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[First published on September 15, 2023]


We are currently at the crossroads of the Most Serious Economic and Social Crisis in World History.  It is an outright war against all humanity: the Planet’s 8 billion people. 

Starting with the

The latest volume in the magisterial Germany and the Second World War series, volume VIII (edited by Karl-Heinz Frieser) deals with one of the most eventful phases of the Second World War: the battles on the eastern front in 1943

There Is a Way to Control Arms Exports, but Does Canada Have the Will? By Asad Ismi, January 21, 2017
The Birth of Trumpland: Notes on an Inauguration By Dr. Binoy Kampmark, January 21, 2017
Eleven Russian Warships Deployed to Syria, Russia’s Tartus Mediterranean Naval Facility. New Agreement with Syria By RT, January 21, 2017
Syrian President Assad: “President Trump said that his Priority is to Fight ISIS”. Interview with Japan TBS TV By Bashar al Assad, January 21, 2017
Here’s How the Trump Presidency Will Play Out By Pepe Escobar, January 21, 2017
Assassination of a Saint: The US Trial for the Killing of El Salvador’s Oscar Romero By Matt Eisenbrandt, January 21, 2017
Operation Condor: Latin-American Heads of State Condemned by Rome Tribunal, Declassified Docs Reveal Role of Henry Kissinger By Carlos Osorio, January 21, 2017
War and Peace? Trump’s Relations with Russia? By Stephen Lendman, January 21, 2017
Under Tillerson, Exxon Maintained Ties with Saudi Arabia, Despite Dismal Human Rights Record By Steve Horn, January 21, 2017
Israel Claims Airstrikes on Damascus
Joint Russian, Turkish Bombing Campaign in Syria Deepens NATO Crisis By Bill Van Auken, January 20, 2017
Changing of the Guard in Washington By Stephen Lendman, January 20, 2017
Neighbouring Countries Concerned About the Risk of a Belgian Nuclear Meltdown By Nick Meynen, January 20, 2017
Belgium to Arrest Former Israeli Foreign Minister for “War Crimes” By Middle East Monitor, January 20, 2017
Breaking: German Opposition Leader Calls for Collective Security Union with Russia, Dissolution of NATO By Lewis Sanders IV, January 20, 2017
Failed Anti-War Rallies and America’s Wars: Why I Am Not Joining This Weekend March in Washington (or Anywhere Else) By Barbara Nimri Aziz, January 20, 2017
Indonesia’s West Papua: Settlers Dominate Coastal Regions, Highlands Still Overwhelmingly Papuan By Jim Elmslie, January 20, 2017
On His Way Out the Door, Obama Bombs Libya One Last Time By Nadia Prupis, January 20, 2017
Israel-Palestine: Shortcomings of the Paris Peace Conference By Prof. Alon Ben-Meir, January 20, 2017
German and British Spy Services in ‘Biggest Rift’ Since World War II, Claim Sources By Joseph Fitsanakis, January 20, 2017
Breaking: Syrian Army Launches Large-Scale Campaign Against ISIS-Daesh In Aleppo Province By South Front, January 20, 2017
Dr. Martin Luther King Jr: Opposing the Vietnam War amidst Civil Rights Campaigns and Urban Rebellions By Abayomi Azikiwe, January 20, 2017
US Senators Are Even More Neoconservative than Are Trump’s Appointees By Eric Zuesse, January 20, 2017
Trump’s “Russia Connection”, Behind America’s Perpetual Wars By Prof. John McMurtry, January 20, 2017
Americans Embarrassed? By Barbara Nimri Aziz, January 20, 2017
India, Death by Demonetization: “Financial Genocide”, The Crime of the Century By Peter Koenig, January 20, 2017
The “Disrupt Campaign” of The Trump Inauguration By Prof Michel Chossudovsky, January 20, 2017
Anarchist Group Calls for Inauguration Day Disruption By Stephen Lendman, January 20, 2017
Global Sea Ice Hits Lowest Levels ‘Probably in Millenia’ By Nadia Prupis, January 20, 2017
The Trump Presidency and the Coming Conflict Between Europe and America By Chris Marsden, January 20, 2017
The Plight of Thousands of Haitian Migrants at the US-Mexico Border By Christiane Ndedi Essombe, January 20, 2017
USAFRICOM Military Intervention in Gambia Makes Good on Pentagon “Joint Operations” By Abayomi Azikiwe, January 20, 2017
Spying on Americans: Outgoing Obama’s “Privacy Guidelines” on CIA Use of Information on Americans By Stephen Lendman, January 20, 2017
Stunning Admission from Obama on Wikileaks. DNC Emails, “Leaked” but “Not Hacked” By Craig Murray, January 20, 2017
Inauguration: “Who Would be In Charge If an Attack Hit the Incoming President, Vice President and Congressional Leaders”, Commentary on CNN Report By Global Research News, January 19, 2017
Where Is The Left-Wing When A Country Needs One? By Dr. Paul Craig Roberts, January 19, 2017
Who is Behind the Islamic State in Syria? ISIS-Daesh Attempts to Torpedo the Astana Peace Negotiations By Mehmet Ersoy, January 19, 2017
Obama’s Painful Long Goodbye. America’s “Fantasy Democracy” By Stephen Lendman, January 19, 2017
The Japanese State Versus the People of Okinawa: Rolling Arrests and Prolonged and Punitive Detention By Gavan McCormack and Sandi Aritza, January 19, 2017
