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[First published on September 15, 2023]


We are currently at the crossroads of the Most Serious Economic and Social Crisis in World History.  It is an outright war against all humanity: the Planet’s 8 billion people. 

Starting with the

The latest volume in the magisterial Germany and the Second World War series, volume VIII (edited by Karl-Heinz Frieser) deals with one of the most eventful phases of the Second World War: the battles on the eastern front in 1943

Recent research challenges the long-term benefits of ketogenic diets, suggesting potential negative impacts on cardiovascular health

Your body has a metabolic switch called the Randle cycle, which chooses to burn either glucose or fat for energy. Being aware

Selected Articles: The Downing of Russian Aircraft Over Syria By Global Research News, September 19, 2018
United States
Korea and the United States: Negotiating a Peace Treaty? By Prof Michel Chossudovsky, September 18, 2018
Video: Syrian Forces Accidentally Shot Down Russian IL-20 By South Front, September 18, 2018
Israel-Russia Relations and the Downing of Russian Aircraft over Syria By Andrew Korybko, September 18, 2018
Media Ignores Israeli Role in Downing of Russian Aircraft in Syria By Kurt Nimmo, September 18, 2018
The Anne Frank Test By Philip Giraldi, September 18, 2018
Iran Hawks in Washington By Peter Koenig, September 18, 2018
Dalai Lama
Tibet and the Hidden History of The Dalai Lama By Max Parry, September 18, 2018
McCarthyism on Steroids: Senior FBI Lawyer Admits No Evidence of Kremlin Meddling, Trump -Russia Collusion, By Stephen Lendman, September 18, 2018
The Dutch Investigation into Flight MH17 and Kiev’s Veto By Prof. Kees van der Pijl, September 18, 2018
Palestinians Take #GazaToUN Through Social Media By Afro-Palestine Newswire Service, September 18, 2018
The Korean People Alone Must Decide on Their Future By Adam Garrie, September 18, 2018
Syria or Southeast Asia: The West Lied, Lies, and Always Will By Andre Vltchek, September 18, 2018
Trade War
Hegemony Will No Longer Pay Off for the US By Global Times, September 18, 2018
MS Estonia
The Sinking of MS Estonia: Still Doubts Over Official Story 24 Years After the Biggest Maritime Disaster in Europe Since World War II By Terje Maloy, September 18, 2018
Military Industrial
Invasion of the Empire’s Pods. “Discourse” and “Debate” on Behalf of the Military Industrial Complex By Philip A Farruggio, September 18, 2018
Video: Al-Qaeda Members in Idlib Pretend to be ‘Democratic Activists’ By South Front, September 18, 2018
Lehman Brothers
On the 10th Anniversary of the Lehman Brothers 2008 Crash: Can ‘IT’ Happen Again? By Dr. Jack Rasmus, September 18, 2018
International Law
The United States’ Disregard for International Law Is a Menace to Venezuela and Latin America By Nino Pagliccia, September 18, 2018
In the Wake of the 2008 Global Economic Crisis: Banking Structures Untouched. How the Financial Lobby Won the Battle in Brussels By Corporate Europe Observatory, September 17, 2018
Elections in Pakistan: A Populist Moment? By Ayyaz Mallick, September 17, 2018
Ecological Civilization
Sustainability and Ecological Civilization: An Outline for Getting From Here to There By Roy Morrison, September 17, 2018
Economic Colapse
The Aftershocks of the 2008 Economic Collapse Are Still Being Felt By Kevin Zeese and Margaret Flowers, September 17, 2018
US War
Selected Articles: Global Climate Instability? By Global Research News, September 17, 2018
Prayers: For Our Sins as Individuals and as a Society By Michael Lerner, September 17, 2018
America’s Founders
How Donald Trump Desecrates America’s Founders By Eric Zuesse, September 17, 2018
Our Planet Is Angry By Sonali Kolhatkar, September 17, 2018
PLO-UNWRA Meeting: Dr. Ashrawi Meets with UNRWA Commissioner-General Pierre Krähenbühl By The Palestine Liberation Organization, September 17, 2018
A Record Seven Named Storms Are Swirling Across the Globe. Global Climate Instability? Has ‘the Day After Tomorrow’ Arrived? By Michael Snyder, September 17, 2018
The Bluffer’s Guide to Bombing Syria By Peter Ford, September 17, 2018
Hurricane Florence: Sixty Foot Flood to Inundate Brunswick Nuclear Plant on Cape Fear River NC By Roy Morrison, September 17, 2018
The Liberation of Idlib: Turkey Is in the Way, with Russia Slowing Down By Elijah J. Magnier, September 17, 2018
Fat Cats Private Club
Overheard at the Fat Cats Club. Political Satire By Philip A Farruggio, September 17, 2018
Trump’s Reckless Hostility Unites China and Russia By Eric Margolis, September 17, 2018
US Military
US War Strategists: Military Defeats and Political Success By Prof. James Petras, September 17, 2018
Agent Orange: 17 Chilling Photos of the Vietnam War Crimes the US Got Away With By Amanda Froelich, September 17, 2018
Needled Strawberries in Australia: Food Terrorism Down Under By Dr. Binoy Kampmark, September 17, 2018
