
First published on February 5, 2020 at very outset of the Covid-19 Crisis, in-depth analysis of the Simulation of a pandemic conducted in 2010 under the auspices of the Rockefeller Foundation.

By now, those following the novel coronavirus epidemic

Polish President Andrzej Duda declared that his country “will need to intervene immediately and bring in experts” should Russia attack Ukraine’s nuclear power plants (NPP) in Rivne and Khmelnitsky Regions. This follows his Foreign Minister Radek Sikorski proposing in early

In a recent interview with the New York Times, billionaire philanthropist Bill Gates was asked if there were types of projects that he would not invest in to offset his greenhouse gas emissions.

“I don’t plant trees,” he replied, adding

October 1, 2024, marks the start of the 4th International Month of Action Against AFRICOM (U.S. Africa Command), organized by the Black Alliance for Peace (BAP). Every year, hundreds of organizations around the world endorse and participate in this

The War in Syria Continues Despite the “Ceasefire” By Dr. Binoy Kampmark, March 03, 2016
“Commemorating” the Fifth Anniversary: “Forgetting Fukushima” Begins with Lies and Coverup By Robert Jacobs, March 03, 2016
Geopolitical Chess Games about Malaysia Airlines Flight MH17 and MH370, Families Demand Answers and Justice By nsnbc international, March 03, 2016
Syrian Arab Army (SAA) Launches Military Operation to Liberate Territories Controlled by Al-Nusra By South Front, March 03, 2016
Iraq’s Greatest Danger Yet: The Collapse of “The Most Dangerous Dam in the World.” By Felicity Arbuthnot, March 03, 2016
Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC) Designates Hezbollah as Terrorists – Deploys Al-Nusrah Against them in Lebanon By nsnbc international, March 03, 2016
Call It What It Is: America Is a Police State By Brandon Turbeville, March 03, 2016
US Elections: One Wing of the Duopoly Almost Down, One to Go By Glen Ford, March 03, 2016
NATO Commander Calls Refugees a Weapon of ISIS, Russia and Syria By Patrick Martin, March 03, 2016
Chinese Government Prepares to Sack Millions of Workers By John Ward and Peter Symonds, March 03, 2016
Video: The European Crisis: The Dutch EU-Ukraine Association Agreement Referendum By South Front, March 03, 2016
Video: Fierce Fighting in Syria By South Front, March 03, 2016
How the President of Nigeria Refused to Buy Drones from Tony Blair By PM News, March 02, 2016
Israel Confirms Delegation Visit to Riyadh: Saudi Princes Say We “Don’t Care” about the Palestinians By Alahednews, March 02, 2016
Hillary Clinton’s Fraudulent Actions in Haiti By Other Worlds, March 02, 2016
The FDA Now Officially Belongs to Big Pharma By Martha Rosenberg, March 02, 2016
A Republican Win Could Lead to a Likud Dominated Congress By Anthony Bellchambers, March 02, 2016
Bill Clinton’s Dubious Economic Legacies By Dr. Jack Rasmus, March 02, 2016
Big Pharma’s Nefarious Control of Health Care. The Vaccine Injury Compensation Program By Dr. Gary G. Kohls, March 02, 2016
The Saudi-Israeli Alliance: Saudi FM Secretly Visits Israel after Israeli Officials Visit Riyadh to Counter Iran By Alwaght, March 02, 2016
Saudi Arabia Threatens Military Intervention “To Remove Bashar al Assad”. “Northern Thunder” Military Exercise By Ulson Gunnar, March 02, 2016
Selected Articles: Failed Macroeconomics, Massive Corruption, and “the Globalization of Poverty” By Global Research News, March 02, 2016
With Women’s Rights on the Line, Groups Demand Supreme Court #StoptheSham By Lauren McCauley, March 02, 2016
Central Bankers Admit that Central Banks Have Failed to Fix the Economy By Washington's Blog, March 02, 2016
Saudis Confirm Discussion with U.S. Led Coalition of Potential Invasion of Syria By Brandon Turbeville, March 02, 2016
Primary Election Results Highlight US Political Crisis By Patrick Martin, March 02, 2016
German Chancellor Merkel’s Refugee Policy and the Call for a European Army By Ulrich Rippert, March 02, 2016
Moscow, Rampart against the “Jihadists” By Thierry Meyssan, March 02, 2016
Advocacy Group for Malaysian Airlines MH370 & MH17 Families Cry Foul. Malaysian Government Complicit in Coverup? By nsnbc international, March 02, 2016
Haitian People: Let Us Recover Our Dignity By Michel-Ange Cadet, March 02, 2016
Hillary is a Candidate for the “Political Machine”: Four Reasons Why a Hillary Clinton Presidency Is “A Real Possibility” By Timothy Alexander Guzman, March 02, 2016
Nuclear Red Alert. Saudi Fight-Bombers Equipped with Nuclear Warheads By Manlio Dinucci, March 02, 2016
Wall Street’s Savage Reckoning: Clouds Gather Over G-20 Summit By Mike Whitney, March 02, 2016
Hillary Clinton: A Bigger Warmonger Than Bush/Cheney? By Washington's Blog, March 02, 2016
An Essential Citizen’s Guide to the Truth About Genetically Modified Crops and Food By Colin Todhunter, March 02, 2016
“Inside Appointment” at FIFA? The Election of Football Administrator Gianni Infantino By Dr. Binoy Kampmark, March 01, 2016
