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The official story is that a dangerous new coronavirus was detected in Wuhan, PRC. It had not been isolated, it's identity had not been confirmed. And then in February, the name of the "new virus" was changed to SARS-CoV-2, a virus first detected 20 years ago in 2003.
Humanity's Doomsday Clock Is Getting Closer and Closer to Midnight. “I know not with what weapons World War III will be fought, but World War IV will be fought with sticks and stones.” Albert Einstein (1879-1955),
At this point, President Putin still refuses to declare war, although Russia’s territory has been invaded and Russians are killed on their territory by NATO forces. And more direct NATO attacks may be planned.
We are currently seeing an acceleration of the corporate consolidation of the entire global agri-food chain: a shift towards a ‘one world agriculture’ based on genetically engineered seeds, laboratory created products that resemble food, ‘precision’ and ‘data-driven’ agriculture and farming without farmers.
China, USA and the Geopolitics of Lithium By F. William Engdahl, November 19, 2019
Bolivia – A Color Revolution – or a New Surge for Latin American Independence? By Peter Koenig, November 17, 2019
“Crime Against Democracy”: U.S. Backed Fascist Coup in Bolivia By Timothy Alexander Guzman, November 15, 2019
For the Eleventh Straight Year, United States Votes “No” to UN Anti-Nazi Resolution By Carla Stea, November 12, 2019
Ecuador: The Restoration of Neoliberalism and the Monroe Doctrine By Dr. Birsen Filip, November 10, 2019
Western Insanity and 5G Electromagnetic Radiation By Claire Edwards, October 23, 2019
Ms. Pumpkin Head for President: A Nightmare By Edward Curtin, October 21, 2019
Ecuador – and the IMF’s Killing Spree By Peter Koenig, October 14, 2019
Green New Deal and the Climate Movement. Trojan Horses for the Billionaire Class? By Michael Welch, Dr. Naomi Wolf, and Cory Morningstar, September 29, 2019
Peace Versus Climate By Peter Koenig, September 23, 2019
5G and the Wireless Revolution: When Progress Becomes a Death Sentence By Michael Welch and Dr. Martin Pall, September 22, 2019
The Attack on Saudi Arabia’s Oil Facility. The Patriot Air Defence System Failed. Why? By Prof Michel Chossudovsky, September 22, 2019
The 5G Electromagnetic “Mad Zone” Poised to Self-Destruct: The 5G “Dementors” Meet the 4G “Zombie Apocalypse” By Claire Edwards, September 14, 2019
“USA Pretend” Unmasked By S. Brian Willson, September 12, 2019
9/11 Contradictions: Bush in the Classroom on the Morning of September 11, 2001 By David Ray Griffin, September 11, 2019
Where Was Osama bin Laden on September 10, 2001? One Day Before 9/11. His Whereabouts Were Known By Prof Michel Chossudovsky, September 10, 2019
9/11, Drug Money, Oil Resources and the Invasion of Afghanistan: Michael Ruppert Refutes the Official 9/11 Story By Michael Welch and Michael Ruppert, September 05, 2019
Venezuela, Ukraine, Hong Kong, … : Color Revolutions and Regime Change, A Modern Scourge Spawning Economic Destabilization and Civil War By Carla Stea, September 02, 2019
Is the Fed Preparing to Topple the US Dollar? By F. William Engdahl, September 02, 2019
Nestlé and the Privatization of Water By Franklin Frederick, August 27, 2019
Hong Kong and the Audacity of the U.S. Part of a “Destabilization War” with China By Peter Koenig, August 26, 2019
America’s “Hybrid War” against China has Entered a New Phase By Christopher Black, August 15, 2019
The FBI’s Alleged Conspiracy Theorist-Terrorist Connection Is Anti-American By Andrew Korybko, August 08, 2019
The Western Alliance Is Falling Apart By Peter Koenig, August 02, 2019
With Criticism Crushed in the West, Israel Can Enjoy Its Impunity By Jonathan Cook, July 29, 2019
Mahathir Mohamad
New MH17 Documentary Proves Beyond a Doubt that a Cover-Up Took Place By Andrew Korybko, July 25, 2019
Conspiring with Neo-Nazi Parties: Washington and the EU’s Role in the Kiev Coup By Shane Quinn, July 25, 2019
The World Is Dedollarizing By Peter Koenig, July 19, 2019
How Iran’s Soviet Era Air Defense System Shot Down America’s Global Hawk UAV over Strait of Hormuz By Prof Michel Chossudovsky, July 16, 2019
Venezuela – The Bachelet “Human Rights Lie” By Peter Koenig, July 08, 2019
Israel’s Latest Strikes in Syria Prove that the US-Russia-Israel Jerusalem National Security Summit Was a Success By Andrew Korybko, July 01, 2019
The San Francisco Murals and the “Suicide of the Left” By Diana Johnstone, June 30, 2019
“5G Ready”? UK Government’s “5G Rural First”: “Dangerously High” Levels of Electromagnetic Field Radiation (EMF) in Southern England. By Annie Dieu-Le-Veut, June 26, 2019
Germany vs. Iran – Has Germany Sold Out to the Devil? By Peter Koenig, June 23, 2019
MH17: Charging Individuals on the Basis of a Deeply Flawed Investigation. Placing the Blame on Russia By Dr. Chandra Muzaffar and Tan Sri Norian Mai, June 21, 2019
