
A Faustian Bargain with Corporate Power: From Monsanto to Bayer, the Worst of Both Worlds. Colin Todhunter

By Colin Todhunter, October 01, 2024

Bayer’s complicity as part of IG Farben, a chemical and pharmaceutical conglomerate notorious for its involvement

The International Longshoremen’s Association (ILA) said on Sunday that its 85,000 members, along with “tens of thousands of dockworkers and maritime workers around the world,” will hit the picket lines Tuesday, October 1, “and strike at all Atlantic and Gulf

Environmentalist and campaigner Rosemary Mason has been relentlessly exposing the insidious effects of agrochemicals on human health and the environment through a decade-long series of incisive reports. Many of these reports have taken the form of scathing open letters directed

The Corporate Europe Observatory (CEO) has rendered a great public service by very recently publishing a report titled ‘Bayer’s Toxic Trails’ which reveals how the German agrochemical giant Bayer has been lobbying hard to promote glyphosate and GMOs, or trying

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Syria Eyewitnesses Provide Evidence of US Support of ISIS Terrorists By Stephen Lendman, December 30, 2017
China-Pakistan Economic Corridor to be Extended to Afghanistan By Abdus Sattar Ghazali, December 30, 2017
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Trump Endorses Criminal Conspiracy to Crush Honduras Vote By William Boardman, December 30, 2017
Moving Toward a Police State (or Have We Arrived?) By Michael Ratner, December 30, 2017
American workers
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Trump Sham “Peace Plan”: Abu Dis Village (Bordering Jerusalem), A Future Palestinian Capital? By Stephen Lendman, December 29, 2017
Senate Witch-Hunt Russiagate Investigation Expands. Where are We Heading?? By Stephen Lendman, December 29, 2017
Anyone of “Russian Descent” Now Targeted in Senate Investigation By Michael Tracey, December 29, 2017
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Geopolitical Shift in the Middle East: The War on ISIS Has Increased the Influence of Iran By Sami Karimi, December 29, 2017
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Palestinian Christians and Muslims living in the Holy Land. A Christmas Message to Vice-President Mike Pence By James J. Zogby, December 29, 2017
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Africa in Review 2017: Reconstruction and the Impediments of Imperialism By Abayomi Azikiwe, December 29, 2017
Vermont’s Progressive Candidates Blur Party Lines to Win By Greg Guma, December 29, 2017
Propaganda Aiming to Prove Iran Supplied Missiles Backfires By Scott Ritter, December 29, 2017
Cost and Indulgence: Gloating over New Year’s Celebrations By Dr. Binoy Kampmark, December 29, 2017
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China Shifts Course, Is A Global Financial Crisis Brewing? By Dr. Jack Rasmus, December 28, 2017
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Selected Articles: US-North Korea Nuclear War: One Million Deaths on the First Day By Global Research News, December 28, 2017
How It Could Finally be Possible to Prosecute War as a Crime By David Swanson, December 28, 2017
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Trump: Agent of Chaos (a.k.a. “The Kraken”) By Andrew Korybko, December 28, 2017
Student Debt Slavery: Bankrolling Financiers on the Backs of the Young By Ellen Brown, December 28, 2017
The Quad: US Searches Edge of Asia for Allies to Contain Beijing By Tony Cartalucci, December 28, 2017
Socialism and the Problem of the Super-rich: The Bloomberg Billionaires Index By Barry Grey, December 28, 2017
Israel Should be Suspended from the UN Until It Complies with UNSCR 2334 By Hans Stehling, December 28, 2017
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Russia Charges Pentagon with Training Ex-ISIS Fighters By Bill Van Auken, December 28, 2017
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Whither the Anti-war Movement? By Daniel Martin, December 28, 2017
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Under Trump, US Doubles Drone Strikes in Somalia By Telesur, December 28, 2017
Letter on Jerusalem by HE Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad By Tun Dr. Mahathir Mohamad, December 28, 2017
Aggressive and Ugly Behaviour of Britain’s Foreign Secretary Boris Johnson in Moscow – Agony of A Rotting Empire By Andre Vltchek, December 27, 2017
