
Ukrainians now suspect that Poland as a whole and he in particular have ulterior motives.

Polish Foreign Minister Radek Sikorski continues getting on Kiev’s bad side. His latest trip to the Ukrainian capital to meet with Zelensky reportedly resulted in

Telegram owner Pavel Durov’s detention in Paris over a month ago provoked а flurry of attention and animated comments. But soon thereafter the case strangely vanished from the radar screen. The high profile affair, which initially stirred enormous public interest

Hezbollah has announced the death of the General Secretary of Hezbollah, Hassan Nasrallah almost 24 hours after the September 27 massive Israeli attack on the Hreik neighborhood in south Beirut which resulted in the assassination of Nasrallah and others.

The state of Missouri murdered Marcellus “Khaliifah” Williams on Tuesday, September 24th, at 6 pm central time. His last meal was chicken wings and tater tots; his last words were, “All praise be to Allah in every situation!” His execution

BRICS Under Attack: Western Banks, Governments Launch Full-Spectrum Assault on Russia By Eric Draitser, April 22, 2016
Israel Building Another Wall near Lebanese Border By AhlulBayt News Agency, April 22, 2016
Fear and Loathing in the Arabian Nights By Pepe Escobar, April 22, 2016
How U.S. Intervention in Afghanistan Changed That Country. “New Afghan State Built on US Legacy of Torture and Impunity”. Stanford Historian By Marguerite Rigoglioso, April 22, 2016
In the Wake of Ecuador’s Earthquake: “Zero” Humanitarian Aid from the US, Palestine Sends Rescue Team By Telesur, April 22, 2016
The UN is Complicit with Saudi Arabia’s Genocidal War of Aggression Against Yemen By Vanessa Beeley and UK Column News, April 22, 2016
Syria: Fierce Fighting on the Kabani Front against Al Qaeda and its Allies By South Front, April 22, 2016
Indicted Boston Bomber Tsarnaev Held Under Gag Order, Incommunicado By James Henry, April 22, 2016
We Can’t Save the Economy Unless We Fix Our Debt Addiction By Prof Michael Hudson, April 22, 2016
The Israeli Occupied Golan Heights: An Occupation for Natural Resources. Water, Land and Oil By Timothy Alexander Guzman, April 22, 2016
U.S. Government Is Now a Major Counterparty to Wall Street Derivatives By Pam Martens and Russ Martens, April 22, 2016
The Tribeca Film Festival and the Framing of Vaxxed. “The Film on Vaccines they do not Want you to See” By Philippe Diaz, April 22, 2016
US Economist Presents Stunning Proposal to “Save the Economy”: The Fed Should Buy Gold By Zero Hedge, April 22, 2016
Hillary Clinton’s Support Base as Bogus as US Democracy By Eric Draitser, April 22, 2016
Is Hillary Clinton the Democrats’ Richard Nixon? By Eric Zuesse, April 22, 2016
Why Is the “Progressive Left” Helping the Elite Elect Hillary? By Dr. Paul Craig Roberts, April 21, 2016
Given Ultimatum, Obama Forced to Publicly Display Preference for Saudi Terror-Leader, Money, over 9/11 Victims By Robert Barsocchini, April 21, 2016
In the Wake of the Earthquake: “Normal” in Nepal Spells Trouble By Barbara Nimri Aziz, April 21, 2016
Fukushima Nuclear Plant Hit with 5.8 Earthquake By superstation95, April 21, 2016
New York Primaries: “Bernie’s Gone” Says Donald Trump, “I Love Running against Crooked Hillary, Bernie Wouldn’t be as Much Fun”. By Michael T. Bucci, April 21, 2016
Turkey Takes Steps to Destabilize Caucasus and Crimea By South Front, April 21, 2016
