
[First published on September 15, 2023]


We are currently at the crossroads of the Most Serious Economic and Social Crisis in World History.  It is an outright war against all humanity: the Planet’s 8 billion people. 

Starting with the

The latest volume in the magisterial Germany and the Second World War series, volume VIII (edited by Karl-Heinz Frieser) deals with one of the most eventful phases of the Second World War: the battles on the eastern front in 1943

Recent research challenges the long-term benefits of ketogenic diets, suggesting potential negative impacts on cardiovascular health

Your body has a metabolic switch called the Randle cycle, which chooses to burn either glucose or fat for energy. Being aware

There is only so much of stress, distress and high risk that our world can bear at any given time, and today this has crossed the limits.

While there are over 55 important conflicts in the world and several other

Archbishop Carlo Maria Viganò Endorses Canadian Truck Drivers, Calls for Prayers to Defeat ‘Infernal’ Great Reset By His Excellency Carlo Maria Viganò, February 08, 2022
Strained UK-China Relations: China Affirms Support for Argentina in Disputes Over Falkland Isles By Lucas Leiroz de Almeida, February 08, 2022
Didn’t Those Now Enraged at Boris Johnson’s ‘Smears’ of Keir Starmer Defame Corbyn at Every Turn? By Jonathan Cook, February 08, 2022
Turkey’s Energy Shortage Poses Threat to Post-COVID Economic Recovery By Paul Antonopoulos, February 08, 2022
Memo to Congress: Diplomacy for Ukraine Is Spelled M-i-n-s-k By Medea Benjamin and Nicolas J. S. Davies, February 08, 2022
Video: Group of Moms Helps Truckers in Ottawa. This Is What It Means to be a Citizen By Jean-François Girard, February 08, 2022
The Truckers, GoFundMe, and the CIA; Connecting the Dots By Jon Rappoport, February 08, 2022
Preventive Use of Ivermectin Reduced COVID Mortality by 90%, Study Found By Dr. David Charbonneau, February 08, 2022
A Tribute to Sidney Poitier By Ed Rampell, February 08, 2022
NATO Holds Drills with Three Carrier Strike Groups, Seven Interceptor Warships in Eastern Mediterranean By Rick Rozoff, February 08, 2022
Great Barrier Reef Fantasies: The Morrison Government’s Electoral Ploy By Dr. Binoy Kampmark, February 08, 2022
Video: Trudeau’s Brother Kyle Kemper takes Firm Stance against the Vaccine Mandate and “The Great Reset” By Kyle Kemper, February 07, 2022
Life Insurance Payouts Skyrocket 258% as Post-Vaccine Deaths Rapidly Accelerate By Mike Adams, February 07, 2022
The British Medical Journal Story That Exposed Politicized “Fact-Checking” By Matt Taibbi, February 07, 2022
How the Elite Gets Rid of Populists By Dr. Paul Craig Roberts, February 07, 2022
Bowing to Authority: The Real Contagion of Our Time By Julian Rose, February 07, 2022
How the Corporate Media Smears Canada’s Freedom Convoy. Trudeau Accuses Them of “Racism, Anti-Semitism, Islamophobia, Homophobia, Transphobia” By CJ Hopkins, February 07, 2022
Video: Freedom Convoy Address to the Nation. “State of Emergency Update”. Movement Spreads Across Canada By Marcel Irnie, February 07, 2022
Video: Prove It’s Misinformation: Dr. Peter McCullough after the Joe Rogan Show on Covid By Dr. Peter McCullough and Kristina Borjesson, February 07, 2022
Lithuania Goes from Bad to Worse as Belarus Closes Vital Economic Railway Artery By Paul Antonopoulos, February 07, 2022
An Inconvenient Truth: The Peasant Food Web Feeds the World By Colin Todhunter, February 07, 2022
