Grenfell Tower Deaths: A Gross Failure of UK Government and Justice

Survivors and families of the Grenfell Tower disaster in London, in 2017, in which 72 people were either burned to death or poisoned by lethally toxic fumes of hydrogen cyanide gas, are this week reported to have instructed lawyers to file one of the largest class actions for product liability in US history, against the manufacturers and suppliers of allegedly fire-accelerant cladding and insulation materials.

How is it then conceivable that the police and/ or Crown Prosecution Service, in Britain, have indicated that it is most unlikely that the current investigation will result in any prosecutions for either corporate manslaughter or gross criminal negligence against any architect, surveyor, building inspector, local authority, manufacturer or supplier who were involved in the external cladding contract for Grenfell Tower?

This would appear to be a scandal of very serious consequences and a gross failure not only of the criminal justice system but for this government and its fire/ building regulations and also for the local authority building inspectorate.

There would appear to a be strong case for a judicial review of any failure by the CPS to prosecute those alleged responsible for the worst civilian loss of life in a residential building fire since World War 2.


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Hans Stehling (pen name) is an analyst based in the UK. He is a frequent contributor to Global Research.

Featured image is from TruePublica

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