
First published on February 5, 2020 at very outset of the Covid-19 Crisis, in-depth analysis of the Simulation of a pandemic conducted in 2010 under the auspices of the Rockefeller Foundation.

By now, those following the novel coronavirus epidemic

Polish President Andrzej Duda declared that his country “will need to intervene immediately and bring in experts” should Russia attack Ukraine’s nuclear power plants (NPP) in Rivne and Khmelnitsky Regions. This follows his Foreign Minister Radek Sikorski proposing in early

In a recent interview with the New York Times, billionaire philanthropist Bill Gates was asked if there were types of projects that he would not invest in to offset his greenhouse gas emissions.

“I don’t plant trees,” he replied, adding

October 1, 2024, marks the start of the 4th International Month of Action Against AFRICOM (U.S. Africa Command), organized by the Black Alliance for Peace (BAP). Every year, hundreds of organizations around the world endorse and participate in this

Joe Wilson’s “Confidential Letter” to Hillary Clinton in 2010: Baghdad “Has Been Bled to Death” By Zaid Jilani, March 08, 2016
Zimbabwe Diamonds and the Economic Crisis in Southern Africa By Abayomi Azikiwe, March 08, 2016
…Everything Else is Credit! Resurgence of the Gold and Silver Markets By Bill Holter, March 08, 2016
DynCorp Mercenaries to Replace Blackwater in Yemen By Press TV, March 08, 2016
Global Economic, Political and Military Configurations By Prof. James Petras, March 08, 2016
Racism and Electoral Politics in 2016 By Abayomi Azikiwe, March 08, 2016
Climate Disruption’s New Record: Carbon Dioxide Levels Reach Highest Point in 15 Million Years By Dahr Jamail, March 07, 2016
Washington’s Objective is to “Split up Syria”: U.S. Establishes Air Force Base in Northern Syria In Violation of International Law By SyrianFreePress, March 07, 2016
North Korea and the Nuclear Question. The Political Isolation of the DPRK. China and Russia Endorse Sanctions By Dr. Chandra Muzaffar, March 07, 2016
Selected Articles: Update on the US-NATO War on Syria By Global Research News, March 07, 2016
Black Lives Matter, Just Not to Hillary Clinton. African American Voters Support a “Fantasy Champion for Black Lives” By William Boardman, March 07, 2016
Nigeria’s Economic Crunch: How to Reverse the Neo-liberal Induced Crisis? Massive Looting of the Nation’s Wealth by Global Financial Actors By Kola Ibrahim, March 07, 2016
Bombshell Lawsuit Links Baby Powder to Cancer By Barbara Minton, March 07, 2016
A shot of an ancient neighborhood in Sanaa, the capital of Yemen, taken long before Saudi Arabia's invasion. AFP/Getty Images
Yemen: One of the Oldest Civilizations: Crimes against Humanity. Saudi Bombings of Yemen’s Heritage Sites By Ahmed Alwly, March 07, 2016
500 Days of British Drone Attacks in Iraq and Syria, “Against ISIS” or “Against Civilians”? By Chris Cole, March 07, 2016
“Islamic State” in Disarray: Russian Warplanes Target ISIS Transport Routes, YPG Kurds and Syrian Army Join Hands By South Front, March 07, 2016
The Refugee Crisis and “Free Movement of People across the EU”: While Schengen Shatters, Greece Is The Scapegoat By Fatma Yilmaz-Elmas, March 07, 2016
The 2008 Global Economic Crisis: How Institutionalized Fraud Widened the Gap Between Rich and Poor By Global Research and Global Research, March 07, 2016
Five Years After Fukushima, ‘No End in Sight’ to Ecological Fallout By Deirdre Fulton, March 07, 2016
Leaked Australian Document Reveals Plans for Mass Surveillance of Immigrants By Max Newman, March 07, 2016
The Hillary Clinton Emails: A Record of Imperialist Crimes By Tom Hall, March 07, 2016
U.S. Senator Bernie Sanders: Hugo Chávez is Just a Dead Communist Dictator By Venezuela Today, March 07, 2016
Breaking: US Establishing Air Force Base inside Syria By Bas News, March 07, 2016
Judge Warns Hillary “Should Be Terrified” After Justice Grants Email-Staffer Immunity. “Was it a Criminal Wrongdoing?” By Zero Hedge, March 07, 2016
Syria: Phantom “Rebels” Return from the Dead By Tony Cartalucci, March 07, 2016
north korea flag
UN Sanctions Designed to Impose Suffering on the North Korean People By Gregory Elich, March 07, 2016
Neocons Panic That Trump Presidency Would Mark End to Their New World Order By Sputnik, March 07, 2016
The Islamic State’s Capital Raqqa: Citizens Take to Streets to Voice Support for Syrian Army against ISIS By Fars News Agency, March 07, 2016
Kerry and Lavrov Agree to Re-Launch Geneva III Talks on Syria as Soon as Possible By nsnbc international, March 07, 2016
Selected Articles: The Crimes of Israel Continue to Go Unnoticed. By Global Research News, March 06, 2016
US Contemplates Deployment of B-52 Long Range Strategic Bombers in Syria “against ISIS” By khaled Abd Elaziz, March 06, 2016
ISIS Recruits and Trains Children to Be Killers By Stephen Lendman, March 06, 2016
Why Negotiations on Syria are Being Repeatedly Stalled By Martin Berger, March 06, 2016
France’s Undeclared War on Libya By Vladimir Platov, March 06, 2016