Syria’s Christian City: Seven Years Under Fire at the Idlib Frontline By Tom Westcott, September 17, 2018
War Criminals
John Bolton Escalates Blackmail against ICC to Shield US War Criminals By Prof. Marjorie Cohn, September 17, 2018
Trump Can Kill Oslo, But Not Palestinian National Aspirations By James J. Zogby, September 17, 2018
CIJA, B’nai B’rith Smear Palestine Activist Instead of Racists, Anti-Semite By Yves Engler, September 17, 2018
World Trade Centre
Who is Osama bin Laden. Interview with Michel Chossudovsky By Prof Michel Chossudovsky and Philip A Farruggio, September 17, 2018
US Holding Nearly 13,000 Migrant Children in Detention Centers By Telesur, September 17, 2018
Emboldened by Trump, Israel Bombs Damascus International Airport By Miri Wood, September 16, 2018
Demonization of Russia in a New Cold War Era By Mairead Maguire, September 16, 2018
Australia and the Woes of Climate Change States By Dr. Binoy Kampmark, September 16, 2018
Flight MH17, Ukraine and the New Cold War. Prism of Disaster. By Prof. Kees van der Pijl, September 16, 2018
International Criminal Court
U.S. Crimes against Humanity: “President Bolton” Threatens to Sanction the International Criminal Court By Kurt Nimmo, September 16, 2018
Spain Sells Laser Guided Missiles to Saudi Arabia. Destruction and Death In Yemen vs. Unemployment in Spain By Peter Koenig, September 16, 2018
US, UK, Saudis, and UAE Want Yemenis to Starve By Stephen Lendman, September 16, 2018
What Is the Left in Canada? By Kim Petersen, September 16, 2018
Israel-Palestine: The Humanitarian Consequences of an Occupation By Michael Welch, September 16, 2018
South America
South America’s “Made in USA” Growing Crises. Economic Destabilization of Brazil, Argentina and Venezuela By Dr. Jack Rasmus, September 16, 2018
The Alleged Involvement of Saudi Arabia in 9/11: Bob Graham and the Missing 28 Pages of the 9/11 Joint Inquiry Report By Kevin Ryan, September 16, 2018
The Currency War Will Escalate as China’s ‘Petro-Yuan’ Challenges the U.S. Military-Backed ‘Petro-Dollar’ By Timothy Alexander Guzman, September 16, 2018
Washington’s “Divide and Rule Strategy” in Basra, Home of Iraq’s Biggest Oil Fields By Dr. Dina Y. Sulaeman, September 15, 2018
Skripal Case Suspects, CCTV Camera Footage, Official UK Statement and Timeline, RT Interview with Petrov and Boshirov By Alexander Petrov, Ruslan Boshirov, and Margarita Simonyan, September 15, 2018
Lynch Mob Mentality. The Boshirov and Petrov story By Craig Murray, September 15, 2018
Trump Administration Outraged at John Kerry for Talking to Iran By Middle East Eye, September 15, 2018
A Traditional Right: Jimmie Akesson and the Sweden Democrats By Dr. Binoy Kampmark, September 15, 2018
UK Government
Freedom of Expression in the UK: Prominent British Scientist and Critic of the Skripal Poisoning Story Arrested By Kurt Nimmo, September 15, 2018
Central Banks
Central Banks Have Gone Rogue, Putting Us All at Risk By Ellen Brown, September 15, 2018
Marines Team Up with Islamists in Syria By Kurt Nimmo, September 15, 2018
The Flag War: Ethiopia’s Competing Nationalisms By Andrew Korybko, September 15, 2018
The Strange Russian Alibi By Craig Murray, September 14, 2018
Video: Dr. Chris Busby on Novichoks and the Skripal Russia Poisoning Affair By Prof. Christopher Busby, September 14, 2018
political sanctions
The Two Most Dangerous Warmongers in Political Office Today By Hans Stehling, September 14, 2018
US Biological Warfare Program in the Spotlight Again By Peter Korzun, September 14, 2018
Turkey’s Political Agenda in the Balkans. Erdogan’s Islamic Influence in Bosnia By Prof. Alon Ben-Meir and Arbana Xharra, September 14, 2018
Why John Bolton Really Hates the International Criminal Court By Brett Wilkins, September 14, 2018
Europe Just Voted to Wreck the Internet, Spying on Everything and Censoring Vast Swathes of Our Communications By Boing Boing, September 14, 2018
Video: Turkey Deploys Battle Tanks at Observation Post in Northern Hama By South Front, September 14, 2018
Criticising Israel: A Lesson From the Past. Yitzhak Rabin and Yasser Arafat Shake Hands By Robin Lustig, September 14, 2018
Counter-Terrorism Operation against Al Qaeda’s Stronghold in Northern Syria: The Liberation of Idlib By Firas Samuri, September 14, 2018
Selected Articles: The Chemical Weapons Issue in Syria By Global Research News, September 14, 2018
Anger Soars as Israel Turns Mosque into Wine Shop By The Palestinian Information Center, September 14, 2018
Neocons Plan: War in Syria, Then Iran By Adam Dick, September 14, 2018
Venezuelans March to Commemorate Allende, Oppose Coup Threat By Paul Dobson, September 14, 2018
Hurricane Florence: Flood Danger to Brunswick Nuclear Plant on North Carolina Cape Fear River By Roy Morrison, September 14, 2018
Racism and America’s Prison Economy: Carceral Capitalism and Anti-Capitalist Politics By Dillon Wamsley, September 14, 2018