
A Faustian Bargain with Corporate Power: From Monsanto to Bayer, the Worst of Both Worlds. Colin Todhunter

By Colin Todhunter, October 01, 2024

Bayer’s complicity as part of IG Farben, a chemical and pharmaceutical conglomerate notorious for its involvement

The International Longshoremen’s Association (ILA) said on Sunday that its 85,000 members, along with “tens of thousands of dockworkers and maritime workers around the world,” will hit the picket lines Tuesday, October 1, “and strike at all Atlantic and Gulf

Environmentalist and campaigner Rosemary Mason has been relentlessly exposing the insidious effects of agrochemicals on human health and the environment through a decade-long series of incisive reports. Many of these reports have taken the form of scathing open letters directed

The Corporate Europe Observatory (CEO) has rendered a great public service by very recently publishing a report titled ‘Bayer’s Toxic Trails’ which reveals how the German agrochemical giant Bayer has been lobbying hard to promote glyphosate and GMOs, or trying

Selected Articles: Ukraine: Neocons Try to Freeze Trump-Putin Relations, New Risks of GMOs, Geoengineering and “The Deep State” By Global Research News, February 13, 2017
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Monsanto-GMO Propaganda. “Softening-up” the British Public in Favour of GM Food By Colin Todhunter, February 13, 2017
The Alexander Lapshin Case: Extradited and Imprisoned in Azerbaijan over Telling the Truth about Nagorno-Karabakh By Joachim Hagopian, February 13, 2017
Prejudice Two Ways. Islamophobia Breeds Paranoia By Ali Shakir, February 13, 2017
Trump Blowing Smoke on Possible Israeli/Palestinian Peace Deal By Stephen Lendman, February 13, 2017
Yemen: In the Shadow of Death By George Capaccio, February 13, 2017
Bungling in Yemen: Trump and the Cult of the Action Hero By Dr. Binoy Kampmark, February 13, 2017
EU and IMF Demand More Austerity Measures from Greece By Robert Stevens, February 13, 2017
Trump Wars By Stephen Lendman, February 13, 2017
Greece – A New Standoff with the Troika, Germany and the IMF By Peter Koenig, February 13, 2017
Toxic Mines or Costly Lawsuits: How the CETA Trade Agreement Would “Corner Governments” By Corporate Europe Observatory, February 13, 2017
Trump and the New Iran Gambit By Peter Koenig, February 13, 2017
British Journalists who Publish “Leaked Information” will be Jailed Under New Tory Legislation By Ian Middleton, February 13, 2017
Planetary Lockdown, Geoengineering and “The Deep State” By Elana Freeland, February 13, 2017
U.S. Companies Free to Buy “Conflict Minerals” from Central African Warlords. Leaked Trump Presidential Memo By Lee Fang, February 13, 2017
Thank you for Supporting Al Qaeda: CIA Honors Major Terrorist Financier for Successful Cooperation By Moon of Alabama, February 13, 2017
Nuclear Madness, “Nuclear Roulette” and US First Strike Military Doctrine By Stephen Lendman, February 13, 2017
US Special Forces on the Ground in Syria: US-Backed Advance on Raqqah ISIS Stronghold. What Is Going On? By South Front, February 12, 2017
Legal Immunity of George W. Bush in the “Commission” of War Crimes in Iraq: California 9th Circuit Opinion Released By Witness Iraq, February 12, 2017
Hybrid Wars and the Geopolitics of South Atlantic Africa. The Russia-China Strategic Outpost By Andrew Korybko, February 12, 2017
Legal Stutters: “Protecting the Nation From Foreign Terrorist Entry into the US”. Trump Falters in the Ninth Circuit Court By Dr. Binoy Kampmark, February 12, 2017
What Voter Fraud? – Mexican Citizen Sentenced to 8 Years in Prison after Illegally Voting in Texas By Zero Hedge, February 12, 2017
Mainstream Media: All the Fake News That’s Fit to Print By SARTRE, February 12, 2017
Towards a “Democratic Dictatorship”? Constitutional Crisis Deepens as Trump Fights “Checks and Balances” By William Boardman, February 12, 2017
Rumors of Sarah Palin as US Ambassador to Canada Met With Hilarious Outrage By Lauren McCauley, February 12, 2017
South Korea’s Defunct President Park Impedes Impeachment Verdict, Refuses Cooperation with Corruption Probe By Zoom in Korea, February 12, 2017
Amnesty “Fake News” on Syria. “Human Rights” as a Pretext for Criminal Invasions By Mark Taliano, February 12, 2017
Austria’s Dead River: The Destruction of the Green Mur River in the City of Graz By Daniel Vidic, February 12, 2017
Extremely High Radiation Breaks down Fukushima “Clean-Up Robot” at Damaged Nuclear Reactor By RT, February 12, 2017
Online “Digital Democracy” at Risk: Trump’s FCC Chairman Threatens “Net Neutrality” By Stephen Lendman, February 12, 2017
Trump Isn’t Backing Down: New Muslim Travel Ban Order Coming By Stephen Lendman, February 12, 2017
Dakota Access Pipeline (DAPL): Has the Standing Rock Resistance been Co-opted by the Non-Profit Industrial Complex? By Michael Welch, February 12, 2017
The Enemy of My Friend Is My Friend: Israel Accepts Billions from the US, but Maintains Ties with Al-Nusra By Richard Silverstein, February 12, 2017
New Risks of GMO Food, Glyphosate Uncovered: Scientist’s Ground-Breaking Research By Ken Roseboro, February 11, 2017
Trump’s Lavish Welcome for Japan’s Prime Minister. US-Japan Security Treaty Directed against China By Peter Symonds, February 11, 2017
