study” By Tony Cartalucci, July 03, 2014
Washington’s War Crimes Spread from Africa and the Middle East to Ukraine By Dr. Paul Craig Roberts, July 03, 2014
Ukraine Air Force Bombs Civilians: Crimes against Humanity in Lugansk Oblast By Global Research News, July 03, 2014
The Story of Detroit, A Modern Parable Chronicling the Betrayal of America. The New Century’s War on America’s Poor and Middle Class By Joachim Hagopian, July 03, 2014
Hacking Team Malware Targeted Saudi Arabia Protestors By Pratap Chatterjee, July 03, 2014
5,000+ Schools at Risk of Toxic Pesticide Exposure if EPA Approves New GMO Pesticide 2,4-D By Mary Ellen Kustin and Soren Rundquist, July 03, 2014
As Iraq Burns, US Plans $500 Million to Terrorists in Syria By Tony Cartalucci, July 03, 2014
Monsanto’s GMO Food and its Dark Connections to the “Military Industrial Complex” By Steven MacMillan, July 03, 2014
Bisphenol A (BPA) Triggers Changes in Rats that may lead to Breast Cancer By Brian Bienkowski, July 03, 2014
Linguistic Terrorism: Somebody Buy Israeli Politicians a Dictionary By Michael Schaeffer Omer-Man, July 03, 2014
Iran 1953: US Envoy to Baghdad Suggested to Fleeing Shah He Not Acknowledge Foreign Role in Coup By Malcolm Byrne, July 03, 2014
Predictive Technology: A New Tool For The Thought Police By Nicholas West, July 03, 2014
Cover Up Surrounding Pentagon Funding of Facebook’s Psychological Experiment? By Paul Joseph Watson, July 03, 2014
Bill Kristol and the Project of the New American Century (PNAC): Still Paid to Talk About Politics Despite Poor Record By Peter Hart, July 03, 2014
The Re-emergence of Japanese Militarism By Peter Symonds, July 03, 2014
Some Deaths Really Matter: The Disproportionate Coverage of Israeli And Palestinian Killings By Media Lens, July 03, 2014
UN Report Shows Israelis Responsible for Most Violence Against Children in Israel-Palestine Conflict By Interventions Watch, July 03, 2014
Iraqi Ambassador Lukman Faily: Iraq will turn to Syria, Iran, and Russia if the US delays Helping By Press TV, July 03, 2014
Facebook involved in Massive Secret Psychological Experiments Against Users By RT, July 03, 2014
US Troops Have Been Secretly Operating in Somalia Since 2007: Secret Occupation? By RT, July 03, 2014
The International Journalists Federation expels Israel, refuses to accept Syrian insurgent journalists By Global Research News, July 03, 2014
Alternative Media Spotlight By Hugo Turner, July 03, 2014
UK: Political Party Funding – Billionaires and Lobbyists at Lavish Party with David Cameron By Nick Mathiason, Melanie Newman, and Tom Warren, July 03, 2014
Financial Bubble Implosions. Asset Price Inflation and Social Inequality By Prof. Ismael Hossein-Zadeh, July 02, 2014
gmo food on
Acquiescing to Big Biotech: Relentless Drive to Force GMO Crops into Britain By Colin Todhunter, July 02, 2014
One Palestinian Child has been Killed by Israel Every 3 Days for the Past 13 Years By Middle East Monitor, July 02, 2014
At the Core of the U.S. Supreme Court, A Cabal of Corporate Hit Men By Glen Ford, July 02, 2014
Fluoride in your Drinking Water May Be Damaging your Brain: Expert Testimony By Dr. Joseph Mercola, July 02, 2014
How Politics Derailed EPA Science on Arsenic, Endangering Public Health By David Heath, July 02, 2014
Leading Scientists Tell EPA to Ban Agent Orange GMO Crops By Environmental Working Group, July 02, 2014
The “Battle for Europe” is Raging. How America Undermines Franco-Russian Relations By Umberto Pascali, July 02, 2014
Neo-Colonialism and “Africa’s Relations with the World” By Abayomi Azikiwe, July 02, 2014
18 Signs that the Global Economic Crisis is Accelerating as we Enter the Last Half of 2014 By Michael Snyder, July 02, 2014
Canada’s NDP Lurches to the Right. The Need for a New, Left-Wing Party in Canada By Roger Annis, July 02, 2014
NATO Accuses Moscow of Covertly Funding Western Anti-Fracking Activists By Steve Horn, July 02, 2014
Vladimir Putin: “The West is Turning the Planet into a Global Barracks” By Dr. Paul Craig Roberts, July 02, 2014
Reflecting on the History of America’s Wars, Trying to Feel Patriotic on the Fourth of July By Dr. Gary G. Kohls, July 02, 2014
Does Capitalism Inevitably Produce Inequalities? By Ann Robertson and Bill Leumer, July 02, 2014
Vladimir Putin on the Crisis in Ukraine and Washington’s “Unipolar World Order” By Pres. Vladimir Putin, July 02, 2014
