
First published on February 5, 2020 at very outset of the Covid-19 Crisis, in-depth analysis of the Simulation of a pandemic conducted in 2010 under the auspices of the Rockefeller Foundation.

By now, those following the novel coronavirus epidemic

Polish President Andrzej Duda declared that his country “will need to intervene immediately and bring in experts” should Russia attack Ukraine’s nuclear power plants (NPP) in Rivne and Khmelnitsky Regions. This follows his Foreign Minister Radek Sikorski proposing in early

In a recent interview with the New York Times, billionaire philanthropist Bill Gates was asked if there were types of projects that he would not invest in to offset his greenhouse gas emissions.

“I don’t plant trees,” he replied, adding

October 1, 2024, marks the start of the 4th International Month of Action Against AFRICOM (U.S. Africa Command), organized by the Black Alliance for Peace (BAP). Every year, hundreds of organizations around the world endorse and participate in this

“Flashpoint for War”: U.S. and Japan Plan Military Response to Chinese Incursions of Disputed Islands By Zero Hedge, November 07, 2018
US Mid-term Elections: Strange Things Happened, Very Strange By Umberto Pascali, November 07, 2018
Photo of Brazil President-Elect Bolsonaro’s Sons Wearing Israel’s IDF and Mossad Shirts Goes Viral By Randi Nord, November 07, 2018
The West Is Failing Julian Assange By Stefania Maurizi, November 07, 2018
Remember Obama’s 2008 Climate Promises? By Brendan Montague, November 07, 2018
Challenges for Cuba’s New Constitution By Tom Hansen, November 07, 2018
US Midterm vote: Democrats Win Control of House of Representatives By Patrick Martin, November 07, 2018
Syria: “Russian Mercenaries Casualties” Narrative Resurfaces in Western Media By South Front, November 07, 2018
Universal Healthcare in Africa Is a Necessity for Genuine Development By Abayomi Azikiwe, November 07, 2018
Trump’s Project of a Middle East Strategic Alliance (MESA), An “Arab NATO-like Alliance” to Confront Iran By Dr. Elias Akleh, November 07, 2018
Election 2018 and The Unraveling of America. The Great Distraction. Rising Social Inequality By Dr. Jack Rasmus, November 07, 2018
Cell Phone Radiation Leads to Cancer, Says U.S. NTP in Final Report By Microwave News, November 07, 2018
A Record-setting $30.1m Sale of an Assyrian Relief at Christie’s Raises Red Flags By Menachem Wecker, November 07, 2018
Are Trump Regime Hardliners Heading for War on Iran? By Stephen Lendman, November 07, 2018
‘Grim Irony’: Saudi Strikes Use British Intel to Destroy UK Aid Facilities in Yemen By Telesur, November 06, 2018
Iran Is Preparing for a Long Siege as the Global Squeeze Begins By Elijah J. Magnier, November 06, 2018
On the Edge of Nuclear Armageddon: Donald Trump Welcomes in the Age of “Usable” Nuclear Weapons By James Carroll, November 06, 2018
Yemen Ceasefire: The Best Thing the UK Government Can Do for Yemen Is to Stop Arming Saudi Arabia By Andrew Smith, November 06, 2018
Scum vs. Scum By Chris Hedges, November 06, 2018
What Difference will the US Midterm Elections Make? Iran Sanctions, Towards A Global Financial Crisis By Jim Dean, November 06, 2018
Brazil’s Deep-seated Economic and Social Crisis By Edu Montesanti, November 06, 2018
China Vows to Continue Iran Trade Despite U.S. Oil Sanctions By Tsvetana Paraskova, November 06, 2018
Video: Pompeo Announces Iran Sanctions ‘Waivers’ By Zero Hedge, November 06, 2018
Democratic Candidates Praise Trump’s Attacks on Immigrants as Troops Arrive at the Border By Eric London, November 06, 2018
With Brazil’s Bolsonaro, Israel Finds Another Natural Partner on the Far-right By Jonathan Cook, November 06, 2018
A Carefully Scripted Election Campaign. “Don’t Step in the Tawanka!” By Philip A Farruggio, November 06, 2018
Video: Former US-backed Militants “Switch Sides” in Syria War. Now Fighting against US-led Coalition By South Front, November 06, 2018
Masquerading Reforms: The Tricks of Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman By Dr. Binoy Kampmark, November 06, 2018
Abe Meets Xi Then Modi: A New Asia ‘Cooperation Sphere’? By F. William Engdahl, November 06, 2018
Ghosts of Hiroshima By Charles Pellegrino, November 06, 2018
Australian Politics: Wentworth Blues, Another Nail in the Scomo Coffin By Dr. Binoy Kampmark, November 06, 2018
US Midterm Elections By Stephen Lendman, November 06, 2018
Selected Articles: Trump’s Most Dangerous Moves Yet By Global Research News, November 06, 2018
Save Us From Freedom! By Julian Rose, November 05, 2018
Mouthy Moguls: Our Latest Disappearing Species. Billionaire Bonanza 2018 By Sam Pizzigati, November 05, 2018
