
Ukrainians now suspect that Poland as a whole and he in particular have ulterior motives.

Polish Foreign Minister Radek Sikorski continues getting on Kiev’s bad side. His latest trip to the Ukrainian capital to meet with Zelensky reportedly resulted in

Telegram owner Pavel Durov’s detention in Paris over a month ago provoked а flurry of attention and animated comments. But soon thereafter the case strangely vanished from the radar screen. The high profile affair, which initially stirred enormous public interest

Hezbollah has announced the death of the General Secretary of Hezbollah, Hassan Nasrallah almost 24 hours after the September 27 massive Israeli attack on the Hreik neighborhood in south Beirut which resulted in the assassination of Nasrallah and others.

The state of Missouri murdered Marcellus “Khaliifah” Williams on Tuesday, September 24th, at 6 pm central time. His last meal was chicken wings and tater tots; his last words were, “All praise be to Allah in every situation!” His execution

Carbon Neutral Green Finance – China May Take the Lead into a Post-Pandemic World By Peter Koenig, July 21, 2021
Enforcing US Exploitation: The IMF and the World Bank By Rod Driver, July 21, 2021
Kremlin: Russian Hypersonic Missiles Reaction to U.S. Missile Shield Near Its Borders By Rick Rozoff, July 21, 2021
Federal Court Rules in ICAN’s Favor and Orders COVID-19 Safety Data to be Disclosed By Informed Consent Action Network, July 21, 2021
Video: How Vaccine Passports Really Work By Global Research News, July 21, 2021
The Emperor Has No Clothes: Finding the Courage to Break the Spell By Julius Ruechel, July 21, 2021
Leaving Afghanistan: Why Not Iraq and Syria? By Abayomi Azikiwe, July 21, 2021
Pegasus Rides Again: The NSO Group, Spyware and Human Rights By Dr. Binoy Kampmark, July 21, 2021
Federal Lawsuit Seeks Immediate Halt of COVID Vaccines, Cites Whistleblower Testimony Claiming CDC Is Under-Counting Vaccine Deaths By Megan Redshaw, July 21, 2021
5 Questions To Ask Your Friends Who Plan To Get The Covid Vaccine By Kit Knightly, July 21, 2021
Six Decades of US-Japanese Government Collusion in Bringing Nuclear Weapons to Japan By Stewart Engel and Steve Rabson, July 20, 2021
Not for Them. Do Not Vaccinate Our Children. Open Letter to PM Boris Johnson By UsforThem, July 20, 2021
Attorney Files Lawsuit Against CDC Based on “Sworn Declaration” from Whistleblower Claiming 45,000 Deaths Are Reported to VAERS – All Within 3 Days of COVID-19 Shots By Brian Shilhavy, July 20, 2021
Mobilising Against the Corporate Hijack of Agriculture and the UN Food Systems Summit By Colin Todhunter, July 20, 2021
Video: Breaking Discovery! What COVID Injections Do to Your Blood! Doctor Releases Horrific Findings! By Dr. Jane Ruby and Stew Peters, July 20, 2021
Video: US Drone Allegedly Strikes ‘Resistance’ Groups, as Chaos in the Kurdish Regions Never Ends By South Front, July 20, 2021
Biden Doubles Down on Voters By Philip Giraldi, July 20, 2021
The Recent Unrest in Cuba: A Textbook Example of Fake News and Media Warfare By Marc Vandepitte, July 20, 2021
J&J Eyes Bankruptcy Maneuver in Bid to Skirt Liability in Baby Powder Lawsuits By Megan Redshaw, July 20, 2021
COVID Cases Are Surging in the Most-Vaxxed Countries, Not in the Least-Vaxxed By Dr. Paul Craig Roberts, July 20, 2021
Discuss: “Freedom Day” Arrives. “The UK is Reopening”? By OffGuardian, July 20, 2021
Government Advisor Admits Masks Are Just “Comfort Blankets” that Do Virtually Nothing By Steve Watson, July 20, 2021
Our Billionaires Are Blasting Off. Good Riddance! By Sam Pizzigati, July 20, 2021
Infectious Follies: Britain’s Freedom Day. Exit From Covid Restrictions? By Dr. Binoy Kampmark, July 20, 2021
The Sorry History of Residential Schools in Canada: A Consequence of the Third British Conquest in North America By Robin Philpot, July 20, 2021
Lisbon Court Rules Only 0.9% of ‘Verified Cases’ Died of COVID, Numbering 152, Not 17,000 Claimed By Mordechai Sones, July 19, 2021
Geopolitics Behind Jovenel Moise’s Assassination? Haiti’s Rapprochement with Russia, Venezuela and Turkey By Ezili Dantò, July 19, 2021
“Market Concentration” Leads to Monopoly Capitalism: President Biden’s Farcical Antimonopoly Executive Order. By Dr. Shawgi Tell, July 19, 2021
With All Its Wisdom, the Human Race Is Killing Itself By Dr. Helen Caldicott, July 19, 2021
Forensic Methodology Report: How to Catch Israel’s NSO Group’s Pegasus By Amnesty International, July 19, 2021
Pakistan’s Geo-economics Is Working Well By M. K. Bhadrakumar, July 19, 2021
Poland Should Follow Ukraine’s Lead by Using China to Balance the US By Andrew Korybko, July 19, 2021
The Covid Protagonists “State of Engineered Chaos”: Forming the Cells of the Global Resistance By Julian Rose, July 19, 2021
French Face 6 Months in Jail for Entering a Bar or Restaurant Without a COVID Pass By Paul Joseph Watson, July 19, 2021
