
First published on February 5, 2020 at very outset of the Covid-19 Crisis, in-depth analysis of the Simulation of a pandemic conducted in 2010 under the auspices of the Rockefeller Foundation.

By now, those following the novel coronavirus epidemic

Polish President Andrzej Duda declared that his country “will need to intervene immediately and bring in experts” should Russia attack Ukraine’s nuclear power plants (NPP) in Rivne and Khmelnitsky Regions. This follows his Foreign Minister Radek Sikorski proposing in early

In a recent interview with the New York Times, billionaire philanthropist Bill Gates was asked if there were types of projects that he would not invest in to offset his greenhouse gas emissions.

“I don’t plant trees,” he replied, adding

October 1, 2024, marks the start of the 4th International Month of Action Against AFRICOM (U.S. Africa Command), organized by the Black Alliance for Peace (BAP). Every year, hundreds of organizations around the world endorse and participate in this

Boston Bombing: Release of Tsarnaev’s Interrogation Notes Leads to More Questions By James Henry, March 16, 2016
Alleged Assassin of Bobby Kennedy: The Tortured Logic behind Sirhan Sirhan’s Parole Denial By Dr. Shane O'Sullivan, March 16, 2016
Hillary Clinton’s Link to a Nasty Piece of Work in Honduras By Prof. Marjorie Cohn, March 16, 2016
Russia’s Military Aims Achieved, Putin Switches to Diplomacy By Dr. Paul Craig Roberts, March 16, 2016
Jews vs. Non Jews in Israel: The New York Times’ Whitewash of Israeli Public Opinion Poll By James J. Zogby, March 16, 2016
The Criminalization of Environmental and Human Rights Activists: Free Ethiopian Political Prisoners! By Grain, March 16, 2016
America Keeps Moving Towards World War… By Brian Cloughley, March 16, 2016
Russia Partially Withdraws From Syria, Reinforces its Strategic and Advisory Capabilities. “Settlement of the Crisis by Peaceful Means”? By South Front, March 15, 2016
The Syria Endgame: Strategic Stage in the Pentagon’s Covert War on Iran By Mahdi Darius Nazemroaya, March 15, 2016
“Entomological Warfare”: US Army Researched the Weaponizing of Mosquitoes By The Smoking Gun, March 15, 2016
Selected Articles: Mass Surveillance, Covert Operations. “Fight Terror” By Giving Up Your Civil Liberties By Global Research News, March 15, 2016
Kerry’s Secret War Plan for Syria: Missile Strikes to Force Assad’s Ouster By Gareth Porter, March 15, 2016
‘Al-Qaeda’ Gunmen Storm Ivory Coast Beach Resort, 16 Reported Dead, Including ‘4 Europeans’ By RT, March 15, 2016
The History of Hollywood: Propaganda for White Supremacy at Home and US Militarism Abroad By Garikai Chengu, March 15, 2016
European Central Bank Chief Mario Draghi’s Giant Giveaway; More Handouts for Wall Street By Mike Whitney, March 15, 2016
Millions Join Protests in Brazil Demanding Ouster of Workers Party Government By Bill Van Auken, March 15, 2016
America’s Laughable ‘News’ Media By Eric Zuesse, March 15, 2016
Assets and Liabilities… And “Debt Saturation” By Bill Holter, March 15, 2016
Gay Rights and the Marriage Equality Vote in Australia By Dr. Binoy Kampmark, March 15, 2016
Feeding the Bank Balance or Feeding the World: GMOs, Development and the Politics of Unhappiness By Colin Todhunter, March 15, 2016
US Court Accuses Iran of Sponsoring the 9/11 Attacks. “Ridiculous” and “Absurd” By Press TV, March 15, 2016
Berta Cáceres: Murder of Mother Linked to ‘Green’ Bank, Mining Companies and Hillary Clinton By Marianne Edwards, March 15, 2016
U.S. Government Blames 9/11 on Iran, Fines Iran $10.5 Billion; Iran Refuses to Pay By Eric Zuesse, March 15, 2016
Regime Change in Thailand? Ousted Thai Prime Minister Thaksin Shinawatra in New York By Tony Cartalucci, March 15, 2016
Palestine Becomes A Full Member Of “The Court Of Arbitration” By IMEMC, March 15, 2016
Emails Show Hillary Clinton Aides Celebrating F-15 Jet Fighter Sales to Saudi Arabia: “Good News” By Lee Fang, March 15, 2016
An Incredible Election Year in America By Jack A. Smith, March 15, 2016
Defeating a Demagogue: It Has Happened Before. The McCarthy Era By Greg Guma, March 15, 2016
Video: Arms and Drug Trafficking in Africa. The Role of Boko Haram By South Front, March 15, 2016
Hillary Clinton’s Upset in the Michigan Democratic Primary By Abayomi Azikiwe, March 15, 2016
Does Congress Represent American Citizens or Israeli Settlers? By Anthony Bellchambers, March 15, 2016
Targeting Climate Change Scientists: The CSIRO Folly in Australia By Dr. Binoy Kampmark, March 15, 2016
U.S. Strategy to Dominate Horn of Africa: Attacks in Somalia Expose “Failure” of Decade-long War By Abayomi Azikiwe, March 15, 2016
Selected Articles: Update on the War in Syria By Global Research News, March 14, 2016
Syria: Islamic State (ISIS) Forces Decimated by SAA and Russian Air Force By South Front, March 14, 2016
Protecting America’s Bees. Bee Depopulation linked to Pesticides. Failure of the US Government By Andrea Germanos, March 14, 2016
