
Polish President Andrzej Duda declared that his country “will need to intervene immediately and bring in experts” should Russia attack Ukraine’s nuclear power plants (NPP) in Rivne and Khmelnitsky Regions. This follows his Foreign Minister Radek Sikorski proposing in early

In a recent interview with the New York Times, billionaire philanthropist Bill Gates was asked if there were types of projects that he would not invest in to offset his greenhouse gas emissions.

“I don’t plant trees,” he replied, adding

October 1, 2024, marks the start of the 4th International Month of Action Against AFRICOM (U.S. Africa Command), organized by the Black Alliance for Peace (BAP). Every year, hundreds of organizations around the world endorse and participate in this

The House of Representatives passed the ‘No WHO Pandemic Preparedness Treaty Without Senate Approval Act,’ which requires Senate approval for ‘any convention or agreement on pandemic-related issues reached by the World Health Assembly.’

On September 11, the House of

miRNAs Used in Autopsy Cases After Cardiac Arrest By Dr. Peter McCullough, November 10, 2023
Chinese Military Bases in the Middle East – Threat to Whom? U.S. Military “Overdeployment”? By Drago Bosnic, November 10, 2023
Voting Machines Shut Down in Swing State County After Reports of ‘Votes Getting Flipped’ By enVolve, November 10, 2023
Video: Tun Dr. Mahathir Mohamad on Israel’s Genocide and Intent to “Wipe Palestine off the Map”. In Solidarity with Palestine By Tun Dr. Mahathir Mohamad, November 10, 2023
Cuba, Ukraine and the New Missile Crisis. Cold War 2.0 By Germán Gorraiz López, November 10, 2023
Significant Escalation: US, Israel to Open Second Front in Lebanon By M. K. Bhadrakumar, November 10, 2023
Change in Canada’s UN Vote Not Enough to Help Palestinian Refugees Under Attack By Canadians for Justice and Peace in the Middle East, November 10, 2023
Iran Warns of ‘Inevitable Expansion’ of Israel-Gaza War By Al-Jazeera, November 10, 2023
Artificial Intelligence: AI-Driven Cars Sometimes “Mow Down Children”, Artificial Intelligence Also Slated to be “Handed Keys to Nuclear Codes”?? By Ben Bartee, November 10, 2023
Italy Planning to Become First Country to Ban Synthetic Food By Paul Anthony Taylor, November 10, 2023
Video: Dangerous Crossroads. False Flag Leading to More False Flags? Towards an Extended Middle East War? Netanyahu is An Anti-Semite. By Prof Michel Chossudovsky and Caroline Mailloux, November 10, 2023
An Alternative to the Suez Canal Is Central to Israel’s Genocide of the Palestinians? By Yvonne Ridley, November 09, 2023
The Children of Palestine are Categorized by Netanyahu as “the Children of Darkness”. Gaza is Becoming ‘A Graveyard for Children’. UNSG Guterres By Media Lens, November 09, 2023
U.S. Weapons Transfers to Israel Shrouded in Secrecy — But Not Ukraine By Ken Klippenstein, November 09, 2023
Censorship Imperils Us When We Are Forbidden to Speak. Free Thinking Dies and People Die. Propaganda Buries the Truth By Christine E. Black, November 09, 2023
Why So Many Jews Denounce Israel’s War on Gaza By Prof. Yakov M. Rabkin, November 09, 2023
Israel’s Final Solution for the Palestinians. Chris Hedges By Chris Hedges, November 09, 2023
Why Are Ukrainian POWs Joining the Russian Military? By Drago Bosnic, November 09, 2023
Biden-Blinken Failed Diplomacy Results in Genocide in Gaza By Steven Sahiounie, November 09, 2023
Will Bill Gates’s “Digital ID” Become Mandatory to Participate in Society? By Patricia Harrity, November 09, 2023
The Weaponization of “Disinformation” Pseudo-experts and Bureaucrats: How the Federal Government Partnered with Universities to Censor Americans’ Political Speech By Committee on the Judiciary and the Select Subcommittee on the Weaponization of the Federal Government, November 09, 2023