Hidden Pfizer COVID-19 Vaccine Trial Data Suggests All Pregnant Vaccinated Women Miscarried By Captaindaretofly, February 07, 2022
US Defense Database DMED Tracked Exploding Number of Vaccine-related Injuries By Free West Media, February 07, 2022
British Children Up to 52 Times More Likely to Die Following a COVID Shot: Government Report By David McLoone, February 07, 2022
The Re-Humanisation of Culture: Dickens and the Social Realist Cinema of the 1930s and 1940s By Caoimhghin Ó Croidheáin, February 07, 2022
Biden’s Strike in Idlib Proves It Is an ISIS Headquarters By Steven Sahiounie, February 07, 2022
Canadian Media Is Happy to Risk Arming Neo-Nazis in Ukraine By Davide Mastracci, February 07, 2022
China’s Support Is a Game Changer for Russia By M. K. Bhadrakumar, February 07, 2022
US Anti-Russian Alarmism Growing. National Adviser Jake Sullivan Says Russian Invasion Is About to Happen in a Matter of Days. By Lucas Leiroz de Almeida, February 07, 2022
“Turn on the closed-circuit cameras in Ottawa,” Says Justice Centre By Justice Centre for Constitutional Freedoms, February 07, 2022
The Right Wing Checkpoint for Canada’s Intervention in Ukraine By Lital Khaikin, February 07, 2022
21st Century War Trajectory: List of Participants in Southern Gas Corridor Meeting By Rick Rozoff, February 07, 2022
“Covid-19 Vaccines that Our Servicemen and Women have been Mandated to Take”: Letter to US Secretary of Defense Lloyd J. Austin By Dr. Samuel Sigoloff, Dr. Peter Chambers, and Dr. Theresa Long, February 07, 2022
A War with Russia Would be Unlike Anything the US and NATO Have Ever Experienced By Scott Ritter, February 07, 2022
How ISIS Leader was Betrayed by Rivals and Killed by US? By Nauman Sadiq, February 07, 2022
Video: Canadian Patriot Review On the Ground Report from Ottawa’s Freedom Convoy By Matthew Ehret-Kump, February 07, 2022
Hemispheric Gangsterism: The US Embargo Against Cuba Turns 60 By Dr. Binoy Kampmark, February 07, 2022
Workers of the World Unite, and the Left Hates It By Jarrett Stepman, February 07, 2022
Canada: Truckers for Freedom Brace Themselves for Police Onslaught By Stewart Brennan, February 07, 2022
NOW IN OTTAWA: Para-military Forces operating a siege against the freedom protesters By Global Research News, February 07, 2022
Freedom Convoy 2020: The Elite Gathers Its Forces for a Counterattack on the Truckers By Dr. Paul Craig Roberts, February 07, 2022
Vaccine Researcher Admits ‘Big Mistake,’ Says Spike Protein Is Dangerous ‘Toxin’ By Celeste McGovern, February 06, 2022
Covid Mandates: Canada Has Had Enough. The Freedom Convoy 2022 By David Skripac, February 06, 2022
Big Pharma, Gates, Fauci, UK Officials Accused of Crimes against Humanity in Complaint to International court By Emily Mangiaracina, February 06, 2022
What Are the Truly Verifiable Facts Surrounding COVID-19? By David Skripac, February 06, 2022
National Security Alert: Thousands of U.S. Special Forces and Combat Troops Discharged as Total Force ‘Vaccination’ Decimates Military Readiness By David DeGraw, February 06, 2022
International Alert Message about COVID-19. United Health Professionals By United Health Professionals, February 06, 2022
There are No Neo-Nazis in Ukraine. The US and Canada do not Support Fascism By Prof Michel Chossudovsky, February 06, 2022
Freedom Convoy, Whose Swastikas? Justin Trudeau Supports Neo-Nazis in Ukraine By Prof Michel Chossudovsky, February 05, 2022
A List of People Who Had Their Leg Amputated Shortly after Receiving COVID-19 Vaccine By The COVID World, February 05, 2022
