
During a press briefing after the 79th session of the UN General Assembly on September 28, Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov was asked to comment on reports about Turkey’s potential resale of the Russian-made S-400 SAM (surface-to-air missile) system.

Below is an excerpt from an article by Frank Bergman:

The vast majority of the Israeli government’s official data for Covid mRNA shot side effects has been “lost,” according to reports.

Israel’s Health Ministry failed to review 82% of reports

Is it acceptable for Israel to wipe Palestine and Palestinians off the map? On 5 November 2024, Americans have an opportunity to signal whether genocide is anathema for the majority of its citizens.

So, how can Americans signal their abhorrence

A Faustian Bargain with Corporate Power: From Monsanto to Bayer, the Worst of Both Worlds. Colin Todhunter

By Colin Todhunter, October 01, 2024

Bayer’s complicity as part of IG Farben, a chemical and pharmaceutical conglomerate notorious for its involvement

Trump’s Joint Address: The Reality Show Comes to US Congress By Dr. Binoy Kampmark, March 02, 2017
Selected Articles: Trump’s Middle East “Adventurism”, Agriculture: Organic Vs Industrial, Climate Change: Who is the Biggest Villain? By Global Research News, March 01, 2017
Corporate Power Reality Check: Organic Vs Industrial Chemical-Dependent Agriculture By Colin Todhunter, March 01, 2017
Issues at Stake in Syria’s “Peace Talks” By Eric Zuesse, March 01, 2017
Trump’s “New Adventurism” in the Middle East, Iran’s Ballistic Missile Program By Dr. Amir A. Amirshekari, March 01, 2017
Trump Administration, Neocon or Isolationist? The Future Is All About Russia, Iran and China By Federico Pieraccini, March 01, 2017
Downplaying US Contribution to Potential Yemen Famine. Unreported War Crimes By Adam Johnson, March 01, 2017
Terror and Sectarian Violence at Delhi University By New Socialist Initiative, March 01, 2017
Democrats, Media Step Up Right-Wing Campaign on Alleged Trump-Russia Ties By Patrick Martin, March 01, 2017
The Digital Storm: Blowing Away the Human Mind By John Stanton, March 01, 2017
Colombian Drug King Worked for CIA, Says His Son By Washington's Blog, March 01, 2017
Deep State War? Seven Russian Officials Murdered or Found Dead Since US Election Day By Claire Bernish, March 01, 2017
Who is the Biggest Climate Change Villain? By Jonathan Cook, March 01, 2017
The Assault on Immigrants and the Specter of a US Police State By Bill Van Auken, March 01, 2017
Selected Articles: Historic Increase of US Military Budget, Eva Bartlett: Fake Media Narrative on Syria, CIA: Peddler of Fake News By Global Research News, February 28, 2017
‘White Helmets’ — Pawns for U.S. Militarism and War Propaganda By Sara Flounders, February 28, 2017
Historic Increase of US Military Budget: Trump Boosts Most Wasteful Department, Reduces All Others By Eric Zuesse, February 28, 2017
Al-Qaeda Gets An Oscar By Moon of Alabama, February 28, 2017
Top Secret – Beijing Has Become One Of The Greatest Cities On Earth! By Andre Vltchek, February 28, 2017
Fake News and the “Resurrection of Armageddon” By Dr. Paul Craig Roberts, February 28, 2017
Amy Ashwood Garvey: A Forerunner in Pan-Africanist Feminism of the 20th Century By Abayomi Azikiwe, February 28, 2017
Syrian War Report: Intense Clashes between Syrian Forces and Turkish Proxies By South Front, February 28, 2017
The CIA is One of the Main Peddlers of Fake News: Newly-Declassified Docs. By Washington's Blog, February 28, 2017
Trump’s Military Industrial Complex. Historic Increase in Defence Spending By Dr. Binoy Kampmark, February 28, 2017
A Black History Month Special: Revolutionary Struggle, Malcolm X, MLK, Mumia, MOVE By Michael Welch and Abayomi Azikiwe, February 28, 2017
Trump Gives Pen to Dow Chemical CEO after Signing Executive Order to Eliminate Regulations By Lorraine Chow, February 28, 2017
“The Poisoning of American Soldiers” in Iraq — They’re Dying — And the Media is Silent By Justin Gardner, February 27, 2017
What the Trump-Trudeau Meeting Was Really About. NAFTA, CETA and “World Government” By Eric Zuesse, February 27, 2017
Washington is Looking for a “Pacific Fight”. US Navy Report Envisages War with China By Ulson Gunnar, February 27, 2017
