
This is a modified version of an address made at the NZDSOS conference “Empowering Change” in Auckland, 28 September 2024.


Some time ago I initiated an Official Information Act request, which yielded, to my astonishment, the following draft

Ukrainians now suspect that Poland as a whole and he in particular have ulterior motives.

Polish Foreign Minister Radek Sikorski continues getting on Kiev’s bad side. His latest trip to the Ukrainian capital to meet with Zelensky reportedly resulted in

Telegram owner Pavel Durov’s detention in Paris over a month ago provoked а flurry of attention and animated comments. But soon thereafter the case strangely vanished from the radar screen. The high profile affair, which initially stirred enormous public interest

Hezbollah has announced the death of the General Secretary of Hezbollah, Hassan Nasrallah almost 24 hours after the September 27 massive Israeli attack on the Hreik neighborhood in south Beirut which resulted in the assassination of Nasrallah and others.

“Green New Deal” Means More Economic and Social Destruction: The Public and Private Sectors Cannot be Partners By Dr. Shawgi Tell, August 22, 2021
Will Americans Who Were Right on Afghanistan Still be Ignored? By Medea Benjamin and Nicolas J. S. Davies, August 22, 2021
Questioning the Lockdown and the Covid-19 Vaccine Mandates in a Divided America By Tom Wrobleski, August 22, 2021
Video: Covid-19 Early Treatment, How to End the Pandemic. Dr. Richard Urso By Dr. Richard Urso and Kristina Borjesson, August 22, 2021
Justice for Hassan Diab – Join Our Campaign of Outreach to Canadian Parliamentarians! By Hassan Diab Support Committee, August 22, 2021
Scientists Blast ‘Rash’ Push for Boosters, Citing ‘Weak Evidence’ to Support Third Shot By Megan Redshaw, August 22, 2021
13,000 Deaths, Nearly 600,000 Adverse Events Reported after COVID Vaccines, as Debate Heats Up Over Boosters By Megan Redshaw, August 22, 2021
America Initiated the War on Afghanistan 40 Years Ago: U.S. Recruitment of “Islamic Terrorists” Started in 1979. Zbigniew Brzezinski By Dr. Zbigniew Brzezinski, Le Nouvel Observateur, and Prof Michel Chossudovsky, August 22, 2021
The Road from Kabul to Idlib. Afghanistan and the Role of Al Qaeda By Steven Sahiounie, August 21, 2021
Data Contradicts Ukrainian Claims that Russia Is Cheating Europe Out of Paid for Gas By Paul Antonopoulos, August 21, 2021
COVID Propaganda Roundup: Corporate State Declares All-Out War on the “Unvaccinated” By Ben Bartee, August 21, 2021
The WHO Blames China for Covid-19. The WHO Is Supporting Criminal Injections Falsely Called Vaccines? By Peter Koenig, August 21, 2021
The Great Fear: The Accelerating Apocalypse By Caoimhghin Ó Croidheáin, August 21, 2021
Afghanistan and the Nature of US Military Intervention: Kabul versus Saigon By Junaid S. Ahmad, August 20, 2021
COVID-19: Where Is the Virus? British Medical Journal (BMJ) By Janet Menage, August 20, 2021
Why Are We Being Deceived About COVID? By Dr. Paul Craig Roberts, August 20, 2021
Mainstream Media Is a Tool of Hypnosis. The Revolution Will Not be Televised By Megan Sherman, August 20, 2021
Blood Clot Formation: Visual Display of How mRNA Vaccine Affects Cells By Dr. Joseph Mercola, August 20, 2021
Preliminary Findings of mRNA COVID-19 Vaccine Safety in Pregnant Persons: NEJM By Dr. Tom T. Shimabukuro, Dr. Shin Y. Kim, and et al., August 20, 2021
Repeated Booster Jabs May be Lethal Researcher Warns By Free West Media, August 20, 2021