Is the World Adopting the Ways of Nazi Germany? By Michael J. Talmo, February 05, 2022
Documentary Film: Planet Lockdown By Planet Lockdown, February 05, 2022
Indefinite “Political Quarantine” for Justin Trudeau: Freedom Convoy 2022. In Solidarity with the Truck Drivers By Prof Michel Chossudovsky, February 05, 2022
JCCF Lawsuit against Canadian Government’s Vaccine Mandate: Main Applicant is A. Brian Peckford, former Premier of Newfoundland and Signatory of the Charter of Rights and Freedoms By Justice Centre for Constitutional Freedoms, February 05, 2022
Russia-China Joint Statement on NATO: What it Says and What it Doesn’t By Rick Rozoff, February 05, 2022
Biden’s New War On Cancer to Harness the Technology of MRNA By Jeremy Loffredo, February 04, 2022
Video: Freedom Convoy Organizer Says Protesters Want Plan to End All COVID-19 Mandates By CTV News, February 04, 2022
Israel Will not Support Washington against Russia and China: Israel Confirms its “Neutrality in the New Cold War” By Andrew Korybko, February 04, 2022
Video: #FreedomConvoy2022 Ottawa — Freeing Ourselves from Abusive Mandates By Jean-François Girard, February 04, 2022
Video: Canadian Trucker from Saskatchewan Made 3000 km to Get to Ottawa. Her Incredible Testimony By Jean-François Girard, February 04, 2022
The Year of the Tiger Starts with a Sino-Russian Bang By Pepe Escobar, February 04, 2022
9/11 Truth: They Still Can’t Get Their Story Straight: Conflicting Theories of Fire-Induced Collapse 20 Years After 9/11 By AE911Truth, February 04, 2022
Bahrain-Israel Deal Could Bring Arabs and Israelis in Anti-Iran Coalition By Lucas Leiroz de Almeida, February 04, 2022
Video: Houthis Hit UAE Harder than Before By South Front, February 04, 2022
290 Fully Vaccinated Massachusetts Residents Died of COVID-19 Over Past Week By Danielle Ong, February 04, 2022
Stunning German Analysis Finds that COVID-19 Vaccine Death Rates Are Far Higher than Previously Reported By J. D. Heyes, February 04, 2022
Video: The Freedom Convoy 2022. Interview with Trucker Lawrence Dunham By Lawrence Dunham and Laura-Lynn, February 04, 2022
Poll: 54% of Canadians Want to End All COVID Restrictions By Chris Menahan, February 04, 2022
COVID Human Challenge Study Bombshells: Incubation Just Two Days, Half Never Get Infected By Ryan O’Hare, February 04, 2022
Video: Organizers of Convoy Protest: ‘We Have No Intentions of Staying One Day Longer than Necessary’ By Ottawa Citizen, February 04, 2022
The Truth About the Daily Mail Article Regarding Joe Rogan Podcasts with Dr. Malone and Dr. McCullough By Dr. Robert Malone, February 04, 2022
Trudeau and the Truckers. Towards a Worldwide Movement Against the Covid-19 Mandates By Prof. Anthony J. Hall, February 04, 2022
China Gives Oomph to Russia’s ‘Nyet’ on NATO By Ray McGovern, February 04, 2022
A No-nukes Strategy or a No-win Reality By Kevin Martin, February 04, 2022
Vaccinators Won’t Stop Vaccinating By Dr. Joseph Mercola, February 04, 2022
12 Countries Roll Back COVID Restrictions, Israel Scraps ‘Green Pass’ By Megan Redshaw, February 04, 2022
Video: Truckers Protest Turns into Anti-Trudeau Movement By, February 04, 2022
Moving Along the Freedom Convoy Highway from Ottawa, to Florida, to Alberta: Investigating the Manufactured COVID Crisis By Prof. Anthony J. Hall, February 04, 2022
Witnessing Canada’s Freedom Convoy. “One of the Most Beautiful Things I Have Ever Seen”: Mark Taliano By Mark Taliano, February 04, 2022
How Erdogan Scapegoated ISIS Caliph to Appease Biden? By Nauman Sadiq, February 04, 2022