Do You Know What’s in a Vaccine? Chemical Ingredients By Health Freedom Defense Fund, November 09, 2023
White House Orders Pentagon Airstrikes on Eastern Syria By Abayomi Azikiwe, November 09, 2023
Who’s Drinking Netanyahu’s Genocidal Amalek Kool-Aid? By Ariel Gold, November 09, 2023
Arab-Iran Amity Is a Geopolitical Reality By M. K. Bhadrakumar, November 09, 2023
Israel’s Systematic ‘De-development’ of Gaza Began with Its Permanent Occupation By Michael Jansen, November 09, 2023
Japan-Philippines Moving Toward US-led Trilateral Alliance By Richard Javad Heydarian, November 09, 2023
CJPME Applauds Bloc Québécois Push for Ceasefire in Gaza By Canadians for Justice and Peace in the Middle East, November 09, 2023
Hall of Shame: Over 500 British Members of Parliament Back Israel’s Bombing of Gaza By Vicki Thomas, November 09, 2023
Enlightenment Is Successful When People’s Consciousness Can be Changed By Dr. Rudolf Hänsel, November 08, 2023
The Free Speech Exception. Support for Palestinian Rights Is Facing a McCarthyite Backlash. By Radhika Sainath, November 08, 2023
Israeli Minister’s Nuke Comment ‘Raises Huge Number of Questions’ By Dave DeCamp, November 08, 2023
Israel Continues to Attack Hospitals in Gaza, Killing at Least 8 By Abdelhakim Abu Riash, November 08, 2023
Viciousness Regnant: Humanitarianism as a Weasel Word By Dr. Binoy Kampmark, November 08, 2023
Stop Drinking the “Political Kool-Aid”, America: Voting Will Not Save Us By John W. Whitehead and Nisha Whitehead, November 08, 2023
Brain Implants for Elon Musk’s Neuralink: Thousands Are Reportedly Lining Up to Have a Portion of Their Skull Removed By The LakeTribune, November 08, 2023
Israel Resorts to Nuclear Blackmail in Gaza By Lucas Leiroz de Almeida, November 08, 2023
Zelensky Cancels Ukrainian Elections to Consolidate His Dictatorial Rule By Ahmed Adel, November 08, 2023
Over Ten Thousand Killed in Gaza as Biden Administration Transfers More Weapons to the IDF By Abayomi Azikiwe, November 08, 2023
The Historical Background of the Israeli-Palestinian Conflict (Up to 1914) By Dr. Vladislav B. Sotirović, November 08, 2023
Why Israel Wants to Erase Context and History in the War on Gaza By Ilan Pappe, November 08, 2023
New Zealand Petition to Ban mRNA Agents. Will the Country Make History Again? By Dr. Emanuel Garcia, November 08, 2023
Israel-Gaza War: Assassination Attempt on Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas Kills One By Claire Anderson, November 08, 2023
Prior to Current Crisis, Decades-long Blockade Hollowed Gaza’s Economy, Leaving 80% of Population Dependent on International Aid By UNCTAD, November 08, 2023
106 Years Ago, The October Revolution: “Ten Days that Shook the World” By Sergei M. Eisenstein, November 07, 2023
History of the Second World War: Western Allies Preparations to Land in France By Shane Quinn, November 07, 2023
Why Do People Inflict Such Unspeakable Suffering on Their Fellow Human Beings? By Dr. Rudolf Hänsel, November 07, 2023
Summer of Died Suddenly: Women Ages 20-29 Sudden Deaths from June to September 2023 By Dr. William Makis, November 07, 2023
Where Are the Tears that Should be Cried All Around? By Rev. Graylan Scott Hagler and Ariel Gold, November 07, 2023
Britain’s Special SAS Forces in Gaza. The ICC Must Investigate British Politicians for Gaza War Crimes. By Matt Kennard and Mark Curtis, November 07, 2023
I Was Born and Raised in Jabalia Refugee Camp Where Israel Killed 23 of My Relatives By Shahd Abusalama, November 07, 2023
“Showboating for War”: Former Prime Ministers Boris Johnson and Australia’s Morrison in Israel By Dr. Binoy Kampmark, November 07, 2023