Over 32,000 People Dead in Brazil Following COVID-19 Vaccines According to Official Media Report By Brian Shilhavy, August 20, 2021
CDC’s Own Stats Show a “Pandemic of the Vaccinated” with Vaccine Injuries – 2,604,121 Injuries from 571,831 People Reported By Brian Shilhavy, August 20, 2021
British and US Troops at Odds in Afghanistan as UK Engages Rescue Missions. Reports By Steve Watson, August 20, 2021
Ukraine: Will Zelensky Renew Multimillion Dollar Business Ties with Russia after His Presidency? By Paul Antonopoulos, August 20, 2021
The Afghanistan Debacle and “The Great Reset”. The Strategic Role of Zalmay Khalilzad By F. William Engdahl, August 20, 2021
End of Deforestation Tracker for Brazil’s Cerrado an ‘Incalculable Loss’ By Fernanda Wenzel, August 20, 2021
Forced Evictions Near and Far: Canada’s Complicity in the Dispossession of Palestinian Homes By Seema Kawar and Sahar Raza, August 20, 2021
Video: HTS Congratulates Taliban While Ankara and the Kurds Continue Their Fight By South Front, August 20, 2021
Our War Against Nature. Humanity’s March Toward Extinction? By David Skripac, August 20, 2021
Nicaragua: Media Disinformation and Fraudulent Misreporting in Support of U.S Foreign Policy Interventionism By Stephen Sefton, August 20, 2021
This Week’s Most Popular Articles By Global Research News, August 20, 2021
Forget Freedom. Scotland Is Championing Totalitarian Liberalism By Johanna Ross, August 19, 2021
George Mason University Caves to NCLA’s Lawsuit over Vaccine Mandate, Grants Prof. Medical Exemption By New Civil Liberties Alliance, August 19, 2021
Freedom in the Time of COVID-19 By Judge Andrew P. Napolitano, August 19, 2021
Afghanistan’s “Color Revolution”? Narcotics and the Opium Trade By Prof Michel Chossudovsky, August 19, 2021
Video: Taliban 2.0: Claims of Rights for Women, Free Media, No Terrorism By South Front, August 19, 2021
US Expansionism in Eurasia, Control over Afghanistan By Shane Quinn, August 19, 2021
Children’s Health Defense Sues Rutgers University over COVID Vaccine Mandate By Children’s Health Defense, August 19, 2021
Vaccine Deaths Pile Up Without Media Coverage By Joel S. Hirschhorn, August 19, 2021
Mass Psychosis — How to Create an Epidemic of Mental Illness By Dr. Joseph Mercola, August 19, 2021
A Mideast Nuclear War Spearheaded by Israel Would Make Afghanistan Seem Like a Local Conflict Between Armed Factional Groups By Hans Stehling, August 19, 2021
Six Questions We Need to Ask About Afghanistan By Kit Knightly, August 19, 2021
124 Organizations Demand Home Depot, Lowe’s Immediately Pull Cancer-Linked Weedkiller By Friends of the Earth, August 19, 2021
Did the NY Fed Confiscate $1.3 Billion in Afghan Gold: Striking Revelations from Afghanistan’s Central Bank Chief By Zero Hedge, August 19, 2021
Afghanistan Was Based on Lies. Will the Militarists Apologize? By Yves Engler, August 19, 2021
Taliban Members Meet Political Leaders in Kabul By TOLOnews, August 19, 2021
How Russia-China Are Stage-managing the Taliban By Pepe Escobar, August 19, 2021
Attempts Continue to Remove Socialist President Pedro Castillo in Peru By Abayomi Azikiwe, August 19, 2021
Six Things You Need to Know About Afghanistan and the Taliban By Marc Vandepitte, August 18, 2021
The Right to Bodily Integrity: Nobody Wins and We All Lose in the COVID-19 Showdown By John W. Whitehead and Nisha Whitehead, August 18, 2021
America’s Frontline Doctors White Paper on Experimental Vaccines for COVID-19 By Frontline Doctors, August 18, 2021