Israel’s “Demolition and Displacement” Policy: Dozens of Palestinian Homes Destroyed in West Bank By RT, March 06, 2016
Hezbollah vs. the “State Sponsors of Terrorism” By Timothy Alexander Guzman, March 06, 2016
The Political Zionist Accusation of ‘Self-Hating Jew’ By Anthony Bellchambers, March 06, 2016
U.S. Supplies ISIS through Turkey By Eric Zuesse, March 06, 2016
The Performance of Russia’s Aerospace Forces in Syria, … “Took NATO by Surprise” By J. Hawk, Daniel Deiss, and Edwin Watson, March 06, 2016
Nuclear Alternatives and ‘North American Security’ – False Canadian Solutions to the Climate Crisis Global Research News Hour Episode 133 By Michael Welch, March 06, 2016
“Urban Warfare Training” and the Militarization of America By Bill Van Auken, March 06, 2016
The Social Crisis in Detroit. On the Verge of an Urban Rebellion By Abayomi Azikiwe, March 05, 2016
Tony Blair “ON TRIAL” in London By Global Research News, March 05, 2016
Crimes against Humanity: Israel Ordered the Demolition of 183 Palestinian Homes and Institutions in February By Middle East Monitor, March 05, 2016
Israel’s Extrajudicial Assassinations Include Children: 41 Palestinian Children Killed Since October 1 By Saed Bannoura, March 05, 2016
Assassination of Honduran Activist Berta Cáceres Sparks Outrage. Call on Canada To Condemn the Murder By Common Frontiers, March 05, 2016
US Role in the Assassination of Honduran Activist Berta Cáceres Goes Unmentioned in US Media By Adam Johnson, March 05, 2016
Hybrid Wars. Triggering Ethnic, Religious, Regional and Political Conflicts By Andrew Korybko, March 05, 2016
Turkey’s War on Free Expression. Journalists Imprisoned for Doing Their Job By Stephen Lendman, March 05, 2016
Selected Articles: Central Banking, Neoliberalism, and the “Fall of the Personalist Left” By Global Research News, March 05, 2016
Hillary Clinton versus Donald Trump. Our Only Choice is Between a Mendacious War Criminal and a Racist Egomaniac By Anthony Freda, March 05, 2016
Washington’s Neocon Occupation Upholds The Illusion Of Choice In The Two-Party Duopoly By Mnar Muhawesh, March 05, 2016
Killing Someone Else’s Beloved. Promoting the “American Way of War” in Campaign 2016 By Mattea Kramer, March 05, 2016
The Virtues of Saying Anything: Donald Trump and Torture By Dr. Binoy Kampmark, March 05, 2016
South Korea and the Art of Collaboration. Raw War Propaganda against the DPRK By Andre Vltchek, March 05, 2016
Obama’s Visit to Cuba and Human Rights By Arnold August, March 05, 2016
The Revenge of the Lower Classes and the Rise of American Fascism By Chris Hedges, March 05, 2016
Murder Is Washington’s Foreign Policy By Dr. Paul Craig Roberts, March 05, 2016
Twilight of the Idols: Rise and Fall of the Personalist Left. Neo-Liberal Restoration in Latin-America By Prof. James Petras, March 05, 2016
Human Rights, Corruption and the Canada-Honduras Free Trade Agreement: The Assassination of Activist Berta Caceres By Mark Taliano, March 04, 2016
Fragility of Fracking: Underground Coal Gasification Company Collapse By Frack Off, March 04, 2016
World Wildlife Day: Humanity and the Rights of Animals By Timothy Bancroft-Hinchey, March 04, 2016
Turkey ‘Protects and Supplies’ Al-Nusra Camps at its Border inside Syria By RT, March 04, 2016
“Privacy Crisis”: Why the FBI’s Case Against Apple is Falling Apart By Shawn Helton, March 04, 2016
Donald Trump: A “Joke Candidate” or a Threat? The “Political Establishment” in Outright Panic Mode By Bill Holter, March 04, 2016
Russia – China Economic Front – Competition or Alternative to the Western Economic System? By Peter Koenig, March 04, 2016
Victory of Neoliberalism? Is South America’s ‘Progressive Cycle’ At an End? By Claudio Katz, March 04, 2016
Another Earthquake in Port-au-Prince, Haiti? By Dady Chery, March 04, 2016
Sino-US Confrontation? US Navy Dispatched Several Ships to South China Sea By Sputnik, March 04, 2016
Poisoned and Marginalised? The Role of Agroecology in Resisting the Corporate Stranglehold on Food and Agriculture By Colin Todhunter, March 04, 2016
The Syrian Arab Army’s Place in History By John Wight, March 04, 2016
Is Lebanon Next On The Chopping Block? Recent Saudi, GCC, Turk Moves Suggest That It Is By Brandon Turbeville, March 04, 2016
Sudanese Journalists Launch Historic Hunger Strike against Free Press Crackdown By Nadia Prupis, March 04, 2016
European Union Threatens Summary Mass Deportations of Refugees By Alex Lantier, March 04, 2016
US Republican Party in Crisis as Romney Denounces Trump By Patrick Martin, March 04, 2016
Central Bank Governors Are Liars By Prof Michel Chossudovsky and Washington's Blog, March 04, 2016
Confiscating the African American Vote? How the Clinton Media Machine Blocked Sanders Civil Rights Play By WhoWhatWhy, March 04, 2016
Selected Articles: Mind Control and the “One Party Police State” By Global Research News, March 03, 2016
US Media Want to Keep Palestine “Boring” By Jonathan Cook, March 03, 2016
Diminishing Democracy: The Australian Senate Changes By Dr. Binoy Kampmark, March 03, 2016