Giulietto Chiesa: Lets Free Ourselves from the Virus of War

Giullietto Chiesa's Legacy Will Live Forever

GIULIETTO CHIESA remained on the front line of the fight, to implement Article 11 of the Constitution, to take Italy out of the “War System”. 

Giulietto Chiesa passed away a few hours after the conclusion, on the 75th Anniversary of the Liberation and the end of the Second World War, of the International Conference of April 25th” Let’s Free ourselves from the virus of war.”

His Legacy Will Live 

Five years ago, when we set up the No War No Nato Committee, we have been with him in the continuous commitment to provide truthful information on the real causes of wars;

for a sovereign and neutral Italy, outside NATO and any other military alliance;

for the total elimination of nuclear weapons and other weapons of mass destruction;

to put an end to the waste of enormous resources destined to weapons and wars;

for a new economic and social system that eliminates the causes that are at the origin of wars.

We remember the last words pronounced by Giulietto Chiesa at the conclusion of the Conference of April 25th, at the end of the political commitment of his whole life. Truthful, crude words about the gravity of the crisis we are living in. Words that call to the struggle to regain constitutional freedoms:

We have come to the end of this marathon, which I hope has been interesting for all of you. Many new things have been exposed, with other new international voices.

We give each other a goodbye, a physical goodbye when we can meet again, although I think it will not be easy to regain the constitutional freedoms that have been suspended, and we know why.

We can already see signs showing us the difficult situations in which we will have to fight to regain the freedoms that have been suspended.

We need to know that the situation will be much more critical, much more dramatic.

There is an economic crisis of gigantic proportions that will involve and overwhelm (I am afraid) Italy.

Those who are using this situation as a tool to hit the weakest, and the weakest have already been hit, those who have the sticks of command will use them, and so it will be our task, all together, to build a barrier and a capacity for recovery. We must think about a different policy to get out of this situation.

This conference took place online, but there will be and we will have to make sure that there are other moments of political struggle and combat that are physical, where we can find ourselves and look each other in the eye”.

Giullietto Chiesa‘s Legacy Will Live Forever in the History of Italy, and in the History of the World.

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