Trump Intends to Follow Up Botched Yemen Military Raid By Helping Saudis Target Civilians By Alex Emmons, February 11, 2017
19th Century Protest and the Matchgirls Strike (1888): Annie Besant, London’s First Wonder Woman By Greg Guma, February 11, 2017
Neocons Use Ukraine to Reverse Trump Plan to Thaw Relations with Putin and Wage Global War By Joachim Hagopian, February 11, 2017
Selected Articles: US Senate’s Anti-Russia Legislation, Iran’s Role in Syria Crisis, Calexit: Should California Secede? By Global Research News, February 10, 2017
Triumphing over Reality: China, Australia and Free Trade By Dr. Binoy Kampmark, February 10, 2017
Trump Blurts out the Truth about US Killings and the Media Goes Wild By Bill Van Auken, February 10, 2017
Liberalism’s False Freedoms: What’s Wrong with the “Cancer Battle”? By Prof Susan Babbitt, February 10, 2017
Neocon Iran-Contra Elliot Abrams for Key Deputy Secretary of State Position? By Stephen Lendman, February 10, 2017
Leak of the Trump-Putin Phone Call, Reveals Trump Unfamiliar With Russia Nuclear Treaty By Zero Hedge, February 10, 2017
The Russia Review Act: Senate Aims to Block Trump From Lifting Sanctions on Russia By Stephen Lendman, February 10, 2017
Iran has been “Implacable in the Rejection of Washington’s Destructive Role in Syria” By Prof. Tim Anderson, February 10, 2017
Legal Blow to Donald Trump, US Judges Reject Travel Ban Targeted at Muslims By Middle East Monitor, February 10, 2017
Its Foreign Greed And Delusion That Kills Yemeni Children By Moon of Alabama, February 10, 2017
The Long Road to Impeach Trump Just Got Shorter By Norman Solomon, February 10, 2017
White House Press Secretary: Anyone—and He Means “Anyone”—Who Criticizes Yemen Raid Owes Apology to Dead U.S. Soldier By Nadia Prupis, February 10, 2017
Sessions Sworn in as Attorney General as Trump Signs Orders to Increase Police Powers By Tom Eley, February 10, 2017
Unlike Russian Wars, US Wars ‘Promote Freedom and Democracy’: New York Times By Adam Johnson, February 10, 2017
Tensions Rising in the Middle East: Trump Threatens Iran and the Palestinians By Timothy Alexander Guzman, February 10, 2017
How Trump’s Trying To Win Back Turkey By Andrew Korybko, February 10, 2017
Dakota Access Pipeline Approved a Week After Co-Owner’s Pipeline Spilled 600,000 Gallons of Oil in Texas By Steve Horn, February 10, 2017
New Vaccines Still Cause Autism and the U.S. Government Knows It By Richard Gale and Dr. Gary Null, February 10, 2017
Calexit: Should California Secede? By David Swanson and Ann Garrison, February 10, 2017
The West Is Finished, But Why? Frightened Lives By Andre Vltchek, February 10, 2017
Amnesty International Fabrications on Syria Intended to Discredit Russia and Justify Trump Military Intervention in Syria “War on Terrorism” By Prof. Marcello Ferrada de Noli, February 10, 2017
Selected Articles: Clinton’s Plunder of Haiti, What the US Should Know about Crimea, Castro’s Defiance of US Imperialism By Global Research News, February 09, 2017
Prejudiced President, Pliant Republican Party: Return of the Boycott as Political Resistance By Barbara Nimri Aziz, February 09, 2017
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Lots of Shouting, Tiny Stick: Iran is “Not Behaving… They are the No 1 Terrorist State” according to Trump By Pepe Escobar, February 09, 2017
The Syrian Draft Constitution is Only Aimed at Improving the Situation in Syria By Anna Jaunger, February 09, 2017
A Deadly Legacy: The CIA’s Covert Laos War By Don North, February 09, 2017
“We’ve Got A Lot of Killers”: Castigating Trump for Truth-Telling By Robert Parry, February 09, 2017
Crimes against Humanity? Israel Bans Delivery of Anaesthesia Gas to Gaza Hospitals By Middle East Monitor, February 09, 2017
“Fake News” and Crimes against Humanity: Amnesty International Admits Syrian “Saydnaya” Report Fabricated Entirely in UK By Tony Cartalucci, February 09, 2017
GM Mustard Case Returns To Court In India: Bt Cotton Failure And Economic Distress Spun As A ‘Success’ In Pitch For GMOs By Colin Todhunter, February 09, 2017
Black Snakes on the Move: U.S. Gas and Oil Pipeline Expansion Out of Control By Teressa Rose Ezell, February 09, 2017
Beijing Warns Against War with the US. “Disastrous Losses to Both Sides” By Peter Symonds, February 09, 2017
America’s Military and Intelligence “Killers”: U.S. Media Indicts Trump for Questioning the CIA’s “Moral Superiority” By Bill Van Auken, February 09, 2017
Groundbreaking Win for Indigenous People in Colombia By Forest Peoples Programme, February 09, 2017
Trump Plays Cat and Mouse with Iran By Mike Whitney, February 09, 2017
“Predatory Humanism” and the Plunder of Haiti: “Clinton Robin Hood in Reverse Must Be Punished” By Charles Ortel and Dady Chery, February 09, 2017
According to US: “Macedonia Not a Country – Sorry”: Skopje Furious after US Congressman Suggests Partitioning By RT, February 09, 2017
Populism in Australia: Channelling Trump “Down Under” By Dr. Binoy Kampmark, February 09, 2017
Syrian War Report: US Air Force Increases Airstrikes against ISIS-Daesh By South Front, February 09, 2017
What America Should Know about “Annexed Crimea”: “We the People of Crimea…” By Arina Tsukanova, February 09, 2017