
ossroads:The UK continues to maintain an escalatory stance in the conflict between the West and Russia, trying to advance agendas that could easily lead to an unprecedented wave of violence. In yet another irresponsible move, London suggested ending restrictions on

There are very few countries that have suffered truly unprovoked Western aggression as much as Serbia. For centuries, the world’s most vile power pole has been trying to destroy the small Southeast European country, sending an invasion force

Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky reportedly used US military assets to campaign for Vice President Kamala Harris during a visit to a munitions plant in Pennsylvania, The Federalist magazine reported. He visited the factory in the swing state with supporters of

An alarming and profoundly troubling story in the medical community has recently sparked national attention and has trained yet another spotlight on the current state of affairs in hospital systems across the United States.

This harrowing story concerns 23-year-old Alexis

Rockets Strike US Embassy in Baghdad By Stephen Lendman, January 27, 2020
The Troubling Decline of International Law By Craig Murray, January 27, 2020
The World Demands US Out of the Middle East – Will the US Listen? By Kevin Zeese and Margaret Flowers, January 27, 2020
Al Qaeda Terrorist Attacks Continue in Aleppo; Drones Hit Near Lattakia By Miri Wood, January 27, 2020
The International Court of Justice (ICJ) and the Rohingyas By Dr. Chandra Muzaffar, January 27, 2020
Genetically Modified Seeds: Bayer Builds Latin America’s Largest Seed Factory in Chile By GMWatch, January 27, 2020
Trump’s Response to Baghdad “Anti-American” Protest: Let’s Revive the ISIS “Freedom Fighters” By Stephen Lendman, January 27, 2020
Why the New Silk Roads Are a “Threat” to the “US Bloc” By Pepe Escobar, January 27, 2020
Auschwitz: IG Farben and the History of the “Business with Disease” By Dr. Rath Health Foundation, January 27, 2020
Free Public Transit in Canada? By Madelin Burt-D'Agnillo, January 27, 2020
US Envoy Threatens to Assassinate New Quds Force Commander By Telesur, January 27, 2020
Ruling Amid Ruins: The Plot to Break Up Iraq By David Hearst, January 27, 2020
EPA’s New Water Rule a Mockery of Science and the Clean Water Act By Derrick Z. Jackson, January 27, 2020
Does the New York Times Believe Iraqis Can Demand their Freedom? By Joshua Tartakovsky, January 27, 2020
Unequal Justice: Call Trump to Testify at His Impeachment Trial By Bill Blum, January 27, 2020
Ignoring the Elephant at the Guantanamo Prison Camp: Yet Another 9/11 Crime By Kevin Ryan, January 27, 2020
Hovering in Cyberspace. Digital Technology and the Inevitable “Seismic Shift of Our Era” By Edward Curtin, January 27, 2020
“Fake News”: “Hundreds” of Iraqis Want US Troops to Leave their Country By Prof Michel Chossudovsky, January 26, 2020
Americans Deceived, and Kept in the Dark, by ‘Our’ ‘News’ Media: Harnessing Public Support for Continued US Occupation of Iraq By Eric Zuesse, January 26, 2020
How the US Supreme Court Forever Sold Its Gavel: Behind the Scenes Legal Machinations By Brett Redmayne-Titley, January 26, 2020
Prospects for China-U. S. Relations After “Phase 1 Trade Deal” By Dr. Leon Tressell, January 26, 2020
“War on Dissent” Threatens Speech, Media and Academic Freedoms By Stephen Lendman, January 26, 2020
Only One Lab in China Can Safely Handle the New Coronavirus By Nicoletta Lanese, January 26, 2020
Trump’s Threat to Dispossess Four Million Palestinians by Violent Annexation of East Jerusalem and West Bank By Hans Stehling, January 26, 2020
The Battle for the Indian Ocean and Island States By Kester Kenn Klomegah, January 26, 2020
Sheep Always Seem to Lose Their Wool: “Our Nation Flounders in an Economic and Psychological Depression” By Philip A Farruggio, January 26, 2020
Split Hearings: The Assange Extradition Case Drags On By Dr. Binoy Kampmark, January 26, 2020
A Year of Failure for Guaidó and Trump’s “Fake President” By Leonardo Flores, January 26, 2020
Auschwitz: The Role of IG Farben-Bayer By Vera Sharav, January 26, 2020
Trump to Slash Medicare, Medicaid and Social Security Benefits? By Stephen Lendman, January 26, 2020
Gaza: The Auschwitz of our Time By Khalid Amayreh, January 26, 2020
Bush Grandpa’s Ties to Nazis Clearer on 75th Auschwitz Memorial By Ralph Lopez, January 25, 2020
Over 4 Million People Join March Against US Presence in Iraq. 24 January 2020 By Telesur, January 25, 2020
Video: “He Was Murdered” – 13 Month Old Infant Dies 14 Hours after Receiving the Flu Shot By Health Impact News, January 24, 2020
Closer than Ever: It Is 100 Seconds to Midnight. The Dangers of Nuclear War By Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists, January 24, 2020
Switzerland Funds Biased and Fake OPCW Chemical Weapons’ Reporting By Peter Koenig, January 24, 2020