Remember Don Siegelman: His Prosecution Was “Politically-inspired”… Yet Obama did Nothing By Dr. Paul Craig Roberts, January 19, 2017
Obama Parting Shot Aims At Brennan, Clapper, Clinton: “The DNC Emails Were Leaked” By Moon of Alabama, January 19, 2017
Inauguration Day: Fools and the Devil Against Donald Trump By Phil Butler, January 19, 2017
US Senate Panel Rubber Stamps “Mad Dog” Mattis for Pentagon Chief By Patrick Martin, January 19, 2017
Video: “Smog Perfume”, How China Resolve’s its Pollution Crisis By Greenpeace, January 19, 2017
“The ISIS R Us”: The War Against America’s ISIS Proxy Force in Syria By South Front, January 19, 2017
US Media Propaganda Regarding Supply of Water and “Damascus’ Humanitarian Crisis” By Mehmet Ersoy, January 19, 2017
France’s Marine Le Pen to recognize Crimea as Russia if Elected President By Sergey Gladysh, January 19, 2017
Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Day Rally in Detroit: The Struggle to Defeat Racism, War and Poverty By Abayomi Azikiwe, January 19, 2017
Those Behind “Fabrications” against Trump “Are Worse than Prostitutes”: Putin Slams Those Behind Trump ‘Leak’ By RT News, January 19, 2017
Jeremy Corbyn Accused of Being Russian “Collaborator” for Questioning US-NATO Troop Build-Up on Border By Glenn Greenwald, January 19, 2017
From Selma to the CIA. Rep. John Lewis Will Boycott Inauguration of Donald Trump By Patrick Martin, January 19, 2017
How The U.S. Enabled ISIS To Take Deir Ezzor By Moon of Alabama, January 19, 2017
U.S.-ISIS Alliance on Verge of Conquering Major Syrian City By Eric Zuesse, January 19, 2017
US Increasing Airdrops of Arms Supplies to ISIS-Daesh Terrorists in Syria: Report By Press TV, January 19, 2017
Building An “Anti-Aggressor Fence” on Russia’s Border By RT News, January 19, 2017
The Political Uses of Russophobia By J. Hawk, Daniel Deiss, and Edwin Watson, January 19, 2017
Obama’s Legacy in Africa: How Libya, a Prosperous Nation in Africa was Destroyed by America’s First African-American President By Timothy Alexander Guzman, January 19, 2017
Scoundrels of Patriotism: The Freeing of Chelsea Manning By Dr. Binoy Kampmark, January 19, 2017
Violence: The Language of a Jewish State. Palestinian Citizens of Israel By Jonathan Cook, January 19, 2017
The Criminal Regime Change / Dirty War On Syria, The Siege of Deir Ezzor by ISIS Proxy Terrorists By Mark Taliano, January 19, 2017
“Color Revolution” against Donald Trump By Prof Michel Chossudovsky, January 18, 2017
Venezuela, A Threat to US National Security??: Obama Extends Executive Order Targeting Venezuela for Second Time. By Rachael Boothroyd, January 18, 2017
Obama’s Bombing Legacy By Nicolas J. S. Davies, January 18, 2017
Selected Articles: Globalization and Social Inequality, Manning’s Overdue Freedom, NATO: An Obsolete Cold War Construct By Global Research News, January 18, 2017
From Cold to “Hot War”? Operation Barbarossa II: US Military Buildup in Eastern Europe, The Yanks In Their Armoured Parade By Christopher Black, January 18, 2017
Regime Change Comes Home: The CIA’s Overt Threats against Trump By Prof. James Petras, January 18, 2017
Iraqi Civilian Death Toll Mounts as Fighting Intensifies in Mosul By Jordan Shilton, January 18, 2017
Outgoing CIA Director Hypes Nonexistent Russian Threat By Stephen Lendman, January 18, 2017
“Get Paid Fighting against Trump”: Ads Offer Protesters $2500 to Disrupt Trump Inauguration By Sputnik, January 18, 2017
Trump vs. the CIA By Dr. Paul Craig Roberts, January 18, 2017
A Demand for Russian ‘Hacking’ Proof, by Veteran Intelligence Officials By Ray McGovern, January 18, 2017
Vermont’s Decentralists: Questioning Authority, Power and Wealth By Greg Guma, January 18, 2017
Globalization and Social Inequality: Obscene Wealth of Eight Mega-Billionaires By Stephen Lendman, January 18, 2017
Iraqi Forces Are Close To Full Liberation Of Eastern Mosul From ISIS-Daesh By South Front, January 18, 2017
NATO, An Obsolete Cold War Military Construct: Donald Trump and the History of the Atlantic Alliance By Dr. Binoy Kampmark, January 18, 2017
Syrian War: ISIS-Daesh Advances in Deir Ezzor, Encircles Airport. Intense Fighting By South Front, January 18, 2017
US-NATO Militarization of Russia’s Border: US Marines Land In Norway, The First Time Since World War II, Angering Russia By Zero Hedge, January 18, 2017
Nepalese Women: Symbols of Historical Achievements and Political Leadership By Barbara Nimri Aziz, January 18, 2017
US Army Whistle-blower Manning’s Overdue Freedom Granted Amid Shameless Political Stunt By Tony Cartalucci, January 18, 2017
Threatening Anonymous Letter Sent to Martin Luther King Jr. Four Years Prior to His Assassination. Was It From the FBI? By Beverly Gage, January 17, 2017
Merkel Government Failed to Prevent ISIS Terror Operations in Germany, Intelligence Bodies Received Warnings and Failed to Act By William Craddick, January 17, 2017