
Polish President Andrzej Duda declared that his country “will need to intervene immediately and bring in experts” should Russia attack Ukraine’s nuclear power plants (NPP) in Rivne and Khmelnitsky Regions. This follows his Foreign Minister Radek Sikorski proposing in early

In a recent interview with the New York Times, billionaire philanthropist Bill Gates was asked if there were types of projects that he would not invest in to offset his greenhouse gas emissions.

“I don’t plant trees,” he replied, adding

October 1, 2024, marks the start of the 4th International Month of Action Against AFRICOM (U.S. Africa Command), organized by the Black Alliance for Peace (BAP). Every year, hundreds of organizations around the world endorse and participate in this

The House of Representatives passed the ‘No WHO Pandemic Preparedness Treaty Without Senate Approval Act,’ which requires Senate approval for ‘any convention or agreement on pandemic-related issues reached by the World Health Assembly.’

On September 11, the House of

Shocking, Little-Known Facts About Debt. Private Debt Exploding By Washington's Blog, November 12, 2015
Why? Endless Wars. Why are So Many Brave Soldiers and Veteran Killing Themselves? By Anthony Freda, November 12, 2015
US Supreme Court Expands Immunity for Killer Cops By Tom Carter, November 12, 2015
Obama Backs $607 Billion Pentagon Bill that Bars Guantanamo Closing By Bill Van Auken, November 12, 2015
Non-Violent Resistance: A Palestinian Call for “Unarmed Warfare” By Jonathan Cook, November 12, 2015
US-Turkey Invasion Derailed by Syrian Army Triumph, Recapture of Kuweires Military Air Base By Mike Whitney, November 12, 2015
Global Research: More than 1.9 Million Readers a Month By Global Research News, November 11, 2015
“Peace Envoy” / Former War Criminal Tony Blair : Glossing Over Remembrance Day By Felicity Arbuthnot, November 11, 2015
Paramilitary Police in Miami Force Passengers to Leave Plane at Gunpoint By Andre Damon, November 11, 2015
History of World War I: 100 Years Ago, May 1915: Italy Goes to War – Why? By Dr. Jacques R. Pauwels, November 11, 2015
Selected Articles: “The War Drums are Beating” By Global Research News, November 11, 2015
America’s War Economy: Senate Defense Bill Halts Guantanamo Closure, Grants Military Aid to Kiev and Syrian Rebels By RT, November 11, 2015
Tony Blair’s Criminality is Plain for all to See By Felicity Arbuthnot, November 11, 2015
In the Wake of Fukushima: Japan’s Dangerous Nuclear Waste on the Cutting Board. Towards a Renewables Future? By Andrew Dewit, November 11, 2015
Russia’s Intervention in Syria: A Reality-Based Evaluation By The Saker, November 11, 2015
A B61-12 nuclear weapon ©the Center for Investigative Reporting
The War Drums are Beating: Two Trident Missiles Launched over Los Angeles. Act of Provocation Directed against Russia and China? By Joachim Hagopian, November 11, 2015
Ten years on, Iraq Lies in Ruins as New Evidence confirms U.S. used Death Squads to Manufacture ‘Civil War’ By Joe Quinn, November 11, 2015
The Glorification of War: “Veterans Day” Is Not for Veterans By David Swanson, November 11, 2015
The Maldives Archipelago: The Indian Ocean As A Prize Or Crisis Of Multipolarity? By Andrew Korybko, November 11, 2015
George W. Bush: “The Taliban …, I Thought you were Talking about some Rock Group” By Alexander Yanov, November 11, 2015
Russian Air Force Intensifies Strikes. Syrian Army Breaks ISIS Defenses By South Front, November 11, 2015
Nuclear Missile Testing Over California: US Foreign Policy is Based on Warfare By Andrew J. Santos, November 11, 2015
