Green Party Demands Immediate End to Loophole in Canadian Arms Transfers to Israel

The Green Party of Canada (GPC) expresses outrage over a glaring loophole that allows lethal weapons to continue to flow from Canada to Israel despite the March 2024 parliamentary vote to halt such transfers. This ambiguity permits the transfer of Canadian-made weapons through intermediary countries, most notably the United States. The GPC calls for the immediate cancellation of the General Dynamics contract and an unequivocal embargo on all arms sales to Israel.

In March, Parliament, including the governing Liberal Party, voted to stop the direct transfer of weapons to Israel. However, a critical oversight has emerged, allowing arms shipments to bypass this decision by routing them through countries like the U.S. Canada has not revoked existing arms export permits, nor does the prohibition extend to Canadian-made weapons and components that are first sent to the U.S. before being shipped to Israel.

One of the most egregious examples of this loophole involves General Dynamics, a major Canadian defense contractor. The company is set to supply tens of thousands of M933A1 120mm High Explosive Mortar Cartridges and related equipment, which will be funneled through the U.S. before arriving in Israel.

“This is a disgrace,” said Leader Elizabeth May. “Canada cannot claim to halt the transfer of weapons to Israel while simultaneously allowing arms to flow through backdoor routes like the U.S. We must not be complicit in war crimes.”

GPC has stood in opposition to military sales to Israel since 2012. The Party’s call is clear: an immediate cancellation of the General Dynamics contract and a firm embargo on all arms sales to Israel, no matter the route.

The Green Party also challenges Minister of Foreign Affairs Mélanie Joly on her commitment to halting arms transfers to Israel. In light of this new information, we urge her to act decisively to ensure Canada upholds its international obligations and ceases all military support to Israel.


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Articles by: Green Party of Canada

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