Rabbi at Israeli Military Training Base Says ‘Whole Country’ Is ‘Ours,’ Including Gaza and Lebanon By Allison Kaplan Sommer, November 07, 2023
COVID Propaganda Roundup: Unreal Poll Results on Jab Death Toll, the Science™ Concedes the Shots Cause Strokes By Ben Bartee, November 07, 2023
Video: Israel Encircles Gaza City. A Closer Look at Hamas Past and Present By Brian Berletic, November 07, 2023
Gaza, the Heroism of a People By Manlio Dinucci, November 07, 2023
A Letter to the ICC Prosecutor from Israeli Jews for Decolonization By Israelis Against Apartheid, November 07, 2023
Video: A Testimony from a Doctor in Gaza. “This Is the Worst Humanitarian Catastrophe I Have Experienced in My Career in Humanitarian Medicine.” By Dr. Tanya Haj-Hassan, November 07, 2023
106 Years Ago: Russia’s October Revolution: The Legend and the Legacy By Michael Welch, Prof Michel Chossudovsky, and Dr. Jacques R. Pauwels, November 07, 2023
Australia’s Secret Support for the Israeli Assault on Gaza, Through the U.S. Pine Gap Surveillance By Peter Cronau, November 07, 2023
Diplomats Tell New York Times Israel Privately Pushed to Expel Gazans to Egypt By Jessica Corbett, November 07, 2023
Israel-Palestine War: Israeli Minister Says Nuking Gaza ‘an Option’ By Nadda Osman, November 07, 2023
Palestine: Denying the Security of the Oppressed Imperils the Security of the Oppressor By Kim Petersen, November 06, 2023
“Breakdown of Basic Rights”. We Are “The Resistance”: “Every Day We Should Fight for Peace”. Julian Rose By Julian Rose, November 06, 2023
Volodymyr Zelensky Is in a Sea of Troubles By Ted Snider, November 06, 2023
“Drop a Nuclear Bomb on Gaza”: Israeli Minister Says Using Nukes on Gaza an Option By Timothy Alexander Guzman, November 06, 2023
False Claims that Iran is Developing Nuclear Weapons: US House Quietly Passed Resolution (H. RES. 559) that Allows Using Force Against Iran By Dr. Paul Craig Roberts and U.S. House of Representatives, November 06, 2023
Israel-Palestine War: A New Mother Struggles to Care for Her Baby Under Bombardment in Gaza By Maha Hussaini, November 06, 2023
Gaza: US and the West Support Israel’s Crimes Against Humanity By Peter Koenig, November 06, 2023
Israel Declares Most of Humanity Illegitimate and Irrelevant By Ann Garrison, November 06, 2023
Two-fifths of Starmer’s Cabinet Have Received Funds from Pro-Israel Groups, Declassified UK Finds By Elizabeth Short, November 06, 2023
‘Abu Ghraib 2.0’: IDF Torture Videos Spark Renewed Calls to End US Military Aid to Israel By Brett Wilkins, November 06, 2023
Israel-Palestine War: Gaza Through the Eyes of a Photographer Killed in an Air Strike By Aina J Khan, November 06, 2023
History: Palestine, Dilemmas of Decolonization By Stephen Sefton, November 06, 2023
Saudi Arabia’s Crown Prince Mohamed bin Salman (MBS) Refuses to Stand with the US and Israel Against the Palestinians By Steven Sahiounie, November 06, 2023
Targeting the United Nations and UN Officials: 23 Killed as Israel Bombs 4 UN Shelters in Gaza By Middle East Monitor, November 06, 2023
‘No Place for Joy’: Israel Bombs Gaza Wedding Hall, Kills 26 People By Abdallah Aljamal, November 06, 2023
“Empire of Drugs”: Taliban’s Eradication of Opium Reveals Harsh Reality of U.S. Occupation of Afghanistan By The Free Thought Project, November 05, 2023
Israel’s 9/11: “The Greater Israel”, Maritime Natural Gas, and the Prospect of a Middle East Multi-Front War By Michael Welch, Dimitri Lascaris, and Mahdi Darius Nazemroaya, November 05, 2023
Gaza Strikes Back. It’s Another 9/11 or Pearl Harbor but Who Actually Did What to Whom? “This Was More Likely a False Flag Operation” By Philip Giraldi, November 05, 2023