Poroshenko launches Bloody Assault on Eastern Ukraine By Chris Marsden, July 02, 2014
Israeli Government prepares Onslaught Against Palestinian People By James Cogan, July 02, 2014
Definitive Analysis: War is Bad for the Economy By Washington's Blog, July 02, 2014
“Inclusive Capitalism”: How to Keep Accumulating by Dispossessing Through Philanthropy By Jason Hirthler, July 01, 2014
From American Drone Supremacy to Drone Multipolarity By Global Research News, July 01, 2014
War: The Racket of Big Business, Wall Street and the Bankers By Sheldon Richman, July 01, 2014
Iraq Veterans Against the War: The U.S. Intentionally Created and Agitated Sectarian Divisions in Iraq By Global Research News, July 01, 2014
Saudi and CIA Terror Army: The Islamic State of Iraq and al-Sham (ISIS) Declares “Global Caliphate” on Ramadan By Kurt Nimmo, July 01, 2014
New “Toothpaste Terrorism”… Used in the 1970’s by a CIA Asset By Jim Naureckas, July 01, 2014
“The Internet’s Own Boy”: Documentary about “Hacktivist” Aaron Swartz By Nick Barrickman, July 01, 2014
America’s Paramilitary Police By Andre Damon, July 01, 2014
Water Wars directed against Syria and Iraq: Turkey’s Control of the Euphrates River By Global Research News, July 01, 2014
Ex-Mossad Agent: Israel Uses ‘False Flag’ in Most Operations to Avoid Suspicion in Arab States By Global Research, July 01, 2014
The US War Against Russia Is Already Underway By Dr. Paul Craig Roberts, July 01, 2014
From Cold War Thaws to the Arctic Thaw: The Changing Arctic and Its Security Implications for East Asia By Kimie Hara, July 01, 2014
Russia Strikes out at Sanctions and Takes its Battle to the Dollar By Stefan Hedlund, July 01, 2014
Climate Change: The False Discourse of “Carbon Credits”. What Needs to Be Done By Tony Cartalucci, July 01, 2014
War is Our Business and Business Looks Good By Edward S. Herman, July 01, 2014
Threat to China: Pressure on South Korea to Join U.S. Anti-Ballistic Missile Defense System By Gregory Elich, July 01, 2014
The ISIL or DAISH Caliphate in Iraq and Syria is a US Project By Mahdi Darius Nazemroaya, July 01, 2014
Police State America: Will the US Supreme Court Apply Cell Phone Privacy to NSA Metadata Collection? By Prof. Marjorie Cohn, June 30, 2014
The European Gendarmerie Force: The Prospect of Mass Civil Unrest in Europe By Andrei Akulov, June 30, 2014
The Search for Malaysian Airlines MH370. Unanswered Questions. Wreck of Unidentified Aircraft in Bay of Bengal? Crucial Information Withheld By GeoResonance, June 30, 2014
Court Rules that New York Towns Can Ban Fracking By Eco Watch, June 30, 2014
Blackwater Iraqi Chief Threatened to Kill US Government Inspector By RT, June 30, 2014
Unconventional Warfare: The Political Destabilization Campaign continues in Venezuela By Asad Ismi, June 30, 2014
The Privatization of Public Education? California Teachers Take Another Hit from Politicians By Ann Robertson and Bill Leumer, June 30, 2014
Drone Assassinations Not Limited to U.S. Citizens “Living Abroad” By Washington's Blog, June 30, 2014
Stingray, the Cell Phone Spying Device: US Government “Disappears” Stingray Spying Records By Peter Van Buren, June 30, 2014
Who is Responsible for the Catastrophes in the Middle East? By Bill Van Auken, June 30, 2014
Hamas Asks for Iranian Support of Palestinians against Israel’s Increasing Aggression By Fars News Agency, June 30, 2014
Another Global Financial Crisis in the Making By Nick Beams, June 30, 2014
America’s Nazis in Kiev: “Russians are Subhuman” By Tony Cartalucci, June 30, 2014
Profiteering on Banker Deaths: Regulator says Public Has No Right to Details By Pam Martens and Russ Martens, June 30, 2014
The Fragmentation of Iraq and the Middle East: “Muslim Civil War?” By Mahdi Darius Nazemroaya, June 30, 2014
Russia and Belarus Send Sukhoi Jets to Iraq, Moscow Slam West Over Syria By Allison Quinn, June 30, 2014
Target ISIS: First batch of Russian fighter jets arrives in Iraq By Global Research News, June 30, 2014
EU Threatens Sanctions Against Russia in Three Days By Ria Novosti, June 30, 2014
Salvadorians Challenge Former Canadian Mining Corporation’s Violation of Human Rights By P. Cabezas, June 30, 2014
Saddam Hussein’s Last Words: “To the Hell that is Iraq!?” By Mahdi Darius Nazemroaya, June 29, 2014