The Power Structure for Deadly Lag and the Prophetic Work of Unsung Heroes By Ralph Nader, July 19, 2021
The Bay of Tweets: Documents Point to US Hand in Cuba Protests By Alan MacLeod, July 19, 2021
Biden’s Policy on Cuba Reveals Itself By Ramona Wadi, July 19, 2021
Afghanistan War Outcome: Hope for Sovereign Nations Fighting the Scourge of Neocolonial Imperialism By Gilbert Mercier, July 19, 2021
Exposes Fox News Managers By Ivory Hecker and Kristina Borjesson, July 19, 2021
Biden Targets Iran. Cyber, Military and Legal Provocations. Economic Warfare By Donald Monaco, July 19, 2021
Video: The Massive Uprising in France Has Begun! By We Are Change, July 19, 2021
Dr. David Martin: There Is No “Delta” Variant – “Novel” Coronavirus Known as COVID-19 Was Patented Two Decades Ago By Brian Shilhavy, July 19, 2021
Trying to Put All America Behind By Edward Curtin, July 19, 2021
France Rises Up Against Macron’s Vaccine Passports By Winter Oaks, July 19, 2021
How CDN Providers Break the Internet By Dr. Binoy Kampmark, July 19, 2021
Canadian Doctor Defies Gag Order and Tells the Public How the Moderna COVID Injections Killed and Permanently Disabled Indigenous People in His Community By Dr. Charles Hoffe and Brian Shilhavy, July 19, 2021
Pakistan’s “Balancing Between Great Powers”: “The New Quad” (US- Pakistan- Afghanistan- Uzbekistan): Is Better than the Old One? By Andrew Korybko, July 18, 2021
Democrats and Republicans Unite to Demand US Invasion of Cuba By Michael Tracey, July 18, 2021
The Only Way to End Economic Hardship in Cuba Is to Lift the US Blockade By Francisco Dominguez, July 18, 2021
Biodiversity Negotiations Fail to Call for Global Halt to Species Extinctions By Center For Biological Diversity, July 18, 2021
Oprah and Chomsky: Is There Room for Both on the American Left? By Barbara Nimri Aziz, July 18, 2021
US Targets Nicaraguan Presidential Election: Former Solidarity Activists Echo Imperial Talking Points By Roger D. Harris, July 18, 2021
Pentagon Gains Two New Air Bases in Hungary By Rick Rozoff, July 18, 2021
A Fifth of the Air Force’s Combat-Coded F-22 Stealth Fighters Are Headed for Guam By Joseph Trevithick, July 18, 2021
Ivermectin: Asia Departs from the Gates/Schwab Agenda of Vaccinating the World By Martin Armstrong, July 18, 2021
Cuba and Venezuela Under Siege? The Failed “Soft Coups” By Peter Koenig, July 18, 2021
Washington’s Interference: Continued US Sponsored Destabilization in Haiti and Cuba By Abayomi Azikiwe, July 18, 2021
How the Rich Keep Workers Poor – Outsourcing and Sweatshops By Rod Driver, July 18, 2021
CDC: 10,991 Dead, 551,172 Injuries Following COVID-19 Injections By Brian Shilhavy, July 17, 2021
History: Why Nazi Germany Failed to Defeat the Soviet Union? Folly of War By Shane Quinn, July 16, 2021
New Genetic Engineering (GE), Genome Editing: EU Commission Spreading Misinformation By GMWatch, July 16, 2021
No Victory Lap for Governors Who “Locked Down America”. New York Governor Cuomo Placed “Almost 20 Million Under House Arrest” By James Bovard, July 16, 2021
Expert Evidence Regarding Comirnaty (Pfizer) COVID-19 mRNA Vaccine for Children By Dr. Michael Palmer, Dr. Sucharit Bhakdi, and Dr. Stefan Hockertz, July 16, 2021
US Concern for Cuba, Latin America Is Spin for Intervention By Tamara Pearson, July 16, 2021
Battle of the Atlantic: Citing Nazi Germany as Model, U.S. Military Chief Hails New NATO Command By Rick Rozoff, July 16, 2021
Spain’s Top Court Rules that Lockdown Was Unconstitutional By Paul Joseph Watson, July 16, 2021
Thousands Protest Against Mandatory Vaccination in Greece By Tasos Kokkinidis, July 16, 2021
Video: Saudi-led Coalition Attempts to Retake Baydha from Houthis By South Front, July 16, 2021
British Billionaire Richard Branson “Goes to Space” By Dr. Binoy Kampmark, July 16, 2021
Cash or Card — Will COVID-19 Kill Cash? By Dr. Joseph Mercola, July 16, 2021
Bomber Joe Biden Strikes Iraq and Syria: Retaliation Breeds More Incidents By Philip Giraldi, July 16, 2021
Doctors for COVID Ethics Signatories By Doctors for COVID Ethics, July 16, 2021
Experts Warn of ‘Huge Risk’ as Moderna Launches COVID Vaccine Trials for Pregnant Women By Megan Redshaw, July 16, 2021
Doctors for COVID Ethics: Halt Use of Pfizer COVID Vaccines in Adolescents ‘Immediately’ By Children’s Health Defense, July 16, 2021
The Assassination of John F. Kennedy By Michael Welch and James DiEugenio, July 16, 2021
This Week’s Most Popular Articles By Global Research News, July 16, 2021
China: The Forgotten Nuclear Power No More By David Santoro, July 16, 2021
Space Odyssey 2021: The Big Failure By South Front, July 15, 2021
MH17 Trial Judge Reveals US Intelligence Switch — From Satellite Images Which Don’t Exist in Washington to Tapes and Videos Fabricated in Kiev By John Helmer, July 15, 2021
Red Alert in Iraq… Time for the U.S. to Decide By Amro Allan, July 15, 2021