
This is a modified version of an address made at the NZDSOS conference “Empowering Change” in Auckland, 28 September 2024.


Some time ago I initiated an Official Information Act request, which yielded, to my astonishment, the following draft

Ukrainians now suspect that Poland as a whole and he in particular have ulterior motives.

Polish Foreign Minister Radek Sikorski continues getting on Kiev’s bad side. His latest trip to the Ukrainian capital to meet with Zelensky reportedly resulted in

Telegram owner Pavel Durov’s detention in Paris over a month ago provoked а flurry of attention and animated comments. But soon thereafter the case strangely vanished from the radar screen. The high profile affair, which initially stirred enormous public interest

Hezbollah has announced the death of the General Secretary of Hezbollah, Hassan Nasrallah almost 24 hours after the September 27 massive Israeli attack on the Hreik neighborhood in south Beirut which resulted in the assassination of Nasrallah and others.

Hiroshima Child By Nazim Hikmet, August 06, 2018
Washington Increases Funding for Israel’s Killing Machine By Stephen Lendman, August 06, 2018
Maduro Assassination Attempt in Caracas. Bolton Denial: “There Was No US Government Involvement” By Kurt Nimmo, August 06, 2018
“Medical Skepticism” Regarding Alternative and Traditional Medical Systems By Richard Gale and Dr. Gary Null, August 06, 2018
USS Liberty Survivor Joe Meadors Witnesses Israeli Violence Against Gaza Freedom Flotilla By Colonel Ann Wright, August 06, 2018
Coffee and the “Shock Doctrine” in Puerto Rico By John Vandermeer and Ivette Perfecto, August 06, 2018
South Africa: The Working Class Movement Must be Independent By South African Federation of Trade Unions, August 06, 2018
Answering “What Should I Do?” Is Easier When You Know the Roles of Social Movements By Kevin Zeese and Margaret Flowers, August 06, 2018
Internet Wars: U.S. Plans to Overthrow the Cuban Revolution with New Technologies By Iramsy Peraza Forte and Sergio Alejandro Gómez, August 06, 2018
Colombia’s Uribe to US Business Leaders: Help Take Out Maduro By Telesur, August 06, 2018
Kosovo at Delicate Crossroads Between East and West By Peter Koenig, August 06, 2018
3-Year Old Report on Fracking Risks Quietly Published This Week After Cuadrilla Permit Awarded By True Publica, August 06, 2018
Chinese State Oil Major Suspends U.S. Oil Imports Amid Trade War By Tsvetana Paraskova, August 06, 2018
Trouble in Sport Paradise: Can Qatar Overcome the Diplomatic Crisis? By James M. Dorsey, August 06, 2018
When Israel Backers Claim to be Anti-racist, One Needs to Ask Questions By Yves Engler, August 06, 2018
World Extends Solidarity to Venezuela’s Maduro After Attack By Telesur, August 06, 2018
California’s Burning: The Social and Political Background of the Deadly Infernos By David Brown, August 06, 2018
US Military
US Military Aid to Israel Set to Exceed $3.8B, or $23,000 Per Year for Every Jewish Family Living in Israel By Whitney Webb, August 06, 2018
Ambassador Nikki Haley
Can the US Make Iran Sanctions Stick? By James M. Dorsey, August 05, 2018
FBI Records Show Dossier: Author Deemed ‘Not Suitable For Use’ as Source, Show Several FBI Payments in 2016 By Judicial Watch, August 05, 2018
Social media
Selected Articles: Global Economy, Militarization, Media Disinformation By Global Research News, August 05, 2018
‘Focus’ on the Neo Nazi Revival By Philip A Farruggio, August 05, 2018
The U.S.-Italy “Special Relationship” By Richard Galustian, August 05, 2018
Imran Khan: Pakistan Needs a Strong New Leader By Eric Margolis, August 05, 2018
Lawsuit: U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) Approved Monsanto Herbicide Label Changes After Consulting with Company By Johnathan Hettinger, August 05, 2018
Trillion Dollar Companies: The Apple Empire and Concentrated Markets By Dr. Binoy Kampmark, August 05, 2018
Dictatorship of the “Free” Market By Mark Taliano, August 05, 2018
The Bizarre Facebook Path to Corporate Fascism By Glen Ford, August 05, 2018
The Israeli Buffer Zone on Syrian Territory Will Have to Wait By Khaled Al-Kassimi, August 05, 2018
Why West Fears ‘Made in China: 2025’ By F. William Engdahl, August 05, 2018
Earth’s Carbon Concentrations Have Soared to Levels Not Seen in 800,000 Years By Jessica Corbett, August 05, 2018
Toxic Silence: Public Officials, Monsanto and the Media By Colin Todhunter, August 05, 2018
An Account From a Doctor on Board the Freedom Flotilla Which Was Hijacked by the Israeli Navy By Dr. Swee Ang, August 05, 2018
Maduro Survives Drone Attack, Says Suspects Captured By Telesur, August 05, 2018
The Rise and Continued Influence of the Neocons. The Project for the New American Century (PNAC) By Michael Welch, Robbie Martin, Scott Price, and Mark Robinowitz, August 04, 2018
The Geopolitics of Water in the Nile River Basin By Prof. Majeed A. Rahman, August 04, 2018