GMOs Produced through “Gene-editing”: European Commission Fails to Regulate New GMOs after Intense US Lobbying By Corporate Europe Observatory, April 21, 2016
Human Rights Double Standards: German Government Praises the Hangman of Cairo General Abdel Fattah al-Sisi By Johannes Stern, April 21, 2016
Andrew Jackson “Demoted”, Replaced by Civil Rights Activist Harriet Tubman on New $20 Dollar Bills By Stephen Lendman, April 21, 2016
Catastrophic Radioactive Leak at Washington State’s Hanford Nuclear Waste Storage Facility By U.S.Reporter, April 21, 2016
Washington Attempts To Break the Truce by Accusing Syrian Government of Airstrikes against Civilians By Hunter News, April 21, 2016
A New Era of Anti-Occupation Judaism By Leanne Gale, April 21, 2016
The Collapse of the Western Fiat Monetary System may have Begun. China, Russia and the Reemergence of Gold-Backed Currencies By Peter Koenig, April 21, 2016
Deepwater Horizon Oil Rig Explosion: What You Need to Know Six Years After BP’s Gulf Oil Disaster By Farron Cousins, April 21, 2016
Gaza Blockade Seeks “Economic Paralysis”: Israel Officially Bans Cement Entry to Gaza By Donia Al-Watan, April 21, 2016
US-Saudi Aggression in Yemen Celebrated by Co-Aggressor UAE By William Boardman, April 21, 2016
US Complicity? After Vote to Remove Brazil’s President, Key Opposition Figure Holds Meetings in Washington By Glenn Greenwald and David Miranda, April 21, 2016
South Africa and Worldwide: The Anti-GMO March and Protest Movement against Monsanto By The International Reporter, April 21, 2016
Debt, Bank Bailouts and Austerity Measures. Proposal for Radical Change By Eric Toussaint, April 21, 2016
Syria Cultural Heritage Destroyed by the “State Sponsors of the ISIS”: Palmyra Rising from the Ashes By Jeff Klein, April 20, 2016
Selected Articles: Elections in Syria, Primaries in New York By Global Research News, April 20, 2016
Fidel Castro: “The Cuban People will Win” By Fidel Castro and Cuba Debate, April 20, 2016
Post Palmyra Liberation: The Islamic State (ISIS) Still a Threat. Washington Seeks the “Partition of Syria” By Paul Mansfield, April 20, 2016
Generalized War Escalation in Iraq and Syria: US Announces New Iraq Deployments By Thomas Gaist, April 20, 2016
New York Voters Sue the State, Claiming Mass Voter Roll Purges By Nathan Tempey, April 20, 2016
New Yorkers Struggled to Cast Primary Ballots Amid “Problems at the Polls” By DNAinfo, April 20, 2016
The Dirty War on Syria: Election Day, Syrians Go to the Polls Global Research News Hour Episode 138. Conversations Tim Anderson and Stephen Lendman By Prof. Tim Anderson, Stephen Lendman, and Michael Welch, April 20, 2016
Obama: ‘If We Let Americans Sue Saudis for 9/11, Foreigners Will Begin Suing US Non-Stop’ By RT, April 20, 2016
A Glossary of Terms to Help De-Mystify This and Future Political Campaigns By Dr. Gary G. Kohls, April 20, 2016
New York Voters Not Buying into Media Rhetoric of Democratic Brawl By Jon Hecht, April 20, 2016
Australia’s Manus Island Refugee Detention Camp By Dr. Binoy Kampmark, April 20, 2016
Washington’s Fake War on ISIS “Moves” to Libya By Ulson Gunnar, April 20, 2016
Video: Closing Panama Tax Haven Will Require Fighting the Most Powerful Lobby In the World By Prof Michael Hudson and Sharmini Peries, April 20, 2016
“The Fukushima Nuclear Disaster is a Serious Crime” By Koide Hiroaki, April 20, 2016
Video: China’s New Aircraft Carrier Force, Challenges US Naval Hegemony? By South Front, April 20, 2016
Jerusalem: City of Hate. Political Ideology has Created an “Unholy City” By Anthony Bellchambers, April 20, 2016
Selected Articles: Israel’s Active Cooperation with ISIS and Al Qaeda By Global Research News, April 19, 2016
Hollywood’s Johnny Depp and Animal Rights By Dr. Binoy Kampmark, April 19, 2016
Israeli Tourist Map of Jerusalem Rewrites History. Removes Palestinian Culture from the Map By Charlie Hoyle, April 19, 2016
Yemen: Al-Qaeda’s Expansion. Saudi-Led Military Actions Coordinated with those of AQAP Terrorists By South Front, April 19, 2016
Venezuela’s Opposition: Attacking Its Own People By Eric Draitser, April 19, 2016
Who is Behind Egypt’s “Gift” of Two Strategic Red Sea Islands to Saudi Arabia By Abayomi Azikiwe, April 19, 2016
Media Pretend Not To Know About British Boots on the Ground in Libya By Craig Murray, April 19, 2016
Crimes against Humanity: Israel Ambulance Paramedics Withhold Treatment to Wounded Palestinians By Jonathan Cook, April 19, 2016
Real Hypocrisy versus Real Change: Canada’s PM Trudeau Backs Arms Deal with Saudi “Lords of Terrorism” By Mark Taliano, April 19, 2016
“Neoliberal Restoration”: Hybrid War Hyenas Tear Brazil Apart By Pepe Escobar, April 19, 2016
Israel Actively “Cooperates” with the Islamic State and Al Qaeda. Military Aid Channelled into Syria out of the Golan Heights By Prof Michel Chossudovsky, April 19, 2016
A French Teacher and France’s State of Emergency By Catherine Shakdam, April 18, 2016
Election Campaign 2016: Major Issues Facing African Americans Largely Ignored by both Clinton and Sanders By Abayomi Azikiwe, April 18, 2016
Video: Syrian Military Operation in Aleppo City against the ISIS By South Front, April 18, 2016
Sanders and Clinton: Palestinian Defender vs. Israel Apologist By Prof. Marjorie Cohn, April 18, 2016
Beyond the Empire of Chaos: Building Ecology into the Economy. Life Capital Value, Base and Measure By Prof. John McMurtry, April 18, 2016
Blanket Student Debt Amnesty Now By Mike Whitney, April 18, 2016
Troubled Waters and the Sporting Dilemma in Australia. The Legend of Grant Hackett By Dr. Binoy Kampmark, April 18, 2016
How The American Neoconservatives Destroyed Mankind’s Hopes For Peace By Dr. Paul Craig Roberts, April 18, 2016
China Says “No Dollars” for New Yuan By Global Research News, April 18, 2016
Live from Damascus: The Syrian Election Results By Ken Stone, April 18, 2016
Journey to the End of the Night: The Paris ‘Nuit Debout’ Movement By Gearóid Ó Colmáin, April 18, 2016
The Boston Bombing Anniversary: Thirteen Unanswered Questions By Russ Baker, April 18, 2016
Propaganda for a Price: The NED, Reporters Without Borders and the 2016 Press Freedom Index By Timothy Alexander Guzman, April 18, 2016
The Grim Conditions of Jordan’s Immigration Detention Camps. Blatant Human Rights Violations By Siraj Davis, April 18, 2016
IMF and Troika Want Still “More Austerity” From Greece–The ‘Wikileaks’ Revelation By Dr. Jack Rasmus, April 18, 2016
Growing Militarization of the South China Sea, US-China Confrontation By Brian Kalman, April 18, 2016
Syrian Parliamentary Elections 2016: National Assembly Dominated by Sunni, Large Representation of Women By Ziad Fadel, April 18, 2016
Huge War Games around Scotland: Ooops. “Secret NATO War Games Manual” Accidentally Released by Britain’s Ministry of Defence By Global Research News, April 18, 2016