Withdrawing From the INF Treaty Is One of Trump’s Most Dangerous Moves Yet By Martin Fleck, November 05, 2018
Legal Battle Over Falsely Labelled Wines From Israel’s Illegal Settlements Heats Up By Dimitri Lascaris, November 05, 2018
Your Kid’s Vaccines May Actually be Making Them Sick… By Dr. Gary G. Kohls, November 05, 2018
Genetically Engineered Viruses May Become the Next Generation of Warfare By Tomasz Pierscionek, November 05, 2018
US Threatens SWIFT with Sanctions if Iran Isn’t Cut Off By Zero Hedge, November 05, 2018
Break-in Attempted at Assange’s Residence in Ecuador Embassy By Joe Lauria, November 05, 2018
The Google Walkout: An International Working-Class Movement. Sparked by Anger at the Company Policies By Dan La Botz, November 05, 2018
The US Pretends to Support the Independence of Syria and Iraq By Elijah J. Magnier, November 05, 2018
Whither Russiagate? By Philip Giraldi, November 05, 2018
Impact Is Imminent: Getting Into Gold, Getting Out of the Euro (and Dollar) By Patrick Henningsen, November 05, 2018
Treaties and Other Agreements US Consistently Breaches By Stephen Lendman, November 05, 2018
Closing Loopholes: Taxing the Digital Giants By Dr. Binoy Kampmark, November 05, 2018
Trump’s War on the US Federal Reserve By Ellen Brown, November 05, 2018
On the Consequences of the Okinawa Elections, US Military Presence, US-Japan Relations By Vladimir Terehov, November 05, 2018
How US Sanctions on Iran Could Herald a Profound Global Power Shift By Peter Oborne, November 05, 2018
Watch the Film the Israel Lobby Didn’t Want You to See By The Electronic Intifada, November 04, 2018
Rocks Are Not Guns: #AskJoseAntonio: Trump’s Call For Lethal Force By Justice for Jose Antonio Coalition, November 04, 2018
Rescuing the Banks Instead of the Economy By Prof Michael Hudson and Bonnie Faulkner, November 04, 2018
Syria: The New “Terra Nullius” By Maximilian Forte, November 04, 2018
Dissecting the US-NAFTA 2.0 Deal By Dr. Jack Rasmus, November 04, 2018
The Untouchable US-Saudi Relation Is a Core Element of US Imperialism By Federico Pieraccini, November 04, 2018
Pre-emptive Peace. The Current System is Shattered. Is Military Confrontation the Next Option? By Massoud Nayeri, November 04, 2018
Did the Fledgling United Nations Have a Legitimate Mandate in 1947 to Partition Palestine? By Hans Stehling, November 04, 2018
Are Oil Prices Rising or Falling? By Marwan Salamah, November 04, 2018
Hillary Emails Reveal NATO Killed Gaddafi to Stop Libyan Creation of Gold-Backed Currency By Sheep Media, November 04, 2018
Rigged US Elections and the new NAFTA By Michael Welch, Bob Fitrakis, and Dr. Jack Rasmus, November 04, 2018
Video: The Globalists Have Created A ‘Humanitarian’ Immigration Crisis: Why Is This Happening Now? By Truthstream Media, November 03, 2018
Building a Strong Left: Black Alliance for Peace By Black Alliance for Peace, November 03, 2018
It’s Official: Erdogan Accuses Saudi Crown Prince of Ordering Khashoggi’s Murder By Stephen Lendman, November 03, 2018
US Policy of ‘Returning’ Crimea to Ukraine May Not Work for Europe By Patrick Henningsen, November 03, 2018
Will Saudi Arabia Survive Unchanged After Jamal Khashoggi? By Askiah Adam, November 03, 2018
US Threatens Pullout From the Universal Postal Union (UPU) and The International Telecommunications Union (ITU), Which Survived Hitler but Not Trump By Wayne Madsen, November 03, 2018
Israeli PM Set to Attend Inauguration of Brazil’s Bolsonaro, Highlighting Likud Support for Ethno-Nationalist Politicians Abroad By Whitney Webb, November 03, 2018
The Next Generation of Warfare: Genetically Engineered Viruses By Mac Slavo, November 03, 2018
American Terror Is Not New By Margaret Kimberley, November 03, 2018
Warehousing Immigrant Children in the Texas Desert By Victoria López, November 03, 2018
Washington Imposes New Sanctions Against Venezuela and Cuba By Bill Van Auken, November 03, 2018
Harsh US Sanctions to Have Limited Effect on Iran? By Stephen Lendman, November 03, 2018
Video: Syrian Army Discovers ISIS Depot with US-Supplied Ammunition By South Front, November 03, 2018
Selected Articles: Trump Sanctions, War Crimes in Syria By Global Research News, November 03, 2018
Losing Users: Mark Zuckerberg’s Facebook Problems By Dr. Binoy Kampmark, November 02, 2018
Is the US-China Trade War for Real? By Dr. Jack Rasmus, November 02, 2018
Financial Press Cheers Election of Fascist in Brazil By Alan MacLeod, November 02, 2018
Netanyahu Hails New Brazilian President’s Plan to Move Embassy to Jerusalem By Middle East Eye, November 02, 2018
Raqqa: A City Laid Waste, the Law Laid Low By Christopher Black, November 02, 2018