
October’s Surprise Party. “Today we are even closer than ever to a nuclear war” ….

By Edward Curtin, September 30, 2024

Today we are even closer than ever to a nuclear war, as those who closely follow such events

“If you believe that the Jewish state has a right to exist, then you must allow Israel to transfer the Palestinians and the Israeli-Arabs from Judea, Samaria, Gaza and Israel proper. It’s an ugly solution, but it is the

The Israeli-led war in the Middle East continues to spread like a self-feeding fire.

The air and ground bombardment of the Gaza Strip continues, which has made this territory uninhabitable and has resulted in more than 50,000 deaths, including about


Coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) is a disease characterized by predominantly respiratory symptoms, which can progress to respiratory failure. Due to the novelty of the vaccines, it is difficult to assess if there are any associated long-term side effects.


Must See Video: Fake Ceasefire in Syria, “Hidden Military Agendas” behind US-Russia Diplomacy By South Front, September 16, 2016
Assad’s Death Warrant By Mike Whitney, September 16, 2016
Deadly Radioactive Dust and Dying Children: US-NATO Use of Depleted Uranium (DU) Ammunition By Sputnik, September 16, 2016
US Renews Sanctions and Keeps Blockade on Cuba By Telesur, September 16, 2016
“Stop Supporting Terrorists in Syria”: Netflix and “White Helmets” (Fake NGO), “Hand in Hand with Al Qaeda” By Vanessa Beeley, September 16, 2016
“Democratic Education at Cal” (DeCal): The University of California at Berkeley Bans a Course on Palestine Following “Political Pressure” from pro-Israel Organizations By John K. Wilson, September 16, 2016
Historical Injustices and the Dakota Pipeline: Law Is to Justice as Treaties Are to Native Americans By William Boardman, September 16, 2016
The Existential Madness of Putin-Bashing By Robert Parry, September 16, 2016
Selected Articles: Monsanto and Bayer: Why Food And Agriculture Just Took A Turn For The Worse By Global Research News, September 15, 2016
Strange Washington Post “Conspiracy Theory”: Renowned Medical Doctor Claims that Putin or Trump Could Have Poisoned Hillary Clinton By Timothy Alexander Guzman, September 15, 2016
Syria’s “Good” and “Bad” Terrorists: Russia Accuses Al Qaeda Rebels (Supported by US) of Violating Ceasefire By South Front, September 15, 2016
Australia’s Global ‘Exit’: Tribalism and International Institutions By Dr. Binoy Kampmark, September 15, 2016
US-EU-NATO War Drive against Russia: European Council President Backs Demands for EU Military Buildup By Alex Lantier, September 15, 2016
Women’s Boat to Gaza (WBG): An All-Women Boat, To Break the Siege of Gaza By Vyara Gylsen, September 15, 2016
Don’t Worry, Hillary Clinton “Will Power Through”. US Media Catchword Narrative on Pneumonia Diagnosis By Washington Free Beacon, September 15, 2016
No Red Carpet for US President in China: Obama’s Ungraceful Exit from Air Force One, America’s Ungraceful Exit from Asia By Joseph Thomas, September 15, 2016
“From Memory to Power” March in Chile on the Anniversary of the September 11, 1973 Military Coup By Andrés Figueroa Cornejo, September 15, 2016
Declassified FBI Report: US Foreign Policy, Not Religion, Sparked Rise of Terrorism in US By RT News, September 15, 2016
Al Qaeda’s Ties to US-Backed Syrian Rebels By Gareth Porter, September 15, 2016
The 2008 Financial Meltdown: On This Day Eight Years Ago Lehman Filed For Chapter 11: There Have Been 672 Rate Cuts Since By Zero Hedge, September 15, 2016
The Costs of War: US Military Spending on Middle East Wars, Homeland Security Will Reach $4.79 Trillion in 2017 By Gillian Kiley, September 15, 2016
