Hassan Diab Petition Presented to Parliament


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Our latest petition for Dr. Hassan Diab closed on Monday, June 10, with 3,578 signatures. Tremendous thanks to everyone who helped to make our Parliamentary petition a success by signing and sharing the petition!

You may read the petition in English here and in French here.

The petition calls upon the Government of Canada to “formally declare that Canada will neither accept nor agree to any second request from the French Government for the extradition of Dr. Hassan Diab in connection with the 1980 Paris attack.”

The petition was sponsored by NDP Member of Parliament Heather McPherson (Edmonton Strathcona) who presented the petition to Parliament on Wednesday June 12, 2024. The Canadian Government has 45 calendar days to respond to the petition. If the House is not sitting on that day, the response must be presented at the next sitting of the House. Realistically, we can expect the Government to respond shortly after the House resumes sitting on September 16.

This petition comes on the heels of a report by the Standing Committee on Justice and Human Rights (JUST) entitled “Reforming Canada’s Extradition System”, which highlighted Hassan’s case as a shocking example of the shortcomings of Canada’s Extradition Act. The report included 20 recommendations for reforming Canada’s Extradition Act.

The Canadian government must protect Hassan Diab from further injustice, refuse any second request for Hassan’s extradition, and implement the reforms proposed by JUST as soon as possible.

Please spread the word about the petition made to the Canadian Government and the urgent need for a strong positive response.


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Featured image is from Ottawa Citizen

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