Video: Syrian Army Reportedly Suffers Huge Casualties in Idlib. What’s Going On? By South Front, January 24, 2020
Turkish Intervention in Libya: Another Erdogan Reckless Attempt to Revive Neo-Ottoman Empire By Paul Antonopoulos, January 24, 2020
Trump’s “No-Peace/Peace Plan” for Palestine. Netanyahu/Gantz Invited to White House to Discuss “Deal of the Century” By Stephen Lendman, January 24, 2020
Putin’s Trip to ‘Israel’ Will be Remembered as an Important Part of His Legacy By Andrew Korybko, January 24, 2020
European Jewish Congress (EJC) Launches Campaign Against ‘Antisemitism’ (Aka Support for Palestinian Rights) By Alison Weir, January 24, 2020
Venezuela’s “Guaido Threat”: Safeguarding Telesur Is Our Obligation, Academics and Intellectuals By Steve Sweeney, January 24, 2020
Never the Pentagon: How the Military-Industrial Complex Gets Away with Murder in Contract after Contract By Mandy Smithberger, January 24, 2020
State Secrecy: UK Government Now Routinely Refusing Freedom of Information Requests By True Publica, Peter Geoghegan, and Jenna Corderoy, January 24, 2020
‘Biggest Loss of Clean Water Protection the Country Has Ever Seen’: Trump Guts Safeguards for US Streams and Wetlands By Jake Johnston, January 24, 2020
Video: Turkey’s Military Industrial Complex By South Front, January 24, 2020
Disabled People Under Attack By John Clarke, January 24, 2020
The US-China Trade Deal Is Mostly Symbolic By Kavaljit Singh, January 24, 2020
“One World Digital Dictatorship” A Digital Nightmare By Gideon Polya, January 24, 2020
Impeach the Impeachers By Dr. T. P. Wilkinson, January 23, 2020
‘Obvious Malicious Intent’: Tulsi Gabbard Hits Clinton with Defamation Suit over ‘Russian Asset’ Smear By RT News, January 23, 2020
An Epic Act of Resistance and Trial of Our Times. “The Venezuela Embassy Protectors Collective” By Lauren Smith, January 23, 2020
Video: Russia’s “Dead Hand” Command Missiles, Deterrent In The Event of a Crippling Nuclear Attack By South Front, January 23, 2020
Trump’s Katyusha Conundrum: Unguided Artillery Deployed by Iraqi Insurgents against US Occupation Forces By William Walter Kay, January 23, 2020
Trump Parties in Davos While Ordinary Americans Struggle to Make Ends Meet By Stephen Lendman, January 23, 2020
Impacts of the China-Myanmar Economic Corridor (CMEC). Ease or Exacerbate China-India Rivalry? By Andrew Korybko, January 23, 2020
The Trump Coup to Come By Paul Street, January 23, 2020
Deadly Distractions: Laying the Groundwork for the Next Civil War. “Deep State’s Plot to Take Over America” By John W. Whitehead, January 23, 2020
The Pacific Gas and Electric Company (PG&E): Monopoly Power and Disasters by the Rich 1% By Peter Phillips and Tim Ogburn, January 23, 2020
Video: Globalize Hope: New Film on the History of La Via Campesina By La Via Campesina, January 23, 2020
New Debt Crisis in the South By Milan Rivié, January 23, 2020
Thailand: The Lingering Spectre of US Colour Revolutions By Joseph Thomas, January 23, 2020
The United States: A Record-Holder in Political Assassinations By Wayne Madsen, January 23, 2020
An Army for Hire: Trump Wants to Make Money by Renting Out American Soldiers By Philip Giraldi, January 23, 2020
Iraqi Parliament: Immediate US Withdrawal Due to Its Violation of the Agreement By Elijah J. Magnier, January 23, 2020
As If Bombing Is Not Enough … Poison Is the New Israeli Weapon in Gaza By Robert Inlakesh, January 23, 2020
Iraqi President Denounced for Meeting with Trump in Davos By Stephen Lendman, January 23, 2020
Bolivia: As Elections Near, US-Backed Interim Government Mobilizes Military, Arrests Opposition Leaders By Alan MacLeod, January 23, 2020
Tusayan, Developers Begin New Push for Massive Grand Canyon Project By Center For Biological Diversity, January 23, 2020
Venezuela Must Remain Vigilant and On Guard Against US Hybrid Warfare By Nino Pagliccia, January 23, 2020
Making America’s Waters Burn Again. Trump’s “Dirty Water Rule” By Anna Sewell and Jennifer Chavez, January 23, 2020
Three Years of Monroe Doctrine by Trump: What Has Happened in Latin America? By Paul Antonopoulos, January 23, 2020
Global Warming for the Two Cultures By Prof. Richard S. Lindzen, January 22, 2020
The Bee: “The Most Important Living Being on the Planet” By Physics and Astronomy Zone, January 22, 2020
The Members of Congress Who Profit from War By David Moore and Donald Shaw, January 22, 2020
Hard Evidence on Torture and Ill-Treatment Against Palestinian Detainees at Israeli Interrogation Centers By Addameer, January 22, 2020
US Officials Admit Covert Tech Program Is Fueling Iran Protests By Zero Hedge, January 22, 2020
Video: Dozens Army Troops Killed, Injured in Idlib Clashes By South Front, January 22, 2020
US Foreign Interventionism and the Disappearance of Classical Liberalism By Shane Quinn, January 22, 2020
OPCW Inspector Debunks Doctored Syria Report. “The Chemical Weapons Incident That Never Occurred” By Stephen Lendman, January 22, 2020