Video: 200 Israeli Nuclear Weapons Targeted against Iran By Manlio Dinucci, June 19, 2019
The Trump-Bolton Duo Is Just Like the Bush-Cheney Duo: Warmongers Using Lies to Start Illegal Wars By Prof Rodrigue Tremblay, June 18, 2019
Provocations in the Gulf of Oman: Will John Bolton Get His War on Iran? By Michael Welch, Prof Michel Chossudovsky, Pepe Escobar, and Yves Engler, June 16, 2019
Convenient “Tanker Attacks” as US Seeks War with Iran By Tony Cartalucci, June 13, 2019
The Murdering of Julian Assange By Peter Koenig, June 04, 2019
Backlash in US-China Trade War. China Defies Sanctions against Iran, Resumes Purchase of Iran Oil By Prof Michel Chossudovsky, May 21, 2019
Trump – from China to Iran to Venezuela – Threats and Sanctions Everywhere – A Chronicle of Disorganized Chaos Foretold By Peter Koenig, May 17, 2019
D Is for a Dictatorship Disguised as a Democracy By John W. Whitehead, May 07, 2019
“Psychopath Capitalism”: US Economic Terrorism and Genocide Against the People of Venezuela By Carla Stea, May 03, 2019
US Global Power: The Trump Period, The End of Unipolarity By Prof. James Petras, May 02, 2019
Sri Lanka: Candidate for a New NATO Base? By Peter Koenig, May 01, 2019
Venezuela – Still on the Brink? Quiet Before the Storm By Peter Koenig, April 18, 2019
A Cathedral and a Mosque Engulfed in Fire; One Ravages the Past, the Other Threatens the Future By Soraya Sepahpour-Ulrich, April 17, 2019
Hands Off Venezuela: Pence Bullies Venezuela at UN Security Council. U.S. Peace Council Contradicts Western Media Distortions By Carla Stea, April 14, 2019
The Assange Arrest Is a Warning from History By John Pilger, April 12, 2019
China’s President Xi Jinping in Italy: It’s the Maritime Ports! By F. William Engdahl, April 02, 2019
Video: The Price of US “Protection” Is Skyrocketing. Donald Trump’s “Ransom Money” Exacted from America’s Allies By Manlio Dinucci, March 13, 2019
Lies and Crimes, Peace and Democracy By Mark Taliano, March 11, 2019
Trump Breaks Another Promise: Troops Will Remain in Syria By Kurt Nimmo, March 06, 2019
Hands Off Venezuela: Foreign Minister Arreaza Holds UN Marathon for Peace: Usurper Guaido Urges Military Intervention and War By Carla Stea, March 01, 2019
“Killer Diplomacy”: The Kim-Trump Summit in Hanoi, Sabotaged by Mike Pompeo? By Prof Michel Chossudovsky, March 01, 2019
Who are the “Brutal Dictators”? By Mark Taliano, February 28, 2019
The Venezuelan War Council: Pence, Pompeo, Bolton, Abrams and Green LLP By William Walter Kay, February 28, 2019
The War on Venezuela Is Built on Lies By John Pilger, February 22, 2019
An Open Letter to the People of the United States from President Nicolas Maduro By Nicolas Maduro, February 10, 2019
How to Destroy a River and Create an Environmental Catastrophe in One Fell Swoop By Dr. Gary G. Kohls, February 07, 2019
Sanctions of Mass Destruction: America’s War on Venezuela By Garikai Chengu, January 30, 2019
The Making of Juan Guaidó: How the US Regime Change Laboratory Created Venezuela’s Coup Leader By Dan Cohen and Max Blumenthal, January 30, 2019
Regime Change and Speakers of the Legislature: Nancy Pelosi vs. Juan Guaido, Self-Proclaimed President of Venezuela By Prof Michel Chossudovsky, January 25, 2019
How Wall Street Finances the Battle against Neoliberalism? By Prof Michel Chossudovsky, January 20, 2019
CIA Covert Operative William Barr Nominated by Trump for Attorney General. His Role in the Iran Contra Affair By Larry Chin, January 19, 2019
Is the US Planning to Wage War on Russia and China? By Prof Michel Chossudovsky and Bonnie Faulkner, January 16, 2019
Gilets Jaunes in 2019: French Democracy Dead or Alive? By Diana Johnstone, January 12, 2019
War Criminals at Large By Dr. Daniele Ganser, January 09, 2019
Jair Bolsonaro
President Trump’s Losing Strategy: Embracing Bolsonoro’s Brazil and Confronting China By Prof. James Petras, January 09, 2019
Biting into Apple: The Giant’s Revenues Fall By Dr. Binoy Kampmark, January 05, 2019
‘War on Terror’ Has Left Millions Dead Across the Middle East By Shane Quinn, December 31, 2018
The US is Planning a Major War with Russia and China. Reports By James ONeill, December 24, 2018
FREXIT? The “Gilets Jaunes” will Not Let Go By Peter Koenig, December 24, 2018
“The War on Terrorism” is “Fake”: On the Need for Mass Social Mobilizations and Transformative Changes By Mark Taliano, December 21, 2018
Trump and China: Towards a Cold or Hot War? By Marc Vandepitte, December 12, 2018
Video: Behind the US Attack on Chinese Smartphones By Manlio Dinucci, December 12, 2018
UK Commits Extra Military Forces to Ukraine: Irresponsible Policy, Dangerous Repercussions By Arkady Savitsky, November 27, 2018 By Global Research News, November 09, 2018
Save Us From Freedom! By Julian Rose, November 05, 2018