
Polish President Andrzej Duda declared that his country “will need to intervene immediately and bring in experts” should Russia attack Ukraine’s nuclear power plants (NPP) in Rivne and Khmelnitsky Regions. This follows his Foreign Minister Radek Sikorski proposing in early

In a recent interview with the New York Times, billionaire philanthropist Bill Gates was asked if there were types of projects that he would not invest in to offset his greenhouse gas emissions.

“I don’t plant trees,” he replied, adding

October 1, 2024, marks the start of the 4th International Month of Action Against AFRICOM (U.S. Africa Command), organized by the Black Alliance for Peace (BAP). Every year, hundreds of organizations around the world endorse and participate in this

The House of Representatives passed the ‘No WHO Pandemic Preparedness Treaty Without Senate Approval Act,’ which requires Senate approval for ‘any convention or agreement on pandemic-related issues reached by the World Health Assembly.’

On September 11, the House of

The Geopolitics and Economics of the Iran Nuclear Deal By Eric Draitser, July 21, 2015
Iran Doesn’t Trust US Inspectors–and Shouldn’t By Jim Naureckas, July 21, 2015
Colorado City Stops Water Fluoridation Following Concerning Study By Christina Sarich, July 21, 2015
The Iran Nuclear Pact and US Imperialism’s Drive for Global Hegemony By Keith Jones, July 21, 2015
If Vaccines Don’t Cause Brain Damage, Why Is GlaxoSmithKline Paying Out $63 Million to Vaccine Victims? By Jennifer Lilley, July 21, 2015
General Wesley Clark Calls for Putting “Disloyal” Americans in Internment Camps By Thomas Gaist, July 21, 2015
The Firesale Begins: Tsipras Agrees To Sell Greek Assets By Joshua Krause, July 21, 2015
Victoria Nuland Threatens Russia By Stephen Lendman, July 21, 2015
New Probe Exposes Horrific Child Abuse by Israeli Forces By Sarah Lazare, July 21, 2015
Obama Simply Switched from One War Crime Which Increases Terrorism to Another By Washington's Blog, July 21, 2015
Propaganda Wave Portends Invasion of Syria By Tony Cartalucci, July 21, 2015
Yemen War Continues From Aden to Sanaa By Abayomi Azikiwe, July 21, 2015
Perhaps This Is Obama’s Grand Strategy By Eric Zuesse, July 21, 2015
Ebola Virus Disease Not Yet Defeated in West Africa By Abayomi Azikiwe, July 21, 2015
As West Bank Village Faces Extinction, New York Times Looks the Other Way By Barbara Erickson, July 21, 2015
MH17, a crime pinned on Russia
MH17, One Year On: What Really Happened, And Why By Patrick Henningsen, July 21, 2015
Donald Trump and the Hero Complex By Dr. Binoy Kampmark, July 21, 2015
US and Cuban Embassies Open for Business By Stephen Lendman, July 21, 2015
Greece’s Parliament Cannot Override the NO Vote. The Agreement with the Creditors is Illegal By Prof Michel Chossudovsky, July 21, 2015
Land Mines in Iran Nuclear Deal. Israel and its Washington Lobby By Stephen Lendman, July 21, 2015
The Real Reasons For the Iran Agreement. Putting More Pressure on Russia By Dr. Paul Craig Roberts, July 21, 2015
Israeli-linked SITE Intelligence Involved in Chattanooga Shooting Narrative By James F. Tracy, July 20, 2015
Israeli-Made Air-To-Air Missile May Have Downed MH17 – Report By RT, July 20, 2015
Israel’s War on Palestinian Statehood By Stephen Lendman, July 20, 2015
ISIS Spy Drone “Made in Israel”, Brought Down in Western Iraq By Fars News Agency, July 20, 2015
British Media Uses Fake Video Footage to Accuse Syria’s President of Killing his Own People By Robert Stuart, July 20, 2015
Greek Banks Reopen: Bailout Uncertainties By Stephen Lendman, July 20, 2015
Combining Antidepressants With Painkillers Can Cause Intracranial Bleeding By Julie Fidler, July 20, 2015
Almost All Psych Drug Use Is Unnecessary: Study By Jonathan Benson, July 20, 2015
PETITION: New York Times, Washington Post: Provide Sustained Coverage of US-Backed Civilian Deaths in Yemen By FAIR, July 20, 2015
The Iran Nuclear Deal: Triumph for Iran, US Hegemony and Israeli Militarism in Retreat By Sayed Hasan, July 20, 2015
US Neoconservatives: Seeking War to the End of the World By Robert Parry, July 20, 2015
Governments Worldwide Will Crash the First Week of October … According to Two Financial Forecasters By Washington's Blog, July 20, 2015
The US Presidency for Sale: The Role of Big Money in the Presidential Campaign By Patrick Martin, July 20, 2015
Chinese State Banks Commit $200 Billion to Stem Market Selloff By Nick Beams, July 20, 2015
Countering the Neo-Cold Warriors By Wayne Madsen, July 20, 2015
