
About a year ago, I began to put in motion plans to make a documentary film about my trips to Russia, my friendship with Alexander Zyrianov (the Russian civic and business leader who, on his own initiative and expense, hosted

This is a modified version of an address made at the NZDSOS conference “Empowering Change” in Auckland, 28 September 2024.


Some time ago I initiated an Official Information Act request, which yielded, to my astonishment, the following draft

Ukrainians now suspect that Poland as a whole and he in particular have ulterior motives.

Polish Foreign Minister Radek Sikorski continues getting on Kiev’s bad side. His latest trip to the Ukrainian capital to meet with Zelensky reportedly resulted in

Mexican Elections: US Media Compares López Obrador to Donald Trump By Gregory Shupak, June 27, 2018
Did the U.S. Supreme Court Just Nullify the U.S. Constitution? By Eric Zuesse, June 27, 2018
A Children’s Gitmo on the Border By Karen J. Greenberg, June 27, 2018
The BBC Just Declared that Five Children Being Murdered by Israel Is ‘NOT A LOT’ By Tom D. Rogers, June 27, 2018
Thousands of Refugees Forced Onto Death March Into Sahara Desert By Bill Van Auken, June 27, 2018
Trump’s Cowardly War on Immigrant Children By Scott Ritter, June 27, 2018
Why Do They Flee? By William Blum, June 27, 2018
Immigration: Western Wars and Imperial Exploitation Uproot Millions By Prof. James Petras, June 27, 2018
Please Sign Petition to Reform Canada’s Extradition Law By Hassan Diab Support Committee, June 27, 2018
The Decline of Britain’s Military Now Relegated to a 2nd Tier Armed Force By Hans Stehling, June 27, 2018
Trump: “We Cannot Allow all of these People to Invade our Country”. Unwanted Aliens Denied Due Process and Equal Protection under Fifth Amendment By Stephen Lendman, June 26, 2018
Selected Articles: U.S. to Continue Supporting Al Qaeda Rebels By Global Research News, June 26, 2018
Video: Syrian Army Liberated Lajat District in Daraa Province By South Front, June 26, 2018
The Saudi-Egyptian Rivalry: How a Football Match Reflects Geopolitical Power Relations By Adeyinka Makinde, June 26, 2018
America’s Assault against Yemen’s Children, the War You Haven’t Heard About By Revolution Newspaper, June 26, 2018
U.S. to Continue to Use White Helmets As Long As the Western Public Accepts Media War Lies By Mark Taliano and The Syria Times, June 26, 2018
Supreme Court Upholds Fourth Amendment Protections, Apply to Cell Phone Location Information By Stephen Lendman, June 26, 2018
Moscow-Riyadh: Balancing Out Washington By Andrew Korybko, June 26, 2018
Space Command Is About to Launch! By Philip Giraldi, June 26, 2018
Are al-Qaeda Affiliates Fighting Alongside U.S. Rebels in Syria’s South? By Sharmine Narwani, June 26, 2018
Nicaragua at the Barricades By Rebecca Gordon, June 26, 2018
The Soldier’s Tale By Chris Hedges, June 26, 2018
Navy’s Pacific Training Could Injure Hundreds of Dolphins, Threaten Recovery of Endangered Hawaiian Monk Seals By Center For Biological Diversity, June 26, 2018
Detained Children Forced to Recite Pledge of Allegiance ‘Out of Respect’ for Country that Tore Them Away From Parents By Julia Conley, June 26, 2018
US Senate Bans Sale of F-35s to Turkey: Dealing with an Unreliable Partner By Peter Korzun, June 26, 2018
Seven Years Ago, UK Environment Agency Warned that 12 of Our 19 Nuclear Sites Were in Danger of Flooding and Erosion By Nuclear Industries, June 26, 2018
Report: Israel Army Has a Plan to Dissect and Occupy Parts of the Gaza Strip By Middle East Monitor, June 26, 2018
Video: JFK Assassination: James Angleton, Lee Oswald and the Warren Commission By Lisa Pease, June 26, 2018
Saudi Wahhabism Serves Western Imperialism By Andre Vltchek, June 26, 2018
United States Government-Military-Industrial-Deep State-Media Complex
The Russian Peace Threat: Pentagon on Alert By Ron Ridenour, June 26, 2018
US-NATO Led Wars Have Created a Global Migrant Crisis. Solutions? By J. Michael Springmann, June 26, 2018
The Destructive Impacts of Corporate Mining in the Philippines: The Tampacan Copper-Gold Mining Project in Mindanao By Dr. Belinda F. Espiritu, June 26, 2018
The Next Step: The Campaign for Julian Assange By Dr. Binoy Kampmark, June 26, 2018
Free Julian Assange! By Mairead Maguire, June 26, 2018
U.S. Forces Failed Attempts to Seize Territory in Southern Syria. U.S. Backed Al Qaeda Fighter Fleeing from SAA Forces By Eric Zuesse, June 26, 2018
Video: Government Troops Make Rapid Gains in Southern Syria against US Backed Rebels By South Front, June 26, 2018
Social Media Giants Choking Independent News Site Traffic to a Trickle By Whitney Webb, June 25, 2018
