Helsinki Summit: Road to World Peace?

Rod Rosenstein

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Featured image: President Donald J. Trump and President Vladimir Putin of the Russian Federation | July 16, 2018 (Official White House Photo by Shealah Craighead)

The summit started with Vladimir Putin saying:

“As nuclear powers, we bear special responsibility” for international security.

Putin said Russia (as a devout Christian country) considered it necessary for the two countries to work together on nuclear disarmament and non-proliferation – and to avoid weapons being placed in space.

Donald Trump correctly reiterated the significance and importance to hold a meeting with Vladimir Putin, despite the wide spread criticism from within his own Country and most notably from the mainstream media who are very now clearly controlled entirely by what has popularly become known as the ‘Deep State’.

Trump, in the follow on Press Conference, said

“Even during the tensions of the Cold War, the US and the Soviets were able to maintain a strong dialogue but our relations (now with Russia) have never been worse than they are now. However that changed as of about four hours ago.”

He added

“nothing would be easier politically than to refuse to engage” which would “appease partisan critics, the media” and the opposition.”

“As President, I will always put what is best for America and what is best for American people,” Mr Trump said.

And what was the response in America to the summit?

The most vitriolic insult came from former CIA Director, John Brennan.

The not so funny irony is that Brennan literally voted for the then Soviet Union dominated US Communist Party to take power in the United States of America. Incredible, almost beyond belief. If you look at Brennan’s extremely insulting tweet repeated below, the full irony of his being a communist in the Soviet era should hit home.

So what are the facts? Well John Brennan was accepted into the CIA in 1980 even though he admitted voting Communist in 1976. Something inexplicable and astounding for any thinking person to understand of itself.

President Obama’s CIA chief, John Brennan, first publicly revealed this at the Annual Legislative Conference of the Congressional Black Caucus, on 15 September 2016, in Washington DC, saying that when he had applied in 1980 to join the CIA, he admitted to them that in the 1976 Presidential election, at the height of the Cold War against the ‘Godless’ Soviet Union, when a strong Christian candidate, Jimmy Carter was running against Gerald Ford, Brennan had voted instead for the candidate of the US Communist Party, Gus Hall, and that he was then greatly relieved to find that this information didn’t cause rejection of his CIA-application. One must ask why as it happened 11 years before ‘the alleged’ end of the Cold War by the West in 1991.

The Caucus made no mention of Brennan  having spoken there, nor did the CIA include in its public archives any indication that he had spoken there, though, for example, they did include the complete transcript of “Director Brennan Delivers Keynote at Miles College” on 13 September 2016, in Birmingham Alabama, at which event he said nothing at all that the main stream media considered was newsworthy; incredible!

Furthermore, though there is online a webpage devoted to, and covering each day of, the 2017 Annual Legislative Conference, on 20-24 September of last year, the webpage for the 2016 Conference, on September 14th-18th, mentions events only on September 14th and September 17th, as if Brennan hadn’t even appeared there at all. The entire day’s events on September 15th are missing. So: both the Caucus, and the CIA, redacted his 15 September 2016 presentation, and the transcript of it isn’t publicly available neither is any video or audio of it available publicly.

At the risk of being repetitive, take this in; John Brennan literally voted for the Communist Party, the Soviets, to take power in the United States of America!

The Soviet Union no longer exists and lasted less than a 100 years. Its Russia a centuries old deeply Christian nation.

As a Brit, a keen observer of American politics for decades, I find it astonishing that a father and son, Americans Ron and Rand Paul seem to be representative of a few sane voices that debate logically and objectively on the subject of Russia, acknowledging, as Trump put it, that they are our competitors not enemies.

On Monday on CNN, committed Zionist, the famous Wolf Blitzer, was aghast that Kentucky Sen. Rand Paul spoke on his programme saying that critics of Trump, Putin summit have “Trump Derangement Syndrome”.

Blitzer almost angrily asking the Senator

“Let me get right to the questioning. Do you believe that President Trump’s meeting with Putin made America safer?”

The Senator answered

“You know, I think engagement with our adversaries, conversation with our adversaries is a good idea. Even in the height of the Cold War (with the Soviets), maybe at its lowest ebb when we were in the midst of the Cuban missile crisis, I think it was a good thing that Kennedy had a direct line to Khrushchev. I think it was a good thing that we continued to have Ambassadors to the Soviet Union even when we really objected greatly to what was going on, especially during Stalin’s regime. So I think, yes, that it is a good idea to have engagement.”

The Senator added

“I think there are people that hate the President so much that this could have easily been President Obama early in the first administration setting the reset button and trying to have better relations with Russia and I think it’s lost on people that they are a nuclear power.”

The Kentucky Senator concluded his answer with this keen observation,

“They (Russia) have influence in Syria. They’re in close proximity to our troops in Syria. They are close to the peninsula of North Korea and may have some influence that could help us there. The other thing that’s lost and people forget this completely, the Russians tried to help us stop the Boston marathon bombing. We actually did help them stop a terrorist attack in St. Petersburg because we were communicating and exchanging. All of those things are good, and because people hate Trump so much, all of that’s being lost.”

I feel compelled to quote the Senator’s father from a few days ago, the former Congressman and medical Dr. Ron Paul, who himself described the phenomenon we call the ‘Deep State’ best when he said ‘the ‘Deep State’ is no vast and secret conspiracy theory. It is real; it operates out in the open, and it is far from monolithic. The ‘Deep State’ is simply the permanent, unelected government that continues to expand its power regardless of how Americans vote.

There are hundreds of billions of reasons dollars mostly, why the Beltway military-industrial complex, the EU and even Israel is terrified of peace breaking out with Russia and will do whatever it takes to prevent that from happening.

That is why Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein’s indictment on Friday of 12 Russian military intelligence officers for allegedly interfering in the 2016 US Presidential election is so immediately suspicious.” Former Congressman Paul went on

“Unfortunately most Americans don’t seem to understand that indictments are not evidence. In fact they are often evidence-free, as is this indictment.”

In conclusion Dr. Ron Paul added

“Did the Russian government seek to interfere in the 2016 US presidential elections? It’s certainly possible, however we don’t know!”

So from the outside as a Brit, the question I ask is why haven’t the Clintons, Brennan and their like been arrested already for the countless crimes that have been revealed to the public… with evidence? I ask because it is only when these spoilers and traitors are brought to justice that America can come to peace with itself. Constant wars are not the answer to stability.

In the words of Winston Churchill, and I paraphrase, “Jaw, jaw, jaw not war, war, war” is the solution.

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Articles by: Richard Galustian

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