
Polish President Andrzej Duda declared that his country “will need to intervene immediately and bring in experts” should Russia attack Ukraine’s nuclear power plants (NPP) in Rivne and Khmelnitsky Regions. This follows his Foreign Minister Radek Sikorski proposing in early

In a recent interview with the New York Times, billionaire philanthropist Bill Gates was asked if there were types of projects that he would not invest in to offset his greenhouse gas emissions.

“I don’t plant trees,” he replied, adding

October 1, 2024, marks the start of the 4th International Month of Action Against AFRICOM (U.S. Africa Command), organized by the Black Alliance for Peace (BAP). Every year, hundreds of organizations around the world endorse and participate in this

The House of Representatives passed the ‘No WHO Pandemic Preparedness Treaty Without Senate Approval Act,’ which requires Senate approval for ‘any convention or agreement on pandemic-related issues reached by the World Health Assembly.’

On September 11, the House of

US Petition Drive to Arrest Netanyahu, ahead of his Scheduled UN General Assembly Address By Stephen Lendman, September 12, 2015
Firefighters, Architects & Engineers Expose 9/11 Myths. “Evidence of Controlled Demolition” By Architects & Engineers for 9/11 Truth, September 12, 2015
Senate Fails to Block Iran Nuclear Deal By Stephen Lendman, September 12, 2015
Western Media Hype: “Russian Aggression” in Syria By Eric Draitser, September 12, 2015
The 9/11 Review: Eternal Pretext, Eternal War By Global Research News, September 11, 2015
I Can Reveal the Legal Advice on Drone Strikes, and How the British Establishment Works By Craig Murray, September 11, 2015
When Will MINUSTAH Leave Haiti? The UN “Destabilization Mission” By Dady Chery, September 11, 2015
Silencing a Whistle-Blower, Gladio B and the Origins of ISIS. Sibel Edmonds Global Research News Hour Episode 111: A Conversation with Sibel Edmonds By Michael Welch, Sibel Edmonds, and Jonathan WIlson, September 11, 2015
America’s Phony War on the ISIS. Washington Recruits, Arms, Funds, Trains and Directs the “Islamic State” Terrorists By Stephen Lendman, September 11, 2015
Turning the Cradle of Civilization Into Its Graveyard By Diana Johnstone, September 11, 2015
Madness of Blockading Syria’s Regime. “Does the U.S. want Al Qaeda to take over Syria?” By Robert Parry, September 11, 2015
China Is Still a Driving Force for Global Economic Growth: China Premier By Zhao Cheng, September 11, 2015
9/11 Truth and the Joint Congressional Inquiry: 28 Pages of Misdirection on the Role of Saudi Arabia By Dick Atlee and Ken Freeland, September 11, 2015
Fox News Says Refugee Crisis Is “Putin’s Scheme”. The Backstory By Eric Zuesse, September 11, 2015
Solidarity as a Weapon against US Imperialism. Che Guevara By Prof Susan Babbitt, September 11, 2015
Towards an Independent Palestinian State By Anthony Bellchambers, September 11, 2015
Drumbeat Grows for Escalating War against Syria By Bill Van Auken, September 11, 2015
Obama Ordered Ten Times More Drone Strikes than Bush By Press TV, September 11, 2015
Sanctioned Terrorism By Soraya Sepahpour-Ulrich, September 11, 2015
Bombs for Peace: NATO’s Humanitarian War on Yugoslavia By Gregory Elich, September 11, 2015
China: Reformers and Compradors By Prof. James Petras, September 11, 2015
Legacy of 9/11: Endless US Wars against Humanity By Stephen Lendman, September 11, 2015
Social Media, Consciousness Control and 9/11 By Frank Scott, September 11, 2015
Israel Protecting Killers of Immolated Palestinians By Stephen Lendman, September 11, 2015
9/11: Eternal Pretext, Eternal War By Larry Chin, September 11, 2015
Live Video Broadcast: Rethink September 11 By Global Research News, September 11, 2015
Video Documentary: What Happened at the WTC on September 11, 2001 By Global Research News, September 11, 2015
The Post 9/11 Era: “The Fourteen Year War OF Terror” By James F. Tracy, September 11, 2015
9/11 Fourteen Years Later By Dr. Paul Craig Roberts, September 11, 2015
9/11 Truth: De-Bunking the Neocon 9/11 Narrative. The Workings of “Big Lie Propaganda” By Dr. Gary G. Kohls, September 10, 2015
Neoliberalism and the Vicious Ideology of Humanitarian Wars: That Summer of 2000 in Croatia By Luciana Bohne, September 10, 2015
The Hypocrisy of the US Promoting the “Rule of Law” in Africa By Adjoa Agyeiwaa, September 10, 2015
UK Charity Which Shares Syrian Opposition “Aims and Objectives” Benefits from Alan Kurdi Tragedy By Robert Stuart, September 10, 2015
Fabricated Claims About Russian Troops in Syria By Stephen Lendman, September 10, 2015
14 Years Ago: The 9/11 Attacks and the Launching of America’s “Global War on Terrorism” By Global Research News, September 10, 2015
In the Wake of 9/11: Did George W. Bush have a Grasp of Key Foreign Policy Issues? By Prof Michel Chossudovsky, September 10, 2015