Immigration Solution. Release All Immigrant Children Now! By Massoud Nayeri, June 25, 2018
Selected Articles: The “Global War on Terror” Created The “Global Refugee Crisis” By Global Research News, June 25, 2018
The American Empire Preps for a US Space Force By Renee Parsons, June 25, 2018
Nothing Civil About War in Syria, Says Assad By Stephen Lendman, June 25, 2018
Something Strange About the House of Sergei Skripal By True Publica, June 25, 2018
Four Presidents Conspired to Give $100 Billion to Israel By Grant Smith, June 25, 2018
Ralph Nader Asks Former First Ladies: Why No “Heartfelt Concern for Tens of Thousands of Children Killed or Seriously Maimed” by Their Husbands’ Wars? By Andrea Germanos, June 25, 2018
Israel’s War on Photographers and Their Images By Hossam Shaker, June 25, 2018
The Future of Medicine: Boost Your Health, Mental Abilities and Athletic Ability with Light. “Photobiomodulation” By Washington's Blog, June 25, 2018
Avalanche: Artists, Athletes, Personalities from All Over the World Are Boycotting Israel! By Defend Democracy Press, June 25, 2018
Ontario Looks Right By Herman Rosenfeld, June 25, 2018
Seven Things You Didn’t Know About Guantanamo Bay By Reprieve, June 25, 2018
A History of US Nuclear Weapons in South Korea By Hans M. Kristensen and Robert S. Norris, June 25, 2018
Humanity’s ‘Dirty Little Secret’: Starving, Enslaving, Torturing and Killing Our Children By Robert J. Burrowes, June 25, 2018
The Global Refugee Crisis: Humanity’s Last Call for a Culture of Sharing and Cooperation By Rajesh Makwana, June 25, 2018
“Move 9” Activists: 40-Year Commemoration. Unjustly Imprisoned in Pennsylvania Prisons By Orie Lumumba, June 25, 2018
Techniques Used to Disrupt 9/11 Questioning By Kevin Ryan, June 25, 2018
Assange Is a Journalist, Should Not be Persecuted for Publishing the Truth By Kevin Zeese and Margaret Flowers, June 25, 2018
Is the Government of the State of Israel Working to Strengthen the Jewish Diaspora or to Decimate it? By Hans Stehling, June 25, 2018
How the US, Under Obama, Created Europe’s Refugee Crisis By Eric Zuesse, June 25, 2018
After Tariff Measures Against China, Trump Threatens to Escalate Trade War with Europe By Nick Beams, June 25, 2018
The Defiance that Launched Gaza’s Flaming Kites Cannot be Extinguished By Jonathan Cook, June 25, 2018
Nikola Tesla and Albert Einstein By Rand Clifford, June 24, 2018
Trump Again Calls North Korea a Nuclear Threat. “Saying one Thing, then Another” By Stephen Lendman, June 24, 2018
Video: Life in Gaza.”The World’s largest Concentration Camp.” By Chris Hedges and Norman Finkelstein, June 24, 2018
Evading Medical Care: Australia’s Refugee Arrangements with Taiwan By Dr. Binoy Kampmark, June 24, 2018
US, China and Ultra-Low Oil Prices By Dr. Dan Steinbock, June 24, 2018
Head of NATO Calls for Preserving Unity that Does Not Exist: Prospects for the July Summit By Alex Gorka, June 24, 2018
Breaking: Russia Officially Enters Southwest Syria Offensive Despite US Warnings By Leith Aboufadel, June 24, 2018
US Court Documents Reveal Immigrant Children Tied Down, Hooded, Beaten, Stripped and Drugged By Patrick Martin, June 24, 2018
US, Allies Use Fake Evidence to Blame Chemical Attacks on Syria Government: Russia By Press TV, June 24, 2018
Israel Protects the Islamic State, Targets Iraqi Militias Fighting ISIS in Eastern Syria. 20-50 Dead By Marko Marjanović, June 24, 2018
Malaysian-Saudi Relations: A Lesson in the Pitfalls of Authoritarianism and Autocracy By James M. Dorsey, June 24, 2018
So What’s with the US’s Vaunted ‘Free’ Press? Journalists Denied Access to the ‘Holding Centers’ where Latino Children are being Detained By Deena Stryker, June 24, 2018
Kim 10, Trump 0 By Eric Margolis, June 24, 2018
Video: The National Debt Scam By Comprehensive Research, Inc., June 24, 2018
The Senate Just Gave the Pentagon an $82 Billion Boost. That’s More Money Than Russia’s Entire Military Budget. By Eric Boehm, June 24, 2018
The Persecution of Julian Assange Proves that Western Values No Longer Exist By Dr. Paul Craig Roberts, June 24, 2018
Video: Truth About $21 Trillion Missing at the Pentagon By David DeGraw and Lee Camp, June 24, 2018
President Trump’s Muslim Ban. “Islam Hates Us” By Sirine Shebaya and Johnathan Smith, June 24, 2018
Survivors Guide to Prison: The American Nightmare By Joanne Laurier, June 24, 2018
Video: The 1985 Bombing of West Philly By fzappa711, June 24, 2018
New Video and Audio Captures ‘Horrifying’ Reality of Children Taken from Parents as GOP Pressed to ‘Find Their Conscience’ By Jake Johnson, June 24, 2018