
Polish President Andrzej Duda declared that his country “will need to intervene immediately and bring in experts” should Russia attack Ukraine’s nuclear power plants (NPP) in Rivne and Khmelnitsky Regions. This follows his Foreign Minister Radek Sikorski proposing in early

In a recent interview with the New York Times, billionaire philanthropist Bill Gates was asked if there were types of projects that he would not invest in to offset his greenhouse gas emissions.

“I don’t plant trees,” he replied, adding

October 1, 2024, marks the start of the 4th International Month of Action Against AFRICOM (U.S. Africa Command), organized by the Black Alliance for Peace (BAP). Every year, hundreds of organizations around the world endorse and participate in this

The House of Representatives passed the ‘No WHO Pandemic Preparedness Treaty Without Senate Approval Act,’ which requires Senate approval for ‘any convention or agreement on pandemic-related issues reached by the World Health Assembly.’

On September 11, the House of

West Finds New Anti-China Puppet in Wake of Thai Elections By Tony Cartalucci, April 08, 2019
Endless War and Chaos in Libya By Stephen Lendman, April 08, 2019
The US’ Plans to Designate the Iran Revolutionary Guards (IRGC) as “Terrorists” Aren’t Just for Show By Andrew Korybko, April 08, 2019
Is this the Epicentre of Corbyn’s Antisemitism Story? By True Publica, April 08, 2019
Libya: There’s a Reason Why the West Is Portraying Haftar as a “Russian-Backed” Bogeyman By Andrew Korybko, April 08, 2019
No to NATO: Time to End Aggressive Militarism By Margaret Flowers and Kevin Zeese, April 08, 2019
The Last Battle for Libya By Richard Galustian, April 08, 2019
Trump Sacks DHS Secretary Nielsen By Stephen Lendman, April 08, 2019
The Syrian American Council’s Pressure Campaign to Censor One of Its Major Critics By Alexander Rubinstein, April 08, 2019
There’s Something Rotten in Virginia: Israel Is a Malignant Force in Local Politics By Philip Giraldi, April 08, 2019
Let the People See: Emmett Till, and Why They Don’t See By Prof Susan Babbitt, April 08, 2019
Mexico to Spain and Vatican: Apologize for Your Crimes! By Andre Vltchek, April 08, 2019
On the Pavement with Wikileaks By Craig Murray, April 08, 2019
The World Watches as Netanyahu First Annexes Jerusalem, then the Golan, Now the Occupied Territories By Hans Stehling, April 08, 2019
Venezuela Under Siege By Hugo Turner, April 08, 2019
Why Designating the Iranian Rev. Guards Terrorists Would Paint a Big Red Target on US Troops in Iraq By Prof. Juan Cole, April 08, 2019
Easternization – Asia’s Rise and America’s Decline – From Obama to Trump and Beyond By Jim Miles, April 08, 2019
Trump’s Neocons See Erdogan as Their Ticket to a Region-Wide Middle East War By Mike Whitney, April 08, 2019
Assange Faces Ongoing Threats at Ecuador’s London Embassy By Oscar Grenfell, April 08, 2019
This Israeli Election Is Between the Right Wing and the Even More Right Wing By Jonathan Cook, April 08, 2019
NATO – 70 Years Too Many By Kate Hudson, April 08, 2019
“If You Were President … What Would You Do?”: Solutions to Save Our Nation By Philip A Farruggio, April 07, 2019
The Mission Impossible of President Moon Jae-in By Prof. Joseph H. Chung, April 07, 2019
Trump Neocons Target Cuba By Kurt Nimmo, April 07, 2019
Mohammad bin Salman
Revealed: The Full Extent of US Arms Deals with Saudi Arabia and UAE By Frank Andrews, April 07, 2019
NATO at 70: Global Enforcers of Western Imperialism By Michael Welch, Mahdi Darius Nazemroaya, and Andre Vltchek, April 07, 2019
U.S. Admits It Cannot Attack Venezuela – Confirmed S-300 Anti-Air Systems By Joaquin Flores, April 06, 2019
Video: The Dissolution of NATO By RT News, April 06, 2019
The Media Smoothed the Path to British Soldiers Using Corbyn as Target Practice By Jonathan Cook, April 05, 2019
Protecting Julian Assange: A Must for People of Conscience By Kim Petersen, April 05, 2019
Pompeo Appoints Fox News Neocon as Spokesperson By Kurt Nimmo, April 05, 2019
Video: Israeli Air Strikes on Syria: Weapons, Effects, Consequences By South Front, April 05, 2019
Syariah Law Matters: The Kingdom of Brunei’s Stoning Affair By Dr. Binoy Kampmark, April 05, 2019
An Open Letter to Chelsea Manning: A Free Woman in an American Prison By Edward Curtin, April 05, 2019
Word to the Wise: Beware the Green New Deal! By Geraldine Perry, April 05, 2019
Ecuador Twists Embarrassing INA Papers into Pretext to Oust Assange By Defend Wikileaks, April 05, 2019