The Mythology of Erdogan and the Kurds. The Reorientation of the World Order By Junaid S. Ahmad, August 04, 2018
Sweden’s ‘Freedom’ Vessel Under Attack as It Carries Medical Supplies to Gaza By Freedom Flotilla Coalition, August 04, 2018
US Senate “Sanctions Bill From Hell” Targeting Russia and Putin By Niels Lesniewski, August 04, 2018
Afghanistan: The Taliban Have Fought the U.S. to the Negotiating Table By Dr. Binoy Kampmark, August 04, 2018
U.S. Foments Regime Change in Nicaragua By Roger Harris, August 04, 2018
Trump Administration Opens National Wildlife Refuges to Pollinator Poisons and Harmful GMOs By Defenders of Wildlife, August 04, 2018
Israel’s Policies in Gaza Are Genocidal By Haidar Eid, August 04, 2018
Video: Syrian Army’s Operation in Southern Syria in Numbers By South Front, August 04, 2018
Zimbabwe Incumbent President, ZANU-PF Re-elected in Historic Poll By Abayomi Azikiwe, August 04, 2018
Americans Live in a World of Economic Lies By Dr. Paul Craig Roberts, August 04, 2018
Russia’s International Army Games Might Bring Iran and Israel Together By Andrew Korybko, August 04, 2018
Two Knockout Blows to US Imperialism: De-Dollarization and Hypersonic Weapons By Federico Pieraccini, August 04, 2018
The Super-Rich and the Rabbit Hole of Military Spending. The Two 500 lb. Gorillas in the Room By Philip A Farruggio, August 04, 2018
War on Yemen: Dozens Dead After Saudi Air Strike Hits Hospital and Market in Hodeidah By Middle East Eye, August 03, 2018
China Says Willing to Team with Syria’s Assad in Push to Retake Territory By Asia Times, August 03, 2018
How Washington and Soft Power NGOs Manipulated Nicaragua’s Death Toll to Drive Regime Change and Sanctions By Max Blumenthal, August 03, 2018
The Real “Fake News” From Government Media By Scott Lazarowitz, August 03, 2018
Thriving on Dark Web: The My Health Record and Data Insecurity By Dr. Binoy Kampmark, August 03, 2018
Erdogan and the EU Are on a Collision Course in the Balkans By Prof. Alon Ben-Meir and Arbana Xharra, August 03, 2018
Urgent: End Israeli Occupation of Palestine, Restore Iran Deal, and Denuclearize Middle East By Prof. Juan Cole, August 02, 2018
Violence of Israeli Attack on Freedom Flotilla’s Al Awda: Hunger Strike, Swedish ‘Freedom’ Boat Is Coming By Freedom Flotilla Coalition, August 02, 2018
Revolving Door: How Security Clearances Perpetuate Top-Level Corruption in the United States By Philip Giraldi, August 02, 2018
The Long History of America’s Violent Intervention in Afghanistan By Gregory Shupak, August 02, 2018
Death of the Bees: Four “Approved” Neonicotinoid Pesticides “Harm” Bees and Other Pollinators By Center For Biological Diversity, August 02, 2018
Russia’s Naval Strategy in the Indian Ocean By Andrew Korybko, August 02, 2018
Are We Saving Syrian ‘Heroes’… or Just Importing More Fanatics with Links to Al Qaeda? By Peter Hitchins, August 02, 2018
Selected Articles: BRICS Summit in South Africa, U.S. Trade War Escalates By Global Research News, August 02, 2018
Israel Halts Fuel Shipments to Gaza. Crime against Humanity By Middle East Eye, August 02, 2018
UK Parliament “Fake News” Report Demands Sweeping Internet Censorship By Robert Stevens, August 02, 2018
Justice Postponed: Ito Shiori and Rape in Japan By David McNeill, August 02, 2018
As Russia Negotiates Separation of Forces in Syria, Netanyahu Threatens War Against Iran Over Yemeni Waterway By Richard Silverstein, August 02, 2018
US Meddling in Cambodian Elections is Foiled By Joseph Thomas, August 02, 2018
BRICS Summit Held in South Africa While U.S. Trade War Escalates By Abayomi Azikiwe, August 02, 2018
Global Fires and Droughts: The Media Cover-up of Climate Change By Dr. Andrew Glikson, August 02, 2018
Trump Threatens Iran to Distract From Russia Criticism and Appease Israel By Prof. Marjorie Cohn, August 02, 2018
Bipartisan Dysfunctionality Puts the World at Risk. The Need to Establish a U.S.- Russia Working Relationship By Green Party Peace Action Committee, August 02, 2018
Rwandan Dictator Paul Kagame’s Paranoia Strikes Deep By Ann Garrison, August 02, 2018
The Yellow Peril Comes to Washington. Is China Also Involved in “Election Meddling”!? By Philip Giraldi, August 02, 2018
Trump and the Politics of Neoliberal Distraction By Ajamu Baraka, August 02, 2018
On 65th Anniversary of Korean Truce, Activists Criticize the US for Delaying Real Peace By Kevin Zeese, August 02, 2018
In These Times of Great Political Upheaval and Confusion By The Global Research Team, August 01, 2018
Veteran Intelligence Professionals (VIPS) to Trump: Intel on Iran Could be CATASTROPHIC By Veteran Intelligence Professionals for Sanity, August 01, 2018
Who Does America Belong to? U.S. Housing Market is Down, Interest Rates are Up, The Dollar is Also Down By Dr. Paul Craig Roberts, August 01, 2018
Southwestern Syria Liberated. Idlib Next? By South Front, August 01, 2018