Haiti Cholera Epidemic Sponsored by United Nations. …Unscrupulous Multinational Bandits
Today, on its French-language web site CBC Radio-Canada published an article announcing the United Nations’ decision not to compensate the victims of the cholera bacterium its soldiers had introduced to Haiti since October 2010. The UN-caused epidemic has so far claimed over 8000 lives.
Radio-Canada’ s French article is accessible via the link provided below:
This is an English translation of the comment I entered, now awaiting moderator green light :
Adding ” which hit Haiti after the earthquake in 2010″ in the subtitle of your article is superfluous and feeds unnecessary confusion.
Several scientific studies have now unequivocally clarified this point. There is no link whatsoever between the earthquake and the cholera epidemic. It was UN Soldiers who infected the Haitian population with cholera by dropping their defecation into the river Mielle.
The UN is evading its legal and moral responsibility in this situation as it has also done in the face of multiple documented cases of rape, killings and brutality conducted by its illegally deployed “peacekeepers” who are in Haiti for geopolitical reasons having nothing to do with the welfare of Haitians.
The victims of these foreign troops are considered too impoverished and too African to enjoy fundamental rights in a world ruled by unscrupulous multinational bandits.
Important references on the Cholera epidemic: No public outcry
L’ONU rejette une demande d’indemnisation de victimes du choléra en Haïti
L’ONU décline toute responsabilité dans l’épidémie de choléra qui a frappé Haïti après le tremblement de terre en 2010.
See also:
UN rejects damage claim for Haiti cholera victims
By EDITH M. LEDERER | Associated Press
The word of Science