[This article was originally published by CovertAction Magazine in July 2023.]
Illegal U.S. bombing raids, brutal economic sanctions, and incredibly brazen theft by U.S. forces of 66,000 barrels of Syrian oil per day (80% of its total output) have …
The official story is that a dangerous new coronavirus was detected in Wuhan, PRC. It had not been isolated, it's identity had not been confirmed. And then in February, the name of the "new virus" was changed to SARS-CoV-2, a virus first detected 20 years ago in 2003.
Editor’s Note
We bring to the attention of our readers the complete transcript of [the late] Dr. Zbigniew Brzezinski’s statement to the Senate Foreign Relations Committee [February 1, 2007, chaired by Sen.Joe Biden] , as well as the …
Ukraine must have “realistic” discussions on territorial issues, French President Emmanuel Macron said on January 6. According to him, the solution to the situation in Ukraine will not be “simple and quick,” a bitter realization he likely came to after …