Selected Articles: Canada is Deeply Corrupt By Global Research News, March 01, 2016
Fukushima: Highly Radioactive Cesium-Bearing Microparticles Released into Japan’s Natural Environment. Impacts on Human Health By Noriko Yamaguchi, Masanori Mitome, Maki Asano, Kouji Adachi, and Toshihiro Kogure, March 01, 2016
Occupy Hillary Clinton’s Wall Street Speeches. What Did She Tell the Banks? By Prof. Marjorie Cohn, March 01, 2016
ELN Spotted in FARC Territory as Both Continue Peace Process with Colombian Government By nsnbc international, March 01, 2016
Genetically Modified Organisms (GMOs) – Planned Sterilization of Humanity? By Peter Koenig, March 01, 2016
USA, Russia, Turkey, Israel, Iran: All Have a Plan B for Syria By nsnbc international, March 01, 2016
ISIS Trafficking Body Organs of Living People By Fars News Agency, March 01, 2016
Syria-Bound Humanitarian Aid Convoys from Turkey Deliver Weapons to Terrorists. Lavrov By ITAR-TASS, March 01, 2016
500 Signatories Condemn Sweden and UK Over UNWGAD Assange Reaction By Justice for Assange, March 01, 2016
Will Putin’s Economic Sanctions directed against Turkey bring Down Erdogan? By Kerim Karakaya, March 01, 2016
Syria: Propaganda Campaign to “Clean Up the Public Image” of the “Moderate Opposition” By South Front, March 01, 2016
Hillary or Bernie? Unions Fight It Out. Sharp Divide in America’s Progressive Movement By Boen Wang, March 01, 2016
WW3: Fighters From Turkey Are Pouring Into Syria And Attacking Targets Despite The Ceasefire By Michael Snyder, March 01, 2016
Clinton-Bush Hardliner Attacks Congress for Blocking Invasion of Syria By Eric Zuesse, March 01, 2016
Delivering Aid to Daesh: Is the UN Allied with Terrorism? Deliberate Malpractice in Kafarya and Foua By Vanessa Beeley, March 01, 2016
Iranian Elections Strengthen Rouhani’s Hand By Keith Jones, March 01, 2016
Former British Prime Minister Blair listens to a question during an appearance at the 9/11 Memorial Museum in New York REUTERS/Brendan McDermid
“Broken Vows”: Tony Blair’s ‘Deceit’ over Intentions to Invade Iraq By Brendan Cole, March 01, 2016
Synthetic Biology’s First Malaria Drug Meets Market Resistance By Mark Peplow, March 01, 2016
New York Times on Clinton and Libya: Portrait of a War Criminal By Bill Van Auken, March 01, 2016
When Canadians Become Alarmed, It’s Serious. By Barbara Nimri Aziz, March 01, 2016
King of Chaos. “If Clinton was Queen of Chaos, Obama is surely King” By Edward S. Herman, March 01, 2016
Operation Barbarossa 2, The Baltic Gambit: US-NATO “Mock” Nuclear War Games on Russia’s Doorstep By Christopher Black, March 01, 2016
Three South African Universities Closed Due to Student Unrest. ANC Charges “Regime-Change Strategy” Implicating US By Abayomi Azikiwe, March 01, 2016
Refugee Crisis: EU Cites Missing Libyan Navy It Destroyed in 2011 By Tony Cartalucci, March 01, 2016
US, China and Ultra-Low Oil Prices By Dr. Dan Steinbock, March 01, 2016
The Graveyard of the Elites. “Politicians are Little more than Brands” By Chris Hedges, March 01, 2016
War on Syria: Gap Between US-NATO Propaganda Claims and “The Reality on the Ground” By South Front, March 01, 2016
Miss Canada Finalist Boycotts Israel By Julie Lévesque, March 01, 2016
Hillary’s Secret Weapon: Donald Trump By Patrick Henningsen, March 01, 2016
Why an Israeli Newspaper Wanted to ‘Flatten’ a City of Millions … Beirut By Asa Winstanley, February 29, 2016
Britain’s Trident Nuclear “Deterrent”: How the Banks Have their Fingers on the Button By Steve Topple, February 29, 2016
Emergence of “Right Sector” in Lithuania? By Adomas Abromaitis, February 29, 2016
Brazil Officials Focus on Sumitomo-Monsanto Pesticide Used to Fight Zika After It Was Exposed as a Possible Cause of Birth Defects By Matt Agorist, February 29, 2016
US-backed Proxies Use Ceasefire in Syria to ‘Regroup, Rearm and Prepare’ By Sputnik, February 29, 2016
The Rise of the Absurd: Donald Trump and the GOP Legacy By Dr. Binoy Kampmark, February 29, 2016
Afghanistan, Mineral Resources and the TAPI Natural Gas Pipeline: The Driving Force Behind the War? By Bill Distler, February 29, 2016
The Scandal of Voter Suppression in America By William John Cox, February 29, 2016
Only In America: An Indiscreet Selfie Can Put A Kid In Prison By Dr. Paul Craig Roberts, February 29, 2016
Selected Articles: Can Bernie Sanders Win the Elections Without the Support of Wall Street? By Global Research News, February 29, 2016
New Report Issues Dire Warning about Global Decline in Pollinators By Andrea Germanos, February 29, 2016
Emailgate: The Hillary Emails By Brandon Turbeville, February 29, 2016
Wall Street’s Savage Reckoning: Clouds Gather Over G-20 Summit By Mike Whitney, February 29, 2016
NATO Operation in Aegean Sea Heightens Threat of War with Russia By Johannes Stern, February 29, 2016
G-20 Summit Rules Out Coordinated Stimulus By Nick Beams, February 29, 2016