UK Bill Hands Vast Surveillance Powers to Police and Intelligence Agencies By Barry Mason, March 14, 2016
Ankara Rocked by Second Terror Attack. Ban on Social Media in Turkey including Facebook and Twitter By Sputnik, March 14, 2016
Former Agent of Swedish Security Police Dictated Amnesty Sweden’s Stance against Julian Assange By Prof. Marcello Ferrada de Noli, March 14, 2016
US-trained Chechen ISIS Commander Abu Omar al-Shishani Survives US Assassination Strike By Thomas Gaist, March 14, 2016
Syrian Ceasefire: Israel’s Collusion with the “Moderate Terrorists” Exposed… By Harrison Koehli, March 14, 2016
New Group of Syrian Opposition Formed, Supported by Russia By ITAR-TASS, March 14, 2016
Donald Trump: You’re all Violent Communists Now! By Michael T. Bucci, March 14, 2016
Syria: US-Backed “Moderate Rebels” Attacked by “US-Backed” Al-Nusra Rebels By RT, March 14, 2016
Proof that Ignorance Drives Hillary Clinton’s Voters By Eric Zuesse, March 14, 2016
Iran’s Scientific Diplomacy: Can the World Unite to Explore the Universe for the Sake of Science or is it Just a Dream? By Timothy Alexander Guzman, March 14, 2016
Can Europe Survive? The EU’s Horses of the Apocalypse By Roberto Savio, March 14, 2016
Latin America’s “Dirty War”: How Much Did the US Know About the Kidnapping, Torture, and Murder of Over 20,000 People in Argentina? By Martin Edwin Andersen, March 14, 2016
‘Operation Barbarossa 2’: “Overpopulation” and the Funding of World War III By Peter Koenig, March 14, 2016
“Militarized” Refugees – “A Success Story” By Jim Miles, March 14, 2016
Caught On Tape: Secret Service Agents Storm Stage To Protect Donald Trump By Zero Hedge, March 14, 2016
Media Manufacture Narrative of U.S. Benevolence Towards Cuba By Matt Peppe, March 14, 2016
Money, Power and Oil. Exposing the Libyan Agenda: A Closer Look at Hillary’s Emails By Ellen Brown, March 14, 2016
The Future Doesn’t Like You By Anthony Freda, March 14, 2016
Selected Articles: Conflict in Ukraine. Oligarchy and Militarism Collude. By Global Research News, March 13, 2016
Boom Town: Iraq’s Kurdish Region Flourishes Amidst Warfare By Randy Johnson, March 13, 2016
Drugs, Dams, and Power: the Murder of Honduras Activist Berta Cáceres By Danielle Marie Mackey, March 13, 2016
Hillary Clinton’s Destruction of Emails Was a Federal Crime By Eric Zuesse, March 13, 2016
Video: Syria’s Popular Defense Groups Ambush Terrorists, Confiscate Israeli-Made Weapons By R. Milhem and H. Said, March 13, 2016
Israeli Aircrafts Drop Toxic Materials on Jordan Valley’s West Bank By The Palestinian Information Center, March 13, 2016
Russian warplanes | © Ministry of defence of the Russian Federation
Syria: Rebellion against the Islamic State in Raqqa, Retreat of ISIS Forces in Southeastern Aleppo. Air Raids on ISIS in Palmyra By South Front, March 13, 2016
Good Old American Taxes Dollars Funding Nazi Forces Of The Ukraine Government By NovoRossia Today, March 13, 2016
Obama in Cuba: Will the Visit Advance the US Cultural War Against Cubans? By Arnold August, March 13, 2016
Why Is Canada Keeping the New “Secret” Continental Climate Deal with Obama under Wraps? By Gordon Laxer, March 13, 2016
Ten Years Since the “Extrajudicial” Assassination of Slobodan Milosevic. NATO’s Responsibility By Christopher Black, March 13, 2016
The Offshore Outsourcing of American Jobs: A Greater Threat Than Terrorism By Dr. Paul Craig Roberts, March 13, 2016
In Alliance with Al-Qaida, Israel Is Stealing Syria’s Oil By Uprooted Palestinians, March 13, 2016
President of the European Commission Jean-Claude Juncker Damns Obama’s Plan for Ukraine By Eric Zuesse, March 13, 2016
Imperialism via Data: The Digitization of Human Behavior, “Social Radar”, Sensors and Neuroscience By John Stanton, March 13, 2016
Canada’s Military Role in Haiti’s “UN Stabilization Mission” By Yves Engler, March 13, 2016
Targeting China? Australian Military Bases for US bombers By Dr. Binoy Kampmark, March 13, 2016
The Giant Lie About Fukushima By Prof. Karl Grossman, March 13, 2016
British Consensus For an Independent Palestinian State. Five Million Still under Israeli Military Occupation By Anthony Bellchambers, March 13, 2016
Fukushima At Five: Reflections on the Crime, the Cover-up and the Future of Nuclear Energy Global Research News Hour Episode 134 By Michael Welch and Linda Pentz Gunter, March 13, 2016
Welcome to the Empire of Chaos By Ulson Gunnar, March 13, 2016
The Imperial Myopia of Candidate Bernie Sanders By Chris Floyd, March 13, 2016
European Central Bank (ECB) Cuts Rates and Pours More Money into Financial Markets By Nick Beams, March 13, 2016
The Media’s “Repetition Compulsion” in Coverage of the Presidential Primaries By Edward Curtin, March 13, 2016
Selected Articles: 2016 US Elections. “Two Corrupt Establishments” Vie for the Win. By Global Research News, March 12, 2016
Trudeau Pledges Strengthened Canada-US Partnership in White House Visit By Roger Jordan, March 12, 2016