U.S. Secretary of Defense Ashton Carter Implies Russia and China Are “Enemies” of America. What Next? By Eric Zuesse, November 11, 2015
Selected Articles: Military Buildup and “the Struggle to Reverse Neoliberalism” By Global Research News, November 10, 2015
Review of Dave Chaddock's Book. David Swanson interview with Chaddock on Talk Nation Radio By Jeff Kaye, November 10, 2015
Pentagon Pushes for Build-up in Europe against Russia By Patrick Martin, November 10, 2015
Reflecting on the Iraq War and the Death of Ahmed Chalabi By Karen Kwiatkowski, November 10, 2015
Will Prime Minister Justin Trudeau Change Canada’s Policy towards the Middle East? By Greg Shupak, November 10, 2015
Syria: Russian Air Force Destroys 448 Terrorist Facilities in Three Days By RT News, November 10, 2015
Syria: The Uprising against President Al-Assad was Engineered in Washington By Eric Zuesse, November 10, 2015
Week Five of Russia’s Intervention in Syria: The Russians Are Digging in By The Saker, November 10, 2015
Military Buildup on Russia’s Doorstep, US Increasing Troop Strength in Europe, Pentagon and NATO Threaten Russia By Stephen Lendman, November 10, 2015
Neo-Colonialism in Africa: The Struggle to Reverse Neoliberalism and U.S. Militarization By Abayomi Azikiwe, November 10, 2015
Worsening Situation in the Donesk People’s Republic (DPR). Ukrainian Armed Forces Violate Ceasefire By South Front, November 10, 2015
Mulling in San Fransisco’s Tenderloin: Emperor Norton’s Boozeland By Dr. Binoy Kampmark, November 10, 2015
“Nothing To Hide, Nothing To Fear”, “We have been Spying on You for Years”: Orwellian Agents Propose New Police State Measures for UK By 21st Century Wire, November 10, 2015
Neoliberal Water under the Bridge: How Politics and Business Unite in the U.S., Honduras and Israel By Charity Crouse, November 10, 2015
Jeremy Corbyn is Right to Reject the Trident Missile System. Say No to Nuclear Weapons By Commander Robert Green, November 10, 2015
The Re-emerging African Debt Crisis. Renewed IMF “Economic Medicine” By Abayomi Azikiwe, November 10, 2015
Duplicitous Love Hate Relationship: Obama and Netanyahu Plot Next Moves. Multibillion Dollar Military Aid Package By Stephen Lendman, November 10, 2015
Selected Articles: Media Manipulation and the Intellectual Enslavement of Mankind. By Global Research News, November 09, 2015
Younous Chekkouri: Held in Guantanamo for 13 Years without Trial: Senator Feinstein Defends the Empire Against “Freeing the Innocent” By William M. Boardman, November 09, 2015
The “Poppy” Coverup Book? The “Authorized Biography” of George Herbert Walker Bush By Russ Baker, November 09, 2015
Britain Preparing Potential Military Involvement in Syria as a Means to Regain Grip over Middle East? By Press TV, November 09, 2015
Full Text of TPP Released: Monsanto’s Dream Trade Deal. The Biotech Industry “Can Legally Patent Your Genes” By Christina Sarich, November 09, 2015
US Defense Secretary Threatens Russia and China By Patrick Martin, November 09, 2015
“The Crime of Hate” Trial on Charges of Anti-Semitism: The Trial of Arthur Topham in British Columbia By Eve Mykytyn, November 09, 2015
Lessons from the Greek Debacle: A Left Euro-Skepticism or a Left Popular Front against the EU? By Stavros Mavroudeas, November 09, 2015
Criminal Law Suit Against Latin American Media for Expressing “Solidarity with the Palestinian People” By Carlos Aznárez, November 09, 2015
The New York Times’ 9/11 Propaganda By Kevin Ryan, November 09, 2015
Gazing into the Abyss. Unending Illegal U.S. War-making Is Creating a “Domestic Monster” By Inder Comar, November 09, 2015
