
Radosław Sikorski, the Polish foreign minister has suggested placing Crimea under a UN mandate. Large parts of the Ukrainian establishment itself have at times been reconsidering the whole idea of “reconquering Crimea”, but this development nonetheless prompted

Here he goes again, cap in hand, begging for the alms of war.  Ukraine’s Volodymyr Zelenskyy has been touring the United States, continuing his lengthy salesmanship for Ukraine’s ongoing military efforts against Russia.  The theme is familiar and constantly reiterated:

The U.S. Congress just approved 25 anti-Chinese laws with bipartisan votes. A massive spend of $1.6 billion of our tax dollars to pay for a wave of anti-China propaganda. Cold War fervor is reaching fever pitch. Why? If you know

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Former Elected President Morsi: Sentencing Justice to Death in Egypt By Dr. Chandra Muzaffar, June 18, 2015
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U.S. House Debates and Votes Down Withdrawal from Iraq and Syria By David Swanson, June 18, 2015
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Trans Pacific Partnership (TPP): Scapegoating Labor for Fast Track’s Defeat By Jim Naureckas, June 18, 2015
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European Union (EU): After Greece Exit, Israel Entry? By Anthony Bellchambers, June 18, 2015
Treasury Reveals What JPMorgan Was Really Doing With London Whale Trades By Pam Martens and Russ Martens, June 18, 2015
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Putin Responds to US-NATO Military Deployments on Russia’s Doorstep By Stephen Lendman, June 17, 2015
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US Human Experimentation on Poor Guatemalans in Post-War Period By Robert Barsocchini, June 17, 2015
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Russia Threatens Response to US Military Buildup in Eastern Europe By Niles Williamson, June 17, 2015
Endgame for Glyphosate? The Global Fallout of WHO’s ‘Probable Carcinogen’ Classification By Dr. Eva Sirinathsinghji, June 17, 2015
Canadian Government Lambasted for Stifling Science and Dissent By Deirdre Fulton, June 17, 2015
US Veterans Urge Drone Operators to Refuse Orders to Fly Surveillance and Attack Missions By David Swanson, June 17, 2015
The Plight and Persecution of the Rohingyas in Myanmar By Asif Haroon Raja, June 17, 2015
What’s Really Going on at Fukushima? By Robert Hunziker, June 17, 2015
Here’s What the Mainstream Media Won’t Tell You About UK Immigration By Michaela Whitton, June 17, 2015
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Digital Data and the Loss of Privacy By Global Research News, June 17, 2015
HPV Vaccines: Updates from Central and South America – First Reported Fatality after Gardasil in Colombia By Norma Erickson, June 17, 2015
Eight Hundred Years of Forgetting: The Magna Carta By Dr. Binoy Kampmark, June 17, 2015
Russians and Chinese “cracked” the Encrypted Files? Sunday Times Reporter Pleads Ignorance By Global Research News, June 17, 2015
The Scandal of the Disappearing Chilcot Report into the Disastrous and Illegal Iraq War By Matt Carr, June 17, 2015
The European Union (EU): The New Byzantium or Declining Rome By Prof. Anis H. Bajrektarević, June 17, 2015
Denazification – Urgently Needed in Europe By Prof. Anis H. Bajrektarević, June 17, 2015
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The Two Contending Visions of World Government: The Origin and Broader Context of Obama’s “Trade” Deals By Eric Zuesse, June 16, 2015
Israel’s Race to Economic and Moral Bankruptcy By Jonathan Cook, June 16, 2015
Ukraine and the Apocalyptic Risk of Propagandized Ignorance By David Swanson, June 16, 2015
Refugees in the Centre of Athens By Sofiane Ait Chalalet and Chris Jones, June 16, 2015
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Why Vaccine Mandates Racially Discriminate Against African Americans By Ethan A. Huff, June 16, 2015
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CIA Mind Control Experimentation and “Intrusive Spying” By Stephen Lendman, June 16, 2015
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Yemen Talks Stalled Over Terms of Negotiations in Geneva By Abayomi Azikiwe, June 16, 2015
No Magna Carta in Israel By Anthony Bellchambers, June 16, 2015
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American Medical Association (AMA) Shoots at “Quacks” Like Dr. Oz to Silence Beneficial and “Alternative” Health Modes By Heather Callaghan, June 16, 2015
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Terrorism and Color Revolutions to Divide and Conquer By Global Research and Global Research, June 15, 2015
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Warsaw in Talks on Stationing US Military Warehouses in Poland By Sputnik, June 15, 2015
Israel Intends Force-Feeding Palestinian Hunger Strikers By Stephen Lendman, June 15, 2015