Hillary Clinton, “Fit to Serve… In Excellent Mental Condition”: Doctor Releases Her Latest “Medical Records” By Zero Hedge, September 15, 2016
Pentagon Openly Challenges US-Russia Ceasefire Deal in Syria By Bill Van Auken, September 15, 2016
Monsanto and Bayer: Why Food And Agriculture Just Took A Turn For The Worse By Colin Todhunter, September 15, 2016
Protecting the Terrorists in Syria: US-Led Coalition is Reluctant to Hit Al Nusra (aka al Qaeda): Lavrov By South Front, September 14, 2016
Record High Temperatures: Toxic Slime Spreads Across Oceans as Climate Disruption Continues By Dahr Jamail, September 14, 2016
Selected Articles: Cutting the Cords of Empire: The Spectacle of US Elections By Global Research News, September 14, 2016
Population Growth, Pollution and the Global Environment By Vi Ransel, September 14, 2016
Washington’s “Failure” in Syria Is Not About Strategy. Washington and Ankara Have Consistently Supported Al Qaeda, ISIS By Federico Pieraccini, September 14, 2016
Crimes against Humanity: Britain’s Complicity In Saudi Arabia’s Terror Campaign Against Yemen By Media Lens, September 14, 2016
American Towns and Cities That Say “Yes in my Backyard!” to Radioactive Nuclear Waste⁠⁠⁠ By Ben Christopher, September 14, 2016
MUST SEE VIDEO: The Truth about Syria, a Country Fighting the “Invasion by the Most Powerful Country in the World”. US Peace Council By Alex Christoforou, September 14, 2016
Post 9/11 Militarization: US has Spent Nearly $5 trillion on Wars Since September 11, 2001, Under the Pretext of “Fighting Terrorism” By Bill Van Auken, September 14, 2016
Israel Claims Airstrikes on Damascus
America Launched More Than Sixty Airstrikes in Six Countries Last Weekend Alone By Bonnie Kristian, September 14, 2016
Thwarting the “Zika Virus Threat” in America? Aerial Deployment of Dangerous Pesticides By James F. Tracy, September 14, 2016
Cutting the Cords of Empire: The Spectacle of US Elections By William Hawes, September 14, 2016
Israel’s Bogus Civil War By Jonathan Cook, September 14, 2016
Fukushima Backlash Hits Japan Prime Minister. Fukushima is NOT under Control By Robert Hunziker, September 14, 2016
Fooled Again: “The Naive Hopes of Bernie Sanders’ Supporters… to Push Hillary Clinton to the Left” By Chris Hedges, September 14, 2016
Another 9/11 Intrigue: Dick Cheney, John Yoo, and “Continuity in Government” (COG) Measures on 9/11 By Prof Peter Dale Scott, September 14, 2016
Ante Upped on Bayer Monsanto Merger – Billions on the Table By Brandon Turbeville, September 14, 2016
Syria: New Ceasefire Attempt. Russia Continues to Strike Terrorist Forces, Israeli Air Strikes in Support of Al Qaeda By South Front, September 13, 2016
Henry Kissinger: Balkanized and Broken-Up Syria “Best Possible Outcome” By Jurriaan Maessen, September 13, 2016
Selected Articles: False Flag Terror Has Consistently Succeeded To Compel War By Global Research News, September 13, 2016
Russian Troops take up Positions in Aleppo, Jihadis given Ultimatum By Alexander Mercouris, September 13, 2016
BREAKING: Israeli Warplane and Drone Shot Down over Golan Heights by Syrian Air Defences By Vanessa Beeley, September 13, 2016
Election Reflections 2016: Health Matters, Are Clinton and Trump Fit for Office? Failed Policies and the Socialist Imperative By Abayomi Azikiwe, September 13, 2016
Chile’s 1973 Coup and Barack Obama’s Selective Memory on 9/11 By Arnold August, September 13, 2016
Syrian Army Advancing in Latakia against Al Qaeda, Russian Air Support By South Front, September 13, 2016
US Citizens Can’t Sue Saudis for Perpetrating 9/11, but Can Sue Iranians Who Had Nothing to Do With It: Obama By Robert Barsocchini, September 13, 2016
