The Great Ozempic Scam. Big Pharma and the Causes of Obesity. The Importance of Natural Foods. Promoting Healthy Eating


In early 2023, a private conference with pharmaceutical industry leaders and investors highlighted anti-obesity and Alzheimer’s drugs as the next big money-makers and had the FDA head as its keynote speaker

Since then, the FDA has taken questionable steps to promote these drugs, particularly Ozempic, an anti-obesity medication. There’s been a massive push to get everyone, including children, on Ozempic, using shockingly aggressive marketing tactics

This rush is eerily similar to the fen-phen craze, a temporary weight loss drug later pulled from the market for causing severe heart and lung issues

Worse, Ozempic comes with serious side effects, including paralyzing the digestive tract. This article will address the above controversy and explore the common causes of obesity, including those rarely discussed


Most of the food in America comes from just a few crops like corn, wheat, soy, and canola, largely due to farming subsidies that force farmers to mass-produce these crops and sell them below cost. These cheap crops are then turned into the processed foods we eat every day. This is problematic because:

  • Health issues — These foods are unhealthy and contribute to major health problems like diabetes and obesity.
  • Natural aversion — Our bodies naturally resist these foods, making them hard to sell.
  • Addictive additives — To make them more appealing, addictive substances are added. In the 1980s, Big Tobacco bought the processed foods industry and, much like they did with cigarettes, focused on making these foods as addictive as possible.1
  • Chronic illness — The resulting health issues create lifelong customers for industries like Big Pharma.

For years, activists like Dr. Mercola have pushed for awareness of the importance of natural foods and the need to change farming subsidies to promote healthy eating. The current media climate, driven by skepticism of the COVID-19 response and the rise of independent media, has revealed the systematic failures in our food supply and allowed these long-cultivated ideas to begin bursting into public awareness.

For example, a few weeks ago, shortly after gaining the national spotlight and the need to make America Healthy Again by freeing us from pervasive regulatory corruption, RFK Jr. was invited onto Fox News to discuss the dangers of seed oils and artificial food colorings with a supportive newscaster — something I’d never before seen in the national media.

To read the complete text on Mercola click here

Articles by: A Midwestern Doctor

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