Selected Articles: ISIS-Al Qaeda at the Oscars, GMO’s and Population Control, Intellectual Property: Extradition of Kim Dotcom By Global Research News, February 27, 2017
Is Putin Beating Up Women? By Giulietto Chiesa, February 27, 2017
Capitalism and America’s Addiction Epidemic By Andre Damon, February 27, 2017
RAND Corporation’s Plan for Dicing up Syria By Deutsche Wirtschafts Nachrichten, February 27, 2017
War at Any Cost: Israeli Special Forces Enter Syrian Territory to ‘Monitor’ Extremist Groups Fighting Assad By Russia Insider, February 27, 2017
A civil defense member carries an injured baby who was pulled out from under debris in Syria. | Photo: Reuters This content was originally published by teleSUR at the following address: "". If you intend to use it, please cite the source and provide a link to the original article.
War Crimes against Syria’s Children, “Human Devastation Syndrome”: Syrian Doctor Coins New Term for Children’s Extreme War-Trauma By The New Arab, February 27, 2017
Russia’s Superior Air Defense Systems By Stephen Lendman, February 27, 2017
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Hollywood Honors Terrorism. “And The Winner is ISIS- Al Qaeda…” By Stephen Lendman, February 27, 2017
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Trump’s Ambassador to UN: We Must Sanction Assad Over Chemical Weapons! By Daniel McAdams, February 27, 2017
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Fabricated and Politically Motivated Reports on Syria Chlorine Bomb Attacks By Tony Cartalucci, February 27, 2017
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Turkey Cutting Euphrates River Flow to Syria: Crime against Humanity, Violation of UN Water Convention By Alwaght, February 26, 2017
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Israeli Soldiers Destroy an Internationally-Funded Drinking Water Pipeline By IMEMC, February 26, 2017
How U.S. Missile “Defense” Destabilizes the World By William Griffin, February 26, 2017
Is Israel Preparing for a New Middle East War? By Germán Gorraiz López, February 26, 2017
US Anti-Immigrant Witch-Hunt Leads Asylum Seekers to Make Perilous Trek to Canada By Roger Jordan, February 26, 2017
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White Helmets Are Denied Entry into US, Hollywood Dreams Over By Vanessa Beeley, February 26, 2017
How ‘New Cold Warriors’ Cornered Trump By Gareth Porter, February 26, 2017
The U.S. Carried out Regime Change in Syria in 1949 … and Tried Again in 1957, 1986, 1991 and 2011-Today By Washington's Blog, February 26, 2017
U.S., Israel, Arab Allies Discuss Forming NATO-style Military Alliance Directed against Iran By Maria Abi-Habib, February 26, 2017
Fabricated Accusations of Chemical Weapons Use: Russia to Veto New UN Security Council Resolution Directed against Syrian Government By Stephen Lendman, February 26, 2017
The Right Way to Challenge Fake News By Stephen Lendman, February 26, 2017
Trump’s New National Security Adviser: A General with No Regard for Human Life By Eric Sommer, February 26, 2017
Radioactive Weapons Are Killing Innocent Civilians in Iraq—and the US Military is Behind It By Prof. Vijay Prashad, February 26, 2017
President Trump Flunks Nuclear 101 By Hans M. Kristensen, February 26, 2017
Palestinians Face Intense Online Hate and Racism from Israelis. “Green Light to Police Violence” By Jonathan Cook, February 26, 2017
A System of Food and Agriculture Should Serve the Public, Not Corporate Interests By Colin Todhunter, February 26, 2017
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Genetics Are the New Eugenics: How GMO’s Reduce the Human Population By F. William Engdahl, February 25, 2017
Suspicious Killing of North Korean Leader’s Half Brother By Stephen Lendman, February 25, 2017
The Red Line and the Rat Line. Seymour Hersh on Obama, Erdoğan and the Syrian Rebels By Seymour M. Hersh, February 25, 2017
Russia’s “Liberal” Media’s Foreign Sponsors By J. Hawk, Daniel Deiss, and Edwin Watson, February 25, 2017
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“Friendly American Fascism”? Definitions and Terminology of Political, Economic and Social Realities By Dr. Gary G. Kohls, February 25, 2017
Syria’s Draft Constitution, “No Military Solution”. Russia Now Runs the Peace Process to End Syria’s War By Eric Zuesse, February 25, 2017