Europeans Are Defending Themselves against Ukraine Right Sector By Vladislav Gulevich, July 20, 2015
Federal Coalition MP George-Christensen
The Acceptable Face of Racism: Islam and Reclaim Australia By Dr. Binoy Kampmark, July 20, 2015
US Cuba flags
Cuban Official Warns US Still Seeking Regime Change By Global Research News, July 20, 2015
Obama Pledged to Reduce Nuclear Arsenal, Then Came This Weapon By Len Ackland and Burt Hubbard, July 20, 2015
Military Report of Novorossia – 100 US Humvees for Ukraine Delivered to Odessa and Moving to the Frontline By South Front, July 20, 2015
Thousands of Refugees Flee Northward from Greece By Eric Zuesse, July 20, 2015
What Next in the Greek Crisis? By Barry Finger, July 20, 2015
The President Of France Wants Eurozone Members To Transfer Their Sovereignty To A United States Of Europe By Michael Snyder, July 20, 2015
Nuclear Agreement – An Historic Moment for Iran By Sara Flounders, July 20, 2015
NATO’s Perilous Gambit By Dr. James Polk, July 20, 2015
US-Supported Kiev Aggression on Donbass Escalated By Stephen Lendman, July 20, 2015
Sanctions Were Going to Collapse: The US Was Forced to Negotiate with Iran Because of Changing Global Circumstances By Mahdi Darius Nazemroaya, July 20, 2015
Fighting Lies and Searching for Truths By Global Research and Global Research, July 19, 2015
Academic Oligarchy: Majority of Science Publishing is Controlled by Just Six Companies By Ethan A. Huff, July 19, 2015
Clinton Challenged to Break Up—and Break Up With—Wall Street Banks By Lauren McCauley, July 19, 2015
US General Wesley Clark Calls For Interning “Disloyal” Americans Who Do Not Support the “War on Terrorism” By Kurt Nimmo, July 19, 2015
Retired US General Admits Military’s Role in Creating ISIS By Carey Wedler, July 19, 2015
Bill Kristol on Iran Deal: ‘Its Munich!’ By Daniel McAdams, July 19, 2015
British Prime Minister Cameron Orders RAF Bombings of Syria without Parliamentary Approval. Commits UK on US TV to War against Islamic State By Eileen Kersey, July 19, 2015
Expansion by Stealth: UK Strikes in Syria By Dr. Binoy Kampmark, July 19, 2015
GMO Soy Accumulates Carcinogenic Formaldehyde: Game-Changing Study By GMI Reporter, July 19, 2015
Scottish National Party’s Anti-austerity Hypocrisy Exposed By Stephen Alexander, July 19, 2015
Right Sector Threatens Violence throughout Ukraine By Andrea Peters, July 19, 2015
What Price Democracy When the World Is Dependent upon the Ambition of a Pro-Israel US Senator with Divided Loyalties? By Anthony Bellchambers, July 19, 2015
The ECB Destabilized the Greek Economy to Subject Greece to Creditors’ Demands By Eric Toussaint and Rosa Moussaoui, July 19, 2015
Britain Covertly Bombing Syria By Stephen Lendman, July 19, 2015
Greek Parliament Passes Debt Agreement: Omitted Euro – Sovereignty Dimensions By Dr. Christof Lehmann, July 18, 2015
Greece: Approving Its Own Economic Death Sentence By Stephen Lendman, July 18, 2015
Oil Geopolitics: Germany Might Be Trying To Steal SOCAR’s Main Asset In Greece By Andrew Korybko, July 18, 2015
Democracy and the Restoration of Cuba-US Diplomatic Relations By Arnold August, July 18, 2015
The Battle against GMOs in the Philippines: Confronting the WTO’s Attempts to Destabilize Sustainable Agriculture By Dr. Belinda F. Espiritu, July 18, 2015
Greece – Opening the Floodgates for the Financial Vultures By Peter Koenig, July 18, 2015
Greece’s Lesson For Russia By Dr. Paul Craig Roberts, July 18, 2015
Agency to Enslave Greeks Is Established By Eric Zuesse, July 18, 2015
Australia “Gentle Raidings”: American Psycho and Censorship in the City of Churches By Dr. Binoy Kampmark, July 18, 2015
July 18, 2003: Death of Weapons Expert Dr David Kelly Plunges BBC – and Blair – into Crisis By Chas Early, July 18, 2015
US Prepares to Put More Pressure on Russia, Threatens More “Security Assistance” to Ukraine By Sputnik, July 18, 2015
Russia Vetoes Genocide By Israel Shamir, July 18, 2015
“We are Going to Collapse your Banks”: Greek Government Insider Lifts the Lid on Five Months of Financial Blackmail By Christian Salmon, July 18, 2015
Who Will Bail Out Humanity If The GMO Evangelists Win? By Colin Todhunter, July 18, 2015
The Brutality of European Migration Policy: Not Everyone Is Allowed to Have a ‘Good Life in Germany’ By Rebecca Burkert, July 18, 2015
Greece: Approving Its Own Death Sentence By Stephen Lendman, July 18, 2015
MH-17 Mystery One Year Later: A New Tonkin Gulf Case? By Robert Parry, July 18, 2015
Little-Known History of the Euro: Crisis Was Baked In from the Start By Washington's Blog, July 18, 2015