Trump Administration Demands that Turkey Cancel Purchase of Russian S-400 Air Defense Missiles By Stephen Lendman, April 05, 2019
The Veto: Documentary Film Exposing Western Media Propaganda War Against Syria By Vanessa Beeley, April 05, 2019
Brunei’s Phased Adoption of Islamic Law By Andrew Korybko, April 04, 2019
Ontario: Debunking the Conservative Party Policy of Ford and Scheer By Paul Kahnert, April 04, 2019
Night Parrot Confections: The Dangers of Discovering the Elusive By Dr. Binoy Kampmark, April 04, 2019
US VERDAD Act: Senate Support for Regime Change in Venezuela By Stephen Lendman, April 04, 2019
Video: Syrian Military Sends Reinforcements to Fight ISIS in Central Desert By South Front, April 04, 2019
Mike Pompeo’s “Version of Jesus Christ”: Endless Wars, Open-Ended Surveillance at Home By Kurt Nimmo, April 04, 2019
More than 40 US Organizations Pressure US Congress: End Trump’s Crusade for War in Venezuela By Telesur, April 04, 2019
Syria Will Not Liberate the Occupied Golan for Decades to Come By Elijah J. Magnier, April 04, 2019
In the wake of RussiaGate: Where Is the World Headed? By Dr. Paul Craig Roberts, April 04, 2019
Brussels Becomes First Major City to Halt 5G Due to Health Effects By Josh del Sol, April 04, 2019
How Brzezinski’s Chessboard Degenerated into Brennan’s Russophobia By Mike Whitney, April 04, 2019
Why Is the Fed Paying So Much Interest to Banks? By Ellen Brown, April 04, 2019
Committee: Israel Testing Medicines on Palestinian Prisoners By Middle East Monitor, April 04, 2019
China’s PLA Troops in Venezuela Is Game Changer By M. K. Bhadrakumar, April 04, 2019
What Monroe Doctrine? By Philip Giraldi, April 04, 2019
Amid Rising Tensions, NATO Chief Pitches Confrontation with Russia to US Congress By Bill Van Auken, April 04, 2019
Pro-Israeli Power Rolls over Washington By Philip Giraldi, April 03, 2019
Mumia Abu-Jamal’s Next Stop: Freedom By Noelle Hanrahan, April 03, 2019
Like Libya and Syria, Venezuela Is Not “Just About Oil” By Andre Vltchek, April 03, 2019
The End of the Myth — From the Frontier to the Border Wall in the Mind of America By Jim Miles, April 03, 2019
Jane Byrne: Chicagoans Elect First Black Female Mayor By Stephen Lendman, April 03, 2019
US Drone Strikes “Outside War Zones” in Somalia, Yemen: Why Trump’s Actions Have Put Civilians at More Risk By Jennifer Gibson, April 03, 2019
Terms of Asylum and Distraction: Ecuador’s President Moreno’s “Assange Problem” By Dr. Binoy Kampmark, April 03, 2019
Don’t be Surprised by the Latest Outbreak of Xenophobic Violence in South Africa By Andrew Korybko, April 03, 2019
Is Washington Preparing the Groundwork for a Maidan Scenario in Venezuela? By Robert Bridge, April 03, 2019
US Puppet Guaido Stripped of Immunity By Stephen Lendman, April 03, 2019
American Idiocracy: 50 Years Later, We’re Still Stranded in the Twilight Zone By John W. Whitehead, April 03, 2019
The South Dakota Legislature Has Invented a New Legal Term to Target Pipeline Protesters By Andrew Malone and Vera Eidelman, April 03, 2019
A Threatening Monster By Christopher Black, April 03, 2019
Belt and Road Initiative in Full Swing in Europe By Federico Pieraccini, April 03, 2019
Why Was Guaido Barred from Holding Public Office for 15 Years? By Telesur, April 03, 2019
The Chagos Islands and the Dark Soul of the British Labour Party By Craig Murray, April 02, 2019
Trump-Barr’s Manipulation of the Special Counsel Robert Mueller Report of March 22, 2019: The Political Cover-up of the Century? By Prof Rodrigue Tremblay, April 02, 2019
The Financial Transaction Tax (FTT) By Kavaljit Singh, April 02, 2019
The End of the Politician (in a Fashion): The Slovak and Ukrainian Elections By Dr. Binoy Kampmark, April 02, 2019
Electoral Dirty Tricks in Israel. Fake Social Media Promoting Likud and PM Netanyahu By Stephen Lendman, April 02, 2019
Will the UK Continue to Launch Strikes Against ISIS in Syria? By Chris Cole, April 02, 2019
Video: US Says Syrian Army Must Withdraw from Golan Heights’ Contact Line By South Front, April 02, 2019
China’s President Xi Jinping in Italy: It’s the Maritime Ports! By F. William Engdahl, April 02, 2019
‘I Love Israel’: Bolsonaro Nudged by Netanyahu to Recognize Embassy Move During Visit By Julia Kassem, April 02, 2019
Venezuela’s Chief Supreme Court Justice Calls for Stripping Guaido of Immunity By Stephen Lendman, April 02, 2019
The Russians Are Not Coming! By Eric Margolis, April 02, 2019