False Flag Terror “Has Succeeded Consistently Against Audiences Around The World, For Millennia, To Compel War” By Washington's Blog, September 13, 2016
Damascus, A Creative City, Remains Strong and Glorious in Preserving its Cultural Heritage By Jamila Assi, September 13, 2016
Fifteen Years Later, Physics Journal Concludes All Three WTC Towers Collapsed on 9/11 Due to Controlled Demolition By Jay Syrmopoulos, September 13, 2016
The Global Ecology, Economic Growth and Pollution: What Humans Are Really Doing to Our Planet… By Michael McCutcheon, September 13, 2016
September 11, 2001: 9/11, the Day the Laws of Physics were Suspended. We Were Told “People Hating our Freedoms, attacked the Centers of American power” By Jack Mullen, September 13, 2016
U.K. Police State? Prime Minister May’s Surveillance Bill Is Chilling, Human Rights Nightmare By Michelle Stanistreet, September 13, 2016
Brazil Coup Plotter Eduardo Cunha Impeached in Lower House By Telesur, September 13, 2016
Diagnosed with Pneumonia: What Happens If Hillary Clinton Has To Drop Out? By Zero Hedge, September 13, 2016
Fifteen Years After 9/11, Perpetual “War on Terror” Continues Unabated. Afghanistan Did Not Attack America on 9/11 By Prof. Marjorie Cohn, September 13, 2016
Selected Articles: Welcome to Your Delusional Democracy By Global Research News, September 12, 2016
CIA Continues Cover up of Involvement in Chile’s 9/11 Military Coup By Telesur, September 12, 2016
Presidential Debates: 76 Percent of Americans Want Four-Person Debates: Clinton, Johnson, Trump, Stein, Why Are Establishment Elites Preventing It By Kevin Zeese, September 12, 2016
Fire Did NOT Cause Collapse of Third WTC Building on 9/11 By Washington's Blog, September 12, 2016
Transforming a Country into “Collateral Damage”: US Cluster Bombs Killed Children for Decades in Laos, and Now Yemen By William Boardman, September 12, 2016
The Untold Financial Story of 9/11: Bailing Out Alan Greenspan’s Legacy. Billions of Financial Dealings by the Fed in Immediate Wake of 9/11 By Pam Martens and Russ Martens, September 12, 2016
Videos Show Clinton Fainting During “Medical Episode” At 9/11 Ceremony By Zero Hedge, September 12, 2016
Why the Syrian People Won’t Accept a Deal to Remove Assad By John Wight, September 12, 2016
BBC Quietly Owns Up To Blatant Propaganda Lies To Galvanize Public Support for Bombing Syria By Craig Murray, September 12, 2016
According to Russian Intelligence The Islamic State (ISIS-Daesh) is Financed from 40 Countries. Putin By RT, September 12, 2016
Jill Stein’s Statement On 9/11: Stein/Baraka Campaign Call for a New 9/11 Inquiry By Jill Stein, September 12, 2016
Reckless Security Firm Hired to Protect Dakota Pipeline Company Has Dark Past in Palestine By Sarah Lazare, September 12, 2016
Story Changes Again, Now Hillary’s Doctor Claims She Has Pneumonia By Zero Hedge, September 12, 2016
India: We Must Reclaim Our Freedom from Monsanto Like We Did From the British By Dr. Vandana Shiva, September 12, 2016
Racism and the 1971 Attica Rebellion: George Jackson and the Revolutionary Prison Movement By Abayomi Azikiwe, September 11, 2016
Many have begun to refer to the Islamic State group as Daesh. | Photo:
Libya: Fresh Islamic State (ISIS, Daesh) Attacks Delay Liberation of Sirte By Tom Westcott, September 11, 2016
Crimea Cannot Be Returned to Ukraine. Czech President By South Front, September 11, 2016
EU Food and Farming Regulator (EFSA) Creates ‘Plant Health’ Loophole for Banned Weedkillers By Oliver Tickell, September 11, 2016
Why I Don’t Speak of 9/11 Anymore By Edward Curtin, September 11, 2016
Fifteen Years After 9/11, Never Ending War… By Alex Emmons, September 11, 2016
Inside Saudi Arabia’s Yemen “War Rooms”. Saudi Forces Target Civilians… By Annie Slemrod, September 11, 2016