From G8 to G7, Revisiting The Russia – G7 Divorce: How Moscow Came Out On Top By Andrew Korybko, September 10, 2015
The Ways Israeli War Crimes Buy Good Will By Jonathan Cook, September 10, 2015
Housing Misery in the World: the EU’s “Refugee Quota System” By Dr. Binoy Kampmark, September 10, 2015
Medical Crisis of Political Prisoner Mumia Abu-Jamal By Prison Radio, September 10, 2015
How America Double-Crossed Russia and Shamed the West By Eric Zuesse, September 10, 2015
Russia Slams Western “Social Engineering” in Syria as Cause of Migrant Crisis By Stuart Hooper, September 10, 2015
All Four Hemispheres Of The World Now Engaged In A Single War By True Publica, September 10, 2015
On Alleged “Russian Military Interventions”, or Lack Thereof By The Saker, September 10, 2015
Global Leaders Using Refugee Plight to Push Military Escalation By Sarah Lazare, September 10, 2015
The Refugee Crisis is a Crisis of Imperialism By T. J. Petrowski, September 10, 2015
Migrant Crisis Deepens in Europe By Abayomi Azikiwe, September 10, 2015
America’s Imperial Footprint in Africa By Eric Draitser, September 10, 2015
9/11 Analysis: The Claim that ‘Able Danger’ Failed to Identify Mohamed Atta’s Probable Presence in the US in January 2000 By, September 10, 2015
Netanyahu Aims His WMD at Obama By Jonathan Cook, September 10, 2015
Shades of Chamberlain’s 1938 Munich Agreement as Cameron Welcomes Netanyahu to Britain By Anthony Bellchambers, September 10, 2015
Migrant Crisis Fueled By Gas Pipelines By Mnar Muhawesh, September 10, 2015
Selected Articles: Rwandan Genocide, Rebooting Hillary, Canadian Gunboat Diplomacy By Global Research News, September 09, 2015
Canadian Gunboat Diplomacy By Yves Engler, September 09, 2015
Rebooting Hillary. “Hillary is New and Improved” By Stephen Lendman, September 09, 2015
Arresting Netanyahu: The UK Petition on War Crimes By Dr. Binoy Kampmark, September 09, 2015
9/11: Was There Foreknowledge by Officials that the Pentagon would be Attacked? By, September 09, 2015
New Evidence of Foreknowledge of the 9/11 Attacks: The 9/11 Consensus Panel By, September 09, 2015
Interns or Workers? China’s Student Labor Regime By Prof. Mark Selden, Jenny Chan, and Pun Ngai, September 09, 2015
The War on Syria and “The Death of Civilization”: The Assassination of Dr Khaled al-Assad, Guardian of Palmyra. By Felicity Arbuthnot, September 09, 2015
Why Did Nazi Germany Fail to Create a Ukrainian Puppet State In 1939? The Role of the Organization of Ukrainian Nationalists (OUN) By Alexander Dyukov, September 09, 2015
Japan’s Controversial Militarization and National Security Legislation: Student Movement Slams Prime Minister Abe’s Assault on Constitution By Jeff Kingston, September 09, 2015
Inside the 9/11 Hearings: Uncovering Deception, Demanding the Truth By Michael Welch, David Ray Griffin, Lance deHaven-Smith, and Kevin Ryan, September 09, 2015
© Nikola Solic / Reuters
Who is Protecting the Drug Trade? Afghan Officials Blame NATO after Eleven anti-Drug Police Officers Killed in Airstrike By RT, September 09, 2015
Cuba-US Relations and Freedom of the Press By Arnold August, September 09, 2015
Humanity’s Big Fight: The Corporate Ownership of Food and Water By Christina Sarich, September 09, 2015
Refugee Crisis in Europe: Popular Support for Migrants Confronts Official Inhumanity By Ulrich Rippert, September 09, 2015
Refugee Crisis Straight Talk By Stephen Lendman, September 09, 2015
The Smear Campaign against Vladimir Putin. Portrayed by the West as a “Power Hungry Dictator” By Ingemar Wärnström, September 09, 2015
Yemen Map of War. Military Escalation By South Front, September 09, 2015
Summer of Summits and Russia’s Grand Geo-Economic Strategy. “All Roads Lead Through Russia” By Andrew Korybko, September 09, 2015
Washington Seeks Invasion and Occupation as US and Coalition Fighters Flood Syria By Tony Cartalucci, September 09, 2015
Australia’s Syrian Refugee Solution: “Turning Back the Boats” By Dr. Binoy Kampmark, September 09, 2015
“Silent Invasion”: The US and the Militarization of Latin America By Eric Draitser, September 09, 2015
Is Extra-judicial Killing by Drone – Israeli/US Style – Just Plain Murder? By Anthony Bellchambers, September 09, 2015
An Arrest Warrant for Israel’s Prime Minister Netanyahu When He Arrives in London on September 9 By Prof Michel Chossudovsky, September 08, 2015
Unsettled Markets and “Financial Exhaustion”: What Happens when you Raise Interest Rates on a Wobbly Creditor System? By Bill Holter, September 08, 2015
The 2015 Global Housing Market Crash, Capitalism’s Two Faces, US-NATO & Israeli War Crimes By Global Research News, September 08, 2015
Netanyahu Rejects Syrian Refugees. ­ ‘We are not a European country!’ By Anthony Bellchambers, September 08, 2015
At Heart of Humanitarian Crisis, Israel Building “Security Fence” to Keep Syrian Refugees Out By Sarah Lazare, September 08, 2015