
A Faustian Bargain with Corporate Power: From Monsanto to Bayer, the Worst of Both Worlds. Colin Todhunter

By Colin Todhunter, October 01, 2024

Bayer’s complicity as part of IG Farben, a chemical and pharmaceutical conglomerate notorious for its involvement

The International Longshoremen’s Association (ILA) said on Sunday that its 85,000 members, along with “tens of thousands of dockworkers and maritime workers around the world,” will hit the picket lines Tuesday, October 1, “and strike at all Atlantic and Gulf

Environmentalist and campaigner Rosemary Mason has been relentlessly exposing the insidious effects of agrochemicals on human health and the environment through a decade-long series of incisive reports. Many of these reports have taken the form of scathing open letters directed

The Corporate Europe Observatory (CEO) has rendered a great public service by very recently publishing a report titled ‘Bayer’s Toxic Trails’ which reveals how the German agrochemical giant Bayer has been lobbying hard to promote glyphosate and GMOs, or trying

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Georgia Governor Declares State of Emergency Amid Protests Against Atlanta Cop City By Abayomi Azikiwe, January 30, 2023
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Ukraine Air Force Commander Says Pilots Are Training to Fly F-16s in US By Kurt Nimmo, January 29, 2023
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Memphis Cops Indicted in the Beating Death of Tyre Nichols By Abayomi Azikiwe, January 29, 2023
Zelenskyy Regime Lies Shape Narrative Echoed by War Propaganda Media By Kurt Nimmo, January 29, 2023
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Pfizer Director Caught on Camera Admitting Pfizer Controls the U.S. Government By Brian Shilhavy, January 29, 2023
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The Pentagon’s Perpetual Crisis Machine. Dangerous Escalation of Its War against Russia By Jacob G. Hornberger, January 27, 2023
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A Big New Zealand Study Reveals High Rates of Kidney Injury After the Pfizer Jab By Alex Berenson, January 27, 2023
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Russia and the Shanghai Cooperation Organisation (SCO) Are Considering Using Gold for Pan-Asian Trade By Alasdair Macleod, January 27, 2023
BRICS Mulling Alternative to Dollar-dominated Payment System: South Africa By Business Standard, January 27, 2023
Why We Shouldn’t Underestimate China’s Petro-Yuan Ambitions By Alex Kimani, January 27, 2023
If Ukraine Is Right, Russia Was Right By Ted Snider, January 27, 2023
US Marines Open New Base on Guam to Prepare for Future War with China By Dave DeCamp, January 27, 2023
Russia Warns Depleted Uranium Will be Considered a Nuclear Weapon By Kurt Nimmo, January 27, 2023
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Bill Gates Warns Australia to Prepare for the Next Pandemic — Which Could be Man-made and Far More Brutal Than COVID By Alexandra Bruce, Aidan Wondracz, and Associated Press, January 26, 2023
The World Comes to DC to Demand Biden Drop the Case Against Julian Assange By Sam Carliner, January 26, 2023
Did Germany Just Officially Declare War on Russia? By Drago Bosnic, January 26, 2023
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Mexico Becomes First Nation to Admit Harms of Geoengineering, Halts Future Experiments By Derrick Broze, January 26, 2023
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What Can the United States Bring to the Peace Table for Ukraine? By Medea Benjamin and Nicolas J. S. Davies, January 26, 2023
Zelenskyy Regime Calls for BlackRock to Do Business in Shell Shocked Ukraine By Kurt Nimmo, January 26, 2023
German Foreign Minister: We Are at War with Russia By Kurt Nimmo, January 26, 2023
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Allegations of Genocide Return to Peru By J. B. Gerald, January 25, 2023
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Bombshell Video: The “COVID Pandemic” Was the Result of Extensive Media Propaganda: “Nobody Is Safe, BE AFRAID!” By Matt Orfalea, Dr. Paul Craig Roberts, and Prof Michel Chossudovsky, January 25, 2023
Latest Resignation Scandal Reveals Massive Scope of Kiev Regime’s Corruption By Drago Bosnic, January 25, 2023
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Did COVID Vaccine Injuries Influence FAA’s Revision of Electrocardiogram Test Limits for Pilots? By Michael Nevradakis, January 25, 2023
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The US Holds Iraq Hostage with the Dollar By Zaher Mousa, January 25, 2023
Zelenskyy Regime to Forcibly Conscript Hungarians in Transcarpathia By Kurt Nimmo, January 25, 2023
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