
During a press briefing after the 79th session of the UN General Assembly on September 28, Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov was asked to comment on reports about Turkey’s potential resale of the Russian-made S-400 SAM (surface-to-air missile) system.

Below is an excerpt from an article by Frank Bergman:

The vast majority of the Israeli government’s official data for Covid mRNA shot side effects has been “lost,” according to reports.

Israel’s Health Ministry failed to review 82% of reports

Is it acceptable for Israel to wipe Palestine and Palestinians off the map? On 5 November 2024, Americans have an opportunity to signal whether genocide is anathema for the majority of its citizens.

So, how can Americans signal their abhorrence

A Faustian Bargain with Corporate Power: From Monsanto to Bayer, the Worst of Both Worlds. Colin Todhunter

By Colin Todhunter, October 01, 2024

Bayer’s complicity as part of IG Farben, a chemical and pharmaceutical conglomerate notorious for its involvement

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Haider_al-Abadi, Photo by Foreign and Commonwealth Office - Flickr (CC BY 2.0)
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US Cuba flags
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