Is The Sun, Rather than CO2, Behind Global Warming? By Abdel Jabber, August 18, 2021
Afghanistan: A New Pivot in the Greater Middle East? By Peter Koenig and GEOFOR, August 18, 2021
The Vaccine Offers No Protection against the Virus: COVID Will Prevail as Long as the Known Cures Are Against Protocol By Dr. Paul Craig Roberts, August 18, 2021
Video: Afghans Desperate to Escape as the Reality of “Regime Change” Settles In By South Front, August 18, 2021
Wounded Paternalism: Biden and the US Imperial Complex By Dr. Binoy Kampmark, August 18, 2021
In the Tradition of U.S. Puppets, When They Finally Get Kicked Out, They Steal as Much of the Country’s Treasure as They Can By Jeremy Kuzmarov, August 18, 2021
The Truth About the Covid-19 Vaccine. Dr. Simone Gold, Founder of AFLD By Frontline Doctors, August 18, 2021
1,135,579 Injuries 1,559 Dead in the UK Following COVID-19 Injections According to UK Government By Brian Shilhavy, August 18, 2021
Massive Fraud in Reporting Vaccine Injuries; Withheld Data, Pretense of “Safe and Effective” By Jon Rappoport, August 18, 2021
Vax or Jail? The Dilemma Facing Some Americans By Hannah Cox, August 18, 2021
Kabul Has Fallen – But Don’t Blame Biden By Rep. Ron Paul, August 18, 2021
Santa Barbara County Releases ExxonMobil’s Revised Plan to Restart Offshore Platforms, Truck Oil in California By Center For Biological Diversity, August 18, 2021
US-Taiwan Arms Deal Undermines Not Upholds the Island’s Security By Joseph Thomas, August 18, 2021
Board Certified Occupational Therapist Whistleblower: More Patients Are Dying from the Vaccine than from COVID By Brian Shilhavy, August 18, 2021
Afghanistan & the American Imperial Project By Dr. Jack Rasmus, August 17, 2021
Video: The Taliban’s Sweeping Victory Leaves Afghans Reeling By South Front, August 17, 2021
Should Unvaccinated People be Put on No-Fly List? By Dr. Joseph Mercola, August 17, 2021
Association of Myocarditis with Pfizer’s BNT162b2 Messenger RNA COVID-19 Vaccine in a Case Series of Children By Dr. Audrey Dionne, Dr. Francesca Sperotto, Dr. Stephanie Chamberlain, and et al., August 17, 2021
The Spoils of War: Afghanistan’s Multibillion Dollar Heroin Trade By Prof Michel Chossudovsky, August 17, 2021
CDC Records Show 12,791 Dead and 682,873 Injuries Following COVID-19 Experimental Shots By Brian Shilhavy, August 17, 2021
Bolsonaro’s Popularity Continues to Plummet as Venezuela Becomes Hot Topic Again By Paul Antonopoulos, August 17, 2021
Navy Commander Warns of “National Security Threat” from Mandatory Vaccination of U.S. Military Personnel By Revolver and Commander Jay Furman, August 17, 2021
The People vs. Medical Tyranny? Resistance on a Global Scale Grows Against Mandatory Vaccinations, Health Pass Requirements and Face Masks By Timothy Alexander Guzman, August 17, 2021
A Chaotic US Exit from Afghanistan: American Emperors Have No Clothes By Prof Rodrigue Tremblay, August 17, 2021
Make No Mistake, the US Military Will Continue to Thrive after Afghanistan By Douglas Macgregor, August 17, 2021
In the Shadows of the American Century – The Rise and Decline of US Global Power. By Jim Miles, August 17, 2021
China Dumped US Treasuries for 4th Straight Month, Most Since 2016 By Zero Hedge, August 17, 2021
End the Illegal U.S. Military Presence in Syria By Daniel Larison, August 17, 2021
Threat of Extradition for Assange Grows Following British High Court Ruling By Prof. Marjorie Cohn, August 17, 2021