The Re-enserfment of Western Peoples. The Corporate Power Grab Which Eliminates Political Sovereignty By Dr. Paul Craig Roberts, November 09, 2015
Syrian Armed Forces Implement Large Scale Offensive in Darayya, Western Ghouta By South Front, November 09, 2015
No Matter How Well Russian Media Expose Western Lies … By Eric Zuesse, November 09, 2015
Israel Has Murdered 80 Palestinians Since October 1 By Stephen Lendman, November 09, 2015
Early ‘US, UK Intel’ on Sinai Russian Plane Bombing Came From Israel By Jason Ditz, November 09, 2015
Pity the Democracy. “US Media runs our Proud American Democracy” By Barbara Nimri Aziz, November 09, 2015
Russian and Iranian Military Operations in Support of Syrian Government Forces, Retreat of ISIS and Al-Nusra By South Front, November 09, 2015
Washington Lunatics Run the “War Asylum”: Reckless US/NATO Saber-Rattling By Stephen Lendman, November 09, 2015
Israel Held ‘Largest Ever’ Air Combat Drill Nearby, On Same Day as Russian Sinai Crash By 21st Century Wire, November 09, 2015
Armistice Day 97 Years On. “The Stupidity of War”, The Propaganda That Motivated the Fighting By David Swanson, November 09, 2015
The Surveillance State: The “Digital Dog Ate” Our Civil-Liberties Homework: “It’s Just the Way It Is” By Norman Solomon, November 09, 2015
“Nuclear Deterrent used every Day”: The Naive British Soldier who thinks he’s Prime Minister By Anthony Bellchambers, November 09, 2015
Seven Downing Street Memos on “Fixing Intelligence”: How Much Proof Is Needed …To Indict George W. Bush and Tony Blair? By Kevin Zeese, November 09, 2015
Selected Articles: The Pervasive Influence of Zionism on the European Union, NATO By Global Research News, November 08, 2015
Hebron, Image by Wickey-nl (CC BY-SA 3.0)
Israel Terrorizes Hebron Residents. Settlers urge Soldiers to Kill the Palestinians. By Stephen Lendman, November 08, 2015
The Flood of Refugees into Europe: “The New Slave Trade” By Peter Koenig, November 08, 2015
Look Who’s in Charge of UK Government Cyber Security By Stuart Littlewood, November 08, 2015
Doctors Without Borders Releases Horrific Details Of Kunduz Hospital Bombing By U.S. Forces By Kevin Gosztola, November 08, 2015
TPP, WTO, NAFTA: The Most Brazen Corporate Power Grab in American History By Chris Hedges, November 08, 2015
Crisis within the Ukrainian Armed Forces By South Front, November 08, 2015
The former gas chamber at New Mexico State Penitentiary, used only once in 1960 and later replaced by lethal injection. Photo by Shelka04 (CC BY 3.0)
The Death Penalty in Oklahoma: Nitrogen Gas as a Means of Execution By Dr. Binoy Kampmark, November 08, 2015
Binyamin Netanyahu: The 21st century Colonial Face of Ethnic-Cleansing, Goes to US Congress to Demand Yet More Bombs By Anthony Bellchambers, November 08, 2015
Is Global Research “Anti-American”? By Global Research News, November 08, 2015
Selected Articles: Left-Right Politics, Phony Statistics, and “The New Cold War” Scenario By Global Research News, November 07, 2015
Flashback to 1995: The U.S.-Israel-Turkey-Jordan-Egypt Alliance at Prime Minister Rabin’s Funeral By Cem Ertür, November 07, 2015
Turkey Goes to War. Plan to Annex Sovereign Syrian Territory By Mike Whitney, November 07, 2015
US Supported Al Qaeda Terrorists in Syria Used Chemical Weapons, Mustard Gas, Sarin By Stephen Lendman, November 07, 2015
Who Downed Russia’s Metrojet Flight 9268? By Justin Raimondo, November 07, 2015
Proxy War Between America and Russia: Pentagon Supplying ISIS Terrorists in Syria with Aircraft Downing Weapons By Stephen Lendman, November 07, 2015