The Child Who Knows Too Much About Cruelty in this World By Yvonne Ridley, December 27, 2017
Deep Sea Mining. Environmental Impacts on the Sea Floor By Elaine Maslin, December 27, 2017
Trump Retaliates: Punitive Measures against Mahmoud Abbas and the Palestinian Authority By Middle East Monitor, December 27, 2017
U.S. National Security Searches for a Strategy. Proliferating Enemies with no End in Sight By Philip Giraldi, December 27, 2017
Extraterrestrial Fascinations: The Pentagon and UFOs By Dr. Binoy Kampmark, December 27, 2017
The Saudi Palace Coup, the Oil Market, China and the US By Dr. Ali Kadri, December 27, 2017
Shades of Suez and “Greater Israel” as Theresa May and Netanyahu Ignore UNSCR 2334 Pertaining to the Territorial Rights of Palestinians By Hans Stehling, December 27, 2017
Retrenchment, Robotization and Crypto-Currencies: The Runaway Train Towards Full Digitization of Money and Labor By Peter Koenig, December 27, 2017
The Militarization of North East Asia: Japan Acquires US Aegis Ashore BMD Missile Defense System, Bonanza for US Weapons Industry By Andrei Akulov, December 27, 2017
Syrians Are Human Beings. “The West Seeks to Fabricate Sectarianism in Syria” By Mark Taliano, December 27, 2017
Selected Articles: Currency Warfare, the Inception of China’s Petro-Yuan? By Global Research News, December 27, 2017
Africa in Review 2017: Reinforced Neo-colonialism and the Imperative of Continental Unity By Abayomi Azikiwe, December 27, 2017
Could the Trump Presidency Prove to be a Godsend for the Palestinian People? By William Hanna, December 27, 2017
Ottawa’s Attitude Towards Venezuela: “The Venezuelan Ambassador is No longer Welcome in Canada” By Nino Pagliccia, December 27, 2017
Digital Capitalism and Workers’ Rights: ‘Workers Are the Heart of the Algorithm’ By Prof. Antonio Casilli and Roberto Ciccarelli, December 27, 2017
Battle for Mosul, Defeat of the ISIS Caliphate, A Year of Brutal War, Crimes against Humanity By Middle East Eye, December 27, 2017
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What We Don’t Talk About When We Talk About “Russian Hacking” By Jackson Lears, December 27, 2017
In Bid to Save Big Oil $900M, Trump Moves to Scrap Offshore Drilling Safety Rules By Julia Conley, December 27, 2017
Civil Servants Are Deliberately Destroying Documents from the UK’s National Archive By Zero Hedge, December 27, 2017
China Plans to Break Petrodollar Stranglehold By Pepe Escobar, December 27, 2017
How Trump Ruined Christmas for Palestinian Christians By Alex Shams, December 27, 2017
Chemtrails: Aerosol and Electromagnetic Weapons in the Age of Nuclear War By Amy Worthington, December 26, 2017
Polls Increasingly Confirming that America Is a Dictatorship By Eric Zuesse, December 26, 2017
UN Vote: Middle East Christians Blast US Decision on Jerusalem By Joyce Chediac, December 26, 2017
$21 Trillion of Unauthorized Spending by US Government Discovered by Economics Professor By RT News, December 26, 2017
US Coalition Out of Syria Now! By Syria Solidarity Movement, December 26, 2017
Canada’s Aboriginal Children: “The Little Matter of Genocide” By Dr. Gary G. Kohls and Rev. Kevin D. Annett, December 26, 2017
Timeline of Trump’s Path to Nuclear War By Walt Gelles, December 26, 2017
Imminent Dangers to Humanity: The Social Psychological Factor “Permitting” Nuclear War and Climate Change By Prof. Marc Pilisuk, December 26, 2017
Australia’s Refugee Hub and the Politics of Manus Island: Responsibilities and Contracts By Dr. Binoy Kampmark, December 26, 2017
Ascent of the Petro-Yuan: Russia and China to Kneecap Petrodollar in 2018? By RT News, December 26, 2017
NATO Rolls Out Offensive Cyberweapons By Ulson Gunnar, December 26, 2017
The Year the Open Internet Came Under Siege: 2017 Year in Review By Katharine Trendacosta, Jeremy Gillula, and Ernesto Falcon, December 26, 2017
France and the UN on Peace Talks in Libya By Richard Galustian, December 26, 2017
Nuclear Weapons, an Absolute Evil By John Scales Avery, December 26, 2017
US Heavy Weapons to Ukraine. Does Trump have Another War in Mind, on Russia’s Doorstep? By Stephen Lendman, December 26, 2017
The Hidden Structure of Violence: Who Benefits from Global Violence and War By Prof. Marc Pilisuk and Dr. Jennifer Rountree, December 26, 2017
The Jerusalem UN Vote and the US-Israel Link By Dr. Chandra Muzaffar, December 26, 2017
‘Must be the Season of the RICH